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2023-12-31PM- It Still Works

2023-12-31PM- It Still Works

Gospel Light Holiness ChurchGospel Light Holiness Church



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The speaker begins by expressing gratitude to God and sharing a burden on their heart. They reference Bible verses from Isaiah, Matthew, and Romans, emphasizing the importance of Jesus' sacrifice and the power of His blood. They talk about how people in society are searching for something to bring them peace and joy, but nothing will satisfy like Jesus. They share personal testimony and mention the need to share the message of redemption with others. The speaker concludes by emphasizing that Jesus paid the ultimate price for humanity and that His blood still has power to save. They express a desire to be a witness to others and remind listeners that the message of the cross still works. The whole time! God's been good to me, church! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I don't know if I can give you a lot tonight to have a burden. Pop asked me this afternoon, and I do have something on my heart, and I want to give it to you. I kind of feel like I have a little bit of weight on my shoulders, being, you know, this is the last message for the new year. So I'd like to give you something that can go on your heart and you can maybe take it with you home and say, God, help me tonight. That is my prayer. So Isaiah chapter 53. Isaiah chapter 53. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I believe God wants to help us tonight. I really do. He's proven that He can move when there's not many people here. He's proven it. The Bible says where two and three are gathered are in His name, I shall be in the midst. Hallelujah! Isaiah 53 and verse 5. But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed. Let's read that again. But He was wounded for our transgressions. That was mine. He was bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes I'm healed. Let's go over to Matthew chapter 26. Matthew 26 and verse 27. And He took the cup, speaking of Jesus, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it, for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Let's read one more place. Romans 6. Romans chapter 6 and verse 6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. I like that right here. So we die, but we get to live when we kill ourselves, and we crucify our sins. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him. Knowing that Christ, being raised from the dead, dieth no more, death hath no more dominion over Him. What caught my attention was there was a remedy in each of these scriptures, and there was a common denominator, and it was the blood. It was the blood. So if I can preach just a very simple title, I just want to preach on this will work. This will work. If you can raise your hands and just ask God to help me for a minute. God, I need you right now, Jesus, to touch me. Watch me, God. I need the anointing of the Holy Ghost. I know it will work, God. I know the blood will work and it can wash over every sin, every scar, every stain. And I need God to help me right now, Jesus. I need you, God. Anoint me, God. Give me clarity of mind, clarity of speech, Jesus. Help me, God. Help me, God. Help me, God. As we begin this new year, God, start it out right. Start it out with a good start. Oh, I pray all these things in your Son's name, I pray. Amen. Hallelujah. Today we are living in a society that is consistently looking for something to soothe their minds and their hearts. They're looking for something that makes them click. That thing they're missing in their life that they think that will give them ultimate joy and happiness and peace. We are living in an hour where men and women, young and old, they're looking for that one thing, that one piece to their puzzle that they believe will give them that settled thought in their mind that will give them peace, that will give them the joy that they've longed for. But I unfortunately have to say this, but it's sad to say, but that will not happen. There is no relationship, pill, drink, or habit that will give you the joy that the Lord is looking for. Men may search and even indulge in wicked activities and sin in this world, but no matter how many times they indulge in that sin, it will never give them the peace and the joy that they're longing for. I'm going to have to preach here for a little bit. I'm going to take too long. They're looking for something. Looking for something to soothe their minds. Some kind of peace. Some kind of joy that they've longed for. Do you mind if I tell my testimony? I was in that place. I was looking for something. Yeah, you say how you were raised in church. Yeah, but I was running from God, and I did not want to go the way of Christ, so I was looking for something else. But no matter how many times I tried it or I looked at it, it never gave me the peace that I longed for until I found the remedy. Until I found my Jesus, and He gave me peace and joy in my mind. Hallelujah. They're searching for remedies to their issues. They're looking for something to give them peace and the joy that they long for. Tonight, and I'm trying to say this carefully, there will be a man that will get drunk and die in a car accident. Tonight, it's going to happen. I'm not a prophet. Absolutely not. But it's going to happen tonight. We're beginning a new year. They want to start it out high. And tonight, somebody's going to slip into hell. And I want to ask you something. How many times did they look and they longed for that remedy, for that peace, and they never found it? But church, I got news. There is one. He was on a cross right now. And he is the remedy for your sins. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. They're looking for something. They're looking for peace that passes all understandings. But Philippians 4 and 7 and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your heart and your mind through Christ Jesus. Hallelujah. When they scourged Jesus, and when those stripes were laid on His back, He was paying the price for your healing. I heard one man say this that the crown of thorns was pressed on his head. That was for your mental problems when they put it on his head and the blood ran down. He was taking the price for your mental issues. He took the price for your sins. It will work. That's the remedy. There is a Redeemer. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. There is a daily struggle in the heart of man. There is a constant turmoil in the mind of a man or woman. And they have no peace. I want to tell you a little story. At the Root County Animal Clinic, I was doing a room one day and I walked in that room. We were doing a euthanasia. And I walked in. I never felt anything quite like this. But when I walked in that room, I literally felt an oppressive spirit hit me. I literally felt like there was something wasn't combining there. I felt the Holy Ghost, like, disturb me. And there was a girl right there. And I could see with her shorts, little shorts she had on, she had scars going down all her legs. Black eyeliner. She looked demonic. And it disturbed my heart. There is a society that is so messed up to where they reach the level where they cut themselves. In a horrible hour. But there is a remedy. And it's Jesus. There is a remedy. There is redemption for your sins. Hallelujah. There is no telling how many sleepless nights that girl has had. With that constant turmoil in her mind to hell. Fight her. And there is a young man right now who's facing the same thing. But what they don't know is this will work. There is a remedy. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I love this. Romans 6 and 14. For sin shall have dominion over you? No. For sin, sometimes, will have dominion over you? No. For sin shall not have dominion over you. For ye are not under the law, but under grace. He showed grace. Our pastor preached this morning about praying. And it caught my attention when he began to talk about the agony that Jesus faced in the garden. Oh, I didn't know that. What you told about the blood. I always thought that His sweat was so thick it became as blood. Oh, but the stress levels He reached. As He said, the anxiety that was in Him. Jesus paid a price we could never understand. For your redemption. For your salvation. It is a remedy. Hallelujah. Tonight there will be a father who will take his son or daughter out for a party. And they will both slip into eternity. Tonight there will be a group of boys. Young men who are trying to have a good time. And they're going to fall into hell tonight. And it sickens my heart. It disturbs me so badly. Because what they don't know is there is a cross. There is a cross. And there is a remedy. The blood still works. Hallelujah. It still works. He paid the ultimate price for society and the whole world. And there is a cross. And there's a man hanging on it. Right now, he's reaching out for every man, woman, child, every messed up individual. Tonight, Jesus wants to save a soul. Hallelujah. Now you say, well I don't really know anybody in this vicinity, in this building that's not saved. I'm just trying to let you know something. All across this community there are men and women who are lost. I said they're lost. Oh, deep in sin. In a dark place. In a horrible state of mind. And we need to show them, church, where the remedy is. We need to show this community that there is redemption. And it's in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Jesus was perfect. He was without sin. Yes, He was tempted in all points, Hebrew writer said. But yet, without sin. But this perfect, sinless man, Son of God, came down. And He bore every sin that this world could ever think of. He bore every sin. He carried all the sins of this world. He took the penalty. He paid the price so that we might be saved. I want to slow down here for a minute. The message tonight is this. That this year I'm trying to be careful here, but I have failed on witnessing. I have. And I felt God stern me a while back. That I'd give you opportunity Tuesday and Thursday to meet with several people in Hodgenville, Kentucky. We have lots of people come in with their animals. And I felt God convict me. What kind of impression could you leave on the ones that come into that exam room? I'm not trying to sound too horrible here. But I work with a lesbian. What could I show her? What could I show her? What kind of life could I be? This still works. I said the word of God. Still works. There is a cross. There is a remedy. There is a blood. And it will still work! They've tried to find other ways. They've tried to find books, commentaries, famous pastors who think they've found a new way. You don't really have to go by this book. Or you don't have to go to the cross. It's either this and you reach the cross or you will not make it in Pilgrim's Progress. There was one who skipped over the cross. And when he reached the gates of a celestial city, he was turned away. You've got to go by the cross! You've got to go by the blood! Go by the black curse! It still works! Hallelujah. I won't be very much longer. Colossians 1.14 In whom we have redemption through his blood. Even the forgiveness of sins. But now in Christ I'm sorry, Ephesians 2.13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. Hallelujah. I want to tell the story and then I'll be done. When we went in August to preach at Georgetown and I'm not trying to sound braggy here, but we God really helped us. He really did. We had young men just laid out on the altars. Souls and souls just coming in. And I thank God for the opportunity he gave me and dad to preach to those people and maybe lay a seat in their hearts. But what got me most was Saturday night. I preached and I preached on the last call. And I preached my heart out and there was a man, y'all know him, Anthony DeVries. He would not even come in until at the message. He slipped in the back and I preached. And I preached and preached my heart out. And I was waiting. I was pulling. And I was tugging on him. And Jesus was reaching for him. Finally toward the end of the service when the altar was about to be done with he got up and he came to this altar and he fell on his knees and he prayed. And I remember what he said when he testified. He said I have believed a lie for too long. And I've got news, church. You've been believing a lie. But I've got news. There is a remedy. There is a cross. There is blood. I need to reach you and pull you back in. Stay out of the house tonight. Hallelujah, hallelujah. This still works. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. If the musicians want to come, help me here. We're trying to get into this altar. Oh, hallelujah. It still works. It still works. If I were to tell you one more testimony anybody here that didn't see he passes a church in Texarkana, Arkansas and a man in his church by the name of Chris McKenzie this man went nuts. He was sent to China in a psychiatric ward. He went that crazy. He was gay. He was a drunk, a drug addict. I mean he was lost, but finally he came back home and his grandmother brought him back and it was pastor appreciation service and his grandma said, if you're going to live with me, you're going to church. He said, alright. He went over to pastor appreciation and he wouldn't know, but God saved his soul on a pastor appreciation. The preacher got to preaching and he began to pull it and Chris McKenzie he ran to the altar but as he said, he was expecting some spiritual combat because he was so messed up. He said the moment he hit his knees he was loose. He was delivered. That's the God I know. He can do it. It still works. Hallelujah. And if God could do it for a drug addict, a drunkard, a homosexual a man who was insane don't you think he can do it for you tonight? I feel the Holy Ghost here. Hallelujah. You've been running from God and you know what you need to do. You know what you need to do right now. You need to make your way to this altar. What better what better way to start the year than fall on your knees. You know what you need to do right now. He's reaching for you. And this Bible is true. Every word in it is true. Men have changed it. Men have took from it and added to it. But this word is true. And it says there is redemption and there is hope at this altar. Why don't you step out right now. Cast it on. There's only a few here. I'm not asking you to do much. You can go to this altar right now. And you can settle some things at the cross. Won't you do it tonight? Won't you step out and make some things right with God? Do you feel like you've been in a complacent spot? Do you feel like you've been comfortable for a while in a lukewarm spot? I got news. There is a cross. And this still works. It still works church. Can I get one maybe to step out? Just one. I can say I know it works. And it needs to work on me. Will there be one? Will there be one? We've been in the same spot. Don't you feel like you're alone here? We've all been there. We've all been there. We've all been complacent Christians. We've all been comfortable Christians. But we had to make our way back to an altar. We had to make our way back to the cross. To the cross. And it still works. Alright church, let's come on. Let's fill these altars. His name is Jesus. There is a remedy. There is a remedy. There's a cure for all. There is a solution. For all the problems deep inside. There is a remedy. And His name is Jesus Christ. There is a remedy. For every troubled soul. There is a cure for all. All the pain and hurt and wrong. There is a solution. There is a solution. For all the problems deep inside. There is a remedy. And His name is Jesus Christ. You can go back to the cross. You can go back to the cross. Hallelujah.

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