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/ASMR-Awkward get to know me TANGENT  *RawAudio*

/ASMR-Awkward get to know me TANGENT *RawAudio*

G.I.A good



ASMR upload of a get to know me POV (going on a tangent)


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The speaker introduces their ASMR channel and expresses their desire to share various topics and ideas. They discuss their morning routine, including waking up early, journaling ideas, stretching, and looking at themselves in the mirror. They talk about their work, including school, creating content, and playing PC games. They mention their passion for content creation and their ability to engage in various conversations. They also mention their love for cleaning and organizing. They talk about decompressing and watching shows before going to work in the evening. They express their wish to spend more time outside. The speaker concludes by thanking the listener and expressing their hope to hear from them soon. We're going to have a little bit of a chat and enjoy each other's time, so I want you all to just grab whatever and let's talk about it. So today's topic of discussion, I just want to let everyone know a little bit about the channel and what we're going to be doing on here. So the channel is an ASMR channel, and a lot of people have told me that my voice sounds really soothing, hopefully you're not asleep already by listening to this, so yeah, I want to just share a bunch of different topics and ideas and hopefully soon you guys can all contribute to the channel and really let me know your ideas and things that you want me to talk about and things that you want me to share my opinions on, but as for today, I guess we can just talk a little bit about my life and what my day-to-day is usually. So starting in the beginning of the day, or whenever that is really for me, usually it's really early in the morning because I'm a really riser, I just wake up and I try to take in the day, you know, I lay in my bed and I just, you know, look around, process my dreams, if I have any dreams, usually I don't have very many dreams so if I do I usually take longer to get that going, and I don't journal them because I'm really good at memory. One thing about me is that I'm so, so good at memory and yeah, so I'd say that my mind is my journal, if I really journal things, it's usually just like off the cuff and I will write down or type into my computer or my phone any ideas that I have, so I start my mornings off doing that, then I finally decide that it's time for me to wake up, and after I wake up in the morning, I just, well, the process of me really waking up is that I get out of my bed, I do a big, nice, long stretch, like it's like ahh, finally my body is like moving again, I'm not just like stagnant, because one thing about me is that I hate, hate, hate being stagnant, like I hate just, you know, sitting there and not doing anything, I feel like I need to be productive with my life all the time, which is, you know, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but nonetheless, that is what I do usually, and so I just take that long stretch to get my body used to it again, and then after that, I will typically just go to my bathroom, and then I look at myself in the mirror, one thing about me is that I love looking in the mirror to see if I've made any changes over my sleep, now this is another weird thing that I do, and I don't even know, so I will just look at myself in the mirror, and I'm just like, hmm, my face feels different, or you know, like, oh, I look a little bit different today, or sometimes I'm like, hmm, I look the same, and then other times I'm like, oh man, I look the same, you know, but I just think that it's really important for me every day to like process myself as a whole, I don't know if that's helping me or hurting me, but you know, not to get too deep in it, I don't think we need to get that deep on this channel yet, so I think, yeah, that's what I do, and then after I'm done processing myself and looking to see if I've made any changes while I sleep, then that's when I start getting to work, so, yeah, I do a lot of work, I go on visits, or I either have work at home if I'm not doing the morning that day, and really I'm just on my computer making tons and tons of noise in the morning, I like to listen to music while I work, I try to get a head start, recently I've started school, so I'm also doing the school thing, and I'm doing tons of homework at times, or I'm either just, you know, trying to get ahead in all of my stuff, and doing my duties, and also making content, because if you're working a lot, and those of you that work a lot like me, you need something that's kind of like an outlet, and I have like my PC games that sometimes I play, or I often do live streams, I'm trying to maybe gain more of a following with those, and hopefully that'll become my job, and not my current job, I love my current job, and I really do think that I can help a lot of people with, but I also have a really huge passion for content creation, and I feel like maybe a lot of people need to hear from me, I think that I have a great personality, and others would really benefit from it, you know? Like, what? I don't know, I just really think that I am one of those people that needs to be seen by all of the world, I have like so much to give, and so much to share, and everyone thinks I'm like such, I don't know, for lack of a better word, enigma, when I'm around them, they're like, wow, you're so different, and not in a sense where it's like trying to be pick-me, because it's totally not, but a lot of people are like, wow, you're so different, and I'm like, oh, thank you, I don't know if these are compliments, or insults, but I mean, the people still talk to me, so I would like to think that they're compliments, but nonetheless, I still love myself, so it doesn't even matter if it's a compliment or not. Um, yeah, so that's one of the things that I'm working on, really, and so I make content, and I try to film things, I am one of those people that struggles with niche, so I don't really have a niche, I think that my niche possibly could be that I'm well-versed in everything, or sometimes I like to call it a jack-of-all-trade niche, I can quite literally into most communities, I'm really good at that. I'm really one of those people that will go into most conversations, and at least have one thing to share, and sometimes people can say that I talk too much, or I don't like to be wrong, but I accept when I'm wrong, I just don't, you know, I just, I just know facts, I know random facts, they're not always useful information, but they're like, you know, here's a fun fact about this, and I never realized that I was one of those people until someone was like, wow, you always have a fact about something, but yeah, I think maybe that's my niche for my content, so hopefully I can start processing that, and try to generate like jack-of-all-trade content, if you guys have any ideas, please let me know down below, but yeah, that's just really what I'm on at the moment, and I totally lost my train of thought, because I lost my train of thought, wow, I've lost it, oh, I think, I think I've got it back, so yeah, I spend days like trying to make content and stuff, and then after I've done that, I usually do a round of cleaning, so I absolutely love cleaning now that I'm a matriculated adult in the world, funny saying, but I am now a matriculated adult, I just made that up, use it if you want to, up to you, yeah, so I do a lot of cleaning, and I am obsessed with organizing things now, seeing this as I look around and see that I have tons of cleaning to do right now, so hopefully after I'm done with this, I can clean up something, or organize something, reorganize something, I'm always trying to like reorganize, organize, do you guys color code? I color code sometimes, and I also organize most of my drawers and things like that by either occasion, or by like what the thing is, I know most people do it by like what it is, but I will take it a step further and do it by occasion, so I'll have like, and by occasion I mean like usually by seasons, so like long sleeves and winter clothes, those go in one specific spot, and then I do summer-ish clothing, those go in one specific spot, and then I'll do like fully summer clothing, again one specific spot, and it just goes on and on and on, so I don't really have a lot of space to fully do the organization that I would dream of, but one day, one day I will have that, but yeah, back to what we were actually talking about, after I'm done doing a little bit of cleaning, I usually try to decompress and detach myself from what I'm doing, and like you know, watch a little bit of shows or something, or like watch something that like really takes me out of what I'm doing, and then brings me back, and then I will go to work in the evening, I do go to work, I usually go to work again, and then after that I come home, I try to decompress, light a candle or something, recenter myself, I don't meditate or anything, but you know, I recenter myself, and then I go to sleep, and I start my day all over again, one thing I wish is that I could go outside a little bit more, well I do go outside, I'm like, that's, I don't know why I just said that, I do go outside all the time, but then, um, yeah, so that's really what my days consist of, and now my phone's going off a ton from my, my job maybe, or someone emailing me, tons of emails, tons of notifications all the time, so I think I better go, thanks for listening to me, and uh, I hope we stayed on topic, because I know for sure that I don't stay on topic all the time, so thanks for listening again, and uh, I hope to uh, hear from you soon, and get to know you, and, or, not get to know you, um, I mean to like, hear from you guys, like in the comments or something, yeah, thanks for uh, listening to this channel, goodbye, I, yeah, goodbye.

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