Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nigel Farage might win the reality show I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here 2023. This has surprised many people as they expected him to be voted out early. However, he has performed well and has a good chance of winning. If he does win, it will cause a lot of controversy and backlash, especially from the left. This also highlights Farage's popularity and shows that he still has a significant following. Additionally, the Brexit Party, now reformed as Reform UK, is gaining support in the polls, which could impact the upcoming elections. Overall, Farage's success in the reality show and the rise of Reform UK demonstrate the current political climate in the UK. Nigel Farage could win I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here 2023, whilst Paul's on letting Alex Jones return to X and Ritchie Sunak continues to struggle at home. Welcome back to the Generation Z podcast. Thank you. Today is episode 6, titled Home and Abroad, very aptly, because we'll be talking about stuff that has happened at home and abroad. And frankly, I couldn't really find a better title. You might have realised the title, Immigration and Annexation was probably the best one. This one's a terrible one. But that's not important. So to begin with, we will talk, we will discuss Nigel Farage and the fact that he's probably going to win I'm a Celebrity, which would be hilarious. Musk is then polling to let far-right supremacist and probably massive racist Alex Jones return to X and it looks like he is. And Ritchie Sunak is continuing to struggle at home with his ministers publicly disagreeing with him and going on the record to do so. Let's begin with Nigel Farage. So if anyone has not watched I'm a Celebrity, it is a show where they put a lot of celebrities, well I say celebrities half the time, no one knows who they are. They put a lot of C-list celebrities, generally trying to get one A-list celebrity to get the numbers up. And they all compete in trials, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The point is, is that then you vote for the celebrities that you like to stay in and then slowly they get eliminated. And the final of I'm a Celebrity 2023 is tonight. And Nigel Farage signed a 1.5 million deal to go on the show. And everyone was laughing because everyone assumed he was going to get voted out first. But he didn't, he's done really well. And he's been shown to be in the right because there have been other people on the show who have been supremely criticised and have not heard Farage out well. And now there are three people that FTA has a one in three chance of winning. I would reckon that he won't win, but I would give it about maybe like a two in five chance of him winning. It's pretty high because he has done exceptionally well. And his team on his Twitter account, which has amassed 1.8 million followers, has continued to post daily and is now able to possibly vote for a win. Continually I'm saying vote for Nigel and doing lots of publicity stunts such as putting it on a bus, putting it on a plane, putting it on a billboard, blah, blah, blah. The point is, is that if Nigel Farage wins, this world is going to go mental. It would be the funniest thing of all time. I don't really care if Nigel Farage wins, but Twitter will melt down and ITV will get absolutely blasted because the whole reason that they're doing this is to save terrestrial TV. And the idea was is that by putting a celebrity, one of the most well known people of the last couple of decades on TV, they would get more views. But also they haven't gotten views, they've dropped from last year. But also I don't think they ever assumed that Nigel Farage would get this year. And also there have been accusations that ITV have been rigging it and deliberately restricting his airtime and not allowing his views to be presented to the general public. So it's not been a great look for ITV. And if Nigel Farage wins it, then there is going to be a meltdown from lefties on Twitter, according to the Blade of the Sun, which is this very weird Twitter account who has a lot of left wing conspiracy theories. They were not very happy about Nigel Farage and they tweeted as such saying that if Nigel Farage wins it will be a travesty and it is all manipulated by the ITV and TV news. And it is all being manipulated from the start, which would be, I will say that Nigel Farage in the jungle has generally been a good person. I watched a couple of episodes and it is quite interesting to see the fact that he is genuinely an alright person. Obviously people disagree with him, but the great thing is that you're meant to be able to disagree with people's views and still get on with them. Unless they're actually mean to you and say we can't be friends, that is a hint about someone who was on the show, then you should be able to talk to them, even if you have a very inflexible view. And everyone who has come out of the jungle, including Fred Sirex, the other day said that he was a lovely person. And what would we argue that this means for politics? For politics it shows that Nigel Farage is still a very popular person. He is loved by many people. He may be hated by a lot of people, but he is certainly more liked than someone, say, Sven Rødman. He was even asked on the show, do you think he will ever run for Prime Minister? And he said, I won't rule it out. Now admittedly, I don't think he will ever run for Prime Minister, because although he's only 60, which is not going to shock me, because I thought he was only 70, so he should have been around for fucking ever. But that's beside the point. Although he's only 70, he can run for Prime Minister, but the problem is he would just not win in the UK electoral system, which is one of the things that he doesn't like. There's a lot of things he also wants changed, like the House of Lords, which is incredibly out of date, and I agree with that. But also it demonstrates a lot about left-wing attitudes, which is the fact that they can't stand to see someone other than the mainstream establishment win. If Nigel Farage wins, people are going to go insane. They will say it's conspiracy theory. They will claim that it was rigged. They will claim that it was just by a bot. They will claim that ITV manipulated it. They will claim that ITV were in cahoots with Nigel Farage's team. I don't think that's true. I'm fairly certain that Nigel Farage went on to make a lot of money and to show his cause. ITV are going to be begging that Nigel Farage doesn't win, because they'll look like the biggest loads of idiots. They were not even participating for him to have this level of support. And it does show that if we now shift to a more UK focus, that the idea that Nigel Farage is not dead. Now, if we look at what Nigel Farage left behind in his post to the Brexit Party, now reformed in the UK, you can see that they are doing very well in the polls, because the Conservatives are considered out of touch on immigration, and they will be getting some of the right wing of the Conservative Party that have now deserted them, because they do not believe that they are being tough enough on immigration. You can see by their tweets, such as today, £800 million spent to stop the boats, and yet as they used to, the Tories have failed us all. Only Reform UK will stop the boats with our clear six point plan. And their Twitter account admittedly does not have that many followers, but they are getting their message up, and they are going up in the polls. They are now up to around 8% in the polls, and they are almost joint on level with the Lib Dems. Oh yes, sorry, I've got the poll up here. Yes, in the most recent poll, Labour was at 45%, the Conservatives were at 22%, the Lib Dems were at 10%, Reform UK was at 11%, and the Greens were at 7%. Now all of those are interesting. The Greens, the Lib Dems, and Reform UK all being around about this same area shows how far the Lib Dems have fallen, for one, and also shows how powerful Reform UK and the Greens are going to be in the next election, if that comes up. I doubt that's true, I doubt the Greens will get 7% of the vote, they generally do well in polls, but then when people are at elections, they're like, well why the hell would I vote Green, I'm just going to lose my vote, I might as well vote tactically for someone I least hate, who actually has a chance of winning. But what is interesting is, I suspect the Greens will take votes off the left of the Labour Party, and the Reform UK will take votes off the right of the Conservative Party, and the Lib Dems will take votes off the left of the Conservative Party, and the right of the Labour Party, yes, yes, that's right. So then there'll be no votes left for Labour and Conservatives, and then they'll all be through, and we'll have three new parties in power. That's obviously not going to happen. But you can start to see where they are canvassing for votes. Reform UK want to target older Conservative voters who feel like the Conservatives have had their 14 years to solve the immigration economy, and they have failed, but they don't trust Labour with the economy, so they will target, they will target, they will go to Reform UK, which could very easily happen, you cannot underestimate this power. I mean, in 2015, remember, the UK have got 10% of the vote, they got six, five million votes, I mean, so they only won one seat, but it took votes off Labour, because they target the old traditional Labour voters. But now there's kind of been a shift, and I reckon they'll be targeting the Conservative voters. I don't reckon that many Labour voters are going to vote Reform UK. But the Greens, they definitely will, especially with the youth vote, the youth vote, which will be a lot more left wing, let me tell you, will be targeted by the Greens. But to bring it back, we kind of got a bit off track here. But to bring it back to Najaf Arraj, say, and if he wins tonight in the jungle, it will, it will be incredible. I will be laughing my head off if he wins, mainly because I'm not as invest on it, because it's like 10 to 1 odds at the start. But it would be incredibly funny. And I cannot wait to see the memes and the Twitter reactions and Najaf Arraj will basically for him, it will be like becoming Prime Minister. I mean, he will have won a reality competition, which had 6 million viewers every night, and has been controversial for many reasons, not just Najaf Arraj, but also Nella Rose and her comments. So it'll be interesting to see what happens. I suspect Najaf Arraj won't win. But if he does win, then we will see the tolerant left, the so tolerant left that lectures all of us on equality and approach for LGBTQI, A plus rights and everything else in between will break down and start crying their heads off and be like, Oh my God, what are we going to do? It's a conspiracy. Please help us. Blah, blah, blah. It will be absolute memes. I cannot wait for tonight, it will be interesting. Obviously, when you listen to this, it will probably have happened. If you are listening to this at all, the views have not been going well recently. So there's a high chance I'm just talking to absolutely no one. But if you are listening to this, then you probably know the result. And if I was right, I suspect he won't win. But I reckon he'll come probably second out of the three. That's my guess. Now to shift abroad, again, to the land of the USA, and to X. So on Elon Musk's X account last night, he posted a poll, which was arguing should he let Alex Jones back on Twitter saying Vox Populi, Vox Dei, Vox of the People, Vox of the Go. And it was a poll that got 41 million impressions, 1.9 million votes. And the poll was reinstate Alex Jones on this platform because it was considered as controversial. They let other controversial figures back on the platform like Donald Trump. And he then decided to post a poll on his platform in which he, as I say, asked if Alex Jones should be reinstated. And the vote has succeeded. 70% voted for, 30% voted against it. The people have spoken, and so it shall be. And this is a travesty. Alex Jones should not be back on Twitter. He is an awful person. He is one of the worst people to ever. He says that the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, where children were massacred in their classes, and I will get on to my views on the government because this is what I feel most passionately about. He said that those victims were fake and then he got sued. Can you imagine those parents, those parents who have seen their children die in their own place of education, a place for safety, a place for learning, not a place for a lunatic with an AK-47 to go and shoot them. And if Alex Jones were to say, oh it was all made up, it is one of the most distasteful things I have ever heard. It is as bad as the genocide. When you are denying what happened there, when you are insulting the victims of the Sandy Hook shooting, you are a terrible human being. You are inciting violence. You deserve to be banned. And also obviously, the conspiracy theories which are just numerous about how there is a world order. Now obviously, this is quite a common thing around the right wing saying that there is a world order and there is a liberal elite which is intent on controlling everything and everyone must follow the liberal elite. And if you don't, you get your Twitter account banned, you get your company blacklisted, you get cancelled, you have to follow this, because if you don't follow this, then you will be in trouble. This is obviously not true, but Alex Jones continues to promote it. And as the audience heard, Jones is a pro-conspiracy theorist about the Sandy Hook shooting, with orders next year to pay nearly 1.5 billion in damages to relatives of the victims for falsely claiming that they were actors who staged the shooting as part of a government plot to seize Americans' guns. The government is not trying to seize your guns. And if the government wanted to seize your guns, it very easily could. The whole second amendment is fucking bullshit. The whole idea that a well-regulated militia means that you have the right to bear arms, you just always take the amendment out of context. It never said that people have the right to bear arms, it said a militia. And also, the whole point of owning arms is to stop your tyrannical government rising up against you and killing you all. If the American government wanted to become a dictatorship overnight, it very easily could. There is nothing that an American movement could do. They have literally the best military capability in the world. They are not able to stop them. That is the problem with the second amendment. I don't know what Musk is playing at. Musk is funny in some aspects. I like some of the changes he did to Twitter. Although I don't agree with the layoffs of 75% of Twitter's workforce, it's clear they were doing subtle because Twitter now works better and is the exact same. And also, I really like that now we've got impressions on account and also the fact that we have, what's it called, we have Twitter X, sorry, Twitter Blue, which then allows people to get paid for tweeting. Obviously, follow my Twitter, but I do not have enough money or followers to afford it. But the point is that, what was I going to say? Yeah, Musk has changed Twitter mostly for the better, but this is a poor change. I could deal with Donald Trump being let back on the platform. I thought when Twitter suspended Donald Trump after January 7th, that was a bit far, but I can understand why he let him back on because he is a former US president. He will probably be the next US president next year because I think Biden is going to lose. So it makes sense that he was let back on. What does not make sense is that Alex Jones was let back on. No one likes him. He continually promotes conspiracy theories, just to show some of the conspiracies other than the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting. Conspiracy theories against the US government either concealed information about, right, or outright falsified the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the September 11th attacks, and the 1969 moon landing. He has also claimed that several governments and large businesses have colluded to create a new world order free of manufacturers of economic crises, sophisticated surveillance tech, and above all, inside job terror attacks that fuel exploitable attacks. Yeah, tell that to the families that have died in terrorist attacks. Tell that to all the people that have suffered under the hands of evil terrorists. They were just fake. They were just made for the evil world order. No, no, no, no. Alex Jones does not deserve to be back on Twitter. It is not known if his account has yet been reactivated. It will happen any day soon. I suspect he will start tweeting the normal bullshit, but we shall see. We shall see. Muff, I mean, he's untouchable. He will do whatever he wants. He will continue to promote these awful conspiracy theories. I don't even know if he believes them, because at some point, you maybe think that he just believes them just because they get him views. I mean, yeah. New world order, 9-11 conspiracy. I don't know how you can even begin to believe some of these, but the 9-11, we all saw the videos. I wasn't even born at the time. I know it happened. And Sandy Herbert, you know that the children were killed and they died. And it was one of the worst school shootings in US history. A school shooting. Well, I'm just going to go back to gun rights for a second. But in no school should you ever have a shooting. We have not had a shooting in this country for over 25 years. And that last shooting was the Dumbo massacre, which was horrific. And then we changed the law. We banned handguns and we haven't had a school shooting since. We haven't had a mass shooting since 2021. The USA has one every half a week. There was one this week at the University of Nevada, where I think three people were injured or either died. And the fact that this is now just so normalized that students have to do active shooter drills. At my school and everyone else's school in the UK, we never had to do that. We never had to do a bomb drill. We never had to do an actual shooter drill because we live in a country where I can go to school without having to fear getting shot at. It is a great fear. I've never gone to school. You might go to school and worry for my safety. You might not enjoy it. You might hate the people there. You might hate the teachers. So you can be fairly certain, unless you get run over, that you will come back the next day and you will be absolutely fine. School is not a place where guns are allowed. And the American Second Amendment is the thing that is denying that. And this is one of my most controversial opinions. If I said this in America, the Second Amendment should go. It should be outlawed. It should be overruled. There should be a gun by back. Every American's gun should be confiscated. I don't care how draconian that sounds. I believe it to be true. So, to move on from that and to wrap up with the third and final thing, we shall now shift finally to the first part of this title, to home and to talk about Rishi Sunak. Now, Robert Jarrett, now that he has been freed from the principle of cabinet-executive responsibility, has been very supportive of Rishi Sunak's remanded policy on the Law of Transparency show today. He has been saying that it was brilliant, of course he hasn't. He then remanded that the asylum bill was too weak to be a deterrent, according to the BBC. In his first interview since quitting his post, Mr Jemmings told the BBC the draft law was weak and would be bogged down by legal challenges. Everyone who understands asylum law thinks the bill will fail, he added, and this is important, he added that he would not support the bill at a crucial vote on Tuesday. Now, that vote is going to be absolutely vital. If Sunak loses that vote, he will face calls to resign and I suspect we will face a no-confidence vote because every other MP, not in the Conservative Party, will vote against it. Labour will, SNP will, the Democrats will, Green will, DP will, and if he fails, then he will have no legitimacy and he will likely have to go. And obviously now Robert Derek no longer has to support the government, so he is free to criticise it. But generally, they don't do it this much, they do not go to this level of criticism on the government. So it is interesting how stark this is and how much it is saying how critical he is of this current government. He clearly knows that he does not need to worry about the consequences of his words. If the government was stronger, a minister would never, an ex-minister even, would never dare criticise this government in this way. But this government is weak, this government has zero legitimacy, it was elected by about an electorate of 360 people, which means that Rishi Sunak has little legitimacy, he did not claim a popular mandate, he only has the mandate of his MPs and that is now fastly eroding. Now Sunak will say that there has been progress and there has been progress, there were 45,777 for people who arrived in 2022, this year in the first nine months there were 24,830. So assuming that it follows a similar trend, which it probably won't because crossing down in December months because the weather is so bad, because people's mongrels are so evil, they generally do not care about that, but I suspect that it will drop, but we'll be probably ending the year around about 30,000 people crossing the channel, which is a drop by a third, as Sunak so said in his press conference on Wednesday. And this is a real progress, this is a massive change, he is able to stop some of the plagues, but they are still coming in unavoidable numbers. And the fact that the immigration minister is now saying that he won't vote for the bill, that might sway a lot of MPs to voting against the bill. The fact that the person who is responsible for this and oversaw the last year is now saying this isn't going to work and probably has the greatest knowledge of the immigration crisis in the government is saying that this bill won't work. Well, then the MPs might ask, well, why should we trust the Prime Minister with this bill? Why should we believe that this bill is going to work? So yeah, I mean, because the thing is, is that the Conservative MPs know that if this bill fails, then they are likely going to be facing a possible new leadership. And Conservative MPs might think, should we just cut our losses, get behind Rishi Sunak and see this bill through? We do not need another leader? Or are they going to be thinking, let's roll the dice? Or are they going to be thinking, I don't care. I mean, frankly, I've lost my seat anyway. So I might as well just vote how I feel. And if we get a new leader, it doesn't make any difference. I live in a swing seat. This is the end. I mean, anything could happen. That's the problem. Like literally, the vote on Tuesday is going to be one of those watch votes. I think since our 2019 Brexit votes, I still remember those votes. That's when I started getting into politics, seeing Theresa May get battered in the House of Commons every single week when people were trying to delay Brexit. And so for Sunak, can he get the bill passed? I reckon it'll pass. But I reckon he'll pass narrowly. He'll probably face a rebellion of about 30 or so MPs. Those 30 will be from the right. I'm just thinking, I've got a feeling this bill is going to fail. I've changed my mind. This bill might actually fail, because I can't see him being able to get more than, say, 300 on his side. Because there's always like the 180 blob that just do whatever he wants. And there's the 40 kind of shifty ones. And then there's like 100 or so, which are the ones that are kind of up in arms. So the 180 might vote for it. But it'll be interesting. We'll finally be able to watch a vote that I actually care about. I mean, Jesus Christ, some of those votes were boring over the last years. And the Conservatives are having a fucking great majority and basically be able to do whatever they want. But now they are facing problems. And it is also the countdown to the next election. So that is where we shall leave it for today. Thank you very much for listening. I hope you have enjoyed. I hope you are having a good December and a good weekend. If you're listening to this on the day it comes out, watch Amateur Literature Data, ITVX. I'm fairly certain you can watch it outside of the UK. If not, look it up and see if you won and see if my prediction was correct. But yeah, please, please listen. I really need to get my views up. I want to make money. And if you're listening on YouTube, don't forget to like and subscribe and comment. And just do whatever you want. Send me a million messages on Instagram, I will respond to them. Oh yeah, I know I never did Instagram, did I? It's in the description of... actually no you can't. It's just Gen Z. I used to have an old Instagram account so people from my uni couldn't find me. But if we get 1 million subscribers, I'll do a face reveal. That is a promise. Because currently we have 1. So I don't think we're ever getting to 1 million.