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God servant @Rev'd O Israel, in this teaching, teaches believers on how to maintain sanity, in this very insane ages, where almost everything out there, is set to destabilized the believers in God plan for their life. By causing the saved to looses focus on their reality in God! You are born victorious... VICTORY is your heritage in Christ...

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thank you father in jesus mighty name amen everybody have your seats glory to god thank you we thank god for the ministry of uh the lord bless you multiply you glory to god hallelujah thank you so much for that powerful one the lord bless you multiply your ministry glory to god who got first on chapter five verse one hallelujah so in the quest of your life make sure that you pay attention to strategy and the wise that the devil is using or trying to use to play your destiny around in your quest for growing your life as a christian pay attention to that strategy or the wise that the enemy is using or want to be used the one that is using or the one i want to use i just have a little minute to just round up what the pastor has started glory to god first don't have the five first four gentlemen five first one he said whosoever believed that jesus is the christ is born of god pay attention to what i've taught you before he said whosoever believed that jesus is the christ hello whosoever believed that jesus who is jesus okay now in base what i've told you before who was jesus before before he become christ jesus of nazareth the man did you remember him that captain boy that man that was batted through mary in the condition like that like that but what is something what make him so different is because he's the same christ is the same one that died hallelujah before that i will find in our chapter 10 out of the 10 verse 37 to 38 after the 10 verse 37 to 38 we find out there that this same jesus was baptized with what with their power with the holy ghost which is what which means what power did you understand now so that actually accepts him from ordinary captain to board that actually accepting from ordinary to offer did you understand now so what will make difference in your life today what will make difference in your life today the power of god what is the power of god the holy ghost what is the only god the power of god what is the power of god the only ghost so what will make the difference in your life so how do you have the power of god how do you have the holy ghost is that one created for you separate from the one that jesus have no whosoever believe it whosoever believe it that that same jesus are you listening to me hello sit down sit down and listen glory to god you take the photograph later sit down and listen and pay attention pastor has laid some foundation so now let me just run it off so that we can quickly get this one and continue our weekend glory to god they will so ever believe that that jesus with jesus that same jesus of nazareth now pay attention to this that same first of all pay attention to this that same jesus of nazareth let's take it one after the other that same jesus of nazareth is capital so now we believe in him now we follow believe in him that he now has the power of god he received the power he has the power of god that what the john preached to us act chapter 10 verse 37 to 40 that what john preached to us glory to god then now we realized if we believe in that same jesus what happened to us the same way he was baptized right that the power of god is within is in him is him did you already sign down and say now we read that in act of the 10 the other time the power will be in him by him in him i explained that to you glory to god now if that power of god is within fine the same in went about doing what doing good yield or die or operates of the devil what is the voice of the enemy in that dispensation sickness and pain sickness and pains then jesus was anointed for this purpose why must he be anointed what for is god but there is a devil somewhere that for humanity says that jesus jesus must conquer on behalf of man not for himself there is no such thing that god and devil is fighting or they are having a quarreling that's fallacy god and god and angel don't fight they don't angel don't have that capacity to fight god did you understand that now so whatever happened you read that angel and god where the angel was having problem with god and was fighting god and that no it was misbehaving and the archangel just displaced me away from the that place he was misbehaving that's all that's just what happened forget about long story he was misbehaving and the archangel is not even gone because god cannot fight him come on if we make everything we make so but he didn't do that he didn't react glory to god so let's go back to what we are saying now we should have a believer that jesus was now let's read it we should have a believer that jesus we should have a believer put comma listen listen pay attention now the command is not in your bible the people that put commands ahead they put comma according to their assumption or to their opinion of what the scripture is saying but now pay attention now pay attention now let's now let's now rearrange the comma now whosoever believe it that jesus is the christ is born of god whosoever believe that jesus we should have believed that jesus is the christ whosoever believe it that jesus is the christ is the christ that same jesus that we saw in incarnation was the same one that died listen listen listen pay attention don't be distracted whosoever believe that that same jesus that furniture guy hello that furniture that 30 year old that always walk around judia walk around jerusalem look around things going to synagogue going to listen to the scroll reading the scroll doing this one that same man if you believe in that same man and you believe when he died according to what you hear this morning you believe that when he died he was buried then he lost again ah hey look at it again whosoever believe that that jesus jesus is the christ so if you believe what happened to you what happened to you now you're born of god stay positive in a negative world you are what you are born of god you are not born of god but where are you now you are still in this matter but you are born what what what of god you are born of god but you are still dwelling in this matter glory to god this mortality is actually greater for death this mortality cannot sustain you forever the highest it can sustain you is 120 years according to the scripture if it's too early let's say 80 90 no 70 year nobody will die 70 this touch if it's too early let's say 80 90 100 but at least 120 fine it's sound egg look nice beautiful i can sound if you marry you are still climbing you will see the climbing mountain and i'll be adopted glory to god whosoever is look at it again look at it first look at it because i don't want i don't have much time we need to round up now he said whosoever is believed that jesus is the jesus is the christ is what is born of god look at it are you there and everyone that loved him that is or also everyone that loved meaning everyone that loved him that the god loved him also that is begotten of him are you following now then by this we know look at this what happened now staying positive that is the topic staying positive in a negative war fast to say we know by this we know that we love the children of god by this we can conduct ourselves we are aware we are familiar we are accepted we agree by this we know that we love we love the children of god so the love of working in love hello working in love to fellow brethren in the church through this fast one we know because the man that gave back to us he gave back to us in love what is in him the dna that we receive of him is what is love did you understand what i'm saying now by this we know that we love we love the children of god so we walk according to our knowledge with knowledge the knowledge of him with him in that dwelling of him that gave back to us in the big up stops by this we know we are aware we are not strange to that that's why we can walk in love everyone today hello look up here everyone today walk according to what he knows the person i brought you to this talk brought you here because you know there's a church here did you understand now you wear the clothes you wear because you know that you are a man or you agree with me so all your life is depend on what you know so you need to know you need to know that there's a lot of god in me i compose my life i walk my life i conduct my life in love because that is the dna i received of him that is the paternity that is a sample that i'm seeing in him for god so loved the world did you what he gave it's only because for god so loved he gave his best so you give your best so what the service of god you give your best that is how to stay positive in a negative world because if you don't if you don't show love you cannot live love if you don't show love you cannot live love glory to god you are beloved by the lord therefore you to go ahead you see when he was talking about somebody that should get that i didn't have the other time he said he didn't say that let that person walk so that he might have more to eat or whatever he said let him go and walk so that he might give so you are what it takes it is not all about you not all about your life your life my life my life my life my life my family my family my my work my work my business my business my enterprise my enterprise glory to god by this we know that we love the children of god when we love god and keep this commandment what is his commandment is that and his commandments are not grievous his commandments are not grievous what is his commandment a guy came to jesus and asked him he said hello look up here he's asking me ask jesus is that which one is the greatest among the commandments so that i may pay attention to that they love what is they love the lord your goal and the second one is what love thy neighbor likewise in the same manner you love yourself glory to god glory to god thank you father fasting fasting this year we are going we are going to four and five is that for four look at it fast four and five because you're going to pray now for whatsoever is born of god you are in this world but you are not part of this world pay attention to this you are in this world but you are not part of this world you are not of this world you are in this world but you are not of this world you are in this world but you are not of this world let that be ringing in your head every day every session of your life glory to god look at it fast for he said for whatsoever is born of god for whatsoever is born of god are you born of god look up look up everybody look at me okay i'm not born of god let me see your angel i'm not born of god yet let me see your eyes off are you born of god are you born of god are you are not sure let me see your eyes off i'm not sure let me see your eyes off are you born of god are you born of god glory to god now see if you are born of god read your bible now read your bible and read in that place fast forward for whatsoever is born of god for whatsoever is born of god whatsoever is born of god over come it what the world over come it what the world and this is the victory say this is the victory say this is the victory say this is the victory that over come it that over come it say this is the victory what is the victory that you are born of god glory to god that you are born of god that is the victory the victory is that you are born of god whatever you are facing in your life at this moment the victory is that you are born of god glory to god you are what you are born of god glory to god say i am born of god say i am born of god therefore i walk in victory i enjoy victory in all ramification of life i enjoy victory in this world i think like god i listen like god i live my life as god desire is glory to god glory to god say i am born of god say i am born of god i have the dna of god with me i can do all things through christ and me glory to god staying positive in a negative world so there are many things around you that will never give you inflection or that will never allow you to stay correctly or stay at right in this very world so standing in your reality that is the meaning of staying positive in a negative world look at it again for whatsoever is born of god over come it the world the world it means edge that we have did you understand now so there is a concept of this world which if you are not paying attention to your reality are you getting now we've negatively influenced you and we make you to feel or to reason like who you are not you will start living your life according to what the world dictating or influencing you with not according to your reality what is your reality you are born of what of god so when the challenges of life come what will you say to challenge i am born of god so when the house break and the landlord about to drag you so what do you say i am born of god all things are mine i take possession of what that belongs to me in christ jesus and that will direct your path you keep saying that god is for me the lord is with me the lord is with me all things will work out when your business are going down you keep confessing who you are in god you keep saying you who you are in god you let that over overwhelms you you do a lot of the situation around you that is one of the wives of the enemy to make you to lose focus on your reality in this world in this life but you are not of this world but you are in this world so if you are in this world when your master the one that came back to you was in this world all of it to him he overcomes it all things then if you are in this world he said i am going to the father the same way the spirit you gave me the ability you gave me of what i've given to them that there may be one with us meaning they will be releasing like us they'll be listening victory they'll be listening triumph they'll be listening in in glory all the time the following this morning so when you are facing that heartbreak what do you say i am born of god when you rise as i am you are expecting results what will you say i am born of god i will pass success is mine you say what god says concerning you in that job i will not receive sack letter rather i will be promoted that what should be coming to your mouth don't say i don't even know god i don't even know i don't even know whether you are see answer a prayer well that's not sure we should pray what i would pray afford explaining or giving giving excuses for the work of the devil in your life write it down avoid explaining or giving excuses to the work of the devil in your life you give more excuses you have explained everything why things are not working you say because i'm not because i am not working why this one is not happening you say because this and this you are giving a combination you are you are every session you are every devil out avoid explaining or giving excuses for the works of the devil avoid defending and stop defending the work of the devil in your life stop defending it stop defending it that's right from that place we already said he said who is he that overcovered the world for it that believed that jesus is the son of god so you are meant to overcome all the time you are meant to overcome you are an overcomer you listen like that you think like that let us subdue your consciousness all the time i am an overcomer the lord is with me in all season of my life it says after me in all season of my life failure is not permitted failure is not permitted if your amen can be louder i repeat it now so stop stop giving this being defensive stop defending the works of the devil stop defending the affliction in your life maybe because i've not fasted enough maybe because i did not pray enough maybe because i did not do this enough maybe because god wanted to be maybe because god is trying me maybe because god is tempting me when i will be faithful stop defending failure to failure come on glory to god this is not our size in this church in this church we will prosper every member of this church will prosper every member of this every member of this church will prosper everyone that partners with this church will prosper in the name of jesus i am saying it today as a father of this house every member of this church will prosper and they will prosper from this year before this year ends you are prospering your work of your head is prospering you are overcoming the work of the flesh peace and tolerance for you peace are working for you you are multiplying the work of your hand is progressing have your feet stop defending the devil stop doing that glory to god hallelujah thank you father one of the thing is this let me say this we have an enemy and rain against us as a believer there is an enemy that actually arraigned against us who is the who's source is or if you want all what is after is actually the source of his trial the source of his trial he he he he just after he is he is fearful in this thing called he is fearful in this thing called coming in like a light he's so fearful oh hello you are praying you are praying god is not dead there god is not there take it easy which one is going to church very early in the morning are you a worker in the church that is his skills to make sure he direct you from far fancy because you know the more you are far from to god the more your life is the life your life will bright up why are you joining any service unit in their church today you are just joining them why are you playing like as if maybe all the world is all against you everything is fine with you just pray just pray 10 minutes okay 10 minutes okay why are you rushing to church now pastor always stay always stay late sometimes that is his wise to make you make sure he keeps you in there and that's a back to a problem of life because he knows if you pay attention to prayer to the wall and that works sucks your life there will be any space for darkness to to the rubbing glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah his hands again he said for whatsoever is born of god over come at the wall for whatsoever is born of god over come at the wall this that is this is the fishing if you if you are with me you believe what i'm reading now fast for first of all therefore whatsoever is born of god over come at the wall that is are you there is your something now that one a and b open your bible read your bible everybody read your bible first of all everybody read your bible first john 5 4 first john 5 4 for whatsoever is born of god over come at the wall over come at the wall whatsoever was forever is born of god over come at the wall john 16 i'm coming back i'm gonna come back today i don't want to let me just go this way john 16 verse 30 put it this way he said this thing have i spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but the being of good cheer i have overcome at the world i have overcome at the world for you the problem may come in your places of work but i've overcome it for you the challenges marriage may come but i've overcome it for you in your business place talent will rise i've overcome for you concern the relationship the talent may come but i've overcome it for you the problem may come through the work of your head but i've overcome it for you so this is what i wanted to pay attention into not the one that you are facing he said be of good cheer john 16 33 said be of good cheer be of good cheer i have overcome at the wall when i overcome at the wall you know what i do i don't look up here he said when i overcome at the wall i give you the victory i am the first to fix with you so many you are what you are more than gone wrong you know what it means more than cockerel more than cockerel means let me give you a sample let me give you a sample of more than cockerel chris come please come let me give you a sample of more than cockerel everybody pay attention look up here look at this boy the father will go out early in the morning as early as six o'clock or five o'clock to go forward to go to work to go let me put it this way according to nigerian english to go and us and he go everywhere and do this one and do this one okay let me still do this one online let me still do the remote work let me do this one let me do that one ah god and after the father did everything and then he asked the money and the father will buy godimor he will buy munas he buy three four five six he buy many things and he will just sit down and then he has bought television has bought a remote and have remote and we put his legs like this and we're pressing it and you die you want to walk they tell you not to change that that cartoon channel because if you stay that cartoon channel all the old world will hear we know what is happening that place that you are going to deny him of of victorious life so he's the one enjoying the victory he's the one father went to fight father went to us he sit down and then while he was sitting down father will be thinking again where will i go and also again tomorrow that is using natural but while that one the next after he finished coca-cola cups or godimor he will be asking again i want indomie an egg i want indomie an egg are you following what i'm saying now and then if you dare not give to avoid what do you have you give him again so picture it that way that is what makes you are more than a conqueror who conquer which one i explain now who conquer the father who conquer the property of this life for the family the father or the mother the parents so who's enjoying the victory the children so jesus said look at it again in john chapter 6 verse 33 said this thing have i spoken i am telling you what this thing have i i'm giving you that in me you might have peace i'm giving you this so that when the challenges of this life is coming in your business place in your working place in your family when the sickness is knocking that you might have peace say i need peace say i need peace in my relationship i need peace uh if you don't if you don't say it better if that's you i know that no say in my relationship i need peace in the work of my hand i need peace may you not be in trouble before you desire before you won't be saying this hey may you not be in that category that you'll be looking for it badly before you be saying it now i'm asking to say it and then you're ah ah ah where did you go that this thing have i spoken unto you i'm telling you all this and i'm picturing this thing to you hello i am giving you this picture i am creating this one thing this working to you so that you might want a peace we're in the world that you might have peace in the world so if you did not get this thing that i'm saying what will happen that to having peace will be so difficult what i feel peace in this world is you understand this i've just explained to you that you are picturing in him whosoever is born of god was overcommit the world paying attention to this that is when you can have peace in this world and you don't pay attention don't worry you will soon demand that peace you will write it on the facebook you will write it you will share anything that related to that god of peace i declare this week sabiba of my peace you know when when people started declaring it on facebook on start on whatsapp on a group chat on everywhere you know that they are facing something they are facing something when people started sharing the something related to supper so for our audience supper means poverty when people started sharing something related to the poverty poverty poverty poverty you know that they are facing poverty in their life at that moment or they've tasted it and they don't want to enter it today did you understand that look at what they say these things have i spoken so this thing that i'm preaching on to you that you may have peace i'm preaching this thing i'm preaching to you this morning so that you may have peace say i will have peace say i will have peace therefore i pay attention glory to god that i may have peace that i may have peace in the world in the world you shall have tribulation so meaning the world in the world that you shall have tribulation actually means that in this present world ups and downs will come because you are still dwelling in this body you are born of him but just like you are born of him you are still living inside this fairy flesh you are still living inside this fuzzy place but you are not expected to be living your life according to the demands of this flesh demand of this place will tell you go and sleep must you be praying all the time must you go to church early must you give your money that is what the demand of this place will be saying and that is actually the wise of the enemy and if you pay attention to that one you know what will happen to you you will not have that peace because a stage will come in your life you will need more money to survive this present world but you have not sow any seed you will need more comfort in life but you have not sow any seed in that regard you will not you want to have you heard this prayer before that pray so that you not pray so they tell me you're supposed to pray he tells me that's not necessary there are some in this life that will tell you that you know you hear that thing again and again pray so that you not pray ah no no there's no time for that and another time will come because you didn't pray oh god oh god ah where is your face my face is where is this my face is still in where it is where you left it where you're supposed to pray you have tribulation in this world but be of good cheer overcome so pay attention to what i'm giving you this time around so that you may have peace so when you ask to come for prayer it is not that anybody is not come for bible study it's not because of anybody it's for yourself it's worth your last time investment it's worth keeping money so that my wellness day i don't play with i must go for bible study prayer meeting nothing come see let god want to tell me every other thing around your life let god tell me hello let everybody come listen to this listen to this so that you may have peace in this life let everything around you involve around your life let them play along with us your calendar that is your kingdom you tell them come so what is telling you ah we have barrier we have concert oh we have this you tell them come on sunday i don't leave church till 12 o'clock after leaving the church i go home and rest for like one hour and then i can come for anything but i think my trust they didn't have any program for that sunday you give him the cloths or ask the clubs are you listening to me pay attention to this so that you will have peace in this life if you play plan your life according to that even yourself you have peace when you are giving anybody anybody want to give you appointment or you are giving anybody appointment you give them come my wellness day i'm only i will be in church if you want to see me maybe you come to church or come early to church i will come early to church or you come you meet me after the service or let's meet in the church come to our church on friday we always have prayer maybe you should come and meet me there let your life be in that circle that either they find you in your house or they find you in god yeah so that you may have peace and everybody will know you with that is immediate is either you find her at home if she didn't go to work or you find her in the church in the church and if she go to work at all on friday she always make sure that that night she find her way to church in fact let me tell you this if you program your life very well and if you are so desperate about that in your life you know what listen listen the work you will do that itinerant you said for yourself the itinerant you said the work you will do that will determine the work the kind of work you want to subscribe into that will determine where you want to reside you want to live somebody your church won't be here and somebody say he saw a he saw a cheap house for you in igolo or in yano church you say no my church is in challenge here so any house i want to rent must be within the challenge that is how people grow in the things of god go and take people build see redemption camp move to that lake of adeswe swi and every part of the church they wait nearby and buy their land so that they can access the redemption camp just one friday in a month people decide to be building out so that they can access god in time but look at your life now small time in the small service units you are not faithful come on come on you can't grow like that you can't enjoy god's peace you can't enjoy god goodness like that that is not how to enjoy god you can't serve god in your own terms you serve him according to his own terms and it will be the best for you the same thing with canaan land canaan land left inside inside the city i went to kilometer 10 it is god let me tell you i was one of the beneficent i left legos rent house around that place i believe in there i end up with in fact any business want to give me that will take me sunday or wednesday or midweek service or whatever from me forget the service i don't want it i live my life based on that glory to god and another thing you see when you're going to legos if you don't know you will see government camp there almost all the government members they are buying land around that camp because of their programs because they want to ask they want to be they want to accomplish weird things of god i'm going on they want to serve god but at your age at your age now distracted in everything why subduing me the same thing with four square if you see the rate that the four square member are buying land around that their environment in legos but this race you'll be marveled that is it that's how to live life for god stand on your feet and say i overcome the world i overcome the wife of the enemy i am born of god say i am born of god say i am born of god therefore i overcome the world i overcome the world go ahead talking talk for one minute talking tongue pray in the spirit declare you are born of god you overcome the world pray concern the work of your hand concern the situation concern the house concern the relationship regular barato shake it up i've overcome the world things are working this time around be glad that you will justify stay positive now thank you father in jesus mighty name we are praying that the service this is not the time that is this is not the time for you to be good and you and you around if it will take you another maybe a personal with you or whatever if you take it another like a 30 minutes to stay by one side of the church and then settle some things in the spirit make some declaration pray over some things you are and we are entering to the 12th month of this year the last month of the year you pray what do you what did i say you do what you pray hello listen listen and pay attention to this in december glory to god we are coming on robust way for you to grow in the things of the spirit and to grow in the lord now from january 1 so we'll be having believers meeting every first week of the month throughout 2023 we'll be having believers meeting which means fourth wednesday of the month five to seven thursday five to seven and friday nine to three nine pm to three is fiji fiji just prayer it's called labor room did you understand i'm saying so we pray extensively so from january that is what we order first when i want when is it coming up that's when we are going to start that so this wednesday is a second wednesday coming not this very one day but this one day too we are having bible bible class here so i have talked to you now don't forget what i just read to you in the book of john and all this thing i'm saying that you may have peace in this life i have overcome for you so you need to pay attention to this thing again and how do you pay attention by coming for bible study and prayer meeting so on friday 9 p.m is labor room we pray six hours are you following now so we are consistent in doing that those of you that have been coming here that's been persisting that please don't be weary in what you are doing you are sowing a seed you are sowing a big seed into your destiny you are praying for the future you even want to pass away the other time you see one of the things that happened in the united states of america is that according to their research that is said in red i've not read it and i believe that already so according to that research the fire that's supposed to be burning in their heart through prayer has already quenched because they are not giving to prayer again they are not giving to explanation of the world again so you pay attention to when next day to listen to bible study and then on friday you are here did you understand now the lord bless you shine his good face upon you you want to talk in tongues for one more minute talking tongue more talking talk one more minute are you praying are you praying you're tired are you playing you're tired thank you father in jesus mighty name your prayer package good offering that you have bring to one honor the lord this morning you have come to honor the lord with your substance you have come to honor the lord with your substance this morning glory to god you are brought into what you are bringing that into honor the lord with your substance glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus there is uh there is a candle of the church showing this planning of this crane please you can make use of that account number and make your transfer the lord bless you shine his good face upon you in jesus mighty name please celebrate them celebrate them arms glory to god all the church is praying for you thank you for being part of this meeting once again we celebrate pastor wallace in qatar we celebrate neymar the friend of the church in india we celebrate some of our followers from arizona usa we celebrate also among with family from from london the lord bless you shine his good face upon you in jesus mighty name glory to god hallelujah so we celebrate every one of you the lord bless you shine his good face upon you in jesus mighty name if you have any information or you have anything to ask you can send us a red message the lord bless you in jesus mighty name hallelujah

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