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Finn Greenland



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Okay, let's do this shit, okay. This book is split into 5 chapters slash stories, and thus this video will be split into sections. Prologue The book Henry the Green Engine is a children's story published in 1951 by the Reverend Wilbur Audrey. I chose this book because I love Henry as a character. Here we are going to explore his character and the moral of overcoming disabilities. Chapter 1. Coal. This story is the exposition for the book, it explains his disabilities and how he overcame it temporarily with Welsh coal. This chapter shows us how strong Henry is and even though you may think you can't do anything, if you try hard enough, you can do anything. Chapter 2. The Flying Kipper. This story shows Henry's job and how he pulls a fishing train called the Flying Kipper. With Henry's new abilities, he pulls it through the night. The illustrations in this story are just breathtaking. The show is also a great adaptation, but unbeknownst to Henry and his driver, and fireman, whatever the hell is in there, the snow and ice is going to kick Henry back down. Henry slams into a brake van and just look at it! But the top of the hat cares greatly about Henry and gets him rebuilt into a bigger, better engine. Chapter 3. Gordon's Whistle. In this story, Henry is judged and belittled by Gordon, saying that if a body is good enough for him, it's good enough for Henry and that he whistles too much. Showing what happens to some people when they are different. But Percy shows Henry compassion and so does Edward, to show us that even though some people want to tear you down, your friends and everyone else cares for you and you can confide in them. Suddenly, late, well no, later, Gordon rushes through screeching his whistle due to it being doing the exact thing he bullied Henry for. Karma, am I right? That one sucks. Chapter 4. Percy and the Trousers. This is a completely unrelated Percy story that has nothing to do with Henry for some reason. Percy is complaining that he's cold and wants a scarf, and Henry barely shows up anyway. Henry barely shows up after the... I'll just read through the whole thing. Chapter 4. Percy and the Trousers. This is an unrelated Percy story that has nothing to do with Henry. Henry barely shows up at all in this story. But anyway, here's basically the synopsis. Percy's complaining that he's cold and wants a scarf. Henry just shows up and tells Percy that he doesn't need a scarf and never shows back up again. Then Percy tells... Oh wait no. Fuck. This is just an unrelated Percy story that has nothing to do with Henry. Like, Henry barely shows up in this story. Anyway, here's the synopsis. Percy's complaining that he's cold and wants a scarf. Henry just shows up and tells Henry that he doesn't need a scarf and then Percy tells him that he has a small funnel. Why? And then Henry just never shows up ever again. Henry just doesn't show up ever again. Ever. And Henry just never shows up again in this story. Like, at all. Then Percy just leaves. And then he just rams into a luggage trolley and it gets covered in jam and stuff. And then some trousers wrap around his funnel like a scarf. No idea why this isn't even in the book. It's completely pointless. But... There's no moral. It's just... Dumb. Um... Just picking something up here. Um... Be grateful for what you have? I guess? I-I don't know. It's retarded. It's stupid. Um... Chapter 5. Henry Sneeze. Finally, something wrong with him. Anyway. In this chapter, Henry's pulling a train when some bratty kid throws rocks at him, showing that even though when you overcome what dragged you down, people will still go at you. The windows of his coaches just shatter. Henry, the driver, firemen, passengers, and just everyone near him, form a plan. And when they went back under the tunnel on the return journey, Uh... He sneezed and blasted soot, smoke and ashes turned them to bl- As black- What the fuck? Um... Uh... When they went back- When they went back under the tunnel on the return journey, He sneezed and blasted soot, smoke and ashes that turned them as black as- Ooh... Yeah, I-I don't think I can say that. Yeah, um, according to my... Literally no one. Um, I can't say that. Anyways. This just shows you- This just shows you Henry's determination and will to push on. Fuck. Come on, it sucks. Okay, time to edit that shit. Ugh.

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