La Bible (Fillion) 18: Livre de Job (Chapitres sélectionnés)
The "La Bible (Fillion) 18: Livre de Job (Chapitres sélectionnés)" by "Fillion Bible" is a translation of the Book of Job from the Bible. The book tells the story of Job, a devout and wealthy man who suddenly faces unimaginable suffering, permitted by God as a test. Job initially demonstrates remarkable patience in the face of his misfortunes, but a discussion with his three friends – Éliphaz, Baldad, and Sophar – leads to a heated debate about the cause of his suffering. The main theme of this sublime poem revolves around the profound and distressing problem that often troubles human hearts, even in the clarity of the New Testament: the origin of suffering in this world, the reasons behind the numerous miseries that befall humanity, and especially, the cause of the righteous people's suffering. This translation includes selected chapters, omitting chapters 1, 4, 9, 10,