Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Prospecting involves looking for people who are dissatisfied and looking for something more in their lives. It's important to target individuals who are frustrated with their current job, want more money and freedom, and are motivated to make a change. Many people never considered being in the financial service business but would be interested if they understood the opportunity. Prospecting is about talking to people with the intention of getting an appointment to recruit them or do business with them. It's important to keep following up and not take no for an answer, as there are many potential success stories out there. McDonald's prospecting is done through advertising, but in this business, it's all about word-of-mouth and talking to people. As you get better at prospecting, you will find great people and build a successful business. Really what you're doing when you're prospecting is you're looking for people that are looking for something. They're looking to, you know, they're a little bit dissatisfied, they want something more in their life, they'd rather be their own boss, you know, somebody like that. They're looking for something, they want more. Probably the worst people to prospect are people that just got a new job, that just got a promotion, just started their own business of some sort. Those people aren't really good candidates because they're just really generally excited and their frame of mind is not really good. You're looking for people that are frustrated with their job, they want to make more money, they want more freedom, they want to be their own boss, you know, they want to make their own hours, they know they can't get to where they want to go with what they're currently doing. Maybe they're capped out, you know, income-wise, and there's just no room for a real advancement that would change your life anyways, but they're motivated and they want to do something. That's what you're looking for when you're prospecting. You're looking for people that are looking for us. They're looking for something. They maybe never in a million years thought they'd ever get in the financial service business. I didn't. You know, I actually wanted to be a clinical psychologist. I kind of fell into being in the jewelry business because I needed a job and then once I got in that, I was pretty good at that. I thought, you know, I'd like to own my own business and I never thought I was going to be in the financial service business. I never in a million years dreamed I'd be doing this kind of business, but here I am and I've done very well at it. So there's thousands of people out there, they would love to do business like this if they truly understand how it worked, if they truly understood how good it was for the people we serve, if they truly understood that there was an immense opportunity for them to accomplish their goals and dreams. Remember I said earlier in another CD I was talking about the guy that got me involved in the business that followed up and followed up for, you know, for months he followed up with me and I am forever grateful that he followed up with me and talked to me about his Primerica business at that time, right? Because had he not talked to me, I may have gone in another direction. I may still be an employee somewhere. I don't know. Instead, I own my own business. It's worth millions, multi-millions of dollars. I've made millions of dollars since I've been doing this. I'm financially independent. I have an incredible lifestyle as a result of it. That would never have happened if John hadn't recruited me and talked to me about my business. If he hadn't have prospected me, his daughter told him about me, he called me and said, can I talk to you about my business? I said, sure. So I met with him. Thank God I met with him. Imagine if he hadn't have prospected me how much different my life would have been and how much different the life of the people that are in my business are doing well would have been. You know, I've got a lot of people in my business that make $100,000 a year or more, many that make a million dollars a year, that are succeeding in a significant way and thousands of others on their way to doing that same thing. That would have never happened, right? That would have never happened. Last year, my business payroll was $60 million. That's $60 million of income to families that never would have happened had I not started my own business. It never would have happened if John hadn't have prospected me. And there are countless of other stories like me of people that never saw themselves in the financial service business, but because somebody thought enough of them to talk to them about the business and at least give them the chance to say yes or no, they're currently in the business doing really, really well. Prospecting, again, is simply talking to people with the intention of getting an appointment to recruit them, to do business with them, to get referrals. See, you first got to get the appointment. You've got to prospect and you've got to talk to people to do that. So look at prospecting like it's the potential to set you free. And it is. If you find the right person, it's amazing what can happen in your life. My number one guy is a gentleman by the name of Rick Susie. I prospected him when I first got in. He told me no. He told me no for 18 months. I kept following up with him, kept prospecting him, talking to him about my business, telling him, Rick, you'd be great at this, man. You should see what's happening. I kept on doing it. He goes, no, I've got a good job. He was making about $70 grand a year. He thought he had a good job. He kept saying no. Then one day, Rick, he was supposed to get a bonus, a certain size bonus. And he got a bonus, but it was like half of what it should have been. And he went to complain to my former boss and the owner of the company and said, hey, Skip, my bonus is this much and it should be this much. What's up with that? And Skip told him, hey, Rick, you're lucky you have a job. That was his response to not giving him the bonus that he deserved, is that he was lucky to have a job. Well, I had been following up, prospecting, talking to Rick. So I call him up a couple days after this happens. And he relays that story to me and he's really upset. And I said, hey, Rick, we need to talk, buddy. We need to talk about this business. He said, all right, come on over, show me again what you're doing. So I went over, I showed him what I was doing. I showed him how great he could be. I got him involved. He went and going full-time six months later. His first year in Primark, he made $232,000. His first year as an RVP, he made $232,000. Today he's making, last year he made about $2.6 or $7 million. He's a multi-millionaire today. Every day, Rick thanks me. Every time I talk to him, he thanks me for getting him involved in this business because I changed his life, right? And if I would have took no for an answer, if I wouldn't have kept prospecting him and talking to him, I never would have recruited him. That's what this is. He was, the timing was right. He was the right person. And he finally sought, when he sought, man, Katie barred the doors. He just took off. And I'm telling you, there are tons of Rick Susis out there that are frustrated, that want something more, that they're thinking, man, is this all I've, you know, is this my life? Is this what it's going to be? Paycheck to paycheck, saving a couple of dollars, taking two or three weeks vacation every year. I can't live in the house I really want to live in. Can't drive the car I really want to drive. Can't vacation the way I want to vacation. Can't really help my parents the way I'd like to help them. They didn't save enough for retirement. I can't help them. My church wants more money. I can't afford to donate any more money. I'm kind of strapped. My kids are going to go to college. I don't know how I'm going to pay for that. You know, that's not life. That's not what there's tons of people that if they saw this opportunity, if they saw what could happen and change your life, they would jump at it. You just got to share it with them. It starts with prospecting. Again, what is prospecting? Talking to people with the intention of getting an employment to show them what you do. To recruit them, to do business with them, or to get referrals. It's all it is. You got to learn how to do that. It's just talking. It's being friendly with people. Talk to people. Talk to people. That's what you've got to do. That's what prospecting is. Don't be afraid of it. Once you learn how to do the business and you just open up with people, you'll be amazed at how many people are looking for something like Prime America. In conclusion, prospecting is an amazing thing. It will change your life when you learn how to get good at that. Folks, the fact is most people are not going to be interested. That's okay. You've got to think about prospecting in a different way. You take a company like McDonald's. McDonald's prospects in a different way. They advertise. What they do is they spend multi-millions of dollars on advertising, which is prospecting. It's letting people know what you do in a little different form, whether it could be radio, it could be television advertisements, whatever. It's a different form, but still it's prospecting. What that does, it reminds people about what they do. People, when they're thinking about eating, they need something quick, they go to McDonald's. That's prospecting there. Since we don't do any advertising, we don't do radio, we don't do television, we don't do print advertising, all of our advertising is word of mouth. It's talking to people. That's how we advertise. That's how we prospect. Get comfortable with it. Learn how to do it. Don't shy away from it. As you get better and better at it, you're going to have an amazing, amazing time finding great people, working with great people, and building a great business. Go out there and start talking to people about what you do.