feelings and dating
feelings and dating
The conversation covers various topics such as dating in 2022, the decline of commitment and the rise of casual relationships, the lack of emotional maturity in men, the importance of fathers as role models, the pressure on women to conform to beauty standards, the challenges of being an empath, the negative influence of social media, the importance of promoting self-love and healthy relationships, the significance of black women embracing their natural hair, and a disturbing story of a violent encounter from a dating app. Oh my god! Hate man. You feel? No. No, I love men. You love men. The way you say that. I love good men. Oh, you love good men. That's the sum of them. Oh my god. You know, that's good. Alright, what do you want to talk about? Um... Life. Yeah. Life is hard. Mmm. It was better when we were younger. But we wanted to grow up so fast. Honestly, I feel like as a grown up, it's much better for me. But you know what? Comparing it, I don't know which one is better, to be honest. At least I didn't have as much responsibilities. And now I'm doing the adult stuff. And it's a lot. And then you have to date too. Yeah. Dating in 2022. Oh my god. That is ridiculous. It is. Honestly. Nobody wants to get to know you anymore. And nobody wants something serious. I feel like everybody is looking for an indefinite... relationship status. Yeah. You know? Just dating as a boyfriend forever. Or as a girlfriend forever. Not trying to go to the next step. Or they don't want to see the future. Not commit. No goals, nothing. They just want to hang and see what can they do. And nothing is ever going anywhere. It's crazy. Now they have terms for it. You're talking instead of dating. You're going on dates. It's trying to avoid the labels. Yeah. And why? When did we get here? I don't know. Labels. I mean... I think it's just a fall from grace. I don't want to be too religious about it. But I feel like when we started embracing different ways outside of what God has planned for us it brought a lot of pains and stuff into us. Compared to older times people in their 20s are already married. Because they didn't have the option to just date around. But now people date around and no one is trying to get married. No one is trying to get settled. Everybody is just... They don't want to... They feel like they're being tied to someone when their other options are available. And dating websites don't make it easier because you have so many faces that you swipe. You definitely swipe. And social media... I guess back then you just have to... You want to date someone, you have to go to their house or ask for their hand or ask to be able to date them. Or you have to ask the father. And then you know that there's someone that you have to answer to. If you mess up. I know back then I think that the fathers would come up to you with a gun. You know? That was good. I mean I wish... Oh my God. I wish we had fathers that are very protective of their daughters like before. Very involved with their daughters. I wish we had fathers that actually taught their sons good manners. You know what I think the problem is? A lot of dynamics has changed because women are now being the father and the mother. And these guys out here are not... I don't know what to say about them. They don't know how to treat women. I don't know what... They're not emotionally mature. No, they're not. They need their fathers to really teach them how to take care of them. They need good strong role models. Yes. Absolutely. And women, we need our fathers too because we need our fathers to show us how men are supposed to take care of us. Not just... We don't all pray to these... Did you see the trend of these older guys trying to go with younger girls? Yes! 12 years apart. They're older but they don't still want to settle down because they just want multiple young girls. They just want to date around. It's crazy. You would think someone in their 40s would be ready to settle down. When does the man get mature enough to be like, I think I want a family. They never get to that point because they can always just get another... somebody else to date them for a while. Just serial daters instead of committing to one person. It's so unbearable because women have a biological clock. So we have to learn that. Yes. That's what... That baby fever. Why do men want younger girls? Why do they want younger girls? And then they expect younger girls to be at that level. Yeah. Of maturity. Not just of maturity but the financial stability and the freedom and everything. If you want all those things, why don't you go for older women? You understand, right? They can't expect a person in their 20s like meeting the standards to where you are. You know those men, I think they're looking for somebody they can manipulate or mold into something for them. It's not all about molding. It's not about manipulating. Because they know they can't manipulate an older woman. Because she's too smart for that. Too mature and she's seen it all. She's seen enough. But the younger girls are just coming up from high school or going to college. And then they want those girls because those girls are inexperienced and childish. They can be toyed with. Yeah. Anything can fascinate them. Oh my God, he's so much older. He's mature. He tells me I'm mature for my age. So, it makes me feel good, whatever, whatever. Or he's like, financially well off or something. He buys me gifts and they don't know what love really is. Maybe... Sometimes you can buy them for gifts, you know? Sometimes you get gifts for a lot of investment. Yeah. And there's some level of expectation that goes through. Now, what do you think someone would do in this day and age if they were to find something true? I think you know, I don't believe. Honestly, I don't believe in dating apps anymore. So, I think you should go out and... What if you're introverted? Or what if you don't know how to walk up to someone and say hi? If you're a woman, I think it's a little bit easier. I think somebody said something once and they said, just go to the same place a lot. If there's a coffee shop or a church or somebody's bowling place. Who said that? Somebody on TikTok. But I mean, that's true. I think that has some... a good point. If you go somewhere often, somebody might notice you. I don't like TikTok. You know what it is? The TikTok, your life is taken away. I don't like social media in general. Yes. But TikTok, you know you can... The first day I downloaded TikTok, I watched it and I had a test the next day. I thought I was just gonna look at it for like, I don't know, 30 minutes. And then, before you know it, it was 6am. Oh my god. I downloaded it at like 5pm. I was up all night. Wait, 11 hours? And I had a fit. Do you know what I did? I deleted the app. Yeah. Because all I could think about... And that was when the trend was, you know that... old time road? Oh yeah. I was going to the example singing that song. If only that was the answer. Oh my god. I know. My body was shaking to me because I watched it. It was a trend, right? Yeah. Different videos of the old time road song with different cowboy shirts. Oh god. And all those very sexy people. Oooh. Ah. Oh lord. It's funny. And then I, you know, I failed at the last week. Yeah. Well. But I deleted the app. Lesson. Lesson learned from that. I was going to go from the class because I was going to go back to the middle. I deleted the class. Yeah. Oh god. Tick tock, tick tock. Yeah. You know, it's hard for me to like, realize to... Because I'm going to turn. No, don't say it. Okay, okay. We have to keep it like, very serious. Okay. We can talk about different ages, different social, economic groups. We can talk about different cohorts. Like, Gen Z, Millennial, X. Nobody has to know where we're from. Okay, yeah. I think that's better. Very neutral. I agree. I'll tell you this. This world is going to the pits. Like, everybody's acting so self-absorbed. Oh. Nobody cares about anybody anymore. Nobody, you know. And I feel like because I'm in class, it's really hard for me to go through life like this. Can I ask what that means? An empath is someone that feels your feelings. Oh, God. Like, whatever you're feeling, they can put themselves in that issue. They feel your emotions. Your emotions can affect them. You know, when you're down. They can be very cheery. They can be very warm. And then they don't feel anything. They know that feelings can be a factor. Wow. And it's not good because I can be happy when there's something nice in my life. And that is a trouble for those who are not. It is not good. And what we see is that there are things that are being um... What's the word? Things that are being promoted is that like this... Often what I see is videos about, oh, this is my best friend, but she never picks up the phone when I call. Is that really your best friend? How can you call someone your best friend when you never talk to them? Or you never have a conversation with them. And that's not friendship. That's not friendship. That's crazy. No, that is not. And people, Gen Z is like the majority of the cohort on TikTok, apparently, or people say. And that's what they see. So that's what they're going to think friendship is, and that's not okay. Like, oh, I slept with many girls, my body count is at 85. What? That is not okay, even for men, especially for men, because diseases... Not just diseases. Do you not respect yourself, your body? It's the spirit. I believe in the spiritual. So the spirit, your exchanging blood, soul, DNA, you're exchanging all of that, you're putting the seeds. You guys are emerging. You're in them and they're in you. All of your problems are in you and all of yours. You guys should hear it. And the worst is you can get so tight from it, and then you transfer all those problems to the next person you want to sleep with. The unsuspecting person. Now, if the person you're sleeping with has issues with depression, anxiety, lack of confidence, this and that, you can transfer that to the person, they can transfer it to you, and you can keep... This is how people tie themselves down. Really. That is why sex is such a strong thing, and God made it to be just for the husband and wife. Because they both, when they're having intercourse, they share their strength. You know, the woman passes on her strength as the girl, everything to the man as he is. Like when he goes into work, he conquers. You know. It is very sacred. Now, if you keep... You can't get that from sleeping around. You get the devil. You get the devil. You invite the devil into your life. And some people just feel empty. That is very prominent in the society. They think this is something that the psychologist will help them through, but no. And the suicide rates are up too. Especially for men. Yeah. They're just empty. This is an empty society. Yeah. The United States. The godless society. The West in general. People... Okay, so let me tell you this. Why are we not promoting black women on their hair? They're not... Okay, I think I'm talking in circles, but I'm just trying to say that what we're promoting is promoting violence. Promoting from its purity. We're promoting sex. We're promoting being unnatural. Shallowness. Yes. Being shallow and selfish. We're promoting how to do your self-love. We don't even think about others. We have no love for anybody. And we're also promoting a culture that promotes... We just don't want to promote black women having their natural hair. What is wrong with us having our natural hair? So when I... Honestly, when I came, I didn't have a problem with my hair. I didn't even know that was an issue. But like, after... After about... a few... When I came, it was so shocking to me. I've never worn a wig in my life. And then my... Because wigs were for old women. That's what everybody knew back home, right? And then my... my... my stepmom, she bought me a wig upon arrival. Yeah, like, she bought me a wig. I was wearing my hair. I was so excited to have it, and I couldn't have it before. Right? But then I saw that I didn't wear it all the time, you know? But then I saw that everybody had something that wasn't their hair. After staying here for a few months, you know, and I thought it was... That was my norm. I said it's like, that was the 5 most important things here. I said I wanted a wig. And I had to have one so I couldn't cut my hair. Because I was... I felt like I was the only one wearing my hair. It was ridiculous. I couldn't see my hair tied. Nowhere. Nobody. That's all. Yeah, that's all you see. That is all you see. And here, it's like, everybody's hiding it. Why? You know what I want to do? What? I'm gonna stop cutting my hair. Move out. I'm gonna cut my hair and just get like a head shape or whatever. Just leave it with my own hair. With my own thing. Because I don't want to do this again. I don't want to go on a date and someone's like, oh I love your hair, it's yours and I'm gonna, you know. And think about my years. Yeah, like... Especially if you're going out on a date with somebody that isn't an African. Because they know that it's a normal hair. Right? People see you and they're like, oh, you know, light-skinned, is that your hair? But it's not. Yeah. Yeah. It's, you know, I'm starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable with those questions. Yeah. What do you have to say? No, I understand. It's not... You know, people promote black hair, but like the black hair that we see is like very loose, curls, and like... It's interracial hair. Yes. That is not black hair. That is not black hair. Black hair is 4C. Black hair is a crown. 4 and down. 4A and down. Not even 4B. 4B and down. I feel like mine is like a 4F. But okay. Oh my god, no, it's not. No. Oh my god. No, but I can understand why it would feel like that. My hair grows a lot, but because I've never had a lot of wigs, I've not seen any good growth. You know, and... I don't like that. Especially the edges. Well, yeah, with the edges as well. But, um... And the people here have great hair. They're horrible. Can we talk about why it is so ridiculously expensive to get your hair done, like your braids and... It's crazy. I guess everybody has to be able to pay bills and like... Wait a minute. Maybe I just cut this hair. Do you remember when I cut it? No. You don't remember? Oh, I almost forgot. Oh my god. What was that? Where is this long one coming from? That's true. From here? Then what about the rest of this hair? It's probably bigger, longer. Oh, you think so? Wait, it hasn't even been a month. It's been a month. Really? Good for you. It's been a month. I have a growth spasm. You didn't have to. I don't know what that was. It was like a quarter... I don't know. A crisis. Something crazy is going on. Oh my. I'm so glad we're doing this. I like to talk about feelings. Because you're like a... Apathetic or something? No. Ethic? No. Empath. But no, I'm also very... Empath. I feel like the kind of person I am, I'm just very... I feel like I'm sweet and loving. And just very caring. And nurturing. And... When people... The kind of people I attract are people that are looking for healing. And they need me to help them heal. So then they move on. They need that nurturing, loving, caring, accepting. All of that stuff. And then they move on. Oh my. Now I'm just guarding myself and my heart. That's gotta hurt. Of course. Be disappointing. Yeah. I sent out text messages to ask him if this was something he wanted to pursue. And he was like, No. That he's very attracted to me. But in terms of feelings and everything, he's not trying to pursue that. What does that even mean? I know. He's just lost. He said something about attraction. He mentioned sex. And all of that. But then, we haven't had sex. We just started talking. And I just wanted to see where his head was at. Before asking that question. Like if this was something he wanted to pursue. To see it to the end. And he was like, No. And I'm glad I asked that question. I was going to say, good job asking that question. I wouldn't. Actually, that was the first time I was asking that kind of question. I guess. Because the older I get, the more, you know, discerning I become. And I try to figure out who is actually here to have a relationship. And who is sitting in this place. Would you believe that this person is 39? Yeah. He's like older than twice. Oh my. A whole other generation. And he's supposed to be mature. He's supposed to be mature. Has he been married before? No. So now you have to start seeing that some people that are in their 30s have red flags. Especially men. They have red flags. Because why? There's so many women out there. So many good women. They just don't want to. A lot of women are single too. And a lot of people already, they don't go for the 39 year old. They go for like the 20 year old. That is very, very immature of them. What? I have lust for you, but I don't have love for you. Yeah. Have you heard that before? My husband. Oh my god. My god. And you open your mouth and you text something like that to somebody. Wow. I mean, why? How did it come to? I mean. You can see it. Do you know how I felt when I saw that I was at work? I just wanted to walk away from work. Come home, take a shower, just lay down. Especially when you've been bedded. You're drying into it. Yeah. But it's okay. It's part of it. I think I'm really, the problem is I've been trying to put myself out there. Yeah, that's a good thing. It's really not a good thing anymore for me. So I'm just gonna let it go. Yeah. Yeah. What about you? What is your dating life been like? I'm not dating. Why is that? Well, I just haven't had, I just haven't met anybody and I haven't really had time. I think usually people say that because nobody is attracted to them. Maybe, I don't know. Nobody has time. I don't have time. But I make time for something that I want. Right? Yeah, that's true. Have you seen that video? I bet. It's not my priority right now. I did go on a date earlier this year. I think this summer. This summer? How have I just found out about it? It wasn't like a really good date. It wasn't. Nothing came out of it. But let me tell you now. So, I met this guy on this dating app and we, I think it was Bumble. I thought Bumble was a good app. It's just to get fat. No, the thing is, I feel like the people on Tinder are moving to Bumble. That makes sense. Those are the horrible people. Just hook up people. Not just hook up, they kill that they exist. Did you hear the news about the girl? Have you literally killed? Yeah, so the girl has been arrested right now. But like, the recent one I heard tonight was about a girl that took a black boy. It was a Caucasian girl. And they had their first date in her house. I don't know why he did that. I think, you know, he brought me on. So, she was 22, he was 21. I think they wanted to hang out. You know, and then she did according to the news, she did like some oral sex on him. He liked it. And then she wanted to go a little bit further and she duct taped his hands. He was like, oh god. But he was like, okay. And then, she brought out a knife and started cutting him. And then he was like, that is not okay. And she, you know, told him to get into her room. He didn't want to, but he had to because she had a knife and he was duct taped. So, he, then she ordered all that because she wanted to eat some food. You, yeah. And she told him that, you know, if he screams, you know, she's going to kill him. Oh my god. She laid down next to him on the bed after eating and after torturing him. He fell asleep and the knife was on the bed so he used it to set himself free. And he ran away. But when he was going, he hit something on the way out and she woke up and she started chasing him down. I think. I don't know. Oh my god. Wait, did he live at the bed? He was naked too because she stripped him. Yeah, she got him naked. Oh god. I don't know how these things work because she's claiming her Miranda rights. So, she's not saying anything. We have no statement from her. Oh, the fist? Yeah, but. She's crazy. What in the Jennifer Dahmer? I know. People are saying that. Oh my god. That's what people are saying. I feel like this world is just And men need to be careful. Just because you think you're a man and you have muscles doesn't mean that a woman Some men, they're hooking up with a girl. They think, they know it's just a one night stand. But they invite the girl into their home. Their apartment, their house. If a girl, on a first date wants to sleep with you let me tell you let me tell you either she's trying to use you as a rebound or she's crazy. Those are the only two things. Because even if she wanted to have a sexual partner she's going to get to know you first. Yeah. Because sex is something that's very we take it very personal. It's like an intricate level to us. Not always. That's what I'm saying. Because she's either crazy or she wants a rebound. That's it. First date, having sex it's definitely a rebound. She's trying to get her mind off something. Right? It doesn't have to be someone. It doesn't have to be someone. She's trying to fill that emotional void. Or and she's at a point where she doesn't even care who she gets it from. She just wants to get it. Just to fill that void. Or the person is crazy. And the person will definitely put you on a dark web kill you in that way. Bury you alive. So be careful. Yeah. Be absolutely careful. Men, women, everybody. Non-binary, everybody. Be careful. Be careful. Be careful of people out there. Even though we have that feminine energy that good love and everything. Yeah, don't be afraid. It comes with some kind of baggage. We like to communicate. We like to be vulnerable. We need to make sure that you're paying attention. You actually have eye contact and all of that. If there's a girl that just wants to give it to you without none of that baggage. You're good to run. Because you're about to invite some SPDs into your life. Or you're about to say hello to the devil. Right? That's what I think though. That makes sense. I think it's not. Some guys have their type. After all, there's always going to be a what's his name? Dumber. There's always going to be some crazy guy like that. Oh my god. It's crazy but it's true. You know how people find out that some guy has a bunker with women in his basement and then they're like but he's such a good man. Yeah. I asked him for $20 and he gave it to me. Please. You never know. You never know. Life is so crazy. What do you want to talk about? Let me tell you about that date. Okay, yeah. So we met on Bumble. We were texting back and forth for a couple of days. I'm sorry that I didn't really feel a little bit. No, it's okay. Or something. So we decided to meet up at where did we go? I forgot. What ethnicity was he? He's a black man. He's skinny, tall. I think he's like you know how when a guy is over 60 he makes sure he tells you exactly how much over. I can always tell. I guess correctly. But he made sure he told me. So we I mean like it was pretty clear from our conversations that we were only looking for like a friendship or like something casual like a friendship like no sexual. So we met at the where did we go? Was it DJI Friday's? Where did we go for her birthday? Oh, Cheesecake Factory? Cheesecake Factory, that's where we went. Why did you go to Cheesecake Factory? I just wanted to go somewhere close. Why didn't you just go to like 652 or something? Because Cheesecake Factory doesn't really have a good menu. Oh really? I wanted something like casual. And they don't have good food there. Oh really? I'm lactose intolerant. I'm lactose intolerant too. I'm lactose intolerant too. But I don't mind a little bit of risk. Okay. Adrenaline junkie. Okay. So we were I did go to 54 or 50 something season once with somebody else. But that one was a little older. You're not telling me your date. Let me finish this one. We went to Cheesecake Factory and we were like there was no chemistry whatsoever. And we were just talking. And I was thinking, okay, since it's just a friendship then we're going to keep in touch and stuff. But he I think at some point he was trying to flirt or something or that's just his personality. But I didn't react to it. And then he was on his phone a lot. He was like, oh, I'm sorry. My superior or somebody. I didn't mind because I wasn't going to date the guy. And then when we were done eating I was like, oh, do you want to go bowling to the there was like a bowling thing. Yeah, no wording. The main event. So I knew I really had to get going. So I was thinking, okay, the date was weird. It was just weird. There was no chemistry and it was just weird. Things were not flowing naturally. So I was thinking, okay, it's just the first time. I'm going to let's give this another chance. I was thinking in my head. By the time I got to my car he blocked me. I was like, are you kidding me? Yeah. On the app on Bumble. He unmatched me or something. You know how you can see he was the last person I texted on Bumble, but then I couldn't see his name. And then I scrolled down and I saw him. And I clicked on his name and they were like, oh, it looks like he ended the conversation. Okay. It's fine. No, no, no. I was saying that I'd rather keep it on the app. I usually like to keep things on the app until we meet. That's what I told him. I mean, I don't mind. It's funny that when it first happened, I was like, I mean, you can tell me what went wrong and we can just I mean, we already said it was just like a friendship we can keep in touch. So why can't you just tell me what went wrong and we can like It was a towel. Well, fine. Now it's funny to me, but like right when it happened, I was like, I felt so bad. At least he paid for it. I was like, oh, let's split the bill. He was like, no, I'm a gentleman. I'll pay. I was like, okay. And I paid for the tip. I wanted to contribute something. So I had cash so I gave the tip. But I didn't expect him to do that because he I thought he was like a stand-up guy or I guess I was wrong. Oh my God, you don't have high expectations from men. They're just people who love men. They do crazy stuff. Yeah, well, I mean, it's fine. Now it's funny. And I mean, I got, you know, I got to go out and like dress up for something. That was the main thing for me. I wanted to get out of the house and go meet someone new and stuff. So I guess at least I got to do that. So it's not like, because he paid for my meal though. Thanks. And some guys would be like, oh, she just wanted me for my money. She just wanted a meal from me. Okay, you gave me a meal and then you disappeared. That's weird. Anyway. I think it was like, I'm done. Yeah. Yeah, this is not working. She's crazy. I didn't say anything crazy, but you know, like the standard for crazy now is so low. Anybody can be crazy. It's insane. And it kind of makes it seem like women are crazy. But you know women are not crazy. We're very intuitive. Yeah. We can smell the bullshit. It's all part of my language. I think. I was just talking to this one friend that I curse a lot. I don't like watching stuff or listening to people that curse. I feel like it makes me into my vocab. Yeah. Yeah. What time do you want to wake up tomorrow? 6. Okay. Well, let's do this again. I feel so much better talking about my feelings. Yeah. And I'm sure whoever is out there listening to this, going through some dating issues, would really appreciate us just voicing maybe something he or she is like, only thinking about. Yeah. I mean, hopefully somebody can relate like you said. And hopefully it's helpful to listen to this. Hopefully somebody may think to it. Or not. Maybe your body is getting better. Yeah. You know what I was feeling when I saw that poster? I felt nauseous. My anxiety levels went up. I felt like throwing up. I couldn't sleep. I felt like a cramp in my stomach. I felt fatigued. Weak. Thinking about it now, I think it was too much. I was too tired. I just felt faint. Yeah. I was about to go dizzy. I was feeling everything. I felt like throwing up. Oh my god. I'm so sorry. No, you don't have to be sorry. I put myself in that situation. I think I'm okay. You gave somebody a chance. Yeah. You know, it wasn't even my type. My standard or anything. I just felt that it had to stay. The thing is, men are not truthful. Well, you have my profile. I did. I did. I did. I did. I did it on my profile too. That's what I was looking for. You know, these guys just want to try their luck. They just want to try their luck. They're not coming to fit into what you already said you wanted. You just want to see how you can adjust or lower what you want to your expectations. You know, because they really like you. That's a mountain to climb. Yeah. Yeah. Well, wait, can I just say something before we go? Attractive people also have dating issues. It's crazy to me to hear that you have dating issues. I'm not talking about you. That's crazy. That is crazy to me. All the standards people want, people want light skin, beautiful, good personality, all of that and still. But then if your standards are, well, I guess you have to put your standards really, really high. But then if you do, you're not going to like. I guess you have to not be in a rush. You have to, I don't know how to put this, but you have to wait for Mr. Right. Sometimes it takes too long no matter where you are. Well, I don't have to fight with everybody else. I don't think I'm attractive. I just feel like I'm just, you know. I don't want to curse. You have a lot of mirrors. How many mirrors do you have in your room? I don't feel like I'm attractive. I don't feel it because it's so blatant. It's so obvious. Please. I wish, we need to film this podcast because then people will decipher themselves. This is crazy. You're beautiful. Yeah, of course. We're both beautiful, but you. Please. Oh, thank you for the compliment. I appreciate that. I don't feel beautiful. I feel really... Actually, I feel pretty average right now. Damn! But, um... Wow. It's funny how somebody can do something and you just feel... You just feel like... Kill your whole vibe. You just feel like you're not worthy. And he doesn't even know. He already moved on or something. That's good for him. I'll move on too. Yeah, of course. You're going to bounce back. Right now. I remember when I was on Tinder, I had over 15,000 likes. Of course you did. But then... I believe you. No. But someone... I know it's a fake one. He reported me, right? Yeah. He reported me because he didn't want me talking to other guys. I know he put the one. What was he doing on Tinder? That's how he met you. He just met you. No, that was like... That was the second time we were matching. I didn't feel like he was like... He didn't want me talking to other people. He reported me so they stopped me from talking. What did I do? I was like, why don't you go through all my messages? I told the Tinder people to go through my messages. I didn't do anything. Be just sexy or whatever. And then... I guess I was stuck with the guy. Oh, is that it? Oh my god. You don't have to be crazy. I mean, someone who does that... Oh my god. Crazy right off the bat. But 15,000, that's a lot of people. Yeah, 15,000 plus. But then... On Bumble, I downloaded it. I just released it. It had about 2,000 likes. But most of those... For those people... I couldn't see them. Those are new likes, right? When I was subscribed. I couldn't see them. When I was subscribed. Oh, okay. I had a subscription. I could see people's profiles. Whenever I had to go through their profiles to see what they had. I could see their pictures. I didn't know what to do. But with the... Because I just went quite randomly. I paid for the... service that I was going to get. But... After... I was like, no, I'm not going to pay for this anymore. And then... I started getting more likes. But I didn't pay for it. I paid for it just to see people's likes. It was really random. It was super random. I don't know. You see, it's a good thing. It's crazy. Oh no. Never mind. I did it already. That was the thing. I was already doing things on Facebook. It's like a task. You have like 2 minutes to text someone. And they just swap you with someone else. Really? Yeah. It's okay. I did it. I only did it like one time. I'm not a super person. Yeah. Did you find it? I was too late to find it. I was right on the mark. I was right on the mark. It was 7.58 or something. I was only there for 2 minutes. It was 2 minutes until the thing ended. The last one was the worst thing. I was too tall. I wasn't really into it. I wasn't really into it. I was all about it. It doesn't work out. I think you have to be friends with somebody. It's fun. Get to know each other. Be around each other. Really like... Before you fall in love. Before you fall in love. Or before you have any experience with each other. So just friendship. Is that what you said? Yeah. I think that's the best way to find an opportunity. Anybody who spends some time with you. Fall in love with you. It's not going to be just love. And let me tell you. Okay. Let me tell you the podcast. She doesn't feel attracted. Last time we went for a walk. In our neighborhood. All the cars that were going the opposite way. That were coming this way. We were going... Okay. All the cars that were coming were us. Were honking. Or like... Lowering their windows. And breaking their necks. To look at her. And they made it really obvious. They would be looking at her. And I would be looking at them. And they would be like, okay now what? Oh my god. I mean it feels nice. They don't even say anything. But it's like confident already. I don't even say anything. You don't look at them but I do. You look. Look at the person. Even people start shouting things. Oh you're beautiful. I love your dress. I think that's what they said. You don't even look at them. I would look. Oh my god, thank you. Oh my god. I'm too shy. I wouldn't look at them. Can you make eye contact with strangers that like you? I feel like... I feel like... I feel timid though. If a guy likes me and he's a stranger and he just looks at me and all wants me, I feel a little bit shy. I'm timid. I don't want to stare. I think it's easier to look at them than not looking at them. So you can sneak a little bit of glance towards them. But not like looking at them. Just go over there. You guys make eye contact. That would make me nauseous. Oh. You know I could faint. Oh my god. I don't want to be like a dancer with this dress but I could actually faint. Oh. And then you take her shoes. Oh no. And then he picks it up for you. Oh mademoiselle. You dropped something. While he's picking you up too. Oh that's true. Say everything you want to say. Well French is my second language so I don't speak it very very well. Oh my god. Say whatever you just said. Mademoiselle. That's not French. Isn't that what I said? French is my second language but I don't really speak it well. Oh in French? Yeah. Okay. Well French isn't my first language so I don't speak it well. In French. Like my first language. Yeah. Oh beautiful. Thank you. Alright with that friends I will say Au revoir. Oh. Okay look at you two. Au revoir. And mon amour. Oh okay. You can say that. Bonne nuit. Bonne nuit. And Hopefully we do this again. Yeah let's do it again. Good night. Good night.