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Trailer Episode - Welcome to Everything Showers

Trailer Episode - Welcome to Everything Showers


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This podcast, Everything Showers, hosted by Sophia Payne and Fiona Anderson, aims to explore the complexities of teenage life and mental health. They want to create a safe space where topics like emotional well-being, home life, and teenage fears can be openly discussed. They will share healthy coping mechanisms, solutions, and personal experiences to support teenage mental health. The goal is to build a community where the unspeakable becomes speakable and to remind listeners that they are not alone. Welcome to Everything Showers, hosted by Sophia Payne and Fiona Anderson. We are so excited to start our new podcast, Everything Showers. Why did we pick the name Everything Showers? Well, Healthline defines an Everything Shower as more than simply washing and cleaning yourself. An Everything Shower constitutes a range of self-care practices that transform the purpose of a shower from physical need being fulfilled to a mental health benefit as well. We hope to establish a deeper purpose with the topics we discuss through dedicated time and care. That's why the name Everything Showers seems so perfect. Similarly, in our podcast, the goal is to dive beyond the surface into all the complex nuances of teenage life, making sure to encompass all the details in everything we discuss. It wouldn't be an Everything Shower if we didn't reach all the details, now would it? Being teens ourselves, we understand how hard it is to bring some topics to light, the personal stuff you don't talk about on a daily basis with others, like your emotional well-being, your home life, or even your teenage fears. Don't worry, it's hard for us too, but we will work to make sure we'll be mentioned here, along with what we find to be healthy coping mechanisms, solutions, and our personal experiences. Mental health as a whole is already challenging, but we want to focus on and discuss the teenage mental health and all its complexities. We want to create a space where the unspeakable is speakable, building a community for a generation to hopefully be more open in expressing their feelings, just as we will be doing on this podcast. We want to acknowledge the imperfections in our lives, be a voice to those who might not have one, and show that no matter what you are going through, you're not alone. So, if you're looking for a mental cleanse, Everything Showers is for you.

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