Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker is recording a video while playing a game with a friend. They discuss game settings, collect resources, build a shelter, and interact with non-player characters. They also encounter animals, find chests, and explore the game world. I'm going to hit record now, uh, do that. I just hear you laughing in the background right now. We're going to hit record, uh, so that way there's not two of me, I'm going to mute this one. Okay, I'm going to clap and emote at the same exact time. So whenever this, uh, goes off, three, two, one, okay, so now we're synced up. Sweet. All right, uh, I have to select a world. Are you ready for this? Oh, I've heard that one, yeah. Wait, can I still hear myself through you? Oh, oh, that's weird. I can still hear, by the way. Can you turn on your noise suppression? Yeah, uh, I can still hear it in the background, yeah. I can, no, I was excited to see the video. All right, I'm creating a new world. Are you ready? Okay, new world select. Oh, we can have up to like six, seven, eight worlds. Oh, okay. Okay, hit select. Do you want to do sandbox or do you want to survival? Okay, enemies off or on? Are you stuck in a wind tunnel? Huh? Okay, uh, what about what, what about hunger? Yeah, on or off? On. Dude, at this point, we might as well just use survival. There's no point in doing sandbox. Yeah, you just want to do survival? Okay, we're going to go with the most basic world. We got, um, choose a cover image. I like that one. Actually, we'll go with that one. Okay, um, wait, hold on, um, I'm starting up a world. Jaminx, are you ready? You. Oh, that is cool. The record is in Z mode. Let's see what, oh, okay, I guess we're not going to look to see what it looks like. So, uh, more cereal. Some cold water. I'm in the world. We're in the world together. Okay, so we can hit each other. I guess we should talk to her, I guess. No, not interested. Okay, well, okay, I guess I'll talk to her. What do you have to say? What do you have to say? Speak. Hmm, that ain't words. Now that we're going to talk to Bright Bomber. Ah, where am I? Who are you? Who am I? Wait, I know the last one. My name's Bright Bomber. Nice to meet you and your great name games. Why does that sound familiar? I don't know. I have no clue who you are. I've never fallen into a brand new place like this before, but I'm glad we fell together. It could be dangerous out there. We should prepare ourselves just in case. Prepare? Uh, wood and granite around you. Okay, so we need to... That does not look right. That does not look right. Anyways, I'm collecting wood. Ooh, build recipe. We've got campfire. We need three wood for a campfire. Hey, if we came out of the world from some random place, I'd be scared to go near you too. Just saying. Why you got bananas? I don't know. Meanwhile, while you're out here trying to do whatever you're doing, I'm building a campfire. Look at that. Why are we just out here dancing? Oh, I am hungry. Fine. No, we'll hug it out. It does. I don't know if it's for rest, but... Can we eat this? Oh, we can. Can I... Bro, I can eat a pumpkin. Yeah, just pick up pumpkins and you can... Oh, you can dodge? Are you... Wait, come here, come here. Oh, we're being a chicken to death. This is just like Minecraft. It does. You got poop? Nah, I think I'm good. I'm destroying the bush. Oh, my entire game lagged. I do not want your feces, Jamex. Keep those feces to yourself. I got an egg. I got an egg. I don't want... I don't want your feces. I don't want your feces. Yeah, look at mine. Nom, nom, nom. It's gone now. Yeah. All right, do you know anything about this game? I don't think you can cook the chicken. I'm going around and collecting granite while you go around and be weird. Did you just call BrickPalmer cute? It sounds like you just called BrickPalmer cute. Do you want to catch these hands? Oh, I just completely destroyed a campfire. Whoops. Oh, she's apparently on fire. Oh, no, she made a torch somehow. What? Build. No. Build. Oh, okay, there we go. You want to build a house? Uh, we need the materials for that. Ow. I'm getting attacked by a spider. No, stab it. I killed it, don't worry. I see you, I'm jumping. Can I punch this tree? No. I'm so used to hitting X to like try and build. I need more wood. Oh, crafting bench. Let's go ahead and select that and put that there. I need to go get more wood. Did you make that? You made the shack? I made the, uh, thing. The, uh, workbench. Oh, I have seven wood. Okay. Yeah, I'm about to make myself an axe. Oh, there's also torches we can make too. I got an axe. Hi. Great to see you. No doubt you're an exciting adventure. I just started. Uh, you're ready to chop down some new axe? Uh, the better way to harvest granite? Okay, yeah. Okay, I'm chopping down this tree. Hold up. Can I get more wood out of this? Oh, I can. How much wood did I get from that? Bro, what is up with you wanting to beat and kill everything? You can beat it like Michael Jackson? And this video is getting taken down by Michael Jackson from the grave. Oh, it's starting to rain. Jamex, look at what you've done. You made it rain. That's why you don't go around beating everything you see. Womp womp. Oh. Oh, I'm going to have to make a new one. Okay. Womp womp. Oh. Oh. Goodbye, chicken. We, uh, was that a wolf? That's a wolf. There are wolves nearby. I just got a whole bunch of crafting recipes. Oh, I walked past the base. Oh, that is a wolf. I wonder if I can tame it. You know, if I throw meat at it, it'll like... Yeah. I don't want to emote right now. Stop it. All right, we're good. We have a little bit of a shack. Um, what is this? Wait, hold on. Um... Um... The lumber mill? Build objects like planks and rods used in crafting a grill. Turn raw ingredients into food, reducing the hunger. Ooh, that's actually not a bad idea. We also got a village square. Okay, I'm gonna build a... Nope, not that. Yeah. Yeah, that would be a little bit weirder if you just did that, huh? I have so much muting to do in this video. My bad. Dude, why couldn't you put mine all the way up to the end, huh? Huh? You can't even put it up all the way? Like, come on, man. Okay. Okay, let me go ahead and build a village square. Okay. Um, I think right here... Let's go click that. Yeah, there we go. View village upgrades. Oh, there's different upgrades. Uh, 15 wood and 7, uh, granite. Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah, it does say a year of gold. Huh. Probably good. I'm not gonna die of hyperthermia. It's fine. Yeah. Okay. There we go. I live for bed. That's the only thing I can think of. Nope. You found a Durrberger? Wait, Durrberger is the first one to join us? Let's go... Where is he? Hi, buddy. Look at him. My best friend. Can I talk to him? Hey there, uh, you can call me Beef Boss. The answer is yes. I'm hungry for adventure. Uh, if fresh flavors are what you're looking for, I'm the one to ask. Somewhere to stay. Uh, live in my village. A spot for me, that would be nice. The village doesn't need my needs. Uh, oh, wait. Oh, we need to make a bed! Yeah, but we need another one for him. We need to go out and, uh, get more sheep. So, okay. Oh, we don't? What do we need for a bed? Oh, we just need 10 wood. Okay. There we go. Now, I don't understand what sheep are for, then. I don't understand what sheep are for, then. Uh, Beef Boss will get to sleep right in the middle of us. Never mind. I need more wood. No? Okay. I wish there was, like, a rotate button. Oh, there's a rotate button. Wow, I'm just blind. Dilled. Beef Boss, we got a bed for you. Uh, live in my village. Yes. Wow. Let's go! Now, let's talk jobs. Um, let's explore. We're gonna flip burgers, but other stuff to do. Let's go. I was hoping I'd get to see, uh, good to see around. Telling you the animal fertilizer is good for grafting. It's definitely not just for showing off, however, if you're ever picking up pieces of fertilizer. Um, day specials. Uh, sure, I'm here to chat. I am, oh, I think fish stick. So, how long does this? Also, you have to come over here to make torches. I don't know if you can do this or not. You have to use the crafting bench. What? Not even close to the wall. Oh, I see. Oh, I see. Okay. Oh, that's a double shack we can make. Oh, it costs 29 wood to make that. Okay. What are you saying thank you for? Oh, okay, we need granite. Oh, it's daytime. Yeah. Uh, what do I need for an axe? Oh, just yeah, more wood. Actually, that's it. I already have the granite. One, two. You good? Sounds like you just had a stroke there. Okay. Gosh, Jamex is dying. No! It broke. My axe is broken, Jamex. I know, that's why I was trying to upgrade it. Bro, are you good? What is this? Whoa, hold on. Jamex, I'm following a butterfly. I'm not joking. It's colorful, and it's leading me somewhere, and I'm following it. Yo, you can stop. I don't know if you're leading me somewhere. Go to bed. Yeah, I did. Oh, I found an old house over here. Oh, it brought me to a llama. Hi. Oh, I killed it. I just wanted to pet him. Flower, wolfclaw, night shield. Snowberry. It had dynamite in it. Maybe it's a good thing I did kill it. I think I dynamited it. Does beefus even help me? Like, at all? What? Whenever you break things, yeah. Yeah. That's a lot of granite. Uh, yeah, okay, now I think we just need wood. Oh, there's a chest here, in this house. I did not... I think so, um... Probably is. Whoa. Soil. I just found a chest. I wanted cool stuff in it. Chest, wool, and a bone. Can I break this? I'm not sure. Can I break this and, like, get the chest? I don't think so. Oh, there's a box. Oh, I could have picked that up. Not no more. Any other chests in here? Open. Nothing. There's different storage containers. Jamex, I found something. I'm coming back. It's a surprise. Oh, I threw it. I'm... I almost blew myself up. Uh, let's just... Uh, let's just... let's just say it blew up. I didn't mean to beat you the way I did, he says. Ooh, hold on, I just got... I found feathers. We already have plenty of feathers. Uh, I found a pumpkin seed. And I found more wool. You can smell celery, huh? Interesting. There's a lot of wools off in the distance. No? I found fertilizer in a tree. I don't know how I feel about that. In a tree, yeah. Am I close to you? Oh, no, I'm actually... I'm actually pretty far from you. Oh, I see you. There's a wolf. Do you think I can take on the wolf? Is he aggressive? He howled. Jamex, help! I got a wolf after me. Is he eating the Durr Burger? Oh, I thought he was eating the Durr Burger. Jamex, help! He ain't backing off. Oh, well, he's backing off for now. Okay, we're fine. Yeah, that's what I thought. Wimp. He ain't strong enough to take me on. Burr Burger. Do we have enough to upgrade now? Oh, we do! Oh, what does that do now? Uh, foragers for hire. Oh, villagers will be... Oh, sweet! Oh, sweet! I haven't seen a lot around here, have you? Good thing I'm already used to wolves. Anyway, what else is new? Uh, let's keep going. Uh, gotta watch out for meteors. You never know when one might jump by. Get used to meteors. Oh, great, now he's talking about skeletons. It's Wick. Wow. Oh. Oh, we got map markers. Cool. I don't know what you're singing. Oh, yeah, you didn't know that? Same. There we go. Yeah, it's BRX to build. I'm one wood off. Okay, I'm coming over here and beating up a bush. Uh, I say right here. That's it. Oh, start build. Okay. Whoa. I have no idea how you're doing this, if I'm being honest. Oh, like that. Okay, so you just look at it. Oh, you have to RT it. By using start build and then... Building it. I'm hungry again. Oh, apparently I'm fire resistant now. Yeah, I got an effect. I got like an effect. There's a building back here. Wait, hold on. Why is there something over here? Why is there a wall right here? There we go. Start build. Where does it go? It don't tell me where this thing goes. Does it like just give me a thumbs up? Oh, it does show you. I'm trying to build it. Oh, you got it. Okay. There we go. That is actually kind of cool. I like this way of building. Oh, we need wood for that, I think, right? I do. Okay. Okay. Bro, what do you get against trees, man? Mr. Reefs is going to cancel you. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I mean, yeah. Why is who screaming? You're gonna... I feel like there's a joke there to be made. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do you still check in shimpkins all the time? Do you have enough to finish the build? Got it. Stage five of seven complete. I can't touch up there. Okay. That's what I'm trying to figure out now, too. Oh, right there. There we go. Double check complete. Yay. Party dance. Oh, wait, we got another buddy. We got Hayseed. Howdy, partner. Yeah, his name is Hayseed. Howdy, partner. I'm Hayseed. Just haul it. Hayseed. Like, hay and seed. Like, the hay that horses eat and then seed. Just haul it if y'all need anything. A good yee-haw. A good yee-haw to you, my new friend. I've done so much traveling. I've done so much... to Mater. I've done so much traveling. This village seems like a good place to live. This place is up for a spill. So, yes, we do... What are you talking about? I changed it. I got rid of it. We do need to make him a bed, though. I have seven wood. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. I have nine. He said. Dude, imagine Mike Tyson trying to say, She said. He said. He already made one. He already made one. You what? I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got corn. I got a pickaxe again. I was going to say, where'd you get that song from? Ha ha. Ha ha. Uh. Let's go to another video. I was going to say a joke. I'm not going to say it though. How do your parents feel about you singing that? How do your parents feel about you singing that? Oh! There's a spider! Got it. I don't like spiders. I don't like spiders. I mean, they're not that bad. But actual spiders? Ha ha ha. No. Tape. Tape. Okay, so we have three. So that's four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. There we go. You're scaring me. You good, bro? We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! We can make a short sword now! 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Bro, are you cheating on your real life girlfriend with a LEGO girlfriend? Oh. Nah, I'm not into LEGO. I ain't into no LEGO. And... Boom. Okay, we should be able to make one of these now, right? Spinning wheel. Um... Oh! Yeah, here's your cord, so if you want to go and do that. And then draw a string, and then wool thread. Yeah, there's that cord, so you can make a shield if you want. That's not exactly what I started thinking about as soon as you said that. Oh! We can make a recurve crossbow. A recurve crossbow? A recurve crossbow? A torch. Do you want to fight skeletons? Okay. If you can find any, that is. Oh wait, there's one over here. Get out of here. Dude, you're supposed to have like 206. Dude, you're supposed to have like 206. You only have two? Oh no! Oh, they're fighting. Oh no! Got him. I have four bones right now. Bro, you're like a dog. What's next? You're going to start barking? Okay, good. Okay, so I'm ending the video right now. Bro, they just came out of the ground like it was nothing. Ow. Do you guys mind? I have eight bones. It's the bottom, bro. It's the bottom. Really? I have eight. Oh, double kill. Oh, double kill. Oh, you can hit more than one mob at a time. Oh, I see two skeletons. Do we have a what? Yeah, I'm just getting more. I don't think so. Bro dropped a pickaxe. I'll take that. You good? Did you sneeze? Bro, I just saw a chest spawn in. And there's somebody guarding it. Me and Vfloss are about to take them down. That's about to be our chest. Oh, I have to fight them. Oh. Fighting my life away. I just got a free crossbow. Anything good? Uh, they had corn. Oh, they had wheat. Uh, milk. Corn. Corn. Oh, yeah, I got blast powder, by the way, too. One of them had blast powder. Yo. Oh, that crossbow sucked. It had, like, no anything to it. Broke two. I have, like, four different pickaxes. I'm coming back, Jermix. I have 34 bones. Oh, there's a butterfly. I said a butterfly. And it's saying, follow me, so I'm following it. Is that a llama? Oh, I found a cave. Aha, one of you. Ow! Yeah, keep running. Oh, I died. Jermix, I died. Bye. Are you following me? Let's see if you can catch up to me. Let's see if you can catch up to me. Our beefus really came in clutch and ended up killing the thing. Wait, is this the cave it was telling us about? Oh, it keeps going. Oh, it's another llama. Uh, that's not a weird statement. Yeah, he explodes. Shovel. Oh, spicy burger. Do you want that? Do you want the spicy burger? Of course you would. I don't know. Bro, why do you have so many pickaxes? No. No. No. Yeah, I dropped it. Get out of here. You're welcome. Dude, I have five pickaxes. This is not normal. I do not need this many pickaxes. Okay, I found a cave. Oh, great, there's a wolf here. Ow. Ow. Could you not? Got him. Oh, enter. I'm not even streaming. I just went into a cave. Okay. I don't like this. I didn't mean to. They're fine. No, I think I'm good. I can always leave it. Bro is having struggles with spiders, isn't he? Oh, no, you're over there. What are you doing over there? Use the map. I'm jumping. What? Rabies. That is probably the best thing I think I've heard people call these things. Like the wolves? Razzrays? Oh. I don't even know who these guys are. I've never seen these guys before. Did they die? Ow. Who are you messing with, man? Okay, I killed one. No! Don't let Derrick get by. Oh, sword. Got him. Bro got corn on the cob. No, his pickaxe broke. Take this. Take the pickaxe. I know. I'm out of pickaxes. Also, I'm now out of storage. What can I drop? Oh, yeah, that's right. I can drop a pickaxe. Yeah, we need to go drop some stuff off on a chest and then... Oh, what is this? Spider-Man Far From Home? Oh, there's a wolf! Ow! Can't sprint low on energy. Okay. Gerberger, no! Gerberger, no! Come on. Stay away. Bro, I'm protecting Gerberger with my life. He's my best friend and my only second friend. Yeah, let's protect him. Spider-Man Far From Home? Spider-Man Far From Home? Spider-Man No-Go Home? Do we have any more wood? We need more wood for these chests. Because they're full. Um... Um... There's more granite in here. Um... That's a full stack. We can't do anything with that. Well, what does the slope mushroom do? Yeah. Yeah. All I know is that we need wood. And I, in fact, do not have any. Do you have any wood? I... I didn't know you were streaming. Oh, okay. Bro, why you got feces on you? Bro! Tell me you got no wood on you. Okay. I forget how many it takes to make a chest. I picked up the fertilizer, go figure. There's a boom barrel I can make. What is this? It's kind of cool. Yeah. Okay. Okay, yeah, we just need one plank. Okay. Sweet, dude. Sounds like you're dying. Can I stack... Wait, can I stack this on top? No. There we go. Okay. Cool. Maybe because she's related to Batman. Batman? You know Batman and Robin? Bro, do you need water? I don't... No. One, two, three, four. Okay. Hmm. In what way do you mean? Mm-hmm. I'm sorry, what? What makes you think I'm used to it? So what makes you think I'm used to it? Oh, you weren't even talking to me. Wow, okay. Okay. No, not really. Uh-huh. Hmm. Hmm. I just made a new axe. I made an uncommon forest axe. Which now does just as much damage as a sword does. Oh, no. Who are you? Oh, a spark plug. Hmm. Are you ready to go into the cave? Not yet. What do you need? Hmm. I don't know where that even came from. Bro, that is a big tree over there. That is a thick tree. It's a thick tree with like three Cs. Hmm. Oh, that's a giant rock. Oh, I just found a rock here. I ain't leaving you. There's a gimmick. I got a present for you. It's better. It's not just a boulder. It's a rock. Yeah. Oh, I can push it. I can push it. I was making a SpongeBob reference. Okay. It's not just a boulder. It's a rock. Yeah. Say it again. I feel like I've heard of that somewhere. Bro, there's a mountain off in the distance. I just realized that. Are you ready to go into the forest? Or not the forest, into the cave? Yep. Okay. Okay. What's this? Is this a chest up here just sitting? Oh, that's a skeleton for sure. I know that. What is this glowing thing? Oh, there's a cave up here! There we go. It came closer to us. Eh. I didn't even know that. Oh, yeah! Get him! Get him! Get him! We got skeletons. Yeah, I'm fighting skeletons. No! Oh, okay. Every single time I say that I just think that people are dying. I'm right behind you. Dude, these skeletons are out here chasing the poor little cow. Oh, you need a sword? Right in here. Lumber mill, there's enough down here for you. A ding? What? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I don't think I'm done yet. I gave him a sword. Yeah! Get him, Durr Burger! I have 41 bones on me, I just realized that. Okay. Are you making a crossbow? Okay. Pause. That's not something you can just openly say, Jamex. Watch out for brutes. They're big, mean, and hungry. How many branches do you want to go on today? Oh. Bro. Alright, so we're ready to go into the cave now. You say we should make more swords? Oh, he's made one. Okay, he's probably made one too. Are you ready? Let's go. Bro, you're wasting all your arrows. I'm about to die to a skeleton with a pickaxe. Okay. Bro, they're all following us. Okay, you ready? We don't have any torches, so this should be fun. I don't. And I'm low on health. Pick a brick. Pick a brick. Okay, so we need the wood in here, first of all. Okay. Okay, we need that wood. Oh, it's called different type of wood. Yep, we got the nut rod. That's all that we need. Okay, so we need about ten of these. Okay. No, we can't do any damage to this one until we upgrade our pickaxe. Okay. That makes sense. Mushroom. That's a good question. What I do know for right now is that we need ten to upgrade our village again. We need ten to upgrade our village and then we need other... Oh, there's a chest in here. And there's light. Come on. I found six marble. I know. It's like a whole other game. Yeah. Snowberry? Oh, sweet. Oh, I got a crossbow. More nut root, by the way. Yes, we do. Oh, okay. Why do I have crap in my inventory? Literal crap. Like, come on, man. Exactly. That's why I just put those inside there. Mm-hmm. What's that? Oh, nice. Can you check down here? We can make medium chest now, whatever you found. Nice. We do need a shell. Okay. Yeah, that's a good idea. Let me go ahead and try to get some more of this real quick. Um... Oh, damn it, I need the light again. You are my guiding light to safety. Dark. I can't see anything. Let me get this last bit. So I can try and make some... Yeah, I can see you. Let me try and get this last bit so I can get to the new pickaxe. Okay, I see you. Map unavailable. All right. Out we go. You don't like the racing mode? I love the racing mode. Mm-hmm. All right. Um... Juicer. Oh, wait. I need... I have six marble. Six marble. Oh, we don't have a stone crusher to make into a slab. Okay. Huh? Uh, in our inventory? Not wood rod. Take that. So I need three of those. Yep. We need six planks. Um... Come on, everybody. We can do pickaxe. I can... Let's go! Now we're gonna get marble. Um... Take this. Welcome. Can I make the new sword? I can make a longsword! Oh, yeah. Should I make another lumber mill? Okay, I kinda feel like we should. Yeah, we're making a lot of stuff. Mm-hmm. There we go. There we go. I don't know why, when you said that, made me think, like, Kendrick Lamar was humble. Just the way that you said it. No. What were you called here? Farouk pulled off a Kendrick Lamar. Let's go! Upgrades all the way through. I got a longsword now. We out here. Ooh! A crossword is more damage. If I'm gonna make a drawstring, I'm gonna go make that other stuff. Do I need this thing? Uh, drawstring. Five chords. Five times five, that's twenty-five. Yeah, we got plenty. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. There we go. Mm-hmm. Uh, he can't put anything on his chest, so it's probably me. Yeah. I don't need him anymore, that's why. This should be four soon. Hold horse? Why? Why do I want to hold a horse? I don't want to hold a horse. Do I have eight things? I do. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. The basic one. Uh, because we have the upgraded versions that we can get now. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. The basic one. Uh, because we have the upgraded versions that we can get now. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right, so, the pickaxe is now worthless. All right. Okay, I'm gonna take this, just so I can upgrade our village real quick, and I'll give you back whatever I don't need. Which is gonna be, like, a lot of it. At least you don't have to try and upgrade this. Oh, wait, I need to go grab granite. Hold on. Um... There we go. I got 36 on me. There we go. Now we got a charming bed. Oh, look, Raptor's back. There goes his shelf. There goes his shelf. Something tells me he's gonna be the picky one. I have no clue. You say, ew? Oh. There we go. All right. That went well. Just out of nowhere. Oh. We're flipping backwards. Oh, man. Apparently you do, Jamex. I don't know, might I be retarded sleeping like that? I don't think so. Oh? Your flight? Oh. It might remove my spawn point. Okay. You can, like, sleep through the night. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I do have 45 areas now. So... I don't know, man. I'd ask him. Hm-hm-hm-hm-hm. Burr likes me. So he's gonna keep following me. Burr, we can have a giant log watchtower. I kinda wanna build that. Hm-hm-hm. I'm not even moving at this point. That's just him. He just don't like you. Bro says no. Are you really gonna fight the dareburger? Okay. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Okay. Do you have my profile picture? So I'll thumbnail? Do you wanna go back in the cave again real quick? Yeah, because I remember you said you wanted to do that. I didn't know we were still on that. Burr, how did you make that torch again? That was over here, right? Yeah. Okay, it was. Dude, now I got Kendrick Lamar's stuff on my head. Hm-hm-hm-hm. Burr, those torches just went flying. Did you just throw a torch? Huh. Interesting. Alright, into the cave we go. I got my longsword, my axe, my pickaxe, and my longsword. I'm now blocking you. Hm-hm-hm-hm. I know. Hm-hm-hm-hm. Hm-hm-hm-hm. Burr's like, yo, where's my stuff at? Hey, you got a pickaxe there, Burr. Alright, down we go. Safely. Did we get this one before? Oh no, we didn't! I got a flatberry. More chests over here. Okay, not really too worried about that. Another one over here. Shovel, marble. Can I get this too? I can't. Oh, more granite, okay. Are you listening to Bruno Mars? Okay. Baby, what I had, then you tossed it in the trench. Hm-hm-hm. Dude, I thought this cave was going to be bigger, I'm not going to lie. Wait, what? I said I thought this cave was going to be bigger, I'm not going to lie. Hm-hm-hm-hm. Why would I be talking about KFC? Hm. I feel like we got everything. Wait, we can do a jump attack? Okay. I don't know though, that's kind of cool. Yeah. I mean, besides wood, which we kind of still need for upgrades. I'm not sure, but I do know that we still need wood, though. Apparently, I'm hungry. Nothing a little bit of milk won't do. Can't do that now. What do you mean, can't do that now? Alright. Whoa, have we been up here? Oh yeah, we have been, this is the main area. Ignore that question, Jermax, ignore that. Hm-hm-hm-hm. There we go. Alright. You ready? It's still nighttime. Oh! The only way I have that power, Jermax. Hm-hm-hm-hm. Hm-hm-hm-hm. Yeah. It's called a headshot, Jermax. You should learn how to... It's called a headshot, Jermax. Bro, the amount... No! Okay, that's fine. They're all fighting here. Bro just went back into the ground. Why'd I make the other crossbow? I already made one. That's kinda cool. I think it should save. It should. Yeah, um... Hm-hm-hm-hm. Bro just like dipped, oh my god. Hm-hm-hm-hm. He fell apart right in front of me. He just fell into like a million pieces. Yeah. Did I not get any of the hot root? I didn't pick up any of the not root because I don't have any storage for it. I think you might have picked it all up, Jermax. You have none? Alright, I'm going back in to save then for all that not root because there is a lot of not root that I destroyed in there. If not, I'm just going to go hit the other one up. If not... I will... Yeah. Alright. See ya. Peace. Now just you, me, and the wide open world. I'm going to go get the ones that are in this cave hopefully. Still. Two hours worth of footage. Not bad, not bad. Doesn't feel like two hours. I've been on this toilet longer. Is it all just normal wood that we are getting? What's this back here? What? No way. Did we completely miss out on this? We did! It's a whole other area back here. It's just normal wood, okay. No way. That's clapberry seeds. More arrows. We'll always take more arrows. Because why not. Another shield. Snowberries. Yeah, we'll take that. And the boom. That's new. What's this? A snowberry. Interesting. Oh, so it has to be the dead one. Gotcha. There we go. That makes more sense now. Got it. I don't think it's going to break. We're just wasting durability. Oh, there's mushrooms. Okay. There's a whole other secret area that we just walked right by. I wonder if the other one is set the same exact way. Let's go check it out. I do remember the exact location of it too. I'm on my way. I'm on my way. I'm on my way. I went over here. Going into this cave. Unmarked. Long sword out. We did drop all this stuff off. I forgot about that. There are creatures in here that I'm not ready to be taking apart of. Okay. I feel like that's just normal wood. Okay. Bro is armored. We gotta go. I'm not letting him die. Okay. That's a close save. Hi there. Where did you go? Oh, you're here. Okay. I'm going to keep following this mysterious little creature that they call the butterfly. Okay, tell if you're bringing me all the way to this house or not. Or if you're bringing me somewhere to just kill me. I don't know, it's kind of hard to tell sometimes with you. I hear wolves. I hear wolves. I also hear angry men. You just stop right here, huh? Got him. Oh man, he does damage. That's a big old boy. Ah. Teamwork. Let me tell the fool. Yeah, there's nothing here. You literally brought me to a fight. You tried killing me. Oh. That's a whole other tribe. We need to heal before we try and engage into that battle. Okay. I'm going to come on over here and check this place out. There's a chest here. Looks like one of those chests you see at Pleasant Park, you know? Oh, what's this? Anything? Nothing. Okay, what about this? Nope. Search. Nothing important. Okay. Oh, that's just an explosive barrel. Over there is a broken house. Do we have our 10 that we need? Okay, we do have 10, but I think we need 20, right? We do need 20 as well as 35 marble. Okay. I wonder if there is a way to get... Or is there just like that little spot of desert left? Makes no sense. Okay, we're going to go head back. There is a giant mountain over there. Is there another cave? Is that the cave we just came out of? I don't know. Let's go check it out real quick. That might be the cave that we just came out of. No, I think that might be a different cave. All I'm really looking for is the wood. Probably the other way. Yep. All right, we're going to check this out. Hopefully it's not too dangerous, everyone. It's not a little cave like the other one. Just a... ramp? Okay. We're good. Okay. That's right, five. We just need to find one more little tree. I don't know why I hate the way that these things sound. I do not. And I don't have a way of making one. So we're trying to get our wood, or we're going to get out of here. That's less than what we needed, right? 20, yes. Okay. Now all we need is marble and we're fine. Okay, we're going to leave this cave here for next time. Get out of here, go craft this machine, and be done. Okay. Home. Right there, because we can't mark home. But we do know that we have to head the right way, correct? Yes. It is this way. Do I have to shoot from here? We need to add more this way. Okay, so that's the cave. And that is the campfire. That we put out. This is the battle. I am hungry, go fix your Slapberry. Ow. Ow. A little uncalled for, don't you think? Do you even take headshot damage? Yes. Yeah, look at him out here. Taking him out like a true champ. I remember picking up these arrows and heading back home. Floating the wolf. Quit gnawing on my friends. I am hungry again. For some reason, I can't eat. For some reason, that doesn't surprise me. Alright. That's right, we need the marble. Nope. This chest. Right? No. Yes. We need five more. Okay. That's it. I know we have enough marble. We have plenty of marble. Nick Jamex left me in this grill, right? He did. I'll go ahead and take that too. He ain't gonna eat it, so we're gonna eat it. There we go. Get outta here. Alright, so what does this do? Stonebreaker. Oh, so it's how I make slabs. Get him. Ooh, get him. Nice. Alright, so we do need slabs. That's two. That's three. That's four. That's five. Slabs, that's two. Let's make something else. Oh, not this. Was it this we needed to upgrade? Marble. No. But we do need an upgrade to upgrade that. It might have been this I need to upgrade it? I forget what it was. Marble slab, yeah, there it is. Okay. We'll use him with one. One singular health. Alright. Alright. Well, I think since we finished this off and we have this built now I think I'm gonna go ahead and end this episode off here. Since we have everything that we need. The only thing I can really think of is trying to make marble slabs. Which, we got plenty of marble. If we want to. So we got marble in here. We got marble if we need marble. We can go get more marble. We have two chests that are on the map. So, yeah. Plus we will need more wood eventually. So I'm gonna go ahead and end this off here. And I hope that you guys have enjoyed this video. So if you guys did, go ahead and leave a like and subscribe and I shall see you guys all later. Goodbye. Alright, so... I'm going to end... Oh, do I have two of them going? I need this one, right? Yes. Okay. Stop this one.