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be the person you want to be edited into and outro added

be the person you want to be edited into and outro added


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The podcast is about empowering women to become the person they want to be. It discusses the importance of changing small habits and overcoming limiting beliefs. The hosts share their experiences and offer tips on self-love, meditation, and creating vision boards. They emphasize the power of belief and taking small steps towards achieving goals. The podcast also mentions the benefits of live scripting and affirmations. Hello, beautiful humans. This is Daylene and Jules from the Empowering Women Project and you're listening to the 8DWP podcast. This podcast is for the women who know deep in their soul they are here for more. If you are done with the BS stories and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your dreams becoming a reality, come jump in the driver's seat and pave the way back home to her. This is a space for you to feel seen, heard, supported and accepted for who you are, who you were and who you're becoming. Celebrating you wherever you are in your journey, sit back, grab a tea or a wine and come empower yourself with us. Jules and Day, let's grow! Hello and welcome back to the EWP. Hello beautiful humans. So today we're going to talk about all things being the person you want to be now, projecting forward. Yeah, we just want to touch on like kind of collecting the time, like from the person that you are now and the person that you want to become. And sometimes when we're looking at our future self, we're like it's so far away from who we are now. And all of it starts with just changing small little habits. Like, you know, if he or she is healthy, if they eat healthy, if they, you know, look a certain way, if they have this different energy about them, you can be that now. Like the only thing that's holding you back is the stories that you're replaying in your head that, you know, I'm never going to be able to be that person because it's 400 steps away. Or if you're comparing yourself to people on social media that are at chapter 50 and you're still at chapter two. But just knowing that you have access to that person right now, like if you want to bring more love into your world and love yourself more, you can do that now. Just start making things in your life. And it can seem overwhelming. Like if you're just starting out on your journey, you know, the healing and the self love and the affirmations and all of these things that you hear more so in our culture of today, all the things you see on social media, it's like, wow, where do I start if I haven't started? Where do I go now? What do I do now? Yeah. Yeah. And I think listening to podcasts and reading books is really helpful and beneficial to sort of get some ideas around that. And that's what we hope we can do is we can give you guys sort of an idea of things that we've done that have really supported us and have supported other women in our lives that we've learned along the way. We've learned from our therapists, our psychologists, and that that's been really powerful is us learning from others so that we can come on and share with you. And hopefully you can share with others as well. And not everything's going to resonate with you, but pick and choose what works for you. Yeah, like at least try it like a few times before you're like, no, that's not for me. Like I've heard so many people, I used to run meditation classes in Airlie Beach and there would be so many people that were like, I can't meditate and blah blah blah. It's like, well, maybe you just haven't found the right sort of music that you like, or, you know, like I mentioned in the last podcast, you seem to have a little bit of breath work and meditation together. Definitely really helps. So just try and trial and error. Like some things work at different stages in your life as well. And, you know, your beliefs change around certain things too. Yeah. Don't just fully cancel out things just because, quotations, you can't do it or, you know, you don't have enough money and all the rest of it. There's so many free resources on YouTube and, you know, Spotify and everything now. But yeah. And look in the direction that you really want to go. We've all been somewhere in life where we feel stuck and, you know, we're stuck in our career or we're stuck in a relationship we don't want to be in, or, you know, we're stuck in negative thought patterns, whatever it may be. And it's just really focusing on that direction that you want to go in and how you want to achieve those things. Because as you know, like it, it always gets brighter. There is always, you always hear that saying, there's light at the end of the tunnel. Well, there is, because we're all here now and we've all been through something in our lives and we've all come out the other side. So just believe in you, believe in yourself, believe in your capacity and your ability and yeah, dull, dull that anyone, dull that sparkle. Dull that anyone, dull that sparkle. Shine. Yeah, definitely. And a way that we are able to harness that is we do live scripting and vision boards. So do you want to switch on vision boards? Sure, yes. So I have always done vision boards for, I don't know, I used to be a scrapbooker. So I'd always sort of done them, but I never really knew the manifestation behind them and going back to them and, you know, really revisiting them and harnessing them and believing in them. They kind of just sat there for many years. And now I think my ability to manifest and really believe that those things are going to happen. So it's almost like looking at your future self and being like, I've already got that. That's already mine. And you can put literally anything on there. You can put love, you can put relationships, you can put families, you can put business, careers, dreams, books you want to write, whatever it may be, whatever your dreams and goals and your future is. You can go and you can do them on Canva, as we showed on our page recently when we did the EWP vision board. I did one on my personal page as well. And you can use Canva or you can do it, some people like to be really practical and crafty and do it in person. So you just get a bunch of magazines or a bunch of scrapbooking materials, a Cricut if you've got it, and print out a bunch of pictures and quotes and little things and little, not little, strong, big words that really hold power. And you're going to put them onto your vision board. And you can separate them or you just really make it your own. It's so powerful. And you already picture these things happening. And you've got them. They're yours. You've got everything that your little heart desires. Of course, you're gonna have to work for it. And you're going to take steps along the way. But it's just about really believing that they've already come true. They're already yours. Yeah. And if you're doing it like a physical vision board sort of thing, like invite your girlfriends over, get your kids involved in it as well. If you're not just doing it on your phone or a laptop or something like that. I've actually done some of those probably about three years ago where we called all the girlfriends over and we all do vision boards together. And it was really cool talking to each other about it. So it's another way to do it. And also another thing that I do is live scripting. So writing out what your dream life that you're calling in. So actually putting emotion in it. I have a part of mine that says when we drive up to our first home, I get so excited we pop the finest bottle of champagne and putting the key in the lock. Actually feeling and visualizing. I feel like I've got goosebumps. Feeling and visualizing what it's actually going to feel like. Because it's a feeling that you're wanting to bring. Everything that is materialistic is because you're going to get a feeling from that. Like me owning my first home is security for my kids. If anything was ever to happen to me or, I don't know, it just is a security thing for me. And that's what I've always wanted. It's just that stability in my life. So that's a feeling. And the excitingness of actually being able to achieve that would be... I don't know. I haven't done it before, but I just feel like it's going to be one of those moments where I'm like, holy fuck, I actually did that. Yeah. And the more you affirm something and you believe in it and you put it out into the universe, I swear, honestly, it calms. It calms back when you put in the work. And if it's so big, if it seems so overwhelming and too big for you, write it down in little steps. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's going to take action steps. Like for me right now to own my first home, obviously because I own a business, I'm going to have to look good for the banks or the broker and whatever. So there are little actionable steps I have to take to get there. It's not just going to be like from one week to the other, but it's about the journey anyway. Someone's not just going to deliver a key to your door and be like, here you go, Darlene. My sensations aren't going to just go onto you while you're sitting in bed. You actually got to work for them. But it's all about that journey. You figure out so much more about yourself, you build grit, all of the rest of it. So yeah, acting as though it's already yours and just collapsing that space in between from where you are now and the person you want to be. And yeah, if it's in your awareness, you can fricking totally have it. I'm such an advocate for that. And do those small little baby steps first. Just do all those little steps, all those little steps, all those little steps. And every little step that you take, every deep breath that you take is one more step towards achieving that goal, achieving that dream, achieving that reality. That song coming to me, breath, breath, breath. We should link it in the show notes. I don't know, it literally feels like when you hear this song, you're just like, I don't know, it's like something's coming for you. It's just beautiful energy. Yeah, when I was live scripting, I remember messaging you when I was doing my live script on New Year's Eve day and for the next year ahead and what that would look like. Because normally the way I do sort of, I do my vision board, but then I'll also do like manifestations and I'll write out, gosh, I think sometimes 20 pages of manifestations. And I have swapped it this year and adopted the live scripting where I'm actually saying, this has happened, this has happened and picturing exactly how I want it to be, what I want it to look like, the feeling. And I remember just feeling so happy and just so, like I had tears when I was writing it and it was just so powerful to do it that way. It was honestly life changing to me. And I was writing about my future relationship, my future person, my future partner. And I messaged you and I was like, oh, I can actually feel this. And you were like, I can actually feel it through your feelings as well. It's just crazy. Yeah, exactly. And can you be really specific on your goals? Like people like, I want to earn more money. Like, what does that look like for you? Like get to like, I want $10,000 in my emergency fund. I want this amount for my, my house deposit. And this is a buffer. Like get so specific with your goals that like when it drops into your bank account, you're like, holy fuck, I did it. Like, and yeah, even like saying, like, how am I going to know that I've reached that? Like when I opened my bank app and it says this amount of money, like get so deep. I've got so many good ones right now. I can see them for once. You always say this and I can actually see those. Feeling into it is the emotion of it. Feeling into those emotions. Absolutely. And celebrate every step that you accomplish towards that goal or that vision. Celebrate it. Yeah. Because that's going back to that too. Yeah, for sure. Because most of it is mundane reaching that goal. Like when you reach that goal, like all the little things in between are like, oh my God, I've got to go see my accountant or I've got to go do this. Or I've got to like sit with my budget every week or whatever. That's mundane. But celebrating you're even doing that because that's like edging you closer to your goal. Like every single day, just work to it. Yes. Every little small win is a huge celebration in the end result, in the end success. An example for us is definitely our potty. For sure. Yeah. Because it was on both of our personal vision boards, I think before we even realized it was. And I just found out you. Yeah. Yeah. My healers actually told me that you might not be a bloody serious. Yeah. Absolutely. Amen. Affirming locking it in. But the potty is a huge example for us and we sat on it for a long time. And not that we sat on it, but so many things are coming forward in our own personal lives, which I know we've touched on before. But also it was, we didn't want to just be like, okay, we're starting this potty. We did the foundations, like we laid the foundations of it. We set our vision and our mission and our avatar and really dove deep into what we wanted to accomplish. And we researched the heck out of editing and which platform to use and how to get it out into the world and our socials. We're still really learning as we go. And it's definitely nowhere near as easy as it looks. But that's one example of something that we put on our vision boards or in our life scripts or our manifestations. And we're now actually making vision boards for our podcast. Literally. And if we go back and we think about how we were putting it off, like I had a relationship and I just was in that for a little while. And I don't know, I feel, yeah, all of the things that put roadblocks, but sometimes it's just not good. Like that, yeah, just it's too hard or whatever. It was, it was coming up and it was like, how are we going to do this? Like it's a lot. And we, we did, we just kept setting little goals and we would make little lists. Lists are amazing. Honestly, lists are like my best friend in the whole world. I have so many different lists in my notes. So that's how I hold myself accountable and how I stay organized. And when I achieve something on the list, I'll like go and put like a really celebratory emoji beside it. And you're just going to find your little quirks and sort of what works for you and what brings you joy and what sparks that inner drive and that happiness and that ambition and roll with it. When you find something that works for you, go and hit the ground running. Another huge thing, which we talk about a lot is healing. So healing from your past, because if that's still coming forward for us, we're not able to live in the present moment and really hone in and focus on those goals. Yeah. So before we started the things were coming up with me with like fully being seen and heard and things like that. And even bullying. I remember I did a whole therapy session on bullying. Like I didn't realize that was still so like, like at the forefront of my mind, I guess you would say. Like the bullying I enjoyed when I was in primary school and through high school and stuff. Yeah. It was, it was really hard to navigate that, but I feel like. And like, what are people going to think about you? Yeah. And it was actually just what people think. If you're not following your dreams, like you're going to go to the grave with them. And I had touched on that in another, and a previous episode as well. But like, imagine like getting old and just being like, Oh, I was like, I was 30 and I was hot as fuck. And I had just thought about like, what everyone else will think. Yeah, exactly. Our own cheerleader. Yeah. You deserve to be in the future that you desire. Literally. And if you're feeling unhappy and unmotivated and stuff, it's because you're not changing things up, you're not pursuing it. Exactly. Much like when we spoke about dating. So when we actually stop and we pour that love and that self-love into ourselves, we realize we don't need someone to fill that void. We can fill that for ourselves. Yeah, for sure. And if you don't have the right partner, you're definitely not going to protect the world as well. So kind of in times like this, like, yeah, if you don't have a partner in your corner, that you're in a relationship with that's pushing you towards your goals and you're doing the same for them, then like, what's the point of that? You're meant to be each other's yin and yang and be a cheerleader as well. Yeah. Amen. And I think as much as we held back and we, you know, had to overcome so many obstacles in doing this party, I think that it came at the perfect, divine timing because we literally are both single. And we said, like, as much as, you know, we may or may not be ready to meet somebody if they were to come into our lives at this present time, because we're so happy in our lives with where we at and who we are at the moment. It's like, we kind of derail you. And if I were to have stayed on dating apps, and I were to have put some of my time and energy into the men on those apps that were not even giving bare minimum at this point in time, then it could have taken me away from where I'm at now. So just being very aware of who's in your life, who's in your circle, who's in your relationship, who is around you, and are they supporting your dreams, your goals, your future? Yeah. Bam. And if I add to your logic, they're subtracting more than they're adding. Like, Salada, different Gilbert. Easier said than done, as we know. But yeah, try your best. Yeah. I think it's just having that awareness and having that communication with the people that are in your life being like, well, I might be a little bit limited with like, being, you know, able to answer your calls and texts right now because I'm building this podcast or I'm in this new relationship. And sometimes your energy does get diverted in little ways, but you can't ensuring that you're chasing your dreams still no matter what you're doing. And the right person, the person that's meant for you will truly understand all that you are, what you're going through, what you're doing, your dreams, your goals. They will support you. I believe in it. Absolutely. I believe there is a man out there for me that is going to do that. They're going to do it damn well. And I'm going to be like, wow. Same sister. Mind blown. I'm going to be like, what? I think that's where our deepest healing is going to actually come in when we're in a safe relationship and we're actually going to be able to take care of ourselves. Exactly. And when we just have a cheerleader supporting us on and, you know, listening and sharing our episodes on their Instagram. Especially when I said that's done, then I thought it was like a drooling, like, Jesus. Social media has taken a girl. Yeah, definitely. Content creation at its finest. Absolutely. But develop routines and surround yourself with people who have that growth mindset. You deserve this. Absolutely. You deserve it. And there's this book that Dalene recommended to me that pretty much like our second conversation. She was like, you need to read this book. It's called Break the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. And I ordered it straight away. And I'm going to be honest, I read like three or four pages. And I just at that point in time last year, I feel like I was just not there yet. I just wasn't feeling myself. I wasn't feeling happy. I'm sure this would have really helped and supported, but I just couldn't focus on the book. So it's been sitting, it's still in my nightstand. If you go upstairs in my room, it's sitting there in like waiting, waiting for it to turn. But I'll let you speak to this book because you have so many positive things to say about it. Yeah, I actually love Dr. Joe Dispenza. He has meditations as well, which is pretty epic. And he's got a few more books. But like, I was moving from Victoria to New South Wales and it was like a peak of COVID. Like we shouldn't have even gotten over the border of Victoria and New South Wales. But you know, we're guided, protected, safe, and loved. And we got over and just things were happening. And my life was utter chaos. Like me and the kids were moving around to different hotels and Airbnb's and stuff like that because it was limited housing. I remember walking into this bookstore one day, just literally feeling like there was no hope. And I was like, especially Universal, whatever. And I was like, give me two books that are going to change my life. And I don't know why these two books stood out. And it was Dr. Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, and You Can Hail Your Life by Louise Hay. And I literally recommend them to everyone. Julie just pointed at me like, ah! For my birthday, Dailene's like, I dropped some cash in your bank account. Thank you. Yeah, so Dailene dropped money into my bank account. Thanks, Dailene, for my birthday. And I'm so excited because nobody's actually ever done that for me before. And I just felt so loved. It was such a lovely birthday. I know. I was so celebrated this year. It was crazy because normally, I don't know, like as a mom. Sorry, my throat got a bit funny there. But as a mom, like I just, you know, everything always goes to your child. Like everything's constantly going to your little one. But yeah, I felt so loved and celebrated. Anyways, I went to Kimba, a local sort of spiritual crystal shop. And I was like, oh, I'm going to get some things in here for myself. And I was drawn to the books that they had in there. And the books that I picked up was actually Love Your Life by Louise Hay. And I was so excited. I remember leaving. I got a crystal as well while I was there. Anyways, I remember when I was leaving, I called Dailene. I was so excited. I'm like, oh my god, I got one of the same ones. You know, I was ecstatic. And I told her and she's like, no way. Yeah, so I was going to touch on the Dr. Joseph Spencer book. But these two books, like paired together, like You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. That is talking about how you can like heal your body and pretty much change your life through like positive affirmations and all that sort of stuff. And she talks about all different things that come up when you're holding trauma and stuff like that, which we'll touch on. Yeah, but the Dr. Joseph Spencer one was about quantum physics and how we can like, on the Dr. Joseph Spencer book, it just talks about manifestation and pretty much how to like surpass the time between who you are now and the person that you're becoming. And it literally, honestly changed my life. I've literally started listening to it on an Audible a couple of weeks ago. I kind of go between a few books. But yeah, quantum physics is so powerful. And just like writing it. I think there was even an exercise in there. I get a little bit muddled up between books sometimes. But there was an exercise in there where I remember writing when I was in New South Wales in a motel, not knowing how I was going to pay for accommodation in Byron. We'll also do that in another episode because it was such a powerful story. And I was like, I am healthy, happy living in Queensland blah, blah, blah. We've got a house and I was writing it out over and over and over again. It kind of reminds me of Bart Simpson in like The Simpsons. Like writing out all of the things when he's in detention. I was literally writing that out in a manifestation. And just things kept happening like this synchronicity and just believing that I was already there. Literally, it was like something was pulling me and things were just guiding me. And I still cannot believe that we got over the border from New South Wales to Queensland in the peak of COVID restrictions. Yeah, with three children and a dog in our car like it was unheard of. We hadn't planned up a rental yet or anything like that. Into an apartment that doesn't allow you to have dogs. Truly, like there was so many things that were happening. And I just held that belief all the way. And if I didn't read that book at that time, I think I would have just lost hope. Like I said, when I went into that bookstore, I was like, I had no hope left. I was like, how am I going to provide for my children, like safety and security and stuff like that. But I think Dr. Jones stands up for writing that book. And it just instilled so much belief into me. So yeah, if you're out there right now and you're listening and you're like, how am I going to call in my dream life or you know, I'm just losing hope and life is hard. I highly recommend you get those books. Yeah, on Audible, I think it's a little bit cheaper than what it is in like a hard copy book, which is like listening to a podcast on Audible. Definitely highly recommend those books. Yeah. And the funny thing is you never actually recommended Love Your Life by Louise Hayes to me ever. Yeah. And then when I bought it and I told you in the car that day, you were literally like, oh my God. Is it Love Your Life by Louise Hayes or You Can Heal Your Life? Which one did you get? I don't know. But either way, like all the books are amazing. Yeah. And they have the same sort of concept and idea behind them. Yeah. But yeah, I just thought it was so funny that I grabbed that and you're like, it's good to everybody. And I was like, that's one you haven't actually recommended to me because she gives me a book recommendation at least daily. It's not three times a day. This girl loves her book. I used to apply that bit of me actually. Like I am like slightly geeky in a sense. And people always say like, oh, when they see me on social media, I kind of look like there was this one person that said I look a little bit like goofy, like sort of like this, like didn't know what I was talking about sort of thing. But when you meet me, I'm not showing my real self. And I've always been a little bit geeky in the aspect of I know I'm smart and intelligent and I love learning about things like especially like neuroscience and things to do with the brain and how we're able to change things in that. Like I just love that stuff. I don't know if people just have their thing that they're drawn to, but that's definitely mine. And yeah, which is leading into the space of a podcast, like it's something that we both love to talk about. And we're going to talk more about Iwichi Arusa. Yeah. Like that's really like a positive part of me. And I have my BA in psychology as well. So I'm really into like the brain and emotions and how we interact with people, who we are as people, what makes us tick, all of that fun stuff. So we've got lots and lots to share with you. We've got podcast episodes for days. So I hope you're loving it so far. And we are loving showing up for you. We're loving really bringing our knowledge forward and sharing that with you. And we hope that you can take something of value from what we're saying and from our chat. It's a book recommendation or something like I listen to podcasts. I get one thing like a walking meditation or like I would take things and I'll actually try it like this. You can be sitting here listening to all the information and then get off the podcast and just return to your old habits of scrolling and stuff like that. Which scrolling is fine if you have positive things in your new phase. But yeah, if you're not actually like trying to implement the little things or you know, your life is going to stay the same if you don't start changing the habits and your thought patterns and stuff. And it may seem overwhelming, but it literally is small things like this has taken a few years to get to the point that we are now. Yeah, absolutely. It's not an overnight thing. And it shouldn't be that because it is 150% about the journey. And we were shocked actually, when we realized when are we going to find time to do this? And we were like, oh, what do we do in the evenings when it's our downtime? Scroll. So instead of scrolling, we started developing content, coming up with podcasts, ideas, researching, you know, taking notes, brain dumping, making Google Doc, which I love to do to be organized, making lists, which I love as well. But yeah, and we realized, oh, wow. And once we get started, like there are some nights where we're like, oh, we're tired. The amount kind of keeps in or we kind of slide together. Exactly. And then once we start rolling and we start like editing an episode or something, you just get this like surge of energy because you know, you know your why, you know why you're doing something and the impact that it's having. And it just like fuels that fire and fuels you to like keep trekking forward and keep pushing yourself. Yeah, I feel like when you're distracting yourself with things like, you know, anything to do with anything, like if you're distracting yourself with scrolling, in a sense, it kind of does make you zone out of life a little bit. It takes the creativity away. I feel like once like you actually drop in your chair or where are you sitting? And you're actually focused. Sometimes it takes me a while to get into the mode, but then like the edit will start sounding amazing or whatever. And then you get this energy and then you're like, OK, I'm going to create this reel now or I'm going to do this or do this post or whatever. Like you're actually going to make space for creativity to come in. And if you're consistently numbing yourself and distracting yourself, then I don't think you're allowing the space for creativity. Yeah. And get yourself a boss, bitch, best day that you can roll well with because on days where I'm hectically busy and I don't have a spare moment, there is Dailene on the stories or days where Dailene is hectically busy, there is me sitting in the background editing an episode, being like episodes ready to drop on such and such a day. We just have such a supportive dynamic where we just really use it like so well, I think, like seamlessly. Yeah, I think we both understand how hectic life can get. Like what's so cool? Like you can throw your whole day out, like you're off doing something else and whatever. But I've been at work lately and I'm like, I don't want to work anymore. But you're still going to go to work. Yeah. And the list has really helped us. Yeah, they have even helped us during the podcast. Exactly. So when we make the list, it's always good because we'll be like, oh, I've actually got a spare 30 minutes in my day to do something. And we just go to the list and we know, OK, that's not ticked off. That's got to be done. We've got to do that. We've got to do that. And so we really I hope you guys see it and you feel it and you hear it. We pour so much love and devotion into this podcast and really bring forward our vision of even just supporting one of you. Yeah. Which I know we have because my friend and our beautiful listener, Leah. Hello, Leah. I'll see you tomorrow. Yes. But she had let us know that she had listened to a walking meditation after hearing it on I think it was episode two. Yeah. And now she implemented that and she utilized that on one of her walks. And she's like, yeah, it was actually it was good for me. It was, you know, really made a difference. And it truly does. It takes you out of your head and all the things you have to do and all the things you think about, even when you're on a walk and just grounds you and makes you take a look at your surroundings and really focus in on that present moment. Yeah. Your mind is so powerful as well. So if we can switch that around to be our best friend, then like life is just going to get a whole lot more seamless and a lot easier to navigate things. And yeah, putting the fear in the driving. No, thank you. How long? No, in a passenger. That's all daily. Yeah, that's all daily. Putting it in a passenger seat and just being like, we're going for the ride no matter what. Yeah. Yeah. Pursue your dreams. Just go for it. Like, what have you got to lose? Like, what have you got to lose? Exactly. And if you fail, get back up. Yeah. Fail stands for first attempt in learning. Yeah. Always have that in your head. Absolutely. But we appreciate you guys so much. And thank you so much for listening in today. And we hope you love this episode. Catch you later. We hope you feel inspired to take back your power. Thank you for listening into the EWP party with Jules and Bay. We want to challenge you to share this party with someone you love. Let's get all women involved. Follow us on Insta at empowering women underscore project. Facebook and TikTok at empowering women project. We invite you to interact with us on social media. We are open to collaborating and invite you to reach out if you feel inspired to be a guest on our EWP podcast. Remember, you are the creator of your reality. We encourage you to start believing in yourself and the magic of the universe.

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