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cover of ASTROLOGY 101


Emily Naylor



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I don't know why we're both getting tears in our eyes. I don't know, this is freaking me out big style, oh my god, it's freaking me out more than I can't hear it in my thumbs. I'm getting tears in my eyes. The audio system's going tits. Hi guys. Hi guys. Welcome back to Nailed It. I want to say it was yes. Alright. One, two, three. Welcome back to Nailed It. Oh god, that just feels good, doesn't it? It feels right. It feels right. It feels right on the nail. Oh my god guys, welcome back. I'm shook that this is happening right now. This is literally the moment I dreamed of. With this exact person. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, i found it nothing shy of traumatizing and triggering and every emotion that associates and i'll tell you for why darling because nicole only walked through my front door 20 minutes ago we've made a cup of tea switched the ring light on got set up and here we are um yeah i keep burping i'm so sorry i've got a fizzy drink on the side i have like a little purdy like energy rejuvenate vibes but we've got a lot of drinks going on we've got water oh my god our cups match our outfits as well you've got the accents of pink i've got the green shark oh chin chin our personalities colliding anyway guys i'm digressing um once we had another sample sale so i've been to a sample sale before i went to the represent one two years in a row and it's been fine it's been quite well organized you know okay i'll take the cues never cute but you know you get on with it you get some bargains and that's what we're here i drove to leeds today no is leeds my favorite place on earth absolutely not jeff but i went there in high hopes got myself over there all the other side of the pennines you know branched out um we parked up it was 10 to 9 in the morning i gotta put quash to seven on the saturday morning right not my idea of fun but i thought all in the name of cheap leggings cheap good quality leggings i wore today these are adenola shameless plug and i bloody love them i'd sleep in these motherfuckers they're gorgeous right feel them oh but precisely very very skin tight now these are 40 quid if you say no you could get them for 12 you'd drive further than leeds oh absolutely it's worth the fuel right anyway i got over there we saw the queue as we come around the corner i thought oh heck and it was just full of girls looking you up and down everyone was out in the best gear everyone had the leggings on the hoodies i don't have an adenola hoodie because the shrink get a different one don't fall victim it's not worth it i'll tell you that it's not worth it in a minute oh my god so we got in this queue we were like you know what it'll be read based on our experience we thought it'll go down quite quick once it opens the door got to go in they might have free drinks in the in the queue you know you just don't know we met these gorgeous people we made friends we made friends four beautiful people it was natalie georgia megan and megan's mum whose name i didn't get but you give me julie vibes so you were just stunning we had a ball we smashed through two bags of percy pigs violin no chocolate what else did i have a jaffa cake but basically i'm just absolutely riddled with sugar right now and nothing good um we were in that queue until one o'clock 1 p.m if i could super zoom on this right now from my couch i would 1 p.m right we could see the double doors we could see you know the end was in sight and every so often you have a big shuffle of people and you'd be like oh my god we're in like we're in the money eventually got in as soon as we walked through them double doors i was like oh my god this is it another queue oh no i was in that next queue for a good 45 minutes to an hour i was losing the will to live we were going to record this at two o'clock it's now two minutes past five in the p.m sale us so yeah weren't cute good thing is we were both in the same mindset just in different places absolutely absolutely i would not have been ready for 2 p.m so i'm kind of glad well you look you slayed thank you it's worth the wait um but yeah and we got in there and oh my god so we were having a crack a bit delirious as well it's not a bit of singing there's two seconds going on to keep the old you know bones alive because it was also about four degrees i've stood there in my football manager court if any of you have seen my tiktok by the time this goes live you'll have seen the day in the life of the adenola sale and it cut short it cut short when i met the girlies because after that all the patience wore thin but i'm also going to do a haul of what i got no don't do too bad to be fair so 50 quid i got some steals um but yeah it was just chaos so we get in there and we start seeing everything was fine until we got inside and we could see the behavior of the people on the shop floor oh no this is where everything triggers me so i did see a few q jumpers as we were getting in but i thought there's not a real lot i can do about this you know i mean i'm just gonna let it be while we were in there someone who heard a q jumper outside went to leave and we thought she was going we thought she's had enough she's chucking several and i was like well you snooze you lose bye love she didn't leave she opened the barrier and ran in when the security weren't looking so i we all turned around was that bye turn back she ran with fucking sports bra in hand i thought you cheeky little cow so megan's mum will call her julie goes hey hey did you get in there so well this girl let's call her i don't know i'd like to say karen but she but she was too young for a karen but she dominated the karen personality she would just call her claire claire claire with the cheetah prince scrunchie cat we'll call cat for a part two that's what we'll call it anyway i'm digressing i'm getting bitchy the gal was in there megan's mum was like you just not gonna how did you get there she was like well i've got work and i couldn't be arsed queuing she said i'm not being funny you heard the q jumpsers once i know you've q jumped again well the girl got enticed with what she thought was going to be a funny conversation and got absolutely rinsed by megan's mum will call her julie so i mean bitch it just vexed me and then oh my god no this they sent me west so all these racks of clothes right and they're like what they're doing they're stocking the racks behind the scenes and then they're wheeling them out as they were wheeling one out crowds were just following the staff like literally on them snatching stuff it was disgusting i was like what is wrong with you all um and one member of staff walk past she just had one hoodie in her hand a black hoodie right she put it on a hanger this girl went up didn't even look at it she just knew it was a hoodie grabbed it and someone else from the other side snatched the hoodie out of her hands we booed i was like you absolute cow i i couldn't believe it oh my god i was triggered i was like what is wrong with all you people everyone was gathered in crowds waiting for another release of hoodies i was like girls you've got your stuff fuck off and pay yeah so then i got booed but i mean i got more applauded than booed so i'll take that on the chin but i just couldn't believe it shocking it was disgusting so that today is just if we look like we're short of tolerance states because we are you weren't even there but i'm projecting it yeah she's projecting yeah i'm giving other vibes okay all right that's all right how's your weekend and week been darling so my weekend last weekend i went to the late district stunning seeing your mom so my mum lives in the late district with my stepdad so i went up there on friday night cat sitting because they were coming back here so we were like swapping places love that so yeah went to cat sit and it was just so nice um i had a nice day for myself on saturday i went into a nice which is like yeah where they live and it's really cute the place that i always want to call cocky mouth but it isn't that well exactly i mean you could call it that if you want to go apologies um yeah love that love that how was the weather um i'll see you care whether it's so so yeah sorry enough sorry enough sunny what did i do last week oh last weekend oh my god last weekend was in moosh i went watching um my gorgeous friend ellie on strictly so we went two days in a row we did on the first day me and her mum and her best friends um and her family we all did like a big surprise for her that she didn't know about we've been planning it for like a few months which is really cute so we all went um and had like some drinks and went to the m.e.n and surprised her and yeah we was loud we was giving some big ass chants in that crowd she also won that night there's like a winner every night oh my god yeah she's amazing i'll tell you what watching your friend dance on a stage because i've always obviously her level of dancing is very very much better than mine well i didn't mean to i know that's right we know no it's different like it is very different it is yeah and like i've obviously been dancing like a competition and like a few people have come and watched me and like when i crossed stage they all said like it's so mad seeing you dance like it's so exciting and like overwhelming and that's what that was like like i was sat there grinning from ear to ear with like tears in my eyes i was like this is so mental what the world is watching it was crazy and then you know so nice i went back twice no i actually i booked the second day before i bought that day on the sunday i took my mum we went to the ivy i treated her looks like a late birthday outing um and how long after a birthday is that it's on six weeks it's six working weeks but it was good shed a ball a birthday 20th of december it was a birthday that close to criminal yeah that's that's wild really and one better georgia one of our best friends 27th of december crazy and a fella christmas day oh i could not even imagine having my birthday on christmas day i'd need to i'd move my birthday to john june when the weather is hot me too do you know what another like random birthdays as well imagine having your birthday on the 29th right i really wanted to talk to you about this today even though it's not necessarily related but they're staging on that day what happens when do you celebrate on the first march 28th of feb you are a glitch in the matrix agreed i have no idea what you do if anyone listening have a birthday on the 29th of feb or know someone that does i need to know literally once i'm peace of mind yeah i need i need to know we're not just tripping you do exist somewhere in the ether i still don't know anyone with that birthday though no me neither and i feel like i googled it not that long ago i think there's like five million people in the world with that birthday which is just wild that seems like a lot but how many people are in the world that's seven billion seven billion eight billion good lord so realistically it's not that many it's a small percentage but i'm not being funny it's like it's a good enough percentage of the uk i know they're not all in the uk but oh my god that's mental i wonder what the most popular day in the year is to have your birthday i don't know you know because i don't even know what the most common star sign is i feel like i've googled it before oh and i feel like we should find out yeah i absolutely can oh my god what is the most what's the most common star sign should we guess first what we think it is right i'll tell you where i'm going to guess it okay before i press enter no you press enter common you can watch me that sign why so we'll do what we think is the most common star sign and what we think is the least what is the most common star sign to serial killers i think i know the answer to that i'm sure is it i'm sure it's vergo oh well we'll find out which is crazy crazy why you're not a virgo how many oh good lord yeah is that a virgo no and it's not a virgo no one of our friends she's a virgo rising i see but she's not a virgo son oh boys and girls are gonna get all into this um right i think so i'll tell you how i'm gonna work it out so i like to call myself a valentine's day no i like to think of myself as a valentine's day baby because my birthday is the 14th of november which is about nine months from valentine's day and there's also a nine-year age gap between me and my brothers try that one on for size you better lace that bitch up and wear it you pass of course i will this is stunning by the way this is literally my life dream i'm not gonna lie to you i feel like i need to reposition myself you reposition queen i feel a bit warm in here turn that 18 nine cracking it's kind of hot under the collar because you're excited it's a lot to unpack i don't know why i couldn't be myself it's good she's wiggling she moves in her own way um right so i thought that's nine months on i'm trying to think of common days when people would have intercourse oh you're doing it like that okay i'm thinking everyone loves a christmas shag the festivities lighten the mood so september i feel like the most birthdays i celebrate are in june and july or september and november that's when the most birthdays are that i celebrate so on that reckoning i'm gonna say cancer or scorpio okay oh fudge okay what are you gonna say oh that's not a definitive answer i'll just give you three but i don't know why but aquarius is coming to mind for me and that's now isn't it mine yes we're in aquarius season now i don't know why i think it could be cancer oh maybe i don't know it's really that's that's so hard to like it's hard to guess isn't it because it could literally any of them because i don't know in my life for example i know a lot of scorpio so like i'm like november heavy for birthday yeah yeah you're gonna roll as well literally brother on the 13th you on the 14th dad on the 15th like yeah what an expensive month but we live we live you cannot pick your family literally literally right should we press enter should we say what is the most common star sign scorpio is it yes the logic wins the logic it must be the valentine's day it must be the most commons yeah uh scorpio's thought to be the most common zodiac sign which is great it's energetic but cip cip crip cipriac cryptic is what i meant that's the things that i get for pulling you along um yeah but cryptic sign is sure to keep things interested never want to get bullies like scorpio's always have a trick up their sleeve i don't need to know my traits i know where i am next is oh the estimated this is just america i think well it says estimated u.s population but 9.6 of the u.s population is estimated to be scorpio wow that's quite a lot really considering there's 12 signs as well that is a lot well america is riddled with scorpio's no wonder it's fucked beware the most common oh i know based on data oh oh oh are we getting a different answer this is u.s again and the population's lower oh wait that's least the most common come on wait number one no number one is cancer cancer number two is virgo number three is leo oh my god where's scorpio okay that's why this is america okay so how has that just gone from like scorpio to scorpio not even being in the top five another study here says scorpio another one here says scorpio another one says leo right well we don't have the answer darling no we don't we don't it's riddled with the u.s it's cryptic cryptic at best what do you think the least most common star sign is do you know what i'm going to go Aquarius with this one i am because it's the shortest month i don't know what logic that applies do you know what i like that you're thinking of this so logically because i feel like it's working out for you you know what the answer to my mind i think i'm just like yes it's my intuition telling me that is me and you this is the golden retriever and this is the black cat oh absolutely oh god even though i'm not a cat person and you are oh absolutely i love cats you're the white cat i'm the black lab okay i like that yeah yeah what else what extra white cat with black paws oh oh raw when megan and rosie walked in i thought raw that's us love island season adam collard's first season is that what you said do you remember like what's called hayley my name's hayley do you remember her oh my god yeah i remember she's like yeah she never said that i don't think it went in my episode of best bits anywhere look at that window my car is a 23 minutes we absolutely have that oh my god um look at the least least common yeah least common right let's google that and then let's keep it moving yeah let's keep it going least common i've just realized look how i'm fat sorry about that everyone what is the rarest zodiac sign as of the 15th of feb 2003 2003 2023 sorry i was like what use is that girl aquarius oh respect her love it you know what i mean this is my she's my dad um should we talk about how we know each other so that was yours you're welcome to say like no let's just keep the tapes rolling the only thing i was thinking is because at the beginning we're like friends are friends since birth yeah i know but still okay let's talk about how we know each other okay so obviously nicole and i met via through our parents we were forced together we had no choice i was introduced we were babies um so our parents are your parents are my godparents your mom and dad are my godparents nicole's dad and my dad were best friends from a very very young age i think your dad was eight and my dad was 13 when they first met oh that's so cute isn't it knocking about brasley but he's smoking cigs i don't know i don't know what other word i was gonna call a thing then but yeah you're watching you know yeah we are clean angels so yeah um and yeah i think but obviously we've just been together all our lives aren't we we've always done stuff together um together at one point we live together oh my god that tested the absolute boundaries of our friendship i remember eight years old eight years of age we're ragging each other around my living room for the tv remote it's literally like fighting uh it's literally like the sister like that i've never had essentially um yeah kind of me too i do i do have a sister to say that and then i was like oh wait um but yeah and we've thought like we've done our own thing over the years we went to like different schools but in like the same little town um and we've like always we've always just been around each other aren't we and we've like as we got like into like probably oh my god like year 11 we're like you're getting a bit older than it was we probably drifted apart then didn't we and then we snapped back like the elastic band yeah um and yeah we've just been uber close ever since i'd say for the last at least 10 years you got gays i'll be honest i do keeping it real sometimes i'll be singing this is all i thought it was sometimes i'll be singing i need to burp and i'm like oh no and then i'm like panicking about to hit the high note and you're like stifling it literally and then i'm panicking and then i'll try and like do a little burp and then take a breath and then carry on i'm like oh no off topic again nicole is a phenomenal singer and you all need to go and listen to her she is stunning she has the lightest but most powerful voice it's beautiful nicole's the type of person you know them voices you listen to sometimes and someone opens the gob and you're like oh my god you could read me a bedtime story nicole could sing you a bedtime story stunning absolutely i'm not just saying that because she's sat here if she weren't here even if she'd piss me off i'd stand i'd die on that hill the girl's got pipes thank you my god can sing um yeah just stunning 10 10 so thank you to be fair i will give you a side note here when me and nicole i'd say in fact i remember this moment so clearly right i'll uh i'll take you back to 2021 to the panny d aftermath uh panny d was 2020 2021 honestly when people said platy dude the party yes he jubes penny d no it was honestly traumatizing but yeah um we went on quite a lot of walks and we still saw each other and you know let's not piss around right a lot of people isolated for a bit and then we all got a grip so once we got a grip we saw one another um and me and nicole have a tend to have a i would say we get very empowered by one another oh very much so when we get going oh i like when we get going it's like there's so much fire yeah there is a lot of fire between us and i do sometimes wonder if that's because of our signs or just because of who we are it's got something to do with it so just like a little segue so our mercuries so mercury is the planet of your mind and the way that you communicate okay both of our mercuries are in fire signs so my mercury is in leo and your mercury is in such so that's why like when we get going with each other we're very much like i feel like we can both be like very what's the word like rational and i think we bring that side out of one another like we both like we both appreciate keeping it real so we both do that a lot with each other 100 and like me and nicole like i'm not being funny we've literally known each other for that long well i've been alive for 25 years however long you have been alive that's how long we've known each other so like there is absolutely i think no boundaries between us but like we know each other's feelings and emotions quite well so i feel like we both know that we would never offend one another in what we were saying yeah and we wouldn't say something that would offend the other person so i feel like we really can have like just the most honest conversations with like zero judgment yeah 100 and i love it yeah me too stunning vibes stunning um so yes i remember we we because we bounce off each other so much and we have such good conversations we went for a fair we've seen each other like every week and we were chatting away and i remember her leaving she left my house and it was a saturday was it a saturday it was a saturday i don't think you remember that i don't i literally remember you left my house and when i lived at my mum's i had a bedroom in the garden and i had my own like ensuite bathroom and i literally remember she left and i went how do we and my phone started ringing and i was like random so i was like what she means i don't answered it and in the moment from her leaving the house to me going to the toilet to before she rang i instantly thought in my head god we should do something with our conversations like wouldn't a podcast be a good idea and nicole rang me and we have these moments all the time where like something will happen and we'll be like no you just read my mind like girl stop um and literally nicole rang me and was like this might sound weird but if you ever thought about doing a podcast i was like this bitch she in here she's in here like you better stop there um and i was like the funny thing is mid piss i thought the same and we was actually at one point going to start a podcast together we toyed with the idea for a year 18 months easy a long long long time uh we had topics noted down some of these topics we've already covered or i'm going to cover um and it never materialized and i think that's another reason why i definitely wanted nicole to be my first guest because she she saw something in our communication and in like bringing it to the next level and even though we didn't get to do that together at the time i feel like she's the person i want to like share that with right now i love that so yes so shall we get into some astrology girl let's do it let's absolutely do it and i need a way so do i my audio looks a lot quieter than it does doesn't it yeah so we need to check that you can hear it right just pause oh shit yeah maybe just listen from um i know you can cut it all anyway hello uh mine just feels anyway but i don't know why speaking to it at the same time hey hey all right now and so if i hold mine a little bit closer and then you oh my god yeah there we go right do you know what i mean if you hold it a bit further though it doesn't muffle yeah where is it muscles when it's when it's closer sometimes but we can keep an eye on that anyway yeah oh you were singing like the houston and you did what was it i don't know but you did it and it was perfect and i was like girl nicole is a better singer of the two but she's going to teach me to be better honestly that's where i fall short really his runs yeah like when it's a run that like goes straight through and it's like like do you know what i mean when it's straight down the oh interesting but you know that i'll teach you oh anyway so anyway guys this lady right here introduced me to the deeper world of astrology shall we say um so i'm a scorpio i have always known that i'm a scorpio shall we say all scorpios know the scorpios yeah can i just say can i just like preface that absolutely even if scorpios aren't into astrology yeah they know the scorpios yeah yeah it was uh it was playing as the day is long um but yeah and like it's one of them like i've always like you know flicked to that section in a magazine and like looked at like what my horoscope is online and things like that it's always been something that i've been like interested in but i've never deeped it like i've not based my life around it and like that's worked in a healthy way for me but you know i've always bought the jewelry the scorpio necklace so i get a star sign tattooed on me you know very very basic um and yeah i suppose really i want to hear about your experience of how you like discovered astrology and got into it so nicole's a cancer i'm a cancerian cancerian uh what if i'm a scorpio am i scorpion if i'm a scorpio but you're a scorpion you're a scorpion and i'm a crab no you said cancerian i love it we've christened that today trademark scorpionic sounds like a superpower it sounds like a robot a little bit scorpionic so yeah i suppose really so i remember a time where it kind of just like switched up in you and you started talking about it more your skin looks amazing by the way that's so off topic but you look gorgeous um wish y'all could see the depths of what i can see clarity blush stunning winged liner on point always girl slow so anyway so yeah your journey with astrology really just like summarize it for me how did you find out about it what made you go from like not caring about it to now being the person that all the girls in the group come to when it comes to astrology like take us through the journey um so my journey with astrology so i used to work at mcdonald's yes she did i was a manager there and one of my friends page page you feel friends with yeah page i'm still friends with um said to me one time i just remember saying to me one time about birth charts i think i started to become interested in astrology and star signs like a lot at that time and then she was like have you ever read your birth chart and i was like what the heck is a birth chart anyway i think i went home that night or somewhere around that time i can't remember the exact details and i remember like asking my mum for my birth time and then i went on to a website called cafe astrology can i just say that really reminds me i remember seeing a meme of like a guy texting his mum for his birth time and his mum replied like run off that one yeah you're not going over one of those literally me with everyone i'm like what time you born i love it i've got to text the parents and ask for the birth time is wild at my birthday last year when everyone came back to mind i think you did everyone's yeah yeah i just like i love i just i need to know yeah it's a need to know give me the date do you know i mean i always think that's on reality tv like i wish they had like the star sign you know when it comes up with the name on the bottom i'm like i want the star you're so good at guessing though i think you're really good at guessing people's star signs thank you i feel like i can be it's a little bit of a gift like it wrong sometimes but there's been so many times where in my head i know what it is and i don't say it and then they say the sign yeah and i literally i'm like i know that it was in my head but they absolutely do not believe me in my head so okay so carry on so you read your birth chart for the first time yeah so basically i just i remember being in my bedroom alone and um i was on cafe astrology website yeah and my birth chart came up so i was like looking at it and at this point i had no idea what any of it meant yeah i basically just went down and started reading it because it's long isn't it i remember the first time you read my birth chart i thought it'd be a little summary oh no guys you go through how these planets you name it you're covering it yeah exactly so i remember just reading through the whole thing and i remember like very dramatically i like threw my phone across the room after reading it like and i was like honestly because it read me but i read things on there that i wasn't aware of yeah but when i read it i became aware of it and it resonated with you 100 and give us an example if you can oh i can't think of a specific i know there's one thing that was on there that i remember reading i can't remember exactly what it was it was something about my moon placement okay something about the way that i think i can't remember the details if it comes back to you just shouting yeah yeah i will do um but i just remember reading that and being like i was so shocked but i think before i read my birth chart i wasn't a self-aware person yeah at all like i was not aware of myself who i was anything like that so when i read it honestly i was flabbergasted like definitely been a journey as well hasn't it over the years because i feel like from that i remember nicole coming to my house and i think i must have had an argument with miss ella and i was telling you and you was like when was he born and i was like fuck you're going with this girl oh no you read mine first and then you were like i can read yours together and like check your compatibility and i was like there we go if the moon tells me that me and him are compatible when i could hear so i um we went through the whole thing and we did it and it actually turned out really well but it was one of them were a lot of the things i think when you read about astrology can come across as coincidence like p cynical people could assume that it would be coincidence and they'd have every right to yeah but i think a lot of it like especially when i was looking at like mine and my partner's relationship it felt it just felt a little bit too much it's not you know like when you go to a psychic well i've never been to one but i've always wanted to go to one and i'm like i'd have to go with a fake name yeah yeah i don't want you going on my ccb and seeing that my dad's dead i want you to tell me he's coming to me from the dead so do you know what i mean like some of it could just be a coincidence i'm getting a message but then i feel like some of it's just too too accurate accurate especially when you go into the depths of astrology so if you're just on the surface with your sun sign and your star sign yeah it can be very generalized yeah of course it can't but like when you actually go into it a little bit deeper yeah like oh wow because i could read your birth chart and i don't resonate with those things like that's not me but i can read that i know it's you and vice versa like yeah i'd read my birth chart and be like well that's absolutely not me yeah but it's do you know what are you doing it yeah so so you've read your birth chart so at that point it's probably gone three years ago now i feel like you went very heavy into astrology oh heavy just like before we go into the next bit i just want to say what a birth chart is just for anyone who doesn't know apologies so basically a birth chart is a snapshot of the sky when you were born yes at the time you're born so all the constellations and the stars basically make up each sign so there's 12 constellations and the planets are constantly moving through the signs yeah so at the exact time you're born wherever those planets are in those constellations is your birth chart and that's like your snapshot and it's personal to you isn't it a hundred percent because you and one of our other friends pip who's going to be another guest guys bring it on uh you're gonna love her uh you were born on the same day yeah in the same hospital the same year i was a part of you we are so i was born at 22 one in the morning and pip was born at i think 25 past two in the afternoon so you could think on same birthday so it's a while though so like some of your placements are the same and some are completely different aren't yeah 100 so like for example so our rising sign so your rising sign is kind of like i call it like your outer layer so it's like how people might perceive you yeah it's like your first layer of skin yeah do you know what i mean yeah like the characteristics that you display when people meet perfect that are assigned to that that generalized star sign yeah yeah yeah yeah so i'm aries which is the first sign in the zodiac and pip scorpio so there's a lot of there's a lot of signs between i can just see the scorpio input oh 100 crazy i'm libra and i don't see that that's crazy to me i think like you're a libra rising all over dear yeah 100 so for those so let's use me as an example then so for those who are listening and who've watched me for like a period of time describe so i'm scorpio scorpios we would describe as like very sultry dark um go on give give me the tea i know what scorpio is but let's summarize it for those listening scorpios are very secretive they're incredibly intuitive very determined scorpios are like the fire signs of the water yes like scorpios are very much associated with death and transformation in the world and they very much understand things like that and they're quite they can be quite attracted to like the occult and things like that yeah not they're not really you tend to find scorpions they're not really afraid of like deep things yeah or like darker emotions and darker feelings but they're also incredibly loyal and um yeah but then on the libra rising so what i apparently give off is what so libras are very much like social butterflies generally speaking very extroverted yeah love conversation like they don't but i feel like libras they're very charming as well like they have a wonderful sense of humor yeah honestly very quirky yeah if i give you like two celebrity examples of libras like one doja cat is a libra is she yeah yeah so if you think about like how yeah yeah yeah another libra is cardi b that's what i'm saying like they've got they've got phenomenal like humor yeah you know what i mean they're very much like all about balance so they don't be like confrontation libras and things like that yeah they like to keep the peace yeah yeah okay interesting i see that i see that but it's mad so okay so then you went into the depths of astrology then in terms of your life so talk me through that in terms of how like did it like change the way you looked at things did it like become a personality trait because i feel like with astrology i feel like people have two very jaded views of it it's either kind of like all or nothing and i'm somewhere in the middle like i'm not a believer that my mood is affected by the placement of the planets in my opinion yes however sometimes things are honestly some things do kind of make sense you know sometimes when you just dip it down in the du mps and then summits go on in in the sky yeah yeah yeah yeah but for me i'm not like if i'm missed about something i think there's a reason for it whereas like some people are like i'm in a bad mood it's because it's because we've got a new give me an example it's because the moon yeah sometimes i feel like i'm surprised i'm like that's not a criticism though that that's like for some people it can literally be that whereas like and then i think some of the other people who like are not they're like completely against astrology because they think it's all a myth and do you know what i mean like yeah yeah yeah i definitely sit somewhere in the middle i don't think it's a myth but and i'll tell you for a reason why okay my darling go on two of our very good friends izzy and pip uh when when i met pip so i've been friends with izzy since i was like 13 and she was 11 that's terrifying i forget that she's younger well in it anyway digress um we became friends and like i've known her all this time then i've been friends with pip maybe for the last like two three years and they share so many similarities and i'd be with them both separately and you can probably see that now that we're a bigger group but like when i was with them both separately i was like god who do you remind me of and even down to the body shape i know that sounds so wrong no not at all but they share so many characteristics and i think then and you've told me this before as well and i've noticed it you can look at people like you know like a group of celebrities albeit plastic surgery right in hollywood but like you can look at people and like the groups collectively like they look similar when they're a similar star sign and it's crazy yeah it can definitely have an impact on like your physicality as well it's crazy but like pip and izzy are both cancer sons and scorpio rising yeah do you know what i mean so they do honestly if you saw these two together they give off a similar vibe oh my god yeah it's mental especially from the off yeah and and i think that's why they gel so well together as well like they do have that like similar vibe so no i just find it really really interesting i really enjoy it so in terms so you discovered your birth chart your three phone across the room oh yeah go from there to now in summer keep passing through as well so from there to now really i mean it's been it's been a wild time so interesting how you said the all or nothing approach i've definitely had that approach in the past so i went from as soon as i read that i was like obsessive over astrology yeah so i have scorpio in my birth chart and one thing about scorpio is they're very obsessive like they don't show it like they keep it to themselves but they are they can obsess over things which can be a really good thing or it can also be a detrimental thing oh it has been both of those things to me probably more detrimental than anything but like it like it highlights my commitment and my intention but i don't ask getting me out do you remember the four-year-old adult do you remember me making power points of houses yeah it does feel like you like scorpio tends like fixate on something but the thing is once the scorpio is fixating on something like no fucker is getting in the way of that yeah believe me like if there's one sign you do not want to cross it's a freaking scorpio and you know what it is you can't get things you can't get things past scorpios either no like we can see everything like they know everything you won't think they know everything but they know everything no we we have had experiences as this our friends haven't we with other people and in situations like even i know this is going to sound really even going to love island the other night what did i say about georgia h yeah and i've not even been watching it all the girls love her and as a girl i really think she's like good vibes but i could tell from a second she clapped her hands on she couldn't give a toss yeah no i i actually really agree with that everyone disagreed with me in the chat though didn't they it's four yeah it's four and in the chat everyone was like no i don't see it and i was like i don't learn today i was like hey i'm happy i'm i don't have to be right i'd rather be wrong in that scenario but it's just what i'm saying just what i'm saying girl so go on so you had the all on off an approach yes so i very much had the all approach first so i just went in on it i was just reading about all the time um i actually remember so for my sun moon and rising i made like three different um names for them yeah so i think my aries rising i called jane and then i can't why so when i used to have long hair billy who i used to live with once he just said i look like jane so it just stopped like that was being jane from tarzan because i yeah because i was just feeling like i think i was just like in one of my crazy moods nicole crazy hair honestly adhd hold it if you're on the private story you would know literally um so i can't remember what my other one was called get oh i feel like it was like a proper bad bitch name i can't remember what it was called what would be your bad bitch name blaze oh you know what i mean like something like that like blaze blaze interesting i don't know what mine would be i don't know if blaze is a good one but to me it is you know i mean i just love blaze or sonic love the purple one stunning yeah like with a little diamond on the red queen and i know when you're first playing then you have to unlock her like i'm like girl i want to be her from now i want to be you right now i don't want to wait sell the tales phenomenal so you have the all approach i remember you like reading other people's chats oh just to give you an insight guys and they call a bit better telling you this than me but when we talk about like your sun your moon you rise in this is all the different planets and where they were in the calendar at that time that you were born so you mentioned it before didn't you that your birth chart is the placement of the planet yeah yeah yeah so it's like a snapshot of the sky when you're yeah and each of them can be in different places so even though you were born on that day and that means you are a scorpio your moon your your pluto everything can be in a different place and then that can have different effects right down to like the way that you like say come across the way that you communicate the way that you like deal with animosity sexual situations social like it really i really do see the correlation i don't think it's a be all and end all of my existence but when i read my birth chart for the first time i was like good grace yeah it's proper through me it really did and i'm yet to meet someone who has read those and not been blown away some people don't want to hear it some people don't believe in it but i'm yet to hear someone and the one thing i love about the way nicole talks is because nicole read me mine obviously she's like my best friend that we have been forever she really was able to pick out the parts of my personality that associated with that and made it more relevant to me rather than just like a oh you get on with people you're a social butterfly yeah yeah yeah it really the way you go into it because you're so passionate about it like you can really associate it to people and i love that yeah definitely i think like that's something i'd like to in the future as well like obviously now we're having like more of a generalized chat about it but if i like sit down with someone i've got the birth chart up in front of me like i feel like i really i do get into it i'm just like i love it all like i love hearing you ask them questions like that you really tailor to them and their experiences yeah 100% and i like to keep it i like to try and keep it quite simple as well do you know what i mean because we were saying this before when we were getting ready it doesn't all have to be that deep it doesn't all have to be difficult does it no it can be deep for them but you don't have to know about it like you could say something like off the cuff and they'd be like that's your head home there she got me somewhere so you're in the all phase yeah so in the all phase i was like going in on this i remember one of my friends bought me an astrology book for my birthday i remember taking it into work was it me or was it it was brad brad yeah brad bought me an astrology book i bought you an astrology post yeah which is still in my living room um i remember i took this book into work and i was just like running around going to people is this you are you like this like honestly i really was and then like i remember i think there was um there was someone there who i who i got along with yeah like it used to do my head in sometimes and i went up to him and i was like this is you so yeah and then i would just very much all the time like what's going on kind of thing and i just yeah it just sparked something within me but for me i went to all with it at that time because i based everything off astrology yeah which didn't do me any favors because at the end of the day astrology is a tool yeah it's not you know as much as a lot of it's true and relevant and relevant it's not always bang on because there's so many other factors of course it's as relevant as you make it isn't it as well like you can apply logic and you can apply astrology and you can do you know what i mean like there's lots of different things like say it's a tool 100 but i was like too especially in relationships as well i'd be like reading the compatibility online and then it wouldn't end up like that i'd be like well it's coming back around because you know it's written in the stars and sometimes it's just not did you get delulu over anything about in that relation like in regards to that yeah 100 completely delusional which i'm a cancer as well so like cancers in relationships sometimes can be very like that yeah very hopeless romantic the red flags i can fix you um no that's the only way the cancer the like by the way that's just like a small and something that you resonated with a negative trait that yeah they can portray just like anyone can can portray that really um it definitely can show up in cancer placements wow for sure um so yeah and then last year i feel like i just i don't know what happened last year really last year was just a blur for me it was a wee glitch in the matrix i think for a lot of us yeah we were saying this the other day year last year wasn't it i think i was talking to pip about this because i was like the beginning of 2023 was set to write me off i was in such a bad place and then when i look at the end of 2023 i was like oh my god like thank god for x y and z yeah and i remember when i made like my little highlights reel for the for the year and i was looking back on it and i was like smiling so much because oh my god like it ended up so amazing and even in the times where i felt so sad and low like i still had such good parts of the year with like you guys and yeah like the way our friendship groups all got closer has been so amazing but like we're talking about um so we did our first girls holiday last year didn't we as like a bigger group me you emily and pip so there's like eight of us in our bigger group and four of us went away because that was four were closer at that time and i think all of us were in a bad place at the time yeah i think i think we kind of were weren't we when i look you know what's really weird i don't look back at lisbon and ever think negatively even though all of us neither do i like there was food poisoning there was i oh the food poisoning oh god i can't even like so much happened there was trauma there was breakup there was a lot there was faces being smashed in with glass bottles yeah later save that for another day we haven't got the minerals guys but if you know you know i love it when you say that i've not got the minerals no i got the facilities breath honestly but no that that was not a not a great time in any of our lives but yeah we still had such a good time like when i look at even the pictures through the days i was like we had so much fun that we had great food we saw a lovely place like we had great nights out yeah but like and then i look at us all now and we're all in such a healthier place and i'm like god damn yeah anyway last year for you so last year was a glitch and that did what with you an astrologist so i feel like last year i just kind of lost touch and lost my love for it but i think i lost my love for a lot of things last year and definitely like my spirituality so like i'm you're a very spiritual person of course you are you know very much all about spirit guides angels yeah numbers all them things and i feel like last year i just kind of like lost touch with all of them and i kind of just lost my love for it and that you know i started to look at people and be like oh you know astrology is generalized and and things like that and i you know you lost your magic didn't you i lost i lost my magic that's the exact thing that i lost last year i feel like you put your glass little back on there again oh my god don't because that's relax it was meant to be nice no it is i'm a cancer i'm emotional i love it no it is i definitely see that i'm a cancer i'm a scorpio of course i'm intense that's that video you sent me no we need to put that in yeah in the photo i'll dump this week guys that is what is going in 100% yeah that's something i actually missed out about scorpio score is a very intense and some people like but some people like oh yeah magnetism is something that describes scorpio that is everything it's all about the role of me i look quite pretty banoffee pie the breeze so right now do you feel like you're in a better place with it yeah i feel like i'm getting my mojo back a little bit with it which is nice yeah like because i've been so detached from it for so long and like so out of touch with it i'm kind of now getting to a place where i'm like i'm ready to like start studying like i actually want to study the planets properly yeah like in depth about them because i feel like with me i have quite a unique way of looking at astrology which i might not come across on here but when i meet people and i know the birth charts i can see how the energies blend together yeah yeah you know what i mean yeah and i can see the elements a lot as well because four elements in astrology earth fire air water like i see how those elements like run through a person yeah and how the energy kind of like comes across in them i don't know i've got like i hope i described that well no you articulated it beautifully that's just the way i see it and i do feel that i have like a unique way of looking at it you really do i feel like you have a way of really bringing it to the surface for people without it being like too much yeah but obviously when you were super passionate about it like obviously it's just excitement like you're bound to be eager to talk to people about it and to like it's so nice to see someone passionate about something but now i feel like you've gone to like a really nice like ebb and flow with it balanced so i'm in the middle of the all and nothing so in the old days i was very preachy to people like you know all right you know people didn't believe me i were interested i would just be like yeah in the rain like you're gonna listen to me yeah you're gonna listen good because i'm right and i know i'm right you know i'm going i'm just like okay um whereas now and then the nothing phase was like don't care if anyone believes in astrology i don't believe in it and it's nice to be in the middle isn't it because it's key in life so isn't it i'm so sorry the way you said that balance is just key in everything like you don't do you know what i mean all and nothing never works if you go all you end up with nothing if you go nothing you end up at all yeah whereas if you just balanced you just fly through we're ebbing and flowing i love that shall we do the questions yeah let's do the questions i'm just gonna check what's still recording yay right i would hate to get to like the end of a segment and be like oh my god stop recording so i'm obviously gonna crop that bit out why is thin text men always putting the group shots around leave me alone um so we've had some lovely questions as well come in okay um here we go um the first one how did you get into astrology well we've already covered that we've done that tick here's one i was really interested in this one how do they work at compatibility because they say that sagittarius and virgo aren't compatible but i'm saying but because she's now had to dm me here we go oh however i'm a sag and my boyfriend is a virgo and it's the happiest healthiest relationship i've been in but every single thing i see it's sag and virgos are a big no-no give us your take darling so with compatibility in astrology if you look at just star signs so on the surface a sagittarius and a virgo wouldn't go together because sagittarians very much see the bigger picture yeah very optimistic i would say very spontaneous yeah yeah yeah you know very free-spirited yeah virgos are very detail-oriented very organized yeah planners yeah they don't they're not really spontaneous they don't like to do things off the wind they like to know what they're doing know where they're going kind of vibe yeah yeah yeah so you could see how they would clash yeah yeah on the surface you know what i mean like you could see but if you get someone's birth chart up they're going to have a lot of different things going on yeah do you know what i mean yeah yeah and that's kind of where i think generalized compatibility isn't always legit so i'm a cancer and i have close friends who are aquarians um and on the surface cancer and aquarius like don't really get on yeah i'm very sensitive they can be very detached which sometimes yeah those things show up but because i've got a lot of air energy and fire energy in my chart i get along with them yeah yeah yeah you know what i mean because then vibes kind of come through a little bit more so i think it just yeah you've got to read the birth charts and go into it a little bit more because say the person who's a Sagittarius there might have a Virgo moon the Virgo might have a Sagittarius moon yeah they could only show the placements in the chart that's what i mean so and it depends as well how strong those energies come through in here because i think for each person's birth charts certain signs will be more prominent in that person yeah than others yeah even like you sometimes can sometimes take a bit of a back seat yeah and also certain people bring out different energies so a Virgo and a Sag could work really because if if like say the person who's a Virgo is can be a little bit uptight maybe and i'm not saying that Virgos are uptight and things like that i know a lot of Virgos who are hilarious and like i know what you mean you mean if we're going in a general description you know if Virgos can be very like well formed well put together and things like that whereas Sagittarians aren't they're quite fun yeah outgoing do you know what i mean so Annabelle this exactly so the Sagittarius energy can bring the fun out of the Virgo and the Virgo can ground the Sagittarius yeah sometimes when maybe they're getting a bit too wild you know that's what i mean compelling it's a bit it's there's more to it than just what you are on the surface and also it depends on you as a person in general like you could be whatever sign you are you might not display them traits sometimes like it you know like like we said before it doesn't have to be all centered around your sign you know if you as a person as well like yeah 100% how those other elements make you up yeah exactly things such as you know at the core of who you both are we always say like you can have a good sign and a bad like we always say don't we like Scorpio gone wrong like gone wrong and gone right there's a shadow there's a dark and a light to everything absolutely especially in the signs like every single sign has negative and positive qualities just like every single planet does as well so there you go how they show up in people yeah you know so there will be Sagittarians and Virgos who've been together that absolutely do not get along yeah and aren't compatible yeah that doesn't mean it's strictly true all the time there you go i hope that's all girly um find out what time he was born head to uh cafeastrology.com or another birth chart site and then read up sister absolutely okay next one sort of similar in a way but this one was nice what signs are most compatible friend and relationship wise that is very generic isn't it it's very generic i think if so i know i know i know a few i think so i know that earth signs are mostly compatible with water signs and i know that fire and air signs are more compatible what's my fella what's a taurus you're a water sign and he's an earth sign for water and earth that's that's the general water in the ground he walks on let me tell you that for free actually i'm actually do i make your life better love finn are you there um so generally speaking they would be the most compatible with each other the water signs with the water signs the water signs is the earth sign and the fire and the air as well together um yeah because i feel like i don't know they just they possess they don't necessarily possess similar things so when you think about fire signs fire signs are very outgoing very passionate very bold um and then you think about air signs air signs are very much go with the flow very intellectual communicative yeah right they're kind of very centered around fun as well yeah so they just they get along you know what i mean and then water and earth so water is all about emotions the subconscious mind intuition and then earth is all about practicality yeah and great being grounded yeah and like stability yeah and things like that and like almost like the material world yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they're interesting i think that's kind of why they go together yeah um and what's interesting as well is that fire and earth are both masculine so they're seen as the yang and the water and the air are the yin what's a sag a sag is so that would be the yang so that'd be the mask energy so the fire i just nearly kicked my brew over but annabelle if you're watching this yin and yang has always made sense there you go there you go anyway okay it's stunning so yeah so obviously it would depend wouldn't it on but like like you said earth it would depend on the person more 100% you have to go in a deeper way like if you want to use that generalization of those like kind of elements going back together in those signs but if you go on a deeper level like i've got friends with every single like sign and then like and a lot of that comes down to like just being a sound dad done it at the end of the day you're a sound dad and you can act crap with people like you're gonna be friends with people regardless of what the star sign is and whether they follow it or not absolutely and not just that as well but when you start getting into astrology if you do have certain clashes with with different signs and things because of the way they do things having that awareness and that knowledge of it can help you navigate it better yeah like with me and my friends who are aquarians i did have issues with them at first like because i'm really sensitive and very much like my people close to me and they're getting detached so i might get that personally yeah yeah you know what i mean so i've had to definitely navigate that in those relationships through like communication things of course but it's about having an understanding of each other as well yeah and i think that allows compatibility do you know what i mean yeah absolutely having that communication is key in it 100 in everything i think it i think it depends on you and and who you gravitate to as well nice so last question way seven hours seven hours that was me today in the adenola queue that's how long i was out the house for seven hours um how does the moon slash retrograde retrograde yeah retrograde isn't it retrograde good retrograde she's right retrograde gatorade i don't know whatever you want how does the moon slash retrograde i don't know what i'm trying to say affect your mood slash life so i feel like i can touch on the moon probably not retrograde as much like i know that when it's a mercury retrograde you see it everywhere everyone's like oh my god mercury what's so bad about mercury what's mercury doing so mercury is a planet of communication and it's also like linked with like technology and stuff like that as well it's also in tuna because my mate her brother ate loads of tuna and he got mercury poisoning right yeah mercury and tuna my mercury is in tuna right now continue hilarious oh my god so when a planet goes into retrograde it's i think it's like perceived that it's moving away okay i don't think it actually is moving away from us but i think it's something to do with it's moving slower than the earth okay so that energy almost slows down does it happen every year it happens several times a year so like any of the planets can go into retrograde right so it's not like at the same time of each year the same planet goes into retrograde right that's what i thought it was i had the wrong end of the stick i didn't understand but you're here to help me um so yeah so when the planet it appears like it's going away but it's actually not but basically what happens in that time is so say in mercury retrograde because that rules like communication yeah they say like be careful signing like business dealings and like kind of okay communication a little bit more because things can mess up in that area a little bit okay because the energy is kind of a little bit stagnant right you know what i mean people like freak out about it and think oh everything's going on but it's not you just need to adapt to the energy of it yeah you need to slow down in that area like observe a little bit more like be careful when you're starting new things interesting is also tend to crop up and people from the past tend to come back in mercury retrogades okay friends anything like that even then just like popping back up in your life like in okay even if you don't have a conversation if they're like do you want something or like do you know what i mean they just appear so have we had any retrogades recently i don't think we've had one this year but don't we do any on that we will have some coming up this year absolutely i think there was there's the one just before christmas there's been one like in i feel like the vodkas was everyone not setting their intentions i was at the new moon that's probably the moon oh see what i mean expert i want to say expert no but clued up gaily one day expert yeah one day we'll never go for it stunning well i uh i think that's it i think that's give us a nice little summary to astrology did you what did you want to know about the moon why what did i say that was a part of the question retrogade the moon all right yeah well i'll call that there oh my god can i just say how much of a good film is this before me that's my favorite film june the 4th and uh his missus has had a baby gagged gagged gang throttled chuck choked no words all of the above you know what gets me though in these animated films the kids never grow up in it like agnes agnes the three-year-old is still three grows out of full-on body they just never aging girl we digress anyway um so how does the moon affect our life so interesting with the moon so there are eight phases of the moon every single month so i think i think if i'm right the moon has the same amount of days in the cycle as a woman has in her cycle and the moon who run the world girls oh my god that actually makes sense because in annabelle's room sorry i've done a lot of name dropping this podcast guys but if you know you know she's got a moon chart and like the whole moon's in the middle and then all the other shapes of the moon are around it yes we're just astrological ladies all right in our group which is very well connected it's everywhere um so i mean i don't know a lot about the phases in between the full and the new moon okay um it's a full moon not the new moon no oh okay so there's a what so there's a new moon yeah which is like i don't know if that's at the start i don't know where it runs anyway the new moon we just had one literally okay two days ago so the way i see it is when the new moon's in the sky it's like dark you can't see it so that's like creating space okay the new moon is a really good in time a really good time to set like goals intentions i'm with you and manifest got you like you can write down all your intentions for the month or the next six months on the moon stunning and then when it gets to the full moon that's a good time to like release let go so when you think about the moon in the sky it's lit up so it almost lights up everything smash your plate burn your letters yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah and it can really like rile up emotions oh girlies at bottomless brunch when you're listening you better be listening uh let's do a girl's day on the full moon to a rage room oh my god yeah imagine so good scenes especially on post even better on like a fire moon like when it's when the moon's in a fire sign so whatever sign the moon is in on that day it kind of influences the energy of it it'll be influenced by the characteristics of that sign and is it the sign of the season so like the moon being aquarius this season so the moon we've just had a new moon in aquarius yeah so that does tend to happen sometimes got your moon will fall into the sign that it's in for the month that's what i mean that month yeah on one of the moons got you if that makes sense yeah yeah yeah and it'll fall into it anyway because the moon moves through the stars like every three days yeah so like moon signs for example if your birthday is on a monday yeah and then someone's birthday is on a thursday you'll have different moon signs interesting in the same week got you does that make sense yeah anyways um so yeah full moon good time to do shadow work as well interesting yeah brief us on shadow work very briefly so shadow work basically each person has their own shadows so it can be things that you've suppressed you know if someone's said to you in the past like they've shamed you for something kind of thought it's it again go on i'll cut it hang on a sec i'm only thinking of time but go on shadow work yeah so shadow work so basically each person has like a light and a dark side okay so your shadow is your darkness yeah and it's all the things that you've suppressed that you might feel shameful of or not confident in trauma anything like that can be buried inside of your shadow yeah which is quite do you know what it's actually quite scary to like go in there and yeah but it can also there can also be like good things in there as well yeah suppress because maybe like when you were younger someone told you that that was that was a bad thing about yourself even though it's not yeah yeah i'm with you i'm with you yeah but it can be buried in there so like you kind of work with your unconscious mind right dig out everything because all them parts of you just need love and they need acceptance yeah and they need that and need acknowledgement yeah 100 and i know it sounds a bit like woo woo but it's so real yeah i've done it myself yeah yeah you have been in there and dived in there and it is honestly wild the things you'll find but if you don't attend to it and like actually do that work give it what it needs it can you can feel more triggered in life you can feel more anxious you can like self-sabotage more it's basically like in what i would call emily terms which basically means like just simple well not even simple terms but like it's like when something's bothering you so much and you need and but there's no reason for it to bother you so you like you have to look within it's like we're talking about early moment it's all about looking within and looking at 100 what has happened to you for that to become such a trigger point and a major thing as well yeah not just that people if you're triggered by someone they might be reflecting something to you that you've shamed yourself about what have we said about this before we've always said that people project their insecurities onto other people 100 like they might see some or she's too much but you might not be letting yourself be authentic yeah so realistically you're getting so irked by that person yeah being that way because actually you're suppressing yourself you're not being your natural self oh we could do a whole episode on that literally it's so deep yeah it's let us know um interesting okay and then last thing on the moon go on so like how it affects your life as well so the moon controls the tides yeah so puberty do you know like the page yeah they put a video on literally like yesterday like link it on your insta i will um of like the moon moving around the earth and how it like affects the tides and you see the water moving with the moon oh wow so when you think about humans we're made up of 70 to 80 percent of water and what's water in astrology emotion there we are you say bosh mic drop affects us in my opinion when you said nvm before he was like never mind i like it i like the talking text i like to text my what is it i have to verbalize my text oh man i've absolutely loved this so much this is literally i feel like i'm in a full circle moment right now for us both it's wild isn't it um oh god your hands are freezing yeah i'm sweating like a motherfucker um guys i think we'll call it a day there absolutely but not a not a lie yeah guys thank you so much for listening i really hope you enjoyed that i really enjoyed that um i will go and watch this 10 times uh thank you so much for listening and tuning in i really hope you enjoyed uh our take on it i hope you enjoyed nicole uh let me know if you want to see more of this this pairing um we will be back like it or not we are coming back for you one day in the words of calvin harris um yeah absolutely oh what a tune in it oh banger you know what i learned the other day a complete glitch in the matrix sorry i know we're finishing but in a reader hour we're going out he wrote i will never let you down about her and she performed it or vice versa she wrote it about him i don't know they were together really odd pairing yeah um but yeah thank you so much for coming on i really appreciate it i've loved having you as my first guest stunning vibes you have brought every vibe um you've got anything you'd like to close out with i'd just like to say thank you for having me like i hope you've all enjoyed um if you'd like to learn more in the future about astrology i mean sliding the dumbs the dumber than the dumbs um um i know it's a bit guys but please you would shout with me if i didn't like comment subscribe share all of you both please get involved interact i had another email this week oh my god so i'm gonna cover that as well um i will announce it soon but yeah thank you so much guys for listening i really appreciate it um yeah take care god bless thank you guys oh and if you listen on spotify don't forget to leave a five star review oh the asmr on that absolutely oh god thanks guys bye oh oh my god we look so good

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