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How to feel enough

How to feel enough

Caterina Del Ministro



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In this podcast, Katerina discusses the feeling of not being enough. She explores various reasons why people may feel this way, such as societal standards, childhood experiences, and hidden trauma. Katerina recommends facing fears, practicing shadow work and journaling, and surrounding oneself with positive influences. She emphasizes that everyone has their own struggles and that it's important to remember that we are enough just by existing. We don't feel enough most part of the times, it's not even our fault, okay? Hi guys! As you already know, I am Katerina and today I am back with another podcast. And today in fact I am going to talk about how to feel enough. And today guys, I am so mad because this is the second time I am in fact recording this podcast, this video, how do you want to call it? Because I recorded this yesterday but like the audio was on mute. Like I didn't hear nothing, like I didn't hear anything, okay? And it's currently 10pm right now and I am recording this so I can publish this on Tuesday, Thursday, I don't know. But let's just begin. And also guys, I have a little bit of a cold. Like if you hear me just like sniffing as you say it or if you hear that my voice is a little rough it's because I have a little bit of a cold as I already said. But let's just begin. Okay, all of the time we don't feel like we are enough as I said in the previous podcast. We look at ourselves in the mirror and say horrible things to ourselves, think that if we said that to others they would make us hate ourselves. We don't feel enough for people, for situations, for certain standards that society in fact imposes on us. But why guys, why don't we feel enough? Why don't we feel good enough? And right now I am going to explain to you the various cases, okay, that I think can exist. Okay, the first one, there can be in fact many causes and one of the main ones lately is that of the anesthetic standards that society in fact imposes on us. As women and in this podcast I will talk exclusively about our case because you know we are also the ones who are a little bit more attached than men and in fact we must be thin, we must be slim, continually be in our best state. In short words, we must always be perfect. Standards in fact influence us more than we think. Simply when we open Instagram or TikTok or other social networks we see beautiful girls and maybe even with a type of body or I don't know a nose different from ours and they make us feel so insecure. But we must remember that we will never be like them and that therefore it is useless to run after a stereotype that we will never reach. We are us and this is the harsh, horrifying reality to accept. Guys, this piece is for my Olivia girlies, Olivia Rodrigo, Rodrigo, how do you call it in English? How do you call it? I just called Olivia Rodrigo, I think, her, I meant her, okay, this is for my Olivia girlies but you know what? Olivia in her song Pretty isn't Pretty enough, Pretty isn't Pretty says it's on the post, it's on the walls, it's like in every magazine, it's in my phone, it's in my head, it's in the voice I bring to bed and it is 10pm so I don't remember the exact analogy but it kinda goes like that, okay, just my own interpretation of Pretty isn't Pretty and literally describes the situation of each of us perfectly except perhaps for the last part, the last phrase, I'm so funny, and another cause that should absolutely not be underestimated could be our childhood. Let me explain better, like perhaps as we were growing up, and in fact perhaps as we were in fact growing up, our parents wanted us to always be the most, I don't know, polite, the best at doing certain sport, etc, etc, and obviously I would like to say, to specify that fortunately this is not my case, my parents never wanted anything from me and this helped a lot my own self-esteem and my own self-conception, I don't know, and another cause could be hidden trauma. A study has in fact shown I think that 80% of adults suffer or have suffered from a trauma during their lives and this is the absurd fact but they didn't know they were suffering from. In this case I'd really recommend shadow work and also going to a therapist if you want to know the reasons deeply, okay, because it is really important and you really have to work on it. And another cause, and later on we will talk about how to solve this little problem of ours. Even so, it's not even a problem, like I called it that way, problem, but it's a little situation of ours, like we make it a problem because we don't feel enough but it's not a problem, we just have to deal with this little thing, I'm gonna call it a thing because if I'm going to talk about it as a problem, in your mind you will see it as a problem, so it's not a problem, it's a thing of ours, okay? But how to solve this little thing of ours could be the environment that surrounds us. It is obvious that if we surround ourselves with toxic friends who bring us down for every little thing that we do, our life will be 3500, I actually learned how to read numbers in English this week, this week, but if you listen to the other podcast, you will laugh, you will laugh at this joke, 2500 times more difficult and therefore this will negatively contribute to our own self-esteem. I also say this from my personal experience, you live so much better guys without their presence, trust me, and I know it may seem difficult at first times, and it was difficult for me too at first times, but the secret is like to take little steps, first you have to stop texting them, then move away, stop hanging with them, and I have a lot of advices for this stuff. So guys, we are coming, so guys, this is the important fact, so guys, we are now facing the important part, how to deal with this little, not problem, but thing of ours, first thing I am going to recommend to you, face your fears, understand why you don't feel enough and start working on it, and I know guys, I always say it, and I will fucking always say it, ok, I will forever say it and recommend it in every podcast and in every video, in every thing that I will do and say, but I really recommend shadow work and our bestie journaling as an alternative to therapy, to a psychologist, and in fact, since I don't go to therapy, I find these two methods very useful, as they help me understand what's wrong with me in certain situations, and for the first few times, I strongly recommend setting a sort of alarm clock to remind you to do it, because for some people like me, it doesn't come directly naturally, and I recommend doing it, I don't know, in the evening or in the morning, and you can simply find the questions on pinterest, like, I think two days ago, maybe yesterday, I don't remember, but I had like a lot of anxiety going on, I was like really in a stressful situation, and so I just searched up on pinterest, anxiety shadow work I think, and it really did help me, because I just wrote down the things I was thinking of, the things that were making me feel anxiety, making me feel anxious, and I felt suddenly better, and so if you are dealing with anxiety like me, I do really recommend shadow work, and anxiety shadow work and journals. Second advice, stop following all those supermodels, or in general, all those people who are not built like you, let me explain better, to give an example, it is useless for me to compare myself to, I don't know, let me think, like Adriana Lima, she is in fact the first example I can think of, I don't have anything against her, but she is the complete opposite of me, because she is like the opposite of me, like, if you know me in real life, you know that I am blonde, I am not her, because as I already said, she has completely different features from me, and start following people who look like you, and who enhance your features, now I wanted to say that I am kind of guilty, because it is not that I started unfollowing all the people who are like me, also because not to be egocentric, or I don't know, self-centered, like, I am a bit self-centered, in a positive way, but I don't compare myself to them, because I am happy with how I was made, with how I am built, I like who I am, but especially for people who are used to doing it, believe me, it is useless, it just brings you so much down, and third thing that I will in fact recommend to you, and guys, I am so sorry for my voice, but I think it is in fact fading away, and also I am so tired right now, it is currently like 10.30, so about this time, I usually go to bed, so please, just, okay, and third thing, saying that you are enough just by existing, it is something we are underestimating lately, because it is, we live in a society that promotes hatred towards ourselves, but we are enough just by simply breathing, and to give an example, sometimes I don't feel enough when I am not productive, like 2 days or maybe 3 days ago, after a task I had, like a task that I had, I had, after a task that I in fact had, I think that was like a math task, I came home very tired and in the afternoon I didn't do anything, I just scrolled on tiktok all day, and then in the evening I felt guilty for a thing I had just done, but you must in fact remember to be quiet just by existing, especially for christian people, and I am not one of them, you know, I would like to specify it, the fact that you were in fact created by, I don't know, god, is in fact a gift, okay, you were literally created from divine creature, and you are just, you have to put this into your mind, but you are likely, but you are lucky just by existing, and you are lucky because you are alive, okay, and we underestimated it, but it is really an important fact, because people die every second and we have the opportunity to stay alive, so, I don't know, I just think those deep thoughts since I was, I don't know, I don't know, I've been thinking those strange thoughts since I was, I don't know, 5, so I just wanted to share them with you. Fourth thing, understand that everyone deals with their own problems, it is in fact normal not to feel enough on some situations, in absence to everyone and even to the supermodels you see on TV, and also to me, who try to be pretty confident in myself, and the problem is when the web brings ourselves down for every single thing that we do, like, guys, I wanted to explain this to you because I think this is like a really relatable thing, but yesterday I went to the gym for the first time alone, and I did really feel anxiety and not pretty confident, even though I try to be pretty much confident, and I didn't know, but I think it's normal, okay, like, I was alone, it was the first time, so, in that case it was okay for me not to feel enough, but like, the problem is when you don't feel enough all the days, and especially you don't feel enough for bad situations, I don't know, and five things, five, fifth advice I am going to give you, how you talk to yourself in fact matters, but guys, guys, I won't talk about it here, if you want to know more info, listen to the podcast, I already did, because I already did it, okay, and sixth thing, learn to love yourself for who you really are, and this, and I say, like, from experience takes in fact a lot of time and effort, but it is a necessary step, a task for the continuation of our life, the reason why we never feel enough is also this, we give ourselves little love, like, to give an example, let's imagine you are in a relationship with the perfect guy at the perfect time, or the perfect girl, you know, and you will immediately think, oh well, in that case I will now feel not enough, and I would simply be happy, and I would simply be happy, and instead, my dear, I will tell you the opposite, because you will not feel loved enough, whatever the other person, and instead, my dear, I will tell you the opposite, because you will not feel loved enough whatever the other person says or does towards you, and all of this is because you don't love yourself enough, and sorry to say that, because it is a difficult thing to face it, because it is a difficult thing to face, but yes, the reason why we don't feel enough in this case in the relationship is because we don't love ourselves in the first case. And seventh thing, and then we are done with this podcast, and guys, I am also so happy because I put so much effort into this podcast, because as I already said, it is in fact my second time with her doing this video, and I am so tired, because it's fucking 10pm, okay? And seventh thing, kowtow to toxic people, and I already talked about it, but it really changes your view, perspective, and I don't have much to say to you guys, but I am happy to have finished this podcast, because I really put a lot of effort into it, and I really hope you will, and I really hope you enjoy this podcast, video, youtube video, I don't know, because guys, I think I am going to publish like this exact video also on youtube, I don't know, let's hope, but I really hope you like this podcast, and have a good night, evening, afternoon, morning, or whatever, and I will see you in another podcast, bye!

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