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487 Staying connected with Jesus

487 Staying connected with Jesus

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In this podcast episode, the host discusses the challenge of staying connected with God through Bible study, reading, and prayer, especially during stressful seasons. He shares seven ways to connect with God during busy times, emphasizing the importance of keeping it simple and focusing on Jesus. He reminds listeners that Jesus is the answer and that nothing else can fulfill our deepest longings. The host encourages remembering the change and spiritual sight that Jesus has given us, forgetting past failures and pressing forward towards the goal of devotion to God, and desiring a personal walk and talk with God above all else. Welcome, dear listeners, to Sacred Journey Through the Pages of God's Word. I'm your guide in this adventure, Steve Kitts, and I'm truly grateful that you've joined me in another session of During Bible Study podcast. Let us pause for a moment in prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, as we open your precious word, we look for your guidance and wisdom. May the Holy Spirit be our teacher. Illuminate the truth within each of these sacred pages. Bless all those that tune in today, that they may find solace, inspiration, and spiritual growth through what is shared and explored in your word. In Jesus' holy name, we pray, and amen. Staying connected. If many of us are really honest, we know that staying connected with God through Bible study, Bible reading, and prayer is an ongoing challenge in our busy and daily lives. These things can be even more challenging during stressful seasons. You start a new Bible study reading plan only to realize a few weeks later that you're five or six days behind your reading, or that a pile of new books is starting to stare at you, and maybe a chapter or two that you need to read, but you haven't. You might have gotten to a great start on your journaling through the Bible, and know that you're feeling overwhelmed because it's a detail and time-consuming. Finding a consistent day for real Sabbath rest and deepening your prayer life, or keeping up with your Bible studies, can be overwhelming. All of these things can be a struggle, especially when you add stress of living overseas, working in a team, and never-ending interruptions of daily life, daily challenges, and many other things that play a part in our days. The devil can and will keep distracting you, and keeping you so busy that you will give up or slow down on your Christian walk. We often think, as Christians, we shouldn't struggle like this. It should be easier. We should have a good walk and an easy walk, and everything should be just the way it should be. In your mind, you have a different view of what's going on, and we don't think about we're under attack. To make it more complicated, most people assume, because of our profession as Christians, that daily time is spent with God, that it would come so natural as part of our spiritual lives and our walk. Yet, we all have experienced seasons where finding the time, the resources, and the energy, perseverance, to maintain our daily connection with God, it can be difficult. In those seasons, I love to picture Jesus looking down at us with love, and seeing him lift off the burden that we often place on ourself. We desire to be in his presence. We need to be in his presence. Keep this in mind. Here's seven ways to connect with God in stressful or busy seasons. First off, keep it simple. So often, especially in social media, we feel like we have a lot of things going on that we have to do, and really, we just need to stay connected with God each day. Sometimes we think we need to finish a journal or a book or a devotion, or read a Bible plan. We have prayers that we have to get in. Some people do a podcast like me. Some people do the Facebook Live services, or even a new worship session in churches. All that can be overwhelming and very fast. It can consume you, and your time and your thoughts. When you strip all that away and simplify it, you find that the simple time with Jesus, and what it could look like. Choose one of those things, and let you connect it with you to God in a way that you need in that moment, in that day. And we're always changing and evolving. You do have a personal God. He wants a personal walk and talk with you. He wants that special time with you. He even put time away when He created Adam and Eve to walk with Him in the cool of the day. He allowed Jesus to come and sacrifice His life for us, because He wanted that restoration of that personal walk with each one of us. The only way that sin can be removed, that we can approach Him, is through and by Jesus Christ. The best part about all this, that God wants all the time that He can get with us. It's easy for us to lose heart, and even lose focus, and to get back on track with our spiritual lives, we need to focus on Him. That's not easy to make time for our Lord, and open up His word, if we're focused on other things. It's not easy to take in biblical teaching, if you're focused on other things. Satan has a way of deluding us, or distracting us, even when we're aware that we're being attacked. By faith, we must stand firm, resisting, and walk according to the word, and by the Spirit. One of Satan's greatest poise, is to make it more complicated than it really is. After all, the gospel is very, very simple, so much that a young child could understand it. Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 11 and three, it says, but I'm afraid that as a serpent deceived Eve, by his craftiness, our minds will be led astray, by the simplicity and purity of the devoting to Christ. And then in Ephesians 2, 8, 9, it talks about, we are saved by grace through faith, based upon the work of Christ on the cross, on our behalf. We receive God as our God the Father, because we're connected through Jesus. We become God's children. We're adopted into His world, by the blood of Jesus. We turn from our sins and receive our cleansing, 1 John 1 and 9. It's really that simple. Satan can make us begin to think that, we have to do all this stuff to earn God's favor, or that we can begin to lose our standing in heaven, but that's not about us gaining or keeping our salvation. Salvation, sanctification, and our future glorification, is a gift and work of God in and through us. Our job is simple, to respond humbly, contritely, and according to His word. Jesus is the main thing, and life only makes sense when we center ourselves around Him. We will do well to keep our focus on our future ways, keeping them pure, for the way of life, happiness, and joy forever, is through a relationship, a personal relationship with Jesus. Nothing more, nothing less. It's only in His presence that joy is found, that will not disappoint or run out. And that's Psalms 16 11. It just makes no sense to keep living life, as if we're supposed to find some one thing, outside of Jesus, that's gonna make us happy, given that it's that simple and pure of an answer, that we've already been given Jesus Christ. He checks all the boxes. He fulfills any of the needs that we have, when happiness is already available through Jesus Christ. We don't need to search anything else. He's there for us. All we have to do is humble ourself and come to Him, and let Him take over our lives. Family is wonderful, but family is not Jesus. I love my family and I'd do anything for them, they'll tell you. A successful career is fulfilling, but it is not a soul-filled purification like Jesus. A new and improved physique can boost your esteem, but it's not gonna satisfy our heart's deepest longings. It's not gonna save us and take us to heaven. Matter of fact, this body disappears. It is unmade. It is returning back to the dust of the earth, of which is made. Our eternal body is what we need to focus on, and we have to get that through Jesus Christ. There just isn't something else that can take the place of Jesus. Satan will try to draw your attention away from the facts, both when things are going wrong and when things are going smoothly. That's his job. But our call is to remember the simple truth that Jesus is the answer, and He's the reason, and the end, and the beginning, and the sum, and the fullness of all. And we find that in Colossians 119. Here are three one things from the Bible that we can do to remember so that we don't get distracted from the simplicity and the purity of devoting ourselves to Christ. First, we need to remember the glory, and certainly, being a child of God, let Satan steal our joy and bring us doubt to our salvation. Like a blind man who is physically receiving his sight, so we have received the spiritual sight, we must never forget the change in which we have experienced. The blind man said in John 9 and 25, one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see. There's one thing that we must know, one simple and pure thing, namely, that Jesus made us to see. He gave us spiritual sight. Secondly, in order to keep things simple, we ought to remember what one thing that we are to do. Paul says to the Philippians in 3 and 13, one thing I do, forget what lies behind and reach forward to what lies ahead. I press on towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ. Now, Paul knew that he hadn't really, at that point, received spirituality, but he kept pressing on forward, looking for that prize of the upward call of Jesus Christ, a call to purity, a call to devotion, and a call to eternal praise and glory in Christ. He didn't let his past failures keep him from his present faithfulness and his future reward. We've all done things in the past that we're not happy with or pleased with, but where we're at now is what God looks at. How we seek after Him, after we push towards His service. One thing that we ought to do is to keep serving Jesus and yield to the spiritual work in our lives. Now, third, one thing should be on our hearts, the desire above all things. And David said in Psalms 27 and four, one thing I've asked from God is that I shall seek, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord with all of my days to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. For David, there was nothing like the relationship that he had with his creator. To be intimate with God in all of his days, in all of his life, was the greatest thing that he could ever think about. He even became the king of Israel that had it all, but he wanted that personal walk and talk with God. It's okay to have things on this earth. It's okay to have wealth and status, but you need to make sure that your focus is on God, that you put Him first. Now, David knew rightly that only God could fulfill his deepest longings and give his life order and meaning and purpose. God is the only perfect being, and in such, He is defined as a perfect beauty. He is the reason to marvel and to awe and to glory. Only He can supply us with the joy that never expires. Only His pleasures are forever. That's Psalm 1611. In this year and the days beyond, let us remember that each day that God is our all in all, that Christ is our life. There's no other path to joy or other ways to freedom. Forget the lies where people say there's more ways to heaven than one. Jesus is the only way. Let us keep it simple. Remember the simplicity and the purity of devotion to Jesus Christ. Number two, let it be messy. Right now, in our social media and filtered world, time with God often looks pretty and authentic, pleasing to the eye. Just like a coffee shop in these picture books, they look perfect. And people's journals match their pens. You could write down or keep track of anything that is positive. Everything written down is nice and neat and correctly done. Now, the sunset's glowing just right over the mountains, the natural light and the birds singing and quiet moments of the morning all encompass what we feel connected with God should be like or look like. But what if it means doing your Bible reading on your phone while sitting at the doctor's office for two hours? What if the kids brought in sand and dirt and got on your couch for 30 feet? What if you have a messy house and laundry needs done? What if the ants are running around the walls and up and down your cabinets and stuff? Can God happen then? The time with him, can you put aside all that, the need that you have personally to spend time with God? Well, the answer is yes. Thankfully, it's yes. The pretty moments with God are precious. Having quiet moments of coffee is really wonderful. But on stressful, hard, busy days, you can still connect with God in the midst of all that mess and stress. We often find that God is in the midst of that mess waiting to help us. So let it look messy and be messy. Jump into that struggle and that fight and realize that God is there with you. Just remember that Jesus can do miracles in the midst of a storm. Number three, keep scripture all around you. Write it out with your favorite pen, print it, just get it as large as you can. Post it where you're standing doing dishes or in a bathroom where you're getting ready for work or at your desk at work or even in the silverware drawer. Put it as a lock screen on your phone, put it on the fridge with a note in your bag. Have it folded in your pocket so you can pull it out and read it or hand it to somebody who God might be needing to touch that person for that scripture. When life is stressful, keeping the scriptures all around you can help you stand on the promises and remembering his word, encouraging your heart. And even if you read it often enough, you can memorize each verse. I get envious of some of these people that could just rattle off verses out of the whole Bible off the top of their head. They're truly blessed and marveled. But a lot of us do have our favorite verses that we can recall from memory. Remember that the word of God is powerful and it's a weapon that we can use against the enemy. Part four, have a prayer for hard days. When words don't come, when the tears are all that you have, when frustration mounts, there's the moments that having a prayer can be helpful. It could be the Lord's prayer even or selected parts of verses written that you personalize or a prayer that you've even written yourself inspired by the spirit. When you're overwhelmed and you can't seem to pray, you can read that prayer. I can't be the only one that has been so drained with the struggles and fights with the enemy that it feels so hard to pray. We find comfort in knowing that Jesus is there who loves us. We find that filling our time with the living word of God will help change the atmosphere. It'll turn things around and it'll turn the days into joy. Oftentimes the stress and stress and aggravation is the best just to go ahead and stop and have a little talk with Jesus. It truly does make it right. And we're told to pray without ceasing anyways into good times and in the bad. And so it doesn't have to be a certain time or a scheduled event for you to pray to Jesus. We know that Jesus is wanting to have a personal time with us. And we know from Jesus's walk and talk when he was ministering, he would set aside time to go talk to his father. He would make time to separate himself from the world and he'd go off and pray. What a great example for us even when things are going on, we can excuse ourself and find time with God. And we know that is the best way and the best route to handle our lives in any situation. Number five, the simplest phrases of encouragement. Sometimes all I have is a phrase in my heart or a few words that God is using to speak to me. And that goes on repeat all day long. It goes over and over and over. Everything I look at, everything I read, everything I think about goes to that phrase or that word. Those simple phrases can be encouragement. They can be help. They can be comfort. Strengthen even the most stressful and busy times. It could be a phrase from a song or a line from a poem or a quick caption that we read or see in social media. And the point is that God will use stuff to help you. And don't discount the small things. Soft ways that God can use to connect and speak with us. Many times God will use your words of encouragement that you use to let you share with others to change most days and change the person that you're talking to these days. That having joy, joy, joy down in my heart is a tune that can really lift you up. And you'll find sometimes that you're called to encourage others when you're down. When you're having troubles and struggles, you're used to lift somebody else up. And then it's somebody else's time to encourage you. So don't discard your situation as hopeless. God can use it. I always say be usable anyways. Number six, read the journals, testimonies, and stories of others that walk this road of faith. Sharing your stories and your ups and downs can really inspire others. You could do it by reading an app on your phone or even a small book or a link to an article. You can read the stories and testimonies that can greatly encourage and challenge and help you in stressful times. Let other stories speak of God's faithfulness, His power, and His love. Remember that He is faithful and true for them, and He'll be that for you. Now, everyone has a testimony. I've got a testimony. You've got a testimony. Everybody has a testimony. Sharing your testimony is a way that God can use you. Every testimony will be different, but they all will show Jesus. You watch and you look and you pay attention. If a person has a testimony, you can find Jesus in it. Another way to connect with God that we often forget is to read back through our own prayer journals and our own path and walk that we've done, that we've recorded, of things that we've went through in the past. If you don't have a journal, you need to make one. You need to write down your personal thoughts and your struggles and everything. It's almost like you're putting them on paper to help others later on. Somebody will find those, or you could pass them on to others about your struggles and your overcoming. Make sure that you log everything, because you can look back at it. A few years ago, I remember going through that, but you remember the victory, not the struggle. If you don't have a journal, start one. But use your own words, your own story of God's provision and His answers and His blessing in your life. What a wonderful way to remember what God has done is to build your faith for what God can do again and in the circumstances and stressful parts of our life. Part seven is know where and how to fall. A stressful time and interrupted days and busy seasons and inconvenient circumstances can and will happen regularly. Life will knock us down and probably knock us down again. During one time, I felt guilty for falling down, for failing, for feeling weak in the midst of a stressful situation. Shouldn't I be stronger, healthier, and better than allowing myself to fall again? I teach Bible study. I study His word. I should be an example. I should be the rock that people look at. But I'm human. I struggle too. And if you don't think that your Christian leaders struggle, then you're mistaken. We all struggle. But God spoke clearly in my prayer time and said, you're doing just fine. That I was falling in the right places. And that my foundation was sure and solid. That He was my strength and He was perfect. He is for me and He will help me. And He has a soft, beautiful place for us to land. Sometimes we have to do changes. And sometimes we don't like changes. Every time we don't like changes. But God knows what we need and how we need to get there. Even if we fall down every day, God's there to pick us up and to dust us off and say, yeah, you're doing all right. Let's go. Keep working. When life is stressful and hard and crazy, know where and how to fall. These are very simple and honest and real ways to connect with God. We can't always have a picture-perfect hour to spend with Jesus. But if we learn how to incorporate Him into the flow of our days, we learn the sense to find His presence, to seek His faithfulness in very creative and fresh ways. We can connect with God in so many ways every day. How do you stay connected with God during stressful times? What is the simple ways that you meet Him on your daily and interrupted and intense days? You need to think about this. Which way you can put into practice how to reach Him, how to stay connected with Him, how to keep your personal life working. Now, I know that we need to stay connected in hectic times. If you miss a church service or two, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're disconnected with God. We stay connected with Jesus by remaining in His Word. And we get verification in John 15 and 7, which, of course, we can do by going to church. And we can also remain in His Word at home when we're in private or with family devotions. Don't let a regular miss in church on a regular basis deter you from really following Jesus. If you notice that Jesus did most of His ministry outside of the chapel walls. He didn't go to the temple all the time to raise people from the dead and to meet them at their needs. He was out in the thick of things. He was in the troubled ways. And then He would change things. So while you're out and about and doing things outside of the church walls, make your walk be just like Jesus. Touch lives. Change lives. Show Jesus to everybody. Be faithful in your study of His Word, whether you're at home, at work, or at church. And know that God says that He'll be with you. We can encourage others that way. We can say, you know, let's look at the Word together. Share His Word with others. Making God present in your life is being able to live your life without disconnecting yourself from Him. You shouldn't only remain connected with God when you're at church. Now reading the Bible and praying and doing godly things is what you need to do. Your connection with God should transcend religious activities. And our fast-paced lifestyle is easy to let your Christian life slip a little. When in fact, we need to put our Christian life and our activities first. We should be living and breathing Jesus, not just because the lost and dying world's watching us. We're being judged daily. And because being a Christian at all times gets us to a home in heaven one day. Staying connected to Jesus is more than a necessity, but it allows us to be closer to Him. And being close to the light of Jesus will drive away the dark. I've often said, you can be as close or as far away from God as you want. Jesus will let you slip away. And He'll still stand and call you back to Him. He wants your relationship to be with Him. He wants you to be close to Him. But He understands that we as humans slip and fall, that we fall away from Him. But I'm encouraging you, don't let that determine who you are and what you are in Him. You can reconnect with Him. All you have to do is come back to Him where you left Him, because He's still there. And beg for His forgiveness. He's there to forgive. He's not going to hold it against you. He understands that you struggle and you're going to go through things. God loves you no matter what. Jesus loves you. He gave you the Holy Spirit deep inside you to tell you that you're wrong. And the moment that you notice that you're wrong, that's when you need to repent. Just like I've talked about before, the moment that you're speeding down the road and you pass a police officer and you get that sinking feeling that you need to go ahead and pull over because you got caught. That's the same way the Holy Spirit notifies me I'm speeding along in life, doing something wrong. The Holy Ghost will alert me, pull over, talk to God about it, change your ways, and you don't keep driving 55 in the 35. You slow back down. You do what you're supposed to do. So if you're doing something wrong in Christ, in your life, when you get corrected, you don't go back and do the same thing that you got corrected over. That's just silly. Alright, well, this has been a long one. I really needed to tell you that you need to stay connected. Encourage you to be connected with God because there's things that are going to try to pull you away from God. Don't let that happen. Be strong, my brothers and sisters, and we'll close in a prayer. Lord, Heavenly Father, we thank and praise You, Lord, for Your wonderful grace and Your love on us. And we understand, Lord, that we need that personal relationship with You. We need our brothers and sisters at times to help us push these prayers through. But what we really desire and what we really need is our personal walk with You. Our lives, our struggles, and our every breath is dependent on You. We keep our eyes on You. The world will rage and go on, but we can stay protected in that storm. You are the master of the storm, Lord, and we thank You, Jesus, that You're there. We know, Lord, we talked about this last night in the Bible study that the victory is already there, that before this world was even created, You knew the end. You knew who the victor was going to be. You knew that everything that was going to happen and will happen. And You talked about the new heaven and new earth coming down and all that. So that tells me that this has already been determined. This has already been settled. And this is just us walking through this to try to bring others with us, to show them You, and win souls for You. That's our walk, and that's our purpose. That's why we're still alive in this world is to bring souls back to Jesus. We love You, and amen. I want to take a minute to talk to you about Buzzsprout. Today is a great day to start your own podcast. Whether you're looking for a new market or a channel, may I suggest that you share your thoughts and your ideas with the world. And it's just so fun to have a talk show. Podcasting is very easy, inexpensive, and a fun way to expand your reach online. Buzzsprout is hands down the easiest and best way to launch, promote, and track your podcast. Your show can be online and listed in major podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, and many more. Within minutes of finishing each recording, podcasting isn't hard when you have the right partners. And a team that they have at Buzzsprout is passionate in helping you succeed. They want you to succeed. Join with over 100,000 podcasters already using Buzzsprout to get their message out to the world. Let's go ahead and create something together. God bless you.

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