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Stop The Cycle

Stop The Cycle




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The speaker advises the listener to break the cycle of constantly watching YouTube videos and relying on self-improvement YouTubers for guidance. They emphasize the need to admit and address their YouTube addiction, suggesting finding alternative activities and spending less time on the app. The speaker shares that they are not a self-improvement YouTuber and encourages the listener to find their own truth and path in life. They acknowledge that the journey will have ups and downs but urge the listener to persevere and ultimately find what they're seeking. You need to stop this cycle Hopefully this video can do that for you I'm not gonna bullshit you like how these other youtubers are doing or how they be doing If you really trying to get on your shit pursue your passion or whatever, then you really got to get off the internet It's not the point where you're constantly watching youtubers to confirm their worldview You need these videos to wake you back up But nevertheless end up going back to the darkness and the best thing for you is to truly just get off the internet Realistically speaking, you're just addicted. You have a YouTube addiction and then the first step is to admit it that you have a YouTube addiction Now next you have to come up with a plan Get off YouTube It shouldn't be just that simple From my own personal experience, you just have to cold quit, find something else to do, literally anything, go outside Go touch some grass I'm not a self-improvement youtuber I'm not trying to get you to click on the next video about whatever topic about how you need to do this next thing That's gonna change your life. I don't really care about that Whatever I make next the next video that I that I create probably won't even have the same audience It'll be something completely different Not a self-improvement topic probably just be about a TV show or a movie or an anime or some art piece that I focus I'm speaking from my own personal experience with YouTube addiction The best thing to do is just to stay off the app as much as you can You have to try and find your own truth Listening to these self-improvement youtubers basically saying the same thing can only do so much for you And remember that they're talking from their own experience and they can't truly relate to you You have to make your own path, find your own way. That is what will end up working for you I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but that's kind of just how it is Your experiences are different from others you got to live in real life make mistakes and correct them Push through. Remember that this isn't just a linear journey either There will be ups and downs, but you got to push through and that's when you'll find what you're really looking for

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