Bible (DRV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon: Book of Tobit (Tobias) (Version 2)

The "Book of Tobit" is a part of the "Bible (DRV) Apocrypha/Deuterocanon" and is included in the "Douay-Rheims Version." It tells the story of Tobit, an Israelite living in Nineveh during a time when the northern tribes of Israel had been taken captive by Assyria. Despite the difficult circumstances, Tobit remains faithful to the worship of God at the temple in Jerusalem. He also shows great compassion by ensuring proper burials for fallen Israelites. One night, Tobit sleeps outdoors and unfortunately, bird droppings fall into his eyes, causing him to become blind. Simultaneously, in another place called Media, a young woman named Sarah is in despair. She prays for death because a demon named Asmodeus abducts and kills every man she marries. In response to their prayers, God sends an angel named Raphael, who disguises himself as a human, to help Tobias and