Bible (ASV) 07: Judges

The Book of Judges, also known as Sefer Shoftim in Hebrew, is a significant part of the Bible. Originally written in Hebrew, it is found in both the Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament. This book primarily focuses on the history of the Biblical judges, who played a crucial role in guiding and ruling the ancient Israelites. It is important to note that these judges are not to be confused with modern judges. The Book of Judges covers the time period of ancient Israel and includes accounts of various judges and their accomplishments. The last judge mentioned in this book is Samson, but there are two additional stories that follow. Scholars believe that these stories likely took place just before the era of Eli, who held the positions of both high priest and judge. The narrative of the judges is considered to conclude with Samson and then continues in 1 Samuel 1:1, where the story shifts to focus on Eli and continues through to 1 Samuel 7:2. Towards the