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(Kyle) Bentley University (2) (online-audio-converter.com)

(Kyle) Bentley University (2) (online-audio-converter.com)

Dominic Polimeno



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In the first episode of their podcast, Nick and Dominic discuss the issues with Bentley and how to improve them. Nick's main concern is the course registration process, which often results in students not getting the classes they want. He suggests increasing class sizes and offering more honors classes. He also believes there should be more sections of important classes and better time slot options. Nick's second issue is with the gym, which he feels is too small and crowded. He mentions broken machines and a slow water filler as additional problems. He suggests expanding the gym and ensuring all equipment is in working order. Overall, Nick feels that Bentley needs to better understand the needs and preferences of its students. Hello, everyone. This is the first episode of the podcast ran by me, Nick and Dominic. And today we're going to be focusing on the things that are wrong with Bentley and what can be done to improve upon them. And so I know we all have our own gripes about our school and we just want to see it be as good as it can possibly be. So we each have our own opinions on what's wrong with it. And personally, to start off, I think that course registration is a major problem here. So we all know the feeling of setting up your perfect schedule and you don't get any of the classes that you wanted to. This semester, I personally got two out of the five classes that I wanted and I'm supposed to have priority and honors. And that's another thing. I feel like going early doesn't help whatsoever. So we pick at seven thirty. Obviously, everyone here knows and you still end up not getting everything you need. And this can come down to a lot of things. Slower computers is definitely an issue or the Wi-Fi not working great. It can really impact your course selection in general. And also, I feel like there's not enough honors classes like I could only get one honors class when I was registering for courses this semester. And I feel like there needs to be more sections or even they can expand the class size a little bit. I know it's supposed to be smaller classes because honors, but 18 kids in a class is really, really small. And I just think they could offer more there so that kids can take the classes that they want and not end up being forced into classes that they don't want to take, which just can lead them down to getting a bad grade because they don't even want to be in the class in the first place. So my solution to the course registration problem, I would say, again, like I talked about for bigger class sizes, especially in honors, you can bump that up another 10 for every class. And would that fit into the current classrooms we have? Probably not. That's really the main problem that's holding it back from expanding on class sizes. But I think honors classes, especially, there is room in the classes to expand those. Also, more sections, especially more sections of important classes like business dynamics or classes that were required to take, especially like EMS, like this class. I just feel like there should be more availability, especially in the better time slots. What happens to a lot of people that pick class, especially other freshmen, is by the time they get to pick, the only times available are like night classes or 8 a.m. like times that no one really wants. So I feel like there should be more options in these prime times around 11, 12, 30, too, where most people would want to get their classes done. So moving on to my second personal gripe with Bentley is the gym. I'm frequently in the gym here at Bentley, and it's not as great as I think it should be, especially for what we're paying with our tuition. My first problem is, especially at the start of the semester, is that it's busy all the time. And this is just because of how small it is. I understand that there's only like 4,000 kids at this school, but the gym is really tiny, and I think they underestimate how many people go to the gym. There are times where you're sitting there waiting in line for a machine, which should never really happen. And also another thing about the gym is that a lot of the machines are always broken, and they don't get fixed for a long time. Personally, there's this leg extension machine that me and my roommate really like that's broken right now, and it has not been fixed. It's been over a month. And also one of the cables just broke. That will not be fixed, I guarantee, until next year. Another small gripe that I have about the gym is that the water filler, the pressure is horrible. So it takes like a minute and a half to fill your water, when it should take like 10 seconds. And they fix it every now and then, and then it just breaks again. So I feel like there has to be just a better solution to that in general. That's a small thing, though, not as important as like the size of the gym or stuff always being broken. Also, it's just kind of weird to me how there's the same amount of cardio machines as there are weights. I feel like more people want weights, not to do cardio, at least in my opinion. And just to like, get that down, I mean, finally, I feel like Bentley in general just needs to know their audience. I think a lot more people go to the gym than they think. And I think it would be a really good investment to expand upon it or at least keep it so that all the machines work and all the water fillers work. But those are my two gripes with Bentley. And now I'm going to move on to Dominic.

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