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SE2EP11 Loving Others

SE2EP11 Loving Others

Divine Appointment



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The speaker, Chris, and his sister, Elizabeth, discuss their weekend and how they were able to help a homeless man. They reflect on the importance of taking action to show God's love to others. They also talk about their involvement in a ministry and the impact they have on people's lives. They share a story about a picture auction and how it reminded them of the impact they had on two individuals who are no longer with them. Overall, they emphasize the importance of obedience to God's will and the privilege of participating in His work. Hey everybody, thank you for joining Divine Appointment. This is Chris Cottoney and as always I'm sitting next to my beautiful sister Elizabeth Walker aka Liz aka Beth aka Boss Lady and you are looking really really good today. Aww you're so sweet. I know I can't help it. How was your weekend? It was good. I had a pretty good weekend. A little under the weather. God brought us through it and it's been good. Went swimming. Spent some time with Dad. Really good weekend. What about you? I had a really good weekend. Actually, hey, let me get that for you. Hold on everybody. I've got to grab this thank you drop. Oh my goodness. It's a stress ball. It's a football. It's actually really cute. Anywho, I actually have something in my hand. Um, yeah, so this weekend I wanted to share something that me and my girlfriend had actually had the opportunity to experience. Sure. Um, without going into too much detail, we were just able to help somebody. Praise God. Somebody that was homeless and, you know, God really spoke to us and said, you know, it's time to, it's kind of like what we were talking about tonight during the youth group where we was playing charades. And, you know, I'm sure that everybody knows how to play charades, but, you know, you can't use any words, just action to try to portray a word. I mean, try to portray a, I don't know, a thing or a person or a phrase or whatever. And at the end, you know, I asked my youth group, I said, you know, well, what is it that we do on a daily basis in the way we live? Not what we say, because anybody can say anything to somebody, but what do we do on a daily basis that other people can see that would help them recognize God or His love? And I had an opportunity and the privilege to be able to do that this weekend. And we was able to help this outstanding guy. This guy was, I mean, he was broken, but that's what God wants us somehow. Oh, yeah. We're all broken-breed. Yeah, and he said that he wanted help, he needed help. And God provided a way for us to be able to, you know, put him in a hotel room for the night so we could give him a warm shower and stuff. And the next morning was able to take him to a program, and he willingly went, you know. And I made sure he knew, you know, look, I'm not saying that you have to go. I'm letting you know that you have an opportunity, too, if you want it. And he took us up on it. He just needed that opportunity. Right. He needed that chance. And you know what? I might have been the fifth person to offer that. And in his life, it may have taken five people to do it. And if my calling was to be number five and for him to accept it, then what if I would have never done it? Mm, mm. Do you see what I'm saying? How many opportunities do we miss out on every day? That's my point. Just like that. That's my point. You don't never know when you might be somebody else's number five. Oh, that's good. Yeah, that's so true. And after I dropped him off, I felt a sense of, I don't know, just I don't want to say completion because Christ is who completes me, but accomplishment. Like I finished an assignment. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, okay, I started. Like fulfillment. Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Because it felt like I had studied for a test. I took a test, and I passed it because I studied for it. It's like God prepared us for that weekend. And I really felt like, you know, there's so many times, and I'm sure that a lot of people know where I'm coming from, which there's a lot of times we do good, we try to do good, and then we wonder, okay, is that really what God wanted me to do? You know what I mean? Yeah. Did I do this the way that God wanted me to, or did I make God proud when I did this or did that? Was my intentions really where they should be? Yeah. Did my motives line up to what God wanted me to do? But I know that after I dropped him off, I didn't even have to ask. It never crossed my mind whether or not I did what God wanted me to do. Yeah. It kind of showed me that what we have going on here, right this second, doing this podcast, Breathe Ministry, the church, and any other kind of outreach that we have, that right there is what it's all for. It's not what we were talking about earlier. Yeah. When you told me that God told you that, hey, this is what you're doing it for. When you were telling me your situation, when was it gone? It's like God was telling you, that's the same thing. God was just letting me know this is what it's all for. We're in preparation and in study to get ready for an assignment. And once we complete these assignments, we got to get back in the books. We got to study for the next one. We got to get ready for the next one. It never ends. It never ends because the only finishing line that we have is drawn in the sand by the hand of God. That's it. When we cross over, we're with Him then. That's the only finishing line that we have. Those of you who are here on this earth, that is our assignment is to love others more than ourselves and to try to help people. Yeah. Absolutely. That's awesome. Yeah, and that was my weekend. That sounds like a really good weekend. It was. It was. We was able to do something together that was meaningful for God. Just a pair of just two people doing God's will, and it felt complete. Right. Well, and I think that that's a blessing for your obedience to do what God told you to do. You went through that. The thing is... You went through that like you should have. So... Yeah, it's a privilege. It is. It really is. It's a privilege to know that the sovereign God that created all things invites me to participate in His will. That is true. Because He could do it Himself. Oh, He could. He don't need us. No. He does not need us. But He gives us an invitation for participation. You know, when I was looking at this, we've got a picture. Is that why you keep looking over my head? Yeah, it just, I don't know, grabbed my attention like I've not seen it a hundred times. But we have a picture that's on our shelf over here with four guys. Oh, yeah. One of them being you, Chris, isn't it? Two of them have since gone on to be with I Hope the Good Lord. Yeah. One of them is still in that program. One of them has actually graduated that program. Did he graduate? He graduated and he actually works for them. Okay. That's awesome. Yeah. But the picture... Shout out to Mitchell Osborne. Okay, go ahead. The picture was taken with all four of you guys. I don't know, it just made me think, you know, what did we do in front of, or how did we help those two guys that are no longer with us? Did we? You know, that's, I can answer some of that for you. Oh, that'd be great. I think about them a lot. Well, you know, I went back with them. For all of you that don't know, I was in a, I guess you can call it a sober living home or a halfway house, and it's Christ-centered. And they had an event here at the church. Was it the... It was the Brave Ministry Celebration Appreciation event for all the vendors. Yeah. And so while we was there, while I was there at the place, we got an invite. Of course, you know, I've talked to the guys there, and I'm like, look, I really want to go to that, to my sister's church. And so we got, what, there was probably about 10 of us that came, wasn't there? Yeah, there was about 10, 15 like that. Yeah, about 10 or 15 of us that came. And there was four of us that wanted to get a picture taken together. And, oh, yeah, let me tell you. Yeah. Okay, you had the same thought. Yeah, I did. For Brave Ministry, someone donated a picture of... Paul Bear Bryant. Paul Bear Bryant. And it was a hand-painted picture, beautiful picture. And they auctioned it off, and all the proceeds went to Brave Ministry, correct? Yes. Yeah. And so the bid started off at like $2. And there was this, how old was that little girl, like five, six? Yes. Bless her heart. I think one of her parents put her up to it because they wanted it. Because when she said, I got $4. And I'm standing there, I'm like, who's going to bid against this sweet little girl? You know, because she walked up with cash in her hand like she was buying it from a convenience store. She was just bringing the cash to the person that was auctioning it off. And I'm like, this is a setup. Nobody's going to want to bid against this sweet little girl. So anyways, of course, there was people that bid against her. And it started off the guy that was with me. But anyways, it started off around $2, $3, $4, whatever. And it kept climbing to $50, to $80, somewhere around there. It got up to $200. And my numbers might be a little off, but I'm just kind of giving everybody the gist of what was going on. And then there was, I don't know if I need to say any names or not. As far as the ones that's no longer with us. I wouldn't say. Okay, well, let's just say that one of them's name was Jay. And the other one's name is BJ. I know, it's their initials. Oh, okay. So Jay stands up and he says, $250. And everybody was like, wow. Well, BJ said, and keep in mind, these guys know each other. We're all friends and stuff. We're in the same program. And so there's not so much money we can make while we was there anyways. So, you know, they weren't making money like most people. You know, they just were able to make what was left over from paying for being there. BJ stands up and he says, $300. And Jay says, okay, $350. And everybody's like, wow, what, what? And BJ says, yeah, my number's all right. And BJ says, all right, $400. And everybody's like, wow, I can't believe this. And Jay looked at me, he said, Chris, that's all I've got. I said, man, don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. And they finally said sold for $400 to BJ. And everybody's like, wow. And BJ said, hold on a second. Everybody stop. And he looked at Jay and he said, Jay, would you really pay $350 for that if you would have won it? And Jay was like, yes, I would have. So BJ said, I'll tell you what. You can go ahead and get that picture, the $350, and I'll still pay the $400. That was a $750 donation to Breeze Ministries by two people that was in a program theirself. Right. That's what the church did for them. You want to know what kind of impression? That's what kind of impression y'all made on them. Okay, now you're going to make me cry. But that's the difference. Yeah. And, again, silent sermons, unspoken sermons, the way that y'all loved on them and accepted them as part of the church, that's why they did that. They're no longer with us. One of them died in a car crash. Last year, wasn't it? Last year. And the same year, the other one took their own life. Yep. Yep, you know that made a huge impact on us as a ministry. But that's what it's about is loving on people. It ain't about money. It's not about any of that. We are supposed to love like Jesus. Yeah. I mean, he didn't judge people that he came across. He loved them and he tried to help them. He did help them. That's what it tells us in the Bible. And, you know, everything was so real here at the church that they wanted to be a part of it. And by them doing that, it made them feel like they was a part of something. They were. They were bigger and better than themselves. And I'm telling you, listen, so when we got back to the program, they took that picture. It's still up there now. It's hanging up in the main foyer. And we had what they call feelings check that weekend. And the program director stood up. Shout out to Josh Smith. He stood up and, you know, he told everybody about the picture. And the guys got to stand up and tell their story about how everything happened. Yeah. And they stood up that morning and they went through the whole spiel like what I just went through. And they were just telling all the guys about it. And they was like, so you mean to tell me you paid $750 for that picture? And they, oh, God almighty. They looked at him and they said, no. No, the picture was free. They said, we gave Bree's ministry that $750. That picture was free. Mm. And. What a testimony in itself for them. What a testimony for this place, for the ministry. See, there's so much that we do in people's lives that we don't even know. And we've got to get to the point where it's okay if we don't know about the difference we make. It's okay. It's okay. If we stop worrying about the outcome of it. Yeah. And start worrying about the income. Yes. You know, just worry about what we're putting in. Don't worry about what's coming out of it. Because God is the one that gathers the harvest. Right. We're just the seed planters. All we do is we plant the seed and we water it. Yeah. But God is the one that gathers the increase. That's right. It's nice to hear. And God knows when we need to hear. That's true. Yeah. So he'll make sure that there's a lot right now. I didn't know that. Yeah. Well, I hadn't thought about it, you know. And I think that God allowed me to remember it now just for that. And that's just while I was there. That's just what I heard. Now, I'm sure there's other times that they went around and telling people about it. Because I guarantee you, the guys that was there with us that night aren't the only ones they told about it. Like, I worked with, well, actually I worked with both of them at the same plant. And they told the guys at the plant about it. You can't tell me that didn't plant a seed either. That's true. It's like a domino effect. A ripple effect. Yes. If we allow it to be. And we share our testimony. Yeah. About different areas in our life. It's word of mouth. Yeah. Well, oh, God Almighty. And, you know, sometimes it's less than word of mouth. It's just your actions. It's about what you do for somebody. Actions speak louder than words. Because I'm telling you, to this day, and this was, I don't know what, the first of last year, maybe? This was, yeah, because we just had the event in March. Yeah. Yeah. And we had it set up or in memory of for them. Yeah. So this was last year in March. Mm-hmm. 2022, 23. Since then, had they missed a gathering for Breeds Ministry? Oh, no. Well, the first time that I had met them, we invited them to our first event, which was in 22, and they came. So I had the privilege of meeting a lot of the guys then. I don't know if they were there then. No. No. Okay. I don't remember if they were there, but. Well, they are adamant. The program, to this day, is adamant about coming to any special, what do you call it? Any events that Breeds Ministry has, they are adamant about coming, adamant about it. I mean, they're going to at least have one band load that voluntarily comes, because most of the time we have stuff, what, on Saturday nights? Mm-hmm. Stuff like that. Yeah, it's normally Saturdays. And the Saturday nights in that program, I know for a fact, is the only nights that they have to themselves, where they don't have homework, they don't have meetings, and they don't have work or anything. They don't have to get up early the next morning. So it's strictly voluntarily for them to come up here, and they still have at least a band load every time. Well, they have truly blessed us, that's for sure. Well, they don't look at it like that. That's how we look at it. They may look at it as blessing them, but they don't realize what a true blessing they have been to us showing up at every one of our events and just being there, praising God with us. I mean, it really is remarkable if you think about it. And, you know, what happens, you know, if we look about how we have an effect on people? Mm-hmm. And I don't know about you, but I know a lot of times in my life when I feel like the Lord may be leading me or guiding me or telling me to go in a certain direction or to do certain things, sometimes I might feel inadequate or like, okay, well, that's not God telling me that. Oh, yeah. Or... Story of my life. Yeah, and I'm sure that a lot of us have to do with that. And we tend, as soon as that thought enters our mind, that's us stepping away from God because there's no such thing. There's no such thing. I mean, there's no point in agreeing to disagree with God. What was that? Move it on. Was that your stomach? It was. Oh, good. Oh, my goodness, guys. Sorry. Well, you know, I don't have any candy because I get in trouble for making racket over here. So my stomach's growling, okay? Move it on, Christopher. I'm just glad it was your stomach. Okay. Get back to talking to the good stuff, the meaningful stuff. I can't right now. I don't even know what I was talking about. Oh, my goodness. You don't need to. I was about to tell you. How many times we have an impression on people. No, it wasn't. No, it's not. That's what you said. So maybe rewind this. Rewind this. Calm down, like crazy. Rewind. We have an impression on other people with our words. Action. I can think of all the words. Beth, that was so, like, ten minutes ago. Fifteen minutes ago. I started talking about us stepping away from God as soon as we agreed to disagree with Him. But when we do that. If you wouldn't have focused on the little bitty sound of my stomach growling. It took my attention. It just kept going. You said the itty bitty sound, but I've got a set of headphones on. I'm talking into my ear, and I heard it. Well, I think you're focusing on the wrong thing. That's true. Action speaks louder than words. Beth, we are so far past that. Yeah, but I can keep saying that all day long, because it's true. But a lot of times when God calls us to do something, we feel inadequate to do it. And, you know, and sometimes that's a good thing, because if we feel inadequate to do it, it means that we realize how important it is and how important He is that's asking us to do it. And we can't do it by ourselves. Amen. Amen. What? I just saw that. I just saw that. That was living on my heart. But stop and think about Isaiah. Isaiah is arguably one of the greatest major prophets of the Old Testament. I was reading Isaiah last night. Was you? And think about what all he accomplished, how much faith he had, how close he was to God. But in Isaiah chapter 6, he was in the presence of God When he got in the presence of God, you know what he said? He said, Woe is me, for I am a man with unclean lips. Because he was so close to God that he realized how filthy he was and how great God was. And when God told him to go, then he said, Here I am. Send me. I'll go. And I hope I can get this out the way that God showed me. And I'm going to break this up in my sermon, but it's not going to be the gist of my sermon. But listen to this. What did God tell Moses what his name was? When he told Moses to go, Moses says, Who did I tell him to send me? What did God tell him to tell him? I am. Yes. Say it so the people in the back can hear you. I am. Tell them that I am sent to you. You know, I think, and I really believe in my heart the spirit showed me this. When Isaiah said, Here I am. Send me. I'll go. I don't think that Isaiah was telling God where Isaiah was. I think Isaiah was acknowledging God. Hey, I am. Send me. I'll go. Do you see the difference? Yeah. And I think sometimes we get so caught up with addressing ourself and what we're worth and what we're not worth and everything else that we don't take the time just to address God and focus on him. I think Isaiah, when God asked him if he would go, ask who he could send ahead of him, Isaiah realized, Hey, listen, I need to focus on God because at first it was focused on himself. What was me from a man with unclean lips? Yeah. But then when he focused on God, he said, Here, I am. He's acknowledging God. I don't think he's letting God know where he's at because God knows where he's at. He says, Hey, I am. Send me. I'll go. And I think that if we focus more on God. Yes. And less on how we feel, sometimes where we're inadequate to do what he's called us to do. And I'm trying not to get into my sermon, but Moses had that same issue. Yeah. We talked a little bit about that last week. Yeah. Yeah, we did. And if I talk about it anymore, you're going to know my entire sermon. Well, but, but look, Hey, okay. All right. Look at Jonah and the whale, the big fish. Yes. Is there one of the big fish? Well, that's cool. Well, um, it's cool. Emergency reason, but that's what Jonah done. When, when God told him to go to the land of Nineveh, Jonah ran the, listen, we got to keep in mind Jonah, the prophet, he was already living for God. He just didn't want, he was already a prophet. He already knew the glory of God, but when he agreed to disagree with God, it caused enmity between him and God. And he left and ran from God. But let me tell you something. When God has an assignment for a specific person, he's going to keep that assignment open for that specific person. Because look, when Jonah finally come back to his senses and become the prodigal prophet, God got it back. And he says, okay, now go. He gave him the exact same assignment that he gave him before he started running. So I don't care how long it's been since we started running from God about certain things in our life. God is there waiting on us to come back to him, to give us a second chance at doing something that wasn't willing to try and fail the first time and do it. I know that in my life and the things that God has put on my heart in the past to do, I didn't think I'd ever do it. Fear of failure. And now, not only am I doing it, but I'm succeeding and I'm successful with it. Because of him, of course. But he gave me a chance to perform and do the assignment that he assigned me a long time ago. The promised land that he told me that I would have a long time ago, I'm living in it now. His grace and his mercy. That's my promised land. And I'm living in it. I needed it to save me then. I needed it to sustain me now. And he sustains me with his love, with his grace, with his mercy, with his presence. His spirit lives inside of us, Beth. When we hurt, he hurts. When he calls, we need to listen. We are worthy through him. Because the scripture says that Abraham's faith was accounted to him as righteousness. So Abraham was considered righteous because of his faith in God. Through the eyes of God, through God's lens. So if he did that for Abraham, he'd do that for us. All we've got to do is have our faith in God. That's right. Have our faith in the ability that he's given us, the anointing that he's put on our life. Because I promise you, he's not going to tell us to do anything that we're not able to do. To those that he's called, he's also equipped. Right. That's what the word says. Yeah, that's what the word says. And our best is like filthy rags. Yeah. Our best. Yeah, my best is landing me in bad places. Yep, mine too. But through him. Who? Him. What? The I Am. What? Capital I. And Am. All things are possible. Yeah. He makes those that aren't. He makes them. I don't know if I'm saying it wrong. Aren't. Yes. Let's see how they say it. Those. Oh, I just heard a burp. No, that was mine. No, that was, that was. Oh, okay. Thank God. He makes us what we aren't. I'm good with that. Think about it. He makes the dishonest people. Through him. Honest people. He makes people that are struggling with any kind of addiction. Come on. Come on. He makes them sober. Through him, all things are possible. Come on. So. Preach it. There you go. No, seriously. Preach it. Come on with it. Keep it coming. Okay. You know, and I'm going to be honest about something. I'm going to be completely honest here. And vulnerable. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm going to confess. I don't have a problem confessing my shortcomings. So I'm going to do that right now. All right. So we had a gentleman come to our second annual anniversary of the Grace Ministry last year. I'm sorry, no, this past March. And we were about to leave to go get the cake and, you know, the food and stuff. Because we were, we were actually getting really close to where, you know, we're about to start. So we were kind of rushing a little bit. And before we had a chance to go out the doors of the church, there was a young gentleman standing at the doorway. And we have several guests that come up the road here. And they, people that are looking for a place to stay or, you know, they're struggling. Their family is what they are. And that's how we try to treat them when they come in. Anyway, this particular time, I was like, oh, my goodness, we don't have time for this. We got to go, you know. And then God stopped me in my tracks. Man, his chastisement, his whoopings, they hurt. And he's like, I didn't call you to this ministry to have the priority of materialistic things. I called you to this ministry to help other people who are struggling. And I was like, yes, God. You know, like he really was bold, bold about it. And I'm over feeling some type of way. I'm like, I am so sorry, God. I got you. I got it. You know, but life is so busy, right? Yeah, on my back. Life is so busy. We live in such a fast-paced, everyday lifestyle. Yeah. That we're in too much of a rush to even see the person over here struggling. We have got to stop. And, you know, when you was talking about the guy. And I'm talking about myself, too. Yeah, and when you was talking about the guy just now, that's something else that you see that the ministry is doing or the results of what God is doing through the ministry. Because, in essence, you did the same thing for that guy as you did, as the ministry did for the guys that we was talking about earlier. Showing love. Planting that seed. Listen, and I've said this time and time again, nobody cares what you know until they know that you care. Period. If they don't think you care anything about them, do you actually think they care about what you're going to tell them? That's true. Why? And where does that come from? Action, maybe? Action. Love is an action verb. It's not something you have. It's something you do. Yeah, so don't worry about the right things to say. Right. Show the love. Just show love, man. Yeah, just show love. And... That could be through a hug. Yeah. Anything, dude. Look, it could be through listening. That's it. Because some people just want somebody to listen to them. That's true. That is very true. Some people just want a hug. Yeah. They just want to know somebody cares. I think we've all been in situations where we've felt lonely sometimes at some point in our lives. Oh, yeah. So treat people how you would want to be treated actually better than what you would want to be treated. Right? We all have the same needs. We all have the same needs, for real. We need Jesus. We all need Jesus. I need more of him. I need as much of him as I can get. I heard that. That's so true. Beth, I will call you out on this podcast right now. You better be nice. Okay. I wish I could see what I could see sometimes. Yeah, me too. You're disgusting. Okay. We're not going to go there on this one. Oh, are you talking about that? Yeah. But basically, show the love of Christ. Yeah. WWJD. What would you say? If we use that same, that same, what do you call it? Abbreviation? Acrostic. Acrostic. That's the one. In our daily life. Wow. Yeah. Hmm. We would probably make better decisions, right? And you know, a lot of times, and sister, I think maybe you were talking about this a while ago, is and it might have been a few minutes ago on this podcast. That's how bad my brain is. But we're talking about how we help people sometimes. No, we haven't talked about that yet. We haven't? Have we? We ain't talking nothing about helping people. It's quiet time. It's quiet time. She's in a time out. Oh. And we don't see immediate results. Yes, we just talked about that. And, you know, there's no telling that guy that you was talking about that God chastised you. Evidently something you done stuck to him because we've seen him tonight. Yes. At Taco Bell. And by the way, do not get that, what is it called that I got? That was not. That Cheez-It something. That Cheez-It, the new Cheez-It thing. Don't get it. It's horrible. It's bad. It tastes like a chip sandwich. Yeah. With sour cream instead of mayonnaise. A chip sandwich. Well, a Cheez-It sandwich. Are you complaining? Oh, man. That was good. We'll get back to that in a second. Go ahead. I can't even go any further than this right now. We saw that guy tonight. Yeah, thank you. Yes. And we're coming out of Taco Bell and he's like, hey, do I know y'all? He said that to our pastor. Our pastor and Ms. Stone, they both came and ate with us. And I turned around to see who it was and it was him. And so we were checking on him, asking him how he was doing and everything. And he asked us to pick him up from church this Sunday. So we're making arrangements for that. But it was great to see him again. Yeah, and he almost got in tears when he called him to give us a hug. Did you notice that? He was giving everybody hugs, yes. And, you know, when he first came that first time, he wasn't all about the hugs. No, he was very, not really standoffish, but. Kind of withdrawn a little. Yeah, yeah. Skeptical. Exactly. Which, I mean, if you stop and think about it, I can't blame him. Well, look, even before that, though, he was, Nathan was like, hey, let's walk outside. The first time when we met him here at the church, Nathan was like, hey, let's walk outside so that they could talk because there's other people. And he was like, oh, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I did something wrong. That broke my heart. Yeah. Because you know that there's been many times that he's probably went through situations where people were running him off the premises. And it could have been another church. It could have been. But we told him, you're not doing anything wrong, buddy. You came to the right place. Yeah. You're right where God wants you to be and we're here to help you. And, you know, we try to love on everybody that comes. We're not perfect, but showing the love of Christ should definitely be a focus point, the focus point in the lives of others. Yeah. And we show people the love of Christ here. And you made the comment passingly that we're not a perfect church, we're not perfect people, but we want to show the love of Christ. And sometimes it will help people that's not in church to see that, hey, we're not perfect people. That's true. We've got, look, let me speak for myself. I've got issues. Amen. I've got issues and my issues have issues. My problems have problems. I can't even make, where did that come from? Okay. She is out of commission right now. She got a lot hitted. Does it wear shoes? Yes. My issues. Oh, that's so corny. Why am I laughing at that? Because it's corny. Oh, my goodness. Okay. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. 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