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cover of Guided Meditation #1 kundalini for beginners
Guided Meditation #1 kundalini for beginners

Guided Meditation #1 kundalini for beginners




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The transcription is a guided breathing exercise that focuses on deep breaths and visualization. It encourages the listener to visualize the breath moving through different parts of the body and clearing energy blocks. It emphasizes self-worth, healing, and the importance of expressing oneself. The exercise concludes with a reminder to slowly return to the present moment and show gratitude for taking the time to do the exercise. Taking a few deep breaths in that feel good in your body, visualizing the air coming into your body, and visualize it leaving your body. Taking another deep breath in, and on your exhale maybe releasing the breath with a sigh. Another deep breath in, and let it out, holding space for stress and tension to leave your body with your exhale, becoming more at peace with every in-breath, witnessing yourself breathing deeply in your body. On your next in-breath, visualizing the air moving into your neck, moving through your chest, all the way down to the base of your spine, and let it out. Focusing on the breath, doing that a few more times, breathing in, moving down the neck, through the chest, into the belly, all the way to the pelvic floor, and letting it out. Taking another deep breath in, as deep as you can go, visualizing that breath going into your neck, all the way down from your chest, from your sternum, to the belly button, all the way to the base of your spine, and let it out. Taking another deep breath in, visualizing that air moving all the way down to your belly, and filling your belly up like a balloon, and let it out. Visualizing this breath a few more times, becoming more and more relaxed with every breath. On your next inhale, breathing in as deep as you can go, deeper than before, deepest breath you've taken, and let it out. On your next in-breath, visualizing your breath going through your chakras. On your next in-breath, visualizing that air moving through the throat chakra, located in the middle of the neck, and then slowly moving down to the heart chakra, and moving down to the solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, and root chakra. As you exhale, visualizing that air coming back up and out. Taking another deep breath in, visualizing each chakra spinning like a wheel as you breathe in. Then as you breathe out, same thing. Continue breathing as you listen to the sound of my voice, visualizing each chakra clearing, spinning, moving energy in your body. Feeling lighter, feeling more full of life, feeling more alive, more in your body. Focusing on that connection as you breathe mindfully into each chakra. Continue this breathing pattern as long as you'd like, visualizing that air giving you life, helping you feel better in life, helping you navigate this human body with more ease. You are worthy of healing. You are worthy of feeling better in your body. You are worthy of a life. You are worthy of life free of pain. You are worthy of a life. You are worthy of living a life free of pain, and by breathing mindfully, you're literally clearing energy blocks in the body, and energy blocks are what create pain in our physical body. Visualizing yourself clearing your body of pain, exhaling it out. Let out a loud sigh if that feels good. You're feeling called to release more energy, screaming into your pillow. Honor the humanness within you. Honor the expression that is dying to come out. You weren't born to suppress. You were born to learn how to express, and that's what you're doing right now. Every exhale, every inhale, you are expressing yourself. You are saying, I am alive in these moments, so continue breathing. Continue giving yourself life. Another big, deep breath in with me, and let it out. When you're ready, slowly bring yourself back into this present moment. If you ended up closing your eyes, re-opening those eyes, giving yourself a hug, just offering some physical touch to your body, saying thank you for taking the time to do this, and I hope you have the best rest of your day.

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