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Dr. Sujit Dara, known for his contributions to regenerative therapy in India, is now venturing into politics. In an interview, he talks about his passion for singing and how it was influenced by his mother. He emphasizes the importance of prioritizing work and believes that success comes from continuous effort and dedication. Today we have Dr. Sujit Dara, he is my mentor and Dr. Sujit Dara needs no introduction. He is the man behind regenerative therapy in India, a place in which plasma therapy was founded by Dr. Sujit Dara and we are aware that all over the world there is a stage of arm reformation in Telangana. Everyone is following the protocol made by Dr. Sujit Dara. And after starting such a wonderful journey in the field of medicine, now he has moved to a new politics and we all are wondering what magic he is going to create in the world of politics. So here we welcome Dr. Sujit Dara and her podcast to get more insight into his life, his life journey, his principles so that we have a good journey and we can learn a lot from him. So you are welcome to our podcast. The first thing is, because I know you so well personally, I know that you are such a beautiful singer. So is it okay if we start our podcast with just few lines in your melodious voice? You need me to start the interview with singing? Yes. So basically my singing, whatever the level of my singing is because of my mother. My mother used to sing beautiful Hindi songs. She is no more. Whenever, you know, in our childhood days, Vividh Bharti was the, you know, the program that comes in the afternoon, 3.30 after we come from the school. She used to on the radio at 3.30 Vividh Bharti and all the old Hindi songs. Then they were new. Now at this point of time, they are very old songs. So I used to listen to these songs. I didn't learn any music. It's only the listening from whatever the radio songs come and also whatever my mother used to sing. So I have a habit of singing. I have few friends. We have some band also. Band is not a professional band. We have karaoke singing groups and we sing mostly doctors only. So I have this passion towards singing. Even though my voice is not good and I am not a good singer but still I sing for myself and I enjoy singing. So this is one of the songs which I like most. This is a song from Bobby sung by Shailendra Singh. So I will just recite few lines from it. I am not a poet. But oh beautiful. Since the time I have seen you, I have become a poet. I am not a poet. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. 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I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. I have heard the name of love but I don't know what love is. So basically my policy, my principle of life is always struggle to work. Always think about work. Work is the first thing. Whenever I do interview of my doctors who wants to get the training in my center under me. I will ask only four objectives I will give and I want to choose the priority. I ask them know you have four options. One thing is your kids, your parents, your husband and work. There are four. So which one you will choose first? Which is your highest priority? Lot of people they say that know if they have kids know they will say kids. If they have you don't have you know kids and they have parents they might say parents or husband. But work will be the last thing people say that is wrong. 100% wrong. Whoever know after their marriage, after their you know education and they enter into career. They choose the work. The work is worship. Because when you concentrate each and every second of your thinking in the work know. You will get succeeded. Success means it is not a simple thing that know you have a car. You have a good house. You have good clothes and all that is not the success. Success is everyday struggle. Everyday you struggle and success will not be reached. So success is a continuous process. It's a phenomena where you go on and searching for something. That means the work you have to be thinking about every minute every second. You should not be thinking anything else. Why I am saying this? If you start doing work and you become very successful in your work. Your husband, your kids and your parents will be immensely happy with you. And all will be with you. They will praise you. They will all be with you only. That's why the principle of my life is work, work, work. Whatever you believe in that work. You just do the work. Think about the work. Today we are doing some work and tomorrow it has to increase by at least 5%. Day after tomorrow another 5%. My goal is that only. I think about work only. And one more very very important thing which every youngsters should learn is whenever there is a change happening. Whenever a new offer is coming to you. Whenever something, some option is coming to you which you like. Never resist to change. Change yourself. Think about it 100 times. But change. When you want to do that and you want to take a second opinion. You take an opinion as a suggestion. Don't take an opinion from any other person as a decision. If you give a decision to your counterpart like whether it is a husband or wife. 50% of the purity of your decision of doing that particular job is gone. So when you want to do something. When your offer has come to you. You just think about whether it is going to suit you. Whether you are going to like it or love it. You can take suggestions but not ask any decision from others. When you ask the decision. The sanity, purity of that particular concept will completely go off. So take your own decisions. But think 100 times or 1000 times before that and take your decision. This is how the life should go for all the youngsters. So see just living normal life is not enough in this world. You need to be continuously working. You need to be having a tireless night. You need to be sweating up every day. You need to not have any sleep at all. That is the way the anger generation, the anger part of your life should go. Then you will reach the goals and peaks of the success. Sir, I have this important message. You go to the division which is important in every field. But what do you think about the work pressure sir? Because the youngsters, we have like lots of pressures on family, on the friends, on the society and then the work. So what do you think how we can handle this kind of pressure and where we are more focused? So work pressure is again a misnomer. Work pressure doesn't happen. If you are really working, if you are really prospering. Hi to my team. So basically what is happening is in a hospital if there are 50 surgeries happening, any big corporate hospital, 40 surgeries are generally for the cases of degenerative conditions. Degenerative condition means it's not a disease. It's basically a condition which will be very painful because of the aging, because of the wear and tear, because of the sports injuries and because of the abnormal positions and because of the any you know abnormal activities what you do. So this is what happening in a big corporate hospitals or in a small nursing homes also. So 40% is almost like you know this all is... What happened suddenly? Yes. So if you take any corporate hospital, any private nursing home, if they are doing around 40 to 50 surgeries a day, 90% of the surgeries are done on the patients who are not having any disease. So you might be wondered if a person is not having a disease at all, why he is subjected to a surgery? This is happening because of the chronic degenerative conditions. That is the painful conditions which are coming because of the aging process, because of the road traffic accidents, because of the sports injuries. Basically these are not diseases, but all the surgeries, 90% of the surgeries, those are happening in the hospitals are because of these conditions only. As an anesthesiologist, when I give anesthesia to the surgeries, when I assist the surgeons to do surgeries, I came across thousands of such type of cases and I got some idea that why these natural conditions, why these chronic degenerative conditions can be treated naturally because this aging process, whatever the sports injuries or road traffic accidents happening, can we tackle them? Can we control them? Can we correct them naturally? Are there any modules of such type of treatments in the world? I researched and I read a lot of books and then this PRP has come up. This PRP is there since almost like 30 years in Europe and US and India also, but never it became popular because of the industry that has taken over in terms of the surgical process. You all know, surgeries involve a lot of money, lot of finance. So, what happens is they don't want to stop this, you know, lucrative whatever you call, you know, treatment modules and never ever they thought that no PRP with simple injection regenerative therapy with a simple, harmless, without any side effects should or must, you know, treat all these conditions. So, then I studied, I researched, I got trained in foreign countries and I got this treatment into India so that now today we can challenge, we can challenge that all the cases of knee osteoarthritis, all the cases of spine ailments, all the cases of shoulder pathologies need not go for surgery. The surgical indications for all these conditions are not more than 5%. 100 people are having knee joint pain, only 5 patients only are fit to go for surgery. So, now the challenge is not I am doing, the challenge is done by the people. The public is demanding, public is challenging that surgeries on the knees, surgeries on the shoulder, surgeries on any joint. So, the challenge is not coming from us, we are supporting the people, we are doing the goodness to the people so that people are challenging every surgeon not to get a surgery done, they want this, you know, regenerative therapy to be done on their joints or in that matter for any other ailments. So, whenever some new things come up, there is always a lot of backlash that happens. So, you are working so hard, recently a renowned surgeon in Hyderabad, who has been practicing knee replacement surgery since last 40 years, he has been running this market of knee replacement for 40 years, he did a direct backlash against you. So, how do you face it? So, basically when you are becoming popular, when you are doing good things, when your name is slowly escalating, people, few people, very small percentage of, you know, this type of wicked people, people who are frustrated in life, people who are insecure, people they don't have a good mind, people they don't have a sympathy towards public, they start doing this, you know, poisonous statements about the things which are happening in a good way. So, this person who has commented on our center, on me, basically he is completely bankrupt now, he sold his hospital. So, his team as an orthopedic team, you know, all the team has gone to some other hospital. Now, he doesn't have anything, he has opened 3-4 centers, all have gone into completely losses. Now, he has sold his own hospital, now he has joined a hospital and now he is having a small room. In that room now, he has to practice, no team at all. So, now if any patient goes to him with a knee joint pain and asks him, that sir, I have a knee joint pain and if he says that you have to undergo knee replacement surgery and the patient says, sir, knee replacement surgery, you don't talk about that. We know everything about knee replacement surgery but can you do a treatment, Dr. Sudhir Dara is doing in Epion, can you do that or not? If that question is asked to him, how much, you know, anger he will have, how much frustration he will have, that is basically justified but this is, that only one person is commenting like that, that is because of his condition is not good, we also should show pity on him. So, we should not worry about all these things. See, my policy, my principle in life is, just move on, whoever, whatever they say, let them say, that is a big popularity for me, I will become more popular, Epion will become more popular, my team of the doctors will become more popular if he says like that. So, basically his condition is not good, just we leave him like that only and one more thing, I can help him, because people are coming to you, asking for PRP, you come to me, I will make you learn PRP, you also do PRP, why surgeries, no one is coming for you to undergo surgery, why don't you learn PRP from me, not from me, because I am busy now, my students will make you learn, then you can follow it. So, that is what the advice I can give to him and I pity him because of his condition. So, next question is, so, let's talk on students, what you are saying, so, there are, you have trained 50 to 60 patients, 5000, so, you have trained 5000 fellows, now it is present in Hyderabad, we don't know who is the founder of the Indian Medicines Academy, but, your fellows can use your hospital, can use your treatment, can use your protocol, your people can also use it, so, what do you see, and there are the competitions going on, so, what is your take on this? So, as I was always telling, so, whenever a good thing becomes very famous, people will follow, and whenever you have started something and you have become more successful, I want everyone to learn that, that is the character of a leader, so, everyone should learn that, everyone should learn that and every place should have a PRP treatment, not only Hyderabad, not only Warangal, not only Bongal, not only Tenali, not only Srikakulam, everywhere in India, people should learn, I make a lot of students learn this, every month I get at least 10 doctors to get trained, so, competition, no, it is never a competition, everyone should practice, but only one thing is, there should not be any shortcut, in medical treatment, because it involves the life, life of any patient, so, it involves the life of a human being, no shortcuts, have a proper training, have a belief in the treatment, follow the strict protocols and whatever I made them learn, just do that only, in that way, you can do a very good thing to the society, public will love you and the whole of the India should start PRP and whole of the India should think that all the cases of this joint pain, spine pain and shoulder pain are not at all mandatory to undergo any surgery, PRP is a wonderful thing, this can change the world in future coming, so that everyone should have a belief in this PRP. Thank you so much, Sir was talking about the South India and India, not only India, Sir, internationally also, lots of South Asian, especially South Asian countries, so underdeveloped, they all have to learn, there are so many Bangladeshis and other countries, they have to go to lots of places, Sir, adventurous attitude should be carried, basically, he went to Iraq once, history, other Sir, because I have gone a lot of times, you know, he is walking around the road, just because of doing some academic work there, yeah, see, as a part of medical tourism, we went to Iraq also, so when I was, you know, got an offer, in one of the corporate hospitals, that you have to go to Iraq, Sir, to do some procedures over there, and you have to train the doctors over there, so I went there, I went to my wife first, saying that I am going to Iraq, so immediately she went into shock, and she said, you know, what is Iraq, so Iraq, what is happening in Iraq and all, and you know, obviously, all of my relatives, friends, said that, no, no, no, no, no, just don't get this idea into your brain, so just whatever you want to do, do it in hospital, in that private hospital, don't do that, but as I already told you, if I want to do something, I just want to do, and I just, you know, don't look back, so obviously, I didn't listen to my wife, and I took the visa, and I went to the airport, so in the airport, the security checkmate, the security guy was checking, and he asked me, where are you going sir, I said, it is Iraq, immediately he said, please don't go there, so go back to home, this is not a safe place, why are you going, I am a doctor, I want to treat the patient, don't do this, there are many patients in India, treat them, what will you do in Iraq, the war is happening over there, it is not a safe country sir, but still, you know, I went to Iraq, and we went to one place, known as Babylon, you must be knowing, hanging gardens of Babylon, so it is one of the seven wonders of the world, in that place, we were supposed to do the procedures, and treat the doctors over there, we went there, people were lovely people, they like Indian doctors, like anything, but the only thing, sorry to say that, it was the whole of the town, was completely devastated, it is completely because of the US and Iraq war, complete devastation, everywhere it is dust and all, and to my surprise, when we came out of the airport, we saw big tanks in the roads, on the roads, what we see in India is autos and rickshaws, there were tanks, tanks and army people were roaming around, and we started panicking at that point of time, but Babylon was a bit safer city, we went to the hospitals, we saw the patients, I did procedures, lot of pain procedures, not knowing a single word of Arabic, what they speak, I kept on translator, you know, while doing the procedure, while talking to the patients before the procedure, and touch wood, nothing has happened, I have done more than 50 procedures in two days, and I have trained more than 40 to 50 doctors, in all these procedures, and the next thing is, this is what is very interesting, we went to Baghdad, Baghdad is a very fearful country, fearful city, the capital city of Baghdad, on the day we went to Baghdad, it was Friday, all the anti-government processions happened there, there were gunshots, there were tanks over there, and people were roaming around, and doing all the slogans in the night, and it was so fearful, but such a wonderful experience, visiting Iraq, such a wonderful people over there, such a lovely people, they like Indian doctors a lot, so this Iraq tour was a really memorable, and a very adventurous thing for me, you know in medical history, so basically what happens is, 99% of the doctors, they don't want to enter into politics, whenever you talk to a doctor, they say no, no, no, it's a dirty thing, you should not enter, and maybe since almost like one year, I was also under the impression, that the politics is not my, you know bread and butter, it's not my kind of thing, but you know changes happen, I told you know, changes they do come, offers they do come, even if we talk bad about politics, getting into politics is not that easy, getting a chance into the politics, is not that easy, very, very difficult, as an MLA or an MP, when I got a chance, when I got a you know, a bleak you know, amount of chance of entering into politics, then I thought, this politics is calling me, this is going to change my life, or I might do a very good thing, or I might change a set of people, who are very poor in my constancy, so in that way, I thought and I again, I went for suggestions, I went to my wife, she said no, I went to my, all my friends, they said, you are doing good, you are very good doctor, you are a famous doctor, you have almost like five centres, all over South India, why you want to spoil all these things, and want to go to politics, then again, as you all know, I don't listen to them, I got an opportunity, I took suggestion, 99% of the suggestions were no, and only 1%, few of my friends, they said, yes, you have to go, only 1%, and I took that 1% as 100%, and I entered into politics, and one of my close friends, is close to Mr. Y S Jaganmohan Reddy, who is the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, and the entry was very smooth, so politics, why I have entered politics, is because I got the chance, and I got a chance to serve the people, so politics definition is completely changed now, when Y S Jaganmohan Reddy, the YSRC, you know, president and founder, he entered into the politics, he is an youngster, he changed the definition of the politics, and politics is completely different now, if you want to come into the politics, you have to spend money, you will not get any money, you will have to serve people, you have to be with the people, and you have to take care of the people's needs, to any extent, and you need to always be with the people, so that is very, it's a big hardship, when compared to the doctors, but only the correlation, and you know, the similarities between a doctor, and a political leader, there are lot of similarities, that is, doctor should have a patient, politician should have a patient, doctor should listen to the patient, politician has to listen to the patient, doctor should come to a diagnosis of the disease, politician has to come to a diagnosis of a problem, you know, the particular constancy, it is giving, and doctor has to implement the plan of treatment, politician has also, should implement the problem immediately, so that all the people should be happy, so that is the motto of politician, and I am very happy after the, you know, campaigning and whatever the, you know, work I have done all these four months, so that, I now think that I have not done anything wrong, entering into politics. I remember one day, as I was talking to you, during this campaign period of four months, you have left your comfortable life, as a doctor, sitting in the clinic, seeing the patient, and still going out, at a temperature of around 39, 40 degrees, telling me, there is so much to do, and I met so many people, and I want to do so much for these people, so sir, the stuff I have said, you know, because I saw the change, where it is so easy to help these people, one day, you know, during the conversation, at the campaign period, so it changed, was it very automatic, or sudden, or you saw that people actually need help? Yeah, this is something very surprised to me, when you, when you see political leaders, when you see, you know, people in villages, the poor people, as a doctor, as a non-politician, it is completely different scenario, it is completely different scenario, we just pass by, and see a poor people, okay, this guy is poor, probably, if he gets some help, you know, he might get better, that is what we think, you know, when you enter into politics, it is completely different scenario, you go to a village, when I went to a village, and you see these poor people, they are coming towards you, I am not even MLA, I am a contesting MLA, I see the need of a good leader, in the eyes of those people, in the eyes of those, you know, poor people, and they see, you know, this guy, this leader, if he comes to, comes as an MLA, he can do a lot of things, he can, he can, he can bring us back to normal lives, he can, he can completely, you know, annihilate the poverty, what is having, we are having in the village, so that, that feeling, you know, whatever that, the depth of their sorrow in their eyes, you know, that we can see, then your thought process will completely change, the thought process will completely change, and if you are a good leader, you have a sense of sympathy towards, in you, as a human being, you know, the change of you completely towards, you know, serving the people will be so immense, and you will get drowned into the, you know, whatever the needs of those people, and, and, and that feeling is entirely completely different from what we are doing right now, if you are doing 20 to 30% goodness to the people as a doctor, you know, there is 80% left in the villages, and also to the needy people, who are there waiting for a good leader, so that, that, that, that, that what made me know, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, even, 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