Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
And here we go. I am Josh Long. This is Nick Donge across the street from me here at Diesel Daddy Central And this is the morning wood the big morning wood in Tahlequah, Oklahoma Yes, sir. Yes, sir. We got a special one coming in today our boy Sam Sam the illusionist pretty interesting stuff that Sam the illusionist Talks about and so we're gonna listen to a little bit of a clip It might be a little bit more than just a little bit might be about 10 minutes 15 minutes And then we're just going to discuss what we heard break it down I'd also like to get into the idea of what this Really is that we're listening to as far as channeling and stuff goes me being newer to all of that So I'd like to get more information and knowledge from you on that and kind of yeah basically Sam the illusion illusionist is an individual a man who used to be a street performer way back in the day and has essentially through a state of self hypnosis learned how to put himself into a deep trance and While he's in this deep trance. He's able to channel higher dimensional beings extraterrestrials the angelic realm amongst many other entities And so the information that he shares through this is not actually Sam's information But it's him in a deep trance state and the information is being channeled through him by these other dimensional beings angels Extraterrestrials anything of that sort and if that sounds crazy Maybe it is You don't want to listen now the time to turn off, but it's gonna be fun It's gonna be fun, but if you listen you might just find something out new about yourself that you didn't know Absolutely, we're gonna break it down and get into it. So, all right, here we go. Sam the illusionist We are here communicating from our seats in the LCO and star system and the plebeians Cluster as known by the people of your planet and our Transmission is aimed at providing information which will allow for the advancement of knowledge in the experience of ascension and the human societal complex therefore Before we address the queries we would recommend that all beings and minds bodies that are complexes who shall Listen to our message at this time live Let's remember to only accept those thoughts which generates a deeper understanding and balance within the time furthermore pause one of the things that I really Pay attention to because Sam's not the only channel if you will that I've heard or I've listened to But one of the things that I've always come to observe in positive Oriented beings when they're being channeled is they always make that statement right off the bat? Only take what information that you hear in this that resonates deeply with your heart If the information doesn't resonate with you or doesn't make any sense just leave it behind That's key with when we're listening to stuff like this Why do you think that's so key? Well as we're all ascending, right? We all have different levels of attachments that we're holding on to some of those attachments or definitions of words and so when some people say certain words It can cause a trigger in the mind of people that are attached to what they think The meaning of that is and so it's just important to be able to observe these things with no Attachments if something resonates with the heart or gives you an aha Type of moment. Well, then that was what you needed to hear if it doesn't make any sense to you That's okay. Just leave it leave it wayside and let it go and move on with your life Mm-hmm. I get it. I get it. All right back to Sam The queries that are found today relates with what is happening at the location Known by your people as the Bermuda triangle And why are many of the flying objects known as airplanes? missing in the location We as the pleiadians must firstly state that this primarily is related with a understanding Upon the energetic core of your planetary sphere deep within the earth there is a network of caverns beneath the Bermuda triangle wherein there is an ancient race of The people may be considered as Giants by your people these Giants primarily are the results of The Atlantean civilization using technology and other advanced stages of genetic manipulation and Manipulating their own bodily complexes which resulted in this clan the Giants during the disappearance and destruction of Atlantis Who fled the location and they hid inside the caverns which were created beneath the Bermuda triangle location and these caverns primarily were a location where in these Giants hid from the existence of the entities for thousands of years Furthermore these Giants primarily continued their cycle of evolution of their consciousness and they have created many types of knowledge bases and distortions of as known by your people as technology which is far superior than that of the current human societal complex Furthermore in so-called entities primarily known as the various higher density beings approached these Giants for the purpose of creating and Alignments and agreements with them. However during the time period of around 2,000 years ago there were many types of Galactic species entering the earth planet in order to create agreements with these Giants such as the Sirians, the Apsurians, the Andromedans and even from our race however, these Giants were not of a nature that may be considered as positively oriented hence they did not get into any type of alliance with the Positively oriented beings however, they were able to enter into an alliance with a group of entities from the Reptilian social memory complex who had approached them for in return of advanced technological Understanding and growth in the fields of their own Technological aspects they agreed to enter into alliance with the Reptilians thereby the Reptilians were able to alter the genetic material of these Giants creating a hybrid reptilian giant bodily complex which currently reside in the location and These reptilian beings primarily are of a nature which may be considered as negatively oriented in terms of their service to self since they are under the dictatorship of the Orion social memory complex these entities after forming alliances have established sophisticated underground networks, which spans the entire Area of the Bermuda Triangle and by using their combined psychological prowess these entities have successfully created dimensional rifts which allowed them to traverse between the inner earth and other higher dimensional planes using their own imagination furthermore many times these Giants and the reptilian social memory complex creates Disappearances which are primarily orchestrated for the purpose of extracting genetic material or to use the advanced technologies for the purpose of testing them upon those entities who are captured to such disappearances specifically the human mind's body spirit complexes are used as testing mechanisms by these entities by using advanced technology, they are able to selectively extract vessels and individuals from the surface of the earth and bringing them into the inner earth for Various purposes as stated above furthermore many of these individuals are primarily used for the purpose of genetic experiments, which are conducted jointly by these entities furthermore Many of the disappearances are carefully orchestrated events designed by these entities to maintain a type of accuracy and also enhance their own activities by using the aspects of Genetic materials available and now we shall answer query which relates with what is the true meaning behind The words and the concept as known by your people as above So, okay, we're gonna we're gonna chop this down to a whole lot of information with Sam You're shooting out back to back to back to back back. So let's review that over a minute. So what they're what they're talking about but the query or the question inside of Sam's mind was is What is the understanding of the Bermuda Triangle and we've all heard of the Bermuda Triangle, right? mysterious Disappearances of planes flying into that zone and just gone. Yeah boats sailboats sailing in fishing boats oil rigs and countless Times have humans and a vessel of a plane a boat whatever it may be gone into this area and just disappeared and this is Historical stories and lineages for as long as Probably in about any of us have ever been around or can even date back to here of these stories Mm-hmm and and so what the what they are explaining to us is is that some 2,000 years ago or whenever the Atlantean race Right was basically going extinct the Great Flood. Whatever it may have been that Ended the main stride of their civilization a bunch of them had fled to this area and with their technology were able to create underground caverns and Basically a sophisticated network that spans the entire area of the blue of the Bermuda Triangle now, this would be underneath the water inside the earth and And so that's a pretty interesting concept in what it is Right and then to relate to the disappearances Essentially what they're saying is is that these entities these beings, you know, although we're approached by both positive Beings and negatively oriented beings were kind of slightly towards the service to self which would be a negative oriented being Timeline and they had made alliances and agreements and sold Contracts with the reptilian social memory complex or the Orion's they are not Anunnaki's, right? He stated that they were under the Orion dictatorship, right? So essentially these more advanced negative oriented beings had come in at this time when they were probably in pretty much pretty big need It seems like their civilization had been destroyed They were fleeting and right at the perfect time this higher advanced civilization comes in and says here I can give you this We can show you this we can progress your things if you make these agreements with us and in those time periods he talked about how They use the genetic material of both the Giants and the reptilians to create a hybrid race that were like giant reptilians and and that so all these Disappearances that we have come to known throughout all of our lifetimes and thousands of years was actually this Social memory complex these giant reptilians that were essentially abducting people for genetic Extraction DNA and experimentation almost as if it's like a breeding program You know for these negative oriented beings which the positive oriented being Kind of did the same thing. It's just in service to others and with consent and you know They don't just ruin everything that you're about And so that was just kind of a quick synopsis of that last segment for saying I'm getting questions on that Yeah, I was just looking up when the first Disappearance in the beauty triangle was it was 1949 1949 it makes sense. It makes sense. Well, I guess that would be maybe when planes planes really start flying Yeah, they get their whole area built out. You know, they're able to access and do those things and then 1918 49 or 19 19 So that's almost 2,000 years later from They said like those caverns were created. Mm-hmm Interesting, all right, so the next question or query that's being answered Through this channel is the concept of as above so below Which I've always heard to be a Christian concept You know, yeah, I've been having so Yeah, I've also through the Indian traditions the Tibetan traditions. This idea is as above so below I think everybody hears it and kind of just relates it to whatever Religion or tradition there? Yeah, whatever they've practiced or read essentially what it's saying is it's a mirrored everything Outside of you is the same as the inside of you right as above so below The below is just internal It's not necessarily although when you look at biology and in nature We apply this concept as above so below you look at the root systems the tree on the top of the surface the above can only be as sophisticated and as large and expansive as the root system which is below and if you were able to see a Photoshop of both the top of the canopy of the tree and the bottom of the root zone expression They're gonna look almost identical to each other. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I always heard it as a it was always translated to me as The will of God being reflected down To earth like as in heaven, you know what you want up there. We're gonna reflect it down here So, you know resting to hear how this goes Lens upon the history of your planet as well as the ancient wisdom of your planetary sphere wherein many of the historical figures as known by your people as our mistress magistrates and other entities who created the text such as the Emeralds tablets Primarily have the meaning of what do you there? There's a picture of a tree and a Literally see how that Which primarily encapsulates the understanding of the universal complex which exists as a layered structure and The reflection of divine attributes is found within those layers furthermore in this aspect there is a needs to understand that the universal complex is primarily created with an infinite amount of dimensions and layers of reality or illusion Which exists within the vast expanse of the Creator's consciousness and this places humanity between the material and the spiritual planes Which primarily allows for the divine consciousness to evolve? continuously until The consciousness reaches or transcends the material planes Completely thereby entering the spiritual planes which allows for a greater understanding of spiritual evolution furthermore many entities in this timeline have the notion and understanding that if they are able to use the concept of as above so below entities who are Primarily trying to shape their reality complexes of the illusion complex with alignment with these principles of a higher Consciousness minds they are able to achieve this further we must state that during this aspect the Understanding that the thought forms as well as imagination Complexes have a deeper and a higher capacity to influence in reality furthermore the present circumstances are primarily the culmination of mental projections found in the earth planets further a journey towards higher level of consciousness is Involved by setting and creating positive goals and also aligning with the goals that were created with the good of the entire social memory complex which transcends the dichotomy of self business and self-service further We must state that this allows Individual entities to envision a reality which is transformed beyond the current understanding of which is shaped by separation and that true understanding of as above so below is that the unification of the entire Universal complex as a singular being which implies that the events Which are happening on the higher density planes have the ability of refracting or projecting a shadow onto the lower densities which creates a Event similar to that which is happening on the higher dimensional planes furthermore This can be signified by the understanding that many of the world events which are being shaped today primarily are a combination of higher density spiritual battles which are reflected on the earth planet as more than other vessels on the earthly planes therefore in order for the entire social memory complex and the illusion complex of the earth planets to transform the Transformation must firstly happen from a higher dimensional space of the earth's existence which can be achieved by transformation within each mind body spirit complex in the earth planet Who must decide to choose a positive? outlook and positive thought-form vibration and emotion at Each moment let them go of separation which will result in the reflection of the outside illusion complex the other query relates with Okay, we gotta stop because that was mind-boggling and and Sam really went outside of the box There okay, and I'm not sure if a lot of people really caught that So when we kind of went into this I think kind of our mind frame now you you I want to come back to your statement about heaven Because it kind of relates to what I'm catching in this. Okay, so a lot of people are kind of Framed in this idea that as above so below on a localized level, right? What's outside of us is inside of us what's above ground is below ground, right? And You made a statement about As above so below what's happening in heaven will manifest here Okay. Well, I want to stretch your mind in this understanding. Okay, he made a very specific statement saying that Essentially if you are in a state of separation, which is the current Belief of the majority Okay that you and I are individuals in this world apart from each other and that, you know, we're separate, right? Then you cannot experience the full Understanding and picture of what it is that we're saying. Okay, as above so below if you're in a state of separation Right, you think that you are separate from everything else in this world? Separate from everything else in this world. Well, then you're not even at the front door of Experiencing this concept which is as above so below. Yep and what what Sam says is and how it kind of matches back to your your idea is Is that when we finally? Release and let go of the separation and we realize that we are all one Being right in my mind when I shift from looking out here projecting and everything and me as a person at a desk, but then I turn that vision inwards and I just Abide in the silence of the one being we are Right what that does is it allows and Nick calls it heaven, right? But really it's just a higher Dimensional realm of who we already are. We're a part of that one being right, but when we take our Mind off the separation and we place it on this internal one being then We will begin to see the manifestations of that higher density realm Manifest here and what we think is the physical realm Mm-hmm. That's a lot to unpack Yeah That's a lot to unpack right there Because what is it what we have to really drill back to is Understanding very thoroughly and multidimensionally the idea of moving from a state of separation to a state of singularity Mm-hmm, and until you move into that state of singularity, you can't comprehend What we are meaning by as above so below. Mm-hmm, and And so some of these things as you guys get into it And I hope that you go and you look up this guy Sam the illusionist When we post this we'll make sure to put a link in there And go back there. He's got thousands of videos, but go back and And just start from somewhere because when you jump into this stuff It'll uh It'll blow the gears off your yeah, it'll blow the gears out of your mind Right until the gears fall out and you realize you didn't need that Anyways, and you know what's funny just talking about like just jumping jumping into this stuff. So I've kind of heard about stuff like this two times in my life, you know once as an early Christian I was and viewing this stuff as a lot of people that anybody who follows Christianity or probably like any really religion where they believe in one God or except from that as evil or demonic as kind of what we're talking about right now But then approaching it you know as of recent with you and actually understanding what singularity is how does that uh, It's such a Chasm right there like two different mindsets. Mm-hmm. And you know looking back. I still don't really know. Hi. I really came to You know learn and believe and accept singularity as I do now as opposed to then being so extremely opposed to it I think we're talking about this Early today. Yeah, it's Monday, right? Yeah, so it's early today, but you know, you either grow through trauma and End up here understanding singularity or you just already understand it and Are there so how would you yeah, you know, one of the things that always rang back to me is that we're not really Becoming aware or understanding something We're just remembering what we truly are and how to remember who you truly are is to release and let go of what you are not okay, and so the game of Jumping in or learning isn't really you're not jumping into anything Right. We're not learning something if there was something to learn that would mean that there's something that's apart from us that We don't already know and again, we're right back in the seat of separation and so the game of singularity and Maybe game is not the best way to use it But once you learn it you understand that this is all a game anyways that we're all agreed upon to come into You start to realize that it's not It's not a new belief system. I'm learning It's I'm letting go of all the belief systems that taught me separation Interesting, that's good. Uh-huh. And so when we when we look at these belief systems, right? Maybe Christianity is one of them right but Christianity is such a blanket term What you want to do is you want to go in and start asking yourself, what is my belief? Why do I get angry all the time? What what belief system do I have in place that? Creates such a separation in my life that produces events that cause this emotion of anger to arise within me What believe there's a belief system there and here's another real important key This is gold, right? Your belief systems Like four legs of a table you got about four main root beliefs in your subconscious and on top of those four table pegs All the other beliefs the separation is built on top of that and so you can go two ways You can start at the top surface and you can kind of oh, yeah, I don't really believe in that no more Oh, I can see why I get upset there and I can release and forgive that and I go right But it's this constant game of coming back always trying to release and let go of what you are not or You can find one of the main legs of the table And when you knock that belief system out and you let go of it All the other belief systems that were built upon that also release they always fall off the table They all just fall off the table and they're gone and and and in some of these experiences Is you might experience energetically what they call a kundalini awakening, which is essentially dormant and distorted energy at the base of your spine That is a belief system that is released and that energy then has to move up through the crown and up through the body Which creates a very sensational feeling? You know almost like a full Full Body radiating vibrational pulsating frequency That feels really good And it's it's not oh like i've had one. No, you know if you've had one You know, right and if you don't know you don't know and that's okay We're we're here to open information to open the mind to allow you to work through these things that are causing separation in your life And teach you techniques and ways to observe those accept those and release those And that's the game is releasing You're already the highest vibrational frequency angel in this world What happens is is we attach to things outside of us? And we believe we're those things outside of us and every time that we create a type of attachment We're creating an energy of lack there of that attachment And so when we grab on that attachment, which is typically a lower vibrational frequency within our normal state It's like we're holding on to a suitcase of lower density energy because we don't want to let go of it I like the material. I like the way that makes me feel. I want to be important in the world, whatever it might be And that dense energy is what's lowering your total vibrational rate, which brings you down more deeper into a state of separation psychologically physically All of the above right and so the idea is to learn. Oh, what am I holding on to? Why am I so jealous? Why do I see jealousy in my world all the time? Right just because i'm seeing jealousy in that couple Well, that is a telltale sign that I still hold jealousy within me Right. And so it's these How do we what is it that we're letting go of nick? What does that mean? Right? And so These are all different pathways and techniques are going oh That's an attachment Why am I eating mcdonald's three times a day? You know, why why do I why am I depressed? Well A lot of people would say oh, well, that's a medical condition And i'm here to challenge you and say it's not a medical condition Yeah, I I agree with you 100% and that you created that depression in yourself. You know, I heard a quote, uh Actually a few times this last couple weeks that said uh depression is living in the past Anxiety is living in the future and peace is being exactly where you are right now in this present moment And it couldn't get more real than that You're only depressed because you're thinking about something in the past that either had don't have Or wish you did or that you missed out on something all those paths, which is a state of separation It's a separation and anxiety is only thinking about problems. You can't solve that you don't have that you don't have you're separate from There's no other form of anxiety other than that. There's no other form of depression than Liberation the only way to have peace is just to literally only be thinking about You and me right now in this room and there's nothing else outside of you because there really isn't What's happened to happen? It's completely gone. It can't affect you now In what's in the future isn't even real. That's all it's made up in your head. Well, it's just like the uh, the whole wave and particle theory Is it a wave or is it a particle? Well, it's both With the double slit experience and everyone go look this up. It's the wave particle Double slit experiment, right? This has been proven over and over and over and over that mass things objects people trees cars Everything is both particle and wave. Okay. Well, what does that really mean? Well, what that really means is is that Everything moves back into the wave form, right? Which would be the quantum field when there's no observer But when someone observes the field The wave collapses into particle into object. Okay. So what does that really mean? Okay. Well outside of us right now We would agree you and I that there's a whole lot full of trucks diesel trucks Okay, but without us actually observing those trucks. There's no trucks there It all collapses back into wave Until we walk through the front door and we observe the field it all collapses back into the diesel trucks we're selling Okay That's that's Mind-blowing. Okay, but this is how quantum field quantum science and all that is now understood uh, and so When we are in our mind about something in the future Creating anxiety about something we have or we don't have or we're afraid of losing or afraid that we're not going to be able To show up and make happen right we are Pulling that state of separation into our now moment And when we're in the only thing that we know Is what we do say feel and act right now in this now moment Is going to reflect to me in a future experience Okay, and so We have to learn how to get to the basis of understanding the difference between being in a state of separation Or being in a state of singularity that that one aha that one Real true deep understanding of that concept will change your life forever Yeah, I completely agree. It's changed mine. Yeah 100 but Why don't we uh, go ahead and wrap this up for tonight? and uh We're not going to wrap the morning wood Just this conversation that morning wood Which I think we should jump on first thing in the morning do like a 15 minute just boom stout So stay tuned because we are starting a new segment called the morning wood. Boom. Boom 15 minutes of pure excitement joy and love to start your day Doesn't get any better than that folks. Yeah, so roll over wake up and get ready We're here we're out these four days out peace, I love