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How to hide a scandal before an election - English

How to hide a scandal before an election - English

Democracy Labs



How to hide a scandal before an election

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In America, we value our freedoms and the freedom to elect leaders. Before the 2016 election, Trump covered up his affair with Stormy Daniels to hide the truth from voters. He now faces trial for the criminal cover-up that set the pattern for his presidency. Trump lies to voters and interferes in elections to hold onto power. We must hold him accountable and protect our freedoms. No one is above the law. In America, we value our freedoms, including our freedom to elect leaders who govern in our name. But on the eve of the 2016 election, Trump covered up his sexual affair with Stormy Daniels to keep voters in the dark so he would not lose the election. He now faces trial in New York for the alleged criminal cover-up that set the pattern for his presidency. Trump lies to voters and meddles in elections in order to seize and hold onto power. Remember what happened before the 2016 election. In April of 2023, the former MAGA president pleaded not guilty in New York State's Supreme Court to state felony charges that he falsified New York business records. While commonly called a, hush money, case, it's important to understand its real impact. To keep 2016 voters from finding out the truth of the extent of then MAGA candidate Trump's depravity to seize power. What are the key points to remember? In America, we value our freedoms, including our freedom to elect leaders who govern in our name. But on the eve of the 2016 election, Trump covered up his sexual affair with Stormy Daniels to keep voters in the dark so he would not lose the election. The former MAGA president now faces trial in New York for the criminal cover-up that set the pattern for his presidency. Trump lies to voters and meddles in elections in order to seize and hold onto power. As with their other attempts at overturning the will of the people, Trump and MAGA Republicans must be held accountable. They will keep chipping away at our freedoms until they face the full consequences for their crimes. Trump was indicted by a jury of everyday Americans who weighed the evidence and determined he must stand trial before a jury of everyday Americans to ensure we apply the law equally to everyone. Remember, in America no one is above the law. This audio was prepared with AI by Democracy Labs, the D-E-M-L-A-B-S dot org, as a public service using the Freedom from Fascism Toolkit prepared by ASO Communications and the Research Collaborative.

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