Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main ideas from this information are: - The speaker is asking for grace from God to please Him in all aspects of life. - The sin of Adam affected all mankind because he was the federal head of humanity. - The speaker discusses the principle of federal headship, where one person represents others. - Our forefathers' decisions and actions can have consequences for future generations. - The natural man is someone who relies on their senses and does not have the spiritual understanding. - Natural wisdom is characterized by envy and self-seeking, while godly wisdom comes from above. - The speaker emphasizes the need to break any negative covenants and desires unity among people. - Confusion and evil arise when people only seek their own interests. a grace to make you proud of me father give me that grace to please you in all my dealings in all my dreams in all my workings on heart the grace to do your will the grace to do your bidding father give to me in the name of jesus i want to please you and you alone all the days of my life father empower me strengthen me give me the grace lord to please you give me the grace to do that which only you want that all that which you want me to do in the name of jesus give me the grace oh lord to please you tell me for the lord tell the lord is the one who enables us is the one who strengthen us to do he said is the one who causes us to will and to do of his good pleasure therefore we can do nothing if god has not energized us to to the same to do that same thing let us tell the lord and say father give me the grace the grace to please you the grace to make you to be proud of me here on earth the grace that when we come when you come to her to take your people you'll be able to say of me that this person has pleased me as you said of jesus that this is my beloved one me my beloved son in whom i am well pleased that you'll be able to see of me that this i am your beloved son i am your beloved daughter that and you are well pleased of being me father give me that grace oh lord in the mighty name of jesus thank you lord because you have answered in jesus mighty name we have prayed father it is our greatest desire to be pleasing to you for we have no other purpose or reason on hearts but to do that which pleases you because you said your word that you created all things for your pleasure that our life must bring pleasure to you we pray for the grace to enable us to bring pleasure to you in the mighty name of jesus father energize us strengthen us in our in our spirit man strengthen us in our soul to please you in all our workings to please you in all our activities in all our speech in all our words in the mighty name of jesus thank you father because you have answered in jesus mighty name we have prayed amen praise the lord by the grace of god we continue in the series that we started last two months ago man and the topic for today's sermon is the natural man the natural man i'll be very fast because i don't want us to be here more than necessary so the natural man if you want to know more about what we have said about man please get across to the our recorded messages so today we'll be looking at the natural man we have learned so many things about man so you can check the archive to know more about it but the question i will start with this morning is that why did the sin of adam affect all man the sin adam committed in the garden no is a federal head of mankind that is the first man on earth is the man that was created that was not born if the god is talking about the bible is talking about the sons of god adam is one of them because he was created directly by god the bible talks about god forming him from the with it from the sword the adults of the earth and then he breathed into him he grew up and became a matured man he did not pass through infancy praise the lord and then the god placed him in the garden of eden to nurture the garden of eden gave him a work to do and in the course of the world the lord also instructed him that there is a tree here that you must not partake of and in the to call the long story short adam ate of that tree and then he became a sinner and god drove him out of the garden of eden but the consequence of the fruit he had is passed down to every man on earth so i start with this question why the the sin of adam why is it passed down to all mankind praise the lord the answer to this question is the same answer that we or some things is the same answer that we give to some things we experience there are some decisions our forefathers have made in life in their lifetime that is affecting us today there are some idols that they have sacrificed to that there are some idols that they have made promises to and those covenant they made with those idols is binding on the generation that could proceed from them these generations are so innocent they do not know anything many of us are in church today and we don't know what our forefathers have done and whatever they have done if we have not broken it this speaks on our life is the same principle that is the same is the same principle that makes the sin of adam to pass down to all mankind and the reason is this is this is god has set up this principle is the principle of federal headship that is a man representing every other men we use the same principle in our governance in administration in the world for example when we send an ambassador to a particular country let's say we are we send an ambassador to the united states of america the single man ambassador is representing you and i and every nigerian in that country whatever decision he makes in that country binds on we all made it if our ambassador to the united states makes a mistake and the penalty to that mistake is that every night we don't want nigeria again in america every citizen of nigeria in america will be evacuated praise the lord so the consequence of mistakes and actions affect everybody called nigerian and also when we also look at the uh democracy that we have whatever decision the president makes affects everybody in nigeria the problem we are facing the attitude we are facing now is the reconsequence of some decisions some of our leaders have made in the past and even presently praise the lord so there is just one man making decision but look at the number of people that are reaping the consequence and also if they make the right decision every one of us will enjoy the benefits praise the lord so it is a principle that god set that a man will represent okay the biblical precedence is this abraham when he went to fight the war that that he liberated his brother lord and his family and some sodomites and and comrades and he brought them back to their city you know the bible talks that it is that he met a a priest called mckissadek this pre-call mccadex said they blessed abraham and the bible says that abraham gave him tithes he paid tithe to a mckissadek and now in the book of hebrews the the writer of hebrew his poor he said that the levite the the levite is a grand or great grandson great grandson of abraham he said he paid tithe through abraham to mckissadek so mckissadek received tithe from the levites but the levite where were they when abraham was giving the tithe to mckissadek they are in his lunch they are not they were not born they are not they are they are not in existence they are just in the future but the decision that abraham made on their behalf affected them there are some things that our fathers has done in the past even our immediate father that may still affect us that is affecting us in our program everlasting covenant that will be coming up in a week's time we'll be breaking all those such covenants but i pray and i pray now that every covenant that is biding on us that is not in line with the covenant they are broken by fire in the name of jesus now the sin of abraham made every man born into this earth a natural man and what do i mean by natural man it we are explaining with the scriptures in jews chapter 1 verse 19 in jews chapter 1 verse 96 these are sensual persons a natural man is a man that is full of his uh of of saints of his senses is is aware of is is uh more conscious of his senses of his environment through his senses is a sensual person who calls divisions not having the spirit so if somebody is so he sees everything in the natural sense that is a natural man a man who sees all things in his environment everything happening to in his life everything he is doing he sees it in with his natural senses his ears his eyes he perceives things in the natural he does not have the spirit of god to explain things deeper to him that is a natural man the bible recalls both the natural sense and the spiritual sense every story in the scriptures a natural aspect and the spiritual aspect let's say jude for example a natural man we see jude going through the situations he's going through the sickness that befell him his children that died his properties that he lost the in natural man we see it from the natural angle that this this man has lost all and he has failed but the bible recorded the spiritual angle he said that satan came to god and god permitted him go and test jude so in natural man we don't see that jude was going through a test but a spiritual man we know that jude is not just going through these trials but it is a test from god so that is a natural man now let's compare the natural wisdom of the natural wisdom of a natural man to the wisdom of god and we also use the scriptures to do this juxtapose james chapter 3 verse 14 james chapter 3 verse 14 he said but if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts do not boast against the truth that is natural natural wisdom is envy envy and self-seeking if you want everything for yourself you want this for yourself you want that for even at the expense of any other person that is in is a natural wisdom in natural wisdom we be we make you to be envious of what any other person have it's not bad to do desire what somebody else have and work hard for to get your home but to not to be envious and begin to wish that person evil because he has something that you love and you do not have that is natural wisdom for you to begin to desire everything for yourself this one it is me that one it is me self-seeking in your heart it is also natural wisdom this wisdom does not descend from above but it is earthly sensual demonic for where envy and self-seeking exists confusion and every evil thing are there that is the reason you have we have confusion in the world because every man want things from himself at the expense of another man you you you you want to be rich you want to be wealthy you want to live a good life at the expense of another man that is a natural wisdom to a natural man it is wisdom and they will say this man is trying he's striving hard he's working hard but how is God seeing you because there is difference between the wisdom of God and the natural wisdom so the natural wisdom as i'm reading verses this is for where envy and self-seeking exists confusion and every evil thing are there so if you are seeing confusion and evil then you should know that natural wisdom is at praise the lord but the wisdom that is from God from above is first pure and then peaceable it is pure it is peaceable it is gentle willing to yield full of mercy and good fruit without partiality and without hypocrisy now the wisdom that is natural is full of envy and self-seeking but the wisdom that is of God it says that it is pure and peaceable it gives you peace you will have peace in your heart when you have the wisdom of God in you you know you you you may have a challenge before you but because of the wisdom of God in you you are not trouble because you know that a way will come out that will bring solution that is the wisdom of God it is peaceable and it is gentle willing to yield it's not forceful it is not self-seeking if you want something i it realizes that this thing that i want we ought my fellow man or woman he will use and give it and let it go that is the wisdom of God there are many things that we strive for and we and we run after that we do not actually need but the wisdom of man will tell us that you need this thing go for it but the wisdom of God will tell you be patient at the right time it will come to you praise the Lord so this is the difference the wisdom of man or the natural wisdom is evil it works evil why the wisdom of God is peaceable and it's and it's a gentle and pure praise the Lord the natural man cannot receive or understand the things of God this another fact about a natural man they cannot receive or understand the things of God if you are preaching the gospel to a man and the man is listening with his natural senses it is foolishness to him the Bible says it it is the gospel of God the gospel of Christ is foolishness to the gentiles he said it is a stumbling block to the Jews and now we are seeing why it is a stumbling block the reason is that the God has given the Jews some laid down rules that these are the things you have to do for you to seek my face but the gospel of Christ came and said you do not need to do all those things again but come through Jesus to God very simple but the Jews will look at you and say how can that be possible so it became a stumbling block to them but when you are now preaching the gospel of Christ a man died to take away the sin of the world the gentile that is anybody or any other person is not a Jew a natural man will look at you and say what type of foolishness is that because how can a single man die for the sin of the whole world there is foolishness there's no sense in it so a natural man will see the things of God and will not understand because it will be foolishness to him let's read 1st Corinthians 2.14 1st Corinthians 2.14 says but the natural man does not receive the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness to him nor can he know them because they are spiritually the son why are you in church this morning why some other men in bia palau i was coming to church too i think two sundays or three sundays ago and i was passing a no these people selling this alcohol no i saw people seated among them and they were they were trying to mimic what is doing happening in the church they are not in the church and they believe that they are in the best place but you are in the church why are you in the church it is because you are no more uh depending on your natural wisdom there is the wisdom of God the spirit of God that is living in you that is now bringing you to the church it will compare you and tell you that it is wisdom for you to be in the prayer in the midst of the brethren of God so that you can be exalted so that you can be encouraged so that you can be taught and you can know more about the Lord praise God but a natural man will not see it as like that because it will be foolishness to him if the Lord if God says i want you to give a 50 percent of your salary to God or to an orphanage he just directed you go and give two percent of your money to social ministry or to social person what level of foolishness that will be if you inform a natural man he will tell the natural man that this is what i am that the Lord is putting in my mind he will say what are you saying it is foolishness because how can you give your money to that ministry the ministry people are paying tight to it the ministry they are earning they are getting getting their money not the true what that means and now you will now suffer yourself because you want to give your money to that ministry when our father in the Lord our uh the papa came down when the church like this he said the next month or is it this month he said every one of you go and empty your back account and bring it to church next sunday no you know and it's not coming from the general superintendent empty your back account everything you have in your account withdraw it bring it to church next sunday maybe it is the beginning of the month who knows but bring it to church next sunday and everybody brought money to church the following sunday and they brought it and gave it to the church and the king of army asked in the church that is how many of you brought your money many people answered well then he asked how many of you emptied your back accounts all the ants went down baba adeboye his aunt and his wife and were still remaining raised they were the only family and the only persons that obeyed that instruction why because it is foolishness when god says go and empty your back account and bring it to church the instructions of god is foolishness if you will work with god you must not work in your natural senses if you will be doing if you like the song that we listen i want to make god proud of me if you will make god to be proud of you with you if you want god to be proud of you you will walk out of your natural senses and walk in the wisdom of god because the natural senses is enmity against god it will never please god it can never be pleasing to god the bible says that the best of our righteousness is like a filthy rag before god and our righteousness is the things that we do with our natural our our righteousness is the things we do with our natural wisdom praise the lord so we cannot please god by our natural wisdom if we will be able to please god we must walk in by the spirit of the lord another fact about the natural man is that they are alienated from the life of god a natural man is alienated from the life of god they cannot enjoy the life of god just imagine yourself many years before now when you have not given your life to jesus can you imagine how you are living your life can you imagine the thoughts that was going through your mind can you imagine the characters and attitude the way you live your life your your your dress style your the way you speak the way you mimic people you know there will be a lot of things that will come out through the holy wood then you begin to copy it but compare that time with today i remember every year i examine myself that what was in my life last year and this year that is ending what has changed in my life have i progressed in the spirit or have i withdrawn and i always appreciate the lord because i move forward in the spirit it is only by the wisdom of god that you can grow in the spirit because it is the life of god that is in you that helps you to drop every bad habit when you give your life to jesus you you cannot become a perfect man immediately but the life of god that comes into you begins to work in you and begin to work perfection into you it begins to make you perfect it begins to help you to please god it begins to help you to walk in the way of god it begins to lead and direct you in the way you should go praise the lord if you are in the midst of a wrong friend company you are having keeping wrong friends you will realize that your heart is troubled anytime you're in their midst you will you'll be so you'll be down you'll be you will not feel that peace within you a man was sharing his testimony he said he follows a some friend to to a night a night club or a night party he's a christian he said okay let me just go with them and see what they are doing there he said immediately he stepped into that uh room or whatever they call it he said he lost his peace the question that was ringing in his mind that began to disturb him was what are you doing here why are you here you know he brought himself there and while he was coming he had made up his mind i want to go he has decided within him so he has no trouble but immediately he entered and stepped into that place he began to he lost his peace and the question began to ring in his head why are you here what are you doing here it is because of the presence of the life of god in him a natural man does not have that life and that is the reason you see natural man who will go into night parties and they will not feel anything bad about it a natural man will be committing adultery committing fornication and we don't see anything bad about it praise the lord because the life of god to shake him or her is not in him praise the lord king is a good example of a natural man king visibly expressed and image the character of the evil one uh king is the first son of adam after the fall adam need the bible says adam knew his wife and he got a bigger skin and king is the first son the first man to be given battle on earth naturally and now a natural wisdom is in him and any man that is living a natural life living with his natural wisdom will be doing nothing other than the things of the devil in john chapter 8 verse 44 jesus told the jews he said you are of your father the devil and the desire of your father you will you want to do he was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaks a lie he speaks from his own resources for he is a liar and the father of it and this is exactly the explanation of a natural wisdom a natural wisdom desires to do the things of the devil a natural wisdom we murder a natural wisdom will not tell the truth it will tell lies why because the one in him is not god but the devil so that is the reason as believers we still have our natural wisdom with us but the wisdom of god must suppress it we must allow the wisdom of god to suppress every natural wisdom in us and now this does not mean that we now become a robot and we're working at the in life in the world aimlessly no we still use our mind we still use our reasoning we still plan we still do things naturally but we are guided by the wisdom of god that is what makes the difference between a sinner and a christian is a sinner is doing things in his natural senses and guided by his natural mind and doing everything as he pleases but a christian is using his natural senses and guided by the wisdom of god and doing the things that pleases praise the lord so a christian will not do like that man that entered into the nightclub and now is he lost his peace and his mind is troubled he cannot a christian cannot just do things anyhow your the spirit of god in you will shake you if you tell a lie immediately you will lose your peace but before you give your life to jesus if you tell a lie it's just a normal rose but the thing you gave your life to christ you told a lie you begin to wonder i've just told the lie what what can i do i remember his sister when i was seven she she she told me she said if he if he's he received a call and the person asked a question and she gave not he didn't tell a lie but he didn't give the whole truth and he drove that call he said he will not be troubled who i have not done very well she'll be troubled she will lose her control of herself until she'll call that person and tell the girl the whole truth that is the spirit of god working in her praise the lord and that same spirit works in us but how much of that working of the spirit we allow our obedience to the leading of the spirit of god is what makes us perfect our obedience to the leading of the spirit of god is what makes us to live the righteous life no man born on hearts i said no descendant of adam was born with the presence of the spirit of god in his spirit in their natural state they express the character of the evil ones such as selfishness and they have so much propensity to image more characters of the evil one let's let us look at a little side every side that is born is born selfish do we know that every side wants everybody to pay attention to him so if he wants attention he will cry and cry and cry they say i went to meet a neighbor yesterday the boy is less than a year old maybe 11 10 or 11 months old the boy has been crying for more than one hour and i went to meet the i went to the house i now ask for the mother of the science the neighbors in the neighbors in the other side that is how the boy always cry that he wants the mother to always carry him that the mother is there and the backyard washing clothes and the boy will not allow the mother to wash he will just cry and cry and cry and ask the priest call the mother let the mother come try to carry this boy because after crying for a long time he can be called sick that lets him just pass him and make him to stop crying immediately the mother carried the boy the boy stopped crying the mother carried the boy to where she was washing the neighbor said as you watch and the woman put the boy beside her and she was washing the boy held the woman and head on tightly to her legs like this they said he doesn't allow another person to carry her or stay with another person and the woman was so was so tired and frustrated how can i be the only one carrying you no that is selfishness the boy does not know that is selfishness every child is born selfish this he give his side an item the child will personalize that item as his own you are the one who gave it to him now tell him to give it back to you he said no this is mine everything is mine why because everything should be my self-seeking that is the state the corruption that has come upon every man because of the sin of adam now the spirit of god is not in his side but as you as you expose that side to the gathering of the people of god and the spirit of god begins to work in that side as the spirit of god is working in us already it will not be the work of the spirit of god to begin to cut that selfishness away from us bit by bit not all at the time it will be working in us gradually and we'll be realizing that we used to be very selfish before but now you can part with your things you you always desire everything for yourself at all costs before but now you consider the health and the well-being of your neighbor this is the work of the spirit of god it is the work of the wisdom of god that is in us but we need to allow this wisdom to work in us we need to give this wisdom expression by obedience to the leading of the spirit of god a natural man does not have that spirit so he doesn't have anything to be but you have the spirit of the lord and every time the spirit of the lord shakes you listen and obey even though it is not convenient but when you obey the next time it will be more convenient for you praise the lord i'm rounding off the message the spiritual condition of a natural man is the condition of death spiritual death a natural man has died spiritually that is the reason he's not aware of his spiritual life or consequences of the things he's doing some people they say ah i want to get money or even if it is just two years i will enjoy that money and die at all costs i will get this money i enjoy for that two years and die and the two years we come and they will die and they will realize that they have eternity before them they only enjoy worth for two years and that two years is not with freedom because the devil will give them conditions he will tell them you cannot give this money to your brother or your mother or your wife you have to spend it outside or you can tell them these are the things you have to be bringing every month and once that two years is complete there is no mercy devil does not have any mercy if we take their life and then in hell they will realize that they have all eternity to spend in hell they have just used two years to as a cost for their whole soul that is natural wisdom but the wisdom of god will make you to see that even though i'm struggling and striving and so suffering on hearts because i have given my life to jesus i have an eternity that is secured and not just an eternity that is secured even our present life beyond that is secured do you know many times the devil wanted to kill you since we gave your life to jesus but the god we serve will not allow him if you have not been in christ anytime the devil just wakes up and say i need the seeking today and i want to pick somebody he will come and pick the person and nobody will stop him but since the day you give your life to jesus if the devil points at you that this person kill him there is a force in heaven that will rise up in your defense praise the lord therefore there is a great benefit and it is only by the wisdom of god that you can access this benefit that you can understand this benefit that you can live with the knowledge of this benefit in your spirit praise the lord so the condition of a natural man is this because true sin that came by that adam committed death came upon all men the last scripture we read is romans 5 12 romans 5 so it is therefore just as through one man's sin through through one man's sin entered the world and death through sin and those death spread to all men because all sinned sin has already entered the world through the sin i mean death has already entered the world through the sin of adam every man must die but do you know that it's not all men that will die even physically we have some biblical precedents we have enoch enoch did not taste death we have elijah elijah did not die but i want you to know that in the history of the world these are not the only two people that did not die there are men on earth john the baptist uh the beloved apostle there is no history that he died you know he was taken to island of uh patmos and he was banished there and the apostles will go there to visit him i mean the christians they will the brethren will go there to visit him and they will bring items to him not for him to keep living and to those people who were coming greenwood and began to die he don't was sit there until nobody knew where he is again a man of god brother saddle is a prophet of god like an indian he said one day was praying in his room and as he was praying he said an old man very old just walked into the room through the walls and when he saw him he said he was he started and he asked who are you and the man said i am john the beloved he said he said the question that came to his mouth is are you still alive he said yes i am still alive i am still in patmos and if you look at your google map today patmos is a big city but in that place which is a big city nobody knows where john the beloved is living he's still alive today and he's not and he said he's not the only one that god purposely preserves some people not to die he keeps them alive for another assignment that they will be doing he said he said the man said he asked john that what is it he said he's praying for the people it where god kept him he will be praying god will give him god will name intercessors intercessors ancestors and he will bring it to them pray for this person intercede for this person and he will that is his assignment he will be doing that and a lot of people all over the world that god has preserved that if we hide them from the view of other people that means that people are on earth have lived for more than 200 years and we do not know where they are even some of them may be in aggregate here we don't know we cannot see them again they have been eating from us the lord has given them a different art that cannot die that cannot grow weak they still carry the physical flesh but they do not die and when jesus appears they will be raptured together with us that is only with the wisdom of god you can comprehend these things and see the value in the things of god a natural man will not see the value in the things of god if you only see value in the things of the natural if you do not have money you are suffering i was speaking with a friend many i did two years ago i was talking to him about jesus he said think just forget it if you do not have money in this world you have come to live a useless life i said no it is if you do not have jesus you have reversed this case this equation it is if you do not have jesus you are living a useless life he said no that i'm not getting it right it is if you do not have money where i've been this for almost two minutes then i thought okay i leave it to you in natural sense they do not understand the things of god but i congratulate you as many of you that are born again and have the spirit of god in you you have the spirit of god to lead you and make you to understand heavenly things and when the spirit of god is working in you teaching you viruses that is going to teach us all things he will be instructing you he's going to instruct you when he's instructing and teaching you obey because it is as you obey that we teach you the more and it is as you obey that you are living a righteous and a holy life you cannot macho cistica is sorry the big word i'm trying to learn macho cistica is cistica that is you i think they say they do it in khaliq or one other religion like that that if you commit sin they will break bottles on the ground and tell you to kneel and walk with your knees across the bottle to the other side as a punishment to for what you have done i don't know if it's khaliq or they said they they will just torture themselves deal with themselves so that the next time they will not do what they have done that is what our english word meant that is you punish yourself for something you have done wrong and you cannot do that and live a righteous life because after you have punished yourself in the next minute you are the same vomit it's only the spirit of god that is in you if you obey the spirit of god that is in you you begin to be the spirit of god says stop communicating with these people they are wrong people and you obey it is righteousness unto you the bible says that abraham believed god and god accounted it to him for righteousness if it's not something that abraham did uh he stopped wearing this it is because he obeyed god and believed god then god said you are righteous if you will believe and obey the spirit of god that is in you it is counted to you as righteousness that is the only way you can live a righteous life on hearts praise the lord so in conclusion a natural man does not understand these things we have said they walk in their natural senses they move around in their natural senses they calculate things with their natural senses and they do not give they do not give regard to the things of god because they don't see any value in it but every one of us that have the spirit of god in us we understand the value of the things of god we understand the value of the spirit of god we value so much the spirit the spirit of god so much in us that if he gives us instruction we obey and when we use our natural senses we are guided by the spirit if you will go out today you go to god in prayer god i want to go out today how should i go what should i do if we guide you and you obey that leading and the lord we count it to you as righteousness i pray that as you continue to listen to the spirit of the lord as he will be instructing and speaking to you if we continue to guide you into righteousness in the mighty name of jesus and the grace to live a righteous life that is a one obedient life to god receive it in the mighty name of jesus let us bow down our heads where we are seated and appreciate the lord because we are no more living with our natural wisdom this wisdom of god has come upon us the wisdom of god which is christ jesus the holy spirit is the truth of christ and christ is the wisdom of god that means the holy spirit is the spirit of wisdom the wisdom the spirit of wisdom is in us guiding and leading us let us appreciate the lord and say father thank you for your wisdom that is in me thank you for your spirit that is in me that makes me different from a natural man that makes me different from every other human being that is on regenerate on heart thank you because you have regenerated me and transformed me into a side into a son of god father i say thank you thank you for the blessing and the gift of the holy spirit thank you because your holy spirit is in me leading and directing me guiding me and instructing me in the way to go i give you the glory lord jesus i appreciate you father in jesus mighty name we have prayed you are going to see father the grace to be obedient to the leading of your spirit i receive in the name of jesus i receive that grace to be obedient to the leading of your spirit as i am in school and the spirit of the lord is leading me that this is the things that you do the time as you read my book the spirit of god will tell you go and read your book at this time and you obey that spirit by taking up your book and reading it is obedient and it is rational central to you tell the lord that father i receive the grace to be obedient to your spirit i receive the grace you may be in your place of work and you are seated in your office and the spirit of the lord will say now stand up and walk out of this office and you pick your things and you stood up and walk out of your even though you do not know why you are going out and the spirit of god says go back to your feet and you went back into your office and there is no difference but you are forbidden if the lord will open your eyes to see what has happened you will be thinking for that instruction but that grace will be because when the spirit of the lord gives instruction he will not tell you the benefit of instruction is given he will just tell you go and do it but when you do it it is then you will see the benefit that grace will be the spirit whether we see the benefit or not of obedience that father give us that grace we receive that grace to be obedient we receive that grace to be obedient unto you in the mighty name of jesus in jesus mighty name we have prayed lastly whatever you desire from the lord ask him today ask him this moment you have come to church we have been praying calling prayer points for this one minute or two ask go for your own heart desires the things you want the lord to do in your life ask the lord to give it to you ask the ask the lord is here in and he's able to do all things he's able to make meet our needs he's able to provide for us he's able to solve our problems he's able to make a way for us where there is no way he has done it before he has done in the past he will do it again even in our life ask him present your prayers to in the mighty name of jesus foreign the let us begin to round off our prayers let's begin to bring our prayers to a close ever thank you lord jesus christ in jesus mighty name we have prayed in jesus mighty name we have prayed father we thank you for the world that we have had again this morning we pray lord that you bless this your way in the heart of every one of us let this word work in us wonders let it correct us in every areas of our life that we are wrong in all areas of disobedience in our life let this word begin to make us obedient in the name of jesus the power and the grace to be obedient unto you in all things we receive in the mighty name of jesus we know that you are working in us bringing us to perfection that they help us to cooperate with you in the name of jesus and your spirit that is in us father we pray that you give him full expression over our lives in the mighty name of jesus whatever your the desires of your children that they have asked this morning daddy you are the one who is able to meet all our needs you are able to supply all our needs according to your riches in glory daddy we pray lord that you supply all the needs of all your children here in the name of jesus every request that have been presented to you that the answer then speedily in the name of jesus that they leave us testimonies concerning these things in the mighty name of jesus that they open the eyes of every one of us here that we may see and follow spiritual things in the name of jesus thank you lord because you have answered we give you all the glory lord in jesus mighty name we have prayed praise the lord praise the living jesus we are about closing we are 50 minutes uh beyond our time but it's a time well spent before we close before we say the grace the seminar we had yesterday there's an offer given to us of a plot of land uh for anyone who is interested in that farming opportunity you can educate so that you can the plot of land can be allocated to you and from what we are we are taught yesterday we are told that if you plant tomato on the plot of land that you can reap millions if everything goes very well you can reap at least a million in two months on just one plot of land with tomato seeds so that is yeah you spend close to 300 000 so if you do not have that much if it's 100 000 you can start small if the plot of land they give it to you you can start anything small and then begin to grow it so if you are interested you can let me know so that i can communicate with them our brother and the necessary steps to be taken the lord will help us in the mighty name of jesus let us share the grace let's bow down and share the grace in fellowship one two go the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forever more amen surely goodness and mercy are following us all the days of our lives and we are dwelling the house of the lord forever and ever amen praise the lord praise the living jesus our god is good and all the time let us not forget our special prayers coming up from 18th of march seven days prayers the theme is everlasting covenants i pray that the lord of the covenants of the new covenant will speak for us in jesus name