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Blessings of the Covenant

Blessings of the Covenant

David Adeniyi



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The speaker begins by thanking God for the great things He is doing and asks for His words of refreshment and blessing. They then discuss the topic of the everlasting covenant between God and Christ, explaining that it is not directly spelled out in the scriptures but can be understood through the help of the Holy Spirit. The covenant brought salvation to mankind through Jesus Christ, who fulfilled the law for us. They emphasize that although we are no longer required to fulfill the law to be righteous, it still serves as a guide for us to conform to God's will. Obedience to the law is seen as a way to appreciate what Jesus has done for us. The speaker also addresses the misconception that Jesus' command to love one another replaces the old commandments, clarifying that it is an expansion of the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves. Thank you for the great and mighty things that you are doing. We appreciate you Lord in the mighty name of Jesus. We have come again this Sunday to hear from you words of refreshing, words of life. That you speak them to us in the mighty name of Jesus. Let your word bless every of the hearts of the listeners. Those who are listening here in this meeting and those who will listen online in the mighty name of Jesus. That you will pray Lord that your abundant grace, your abundant mercy that is contained within your everlasting covenant will be beneficial to every one of us here in the name of Jesus. At the end of our life here on earth we will not be found missing in your kingdom. Thank you Father because you have answered. In Jesus mighty name we are prayed. Praise the Lord. Praise the living Jesus. According to the e-flyer that was posted the title of today's message is the blessing of the covenant. The blessing of the covenant. You know we have been talking about the everlasting covenant since last month. The first topic we treated under this theme everlasting covenant is the proof of the covenant between God and Christ. The proof of the everlasting covenant between God and Christ. We established that in the scriptures there are evidences. There are evidences in the scriptures that showed that there was a covenant that was made between God and Christ before the foundation of the world. And I may also know that there are several truths in the word of God that cannot be found directly. They are hidden truths. They are mysteries that are hidden in the word of God. That it is only by the help of the spirit of God that you can understand or decode the messages that those passages pass. You know we can be reading the scriptures and then we only get acquainted with the stories. But we do not have the knowledge, the spiritual knowledge that has been passed across. Praise the Lord. So I told us that this everlasting covenant is not directly spelled out in the scriptures. But when the spirit of the Lord helps you to take one scripture and blend it with another. You will realize that the scriptures is all saying the same thing about an everlasting covenant. That was made between God and Christ. And that covenant as we have studied earlier on is the covenant that brought the salvation that we are enjoying today. It is this covenant that the Lord made with Christ. That Christ will come to this world to be the surety for us. Because man will eventually fall. And after the fall of man, man will need a savior. And Jesus Christ will be the savior that will come to this world to redeem man from the destruction that will be looming upon them. And therefore Jesus Christ came to this world. He was God incarnate. He was God who came as man. And the name he bore was Jesus. And he did his earthly ministry and at the end of his earthly ministry he was hung on the tree and he died. On the third day he resurrected and ascended back to heaven. Do you know that all these things have been spelled out in the covenant? That the Lord Jesus Christ must do all these things so that man can be redeemed. The salvation of man did not end on the cross. It was not when Jesus Christ said it is finished on the cross that it was all finished. Even though the payment was made completely. The payment was finished. But the resurrection of Jesus was what brought the salvation and redemption of our souls alive. If Jesus had not been resurrected then it would not have been a complete salvation for us. Because the saviour of mankind must be a living saviour. Therefore God brought him back to life. And that is the theme of this month's prayer meeting. The power of his resurrection. There was a power that brought Jesus back to life. And Jesus Christ after 40 days ascended back to heaven. And he continued his meditatorial work on our behalf. He intercedes daily. He intercedes every moment before God. He intercedes for us every now and then. So that the wrath of God will not wipe us out of this world. So the work of Jesus still continues even right now in heaven. Praise the Lord. But today we want to look at the blessings of this covenant. The blessings of this covenant. It will be of great importance that I indicate that the death and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ did not abrogate the law of God. That is the law that God gave to Moses. The new covenant did not abrogate it. It did not bring it to an end. That law is still effective. The law of Moses that the Lord God gave to him. That revelation that he got from God. The 10 commandments is still effective today. And the reason why I am saying this is that many people will say that because we are now living under the dispensation of grace. That the law has been done away with. That we don't have to fulfill or obey the laws. We still need to obey the laws. But the laws have been fulfilled for us by Jesus. There is a difference between being obedient to the law and fulfilling the law. There was no man who has the capacity to fulfill the law. Only one person who is God. Coming in the form of a man. He came to this world and fulfilled the law for us. And since he has fulfilled the law, the righteousness of the law has been satisfied. And now everybody that is under the covenant that is called the everlasting covenant. Or what we otherwise call the new covenant. Is now under a covenant that does not require righteousness by we fulfilling the law. We are not made righteous. We are not saying we are righteous because we are fulfilling the law. No, we are said to be righteous because we believe in Jesus. And that faith in Jesus brought us under the covenant, this everlasting covenant. So under this everlasting covenant the law is no more a requirement for us to be righteous. I say that the law now serves a purpose. And the purpose that the law serves is that it guides us to be conformed to the will of God. The will and the standard of God does not change. Whether we are under the old covenant or we are under the new covenant. The standard of God remains the same. What he has given in the law of Moses, the Ten Commandments still remains the same. You must love the Lord your God. You must not serve any other object. Only God must be your God. You must not steal. You must not commit murder. All the commandments that the Lord has given to Moses, they are righteous commandments. And those righteous commandments are still valid today. Praise the Lord. But now it is not that until we fulfill those commandments, not that until we make sure that we do not fail in any of those commandments that God will not see us as righteous. No, because we could not become righteous by obeying the commandments. I don't know how many of us have tried to please God. You have tried to obey all the commandments and do everything possible in your capacity. But you realize that every time you are trying to please God in obeying all that the Lord said, you are falling short of his standards. It is because we don't have that ability to fulfill the law. Jesus Christ has now come to fill that space for us. He has come to fulfill that law for us. And now the righteousness that God demands from us is not by our fulfilling the law. It is by our believing in Jesus. And I believe believing in Jesus is much easier than fulfilling the law. Because if you put your faith in Jesus and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you are declared righteous. Because all your sins have been taken away by the death of Jesus. And now, what we now have to do is to make sure that we are obedient to the law so that we can be conformed to the will of God. The will of God for every of his children is that they only serve him as the only true God. It is that we do not have any other God beside him. It is that we do not bow down to any object in the heavens or the earth or underneath the earth in any place. We do not have any other high place except our God. This is the will of God. The will of God is that we love our neighbors as we love ourselves. The will of God is that we do not steal from our neighbors. The will of God is that we do not bad bite. All these commandments are still the will of God. And when we now live guiding our life by what the law says, it helps us to be conformed to that will. Even when we now fall short of any of them, we are not condemned and judged as unrighteous. But the truth of the law will help us and then help us to fulfill that path the next time. What I am saying in essence is that the law is now a guide for us. And it is also a token of appreciation for what the Lord Jesus has done for us. You know, our sins are taken away and we are declared righteous because we have done nothing but believing in Jesus. We are made righteous. If Jesus comes today, if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, no matter what your past has been, because you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, if God comes today, you are going with Him. And now, because of that righteousness that we have received in Christ Jesus, our obedience to the law is a way of appreciating God. The reason Jesus came was because we are not able to fulfill the law. And now that Jesus has fulfilled the law and gave us His righteousness, we are now trying to obey the law so that we will not offend Him, so that we will be appreciative of what He has done for us. Praise the Lord. Somebody may object and say that Jesus Christ said in John 13 verse 34, that a new commandment I give to you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you love one another. By Jesus Christ saying that He has given us a new commandment, it is not saying that I have taken the old commandment away, that you don't need to fulfill or to obey them. No. What Jesus Christ was saying in essence was expanded better to us by the Holy Spirit through the epistle of Paul in the book of Romans. Romans chapter 13 from verse 8. He says, O no one anything except to love one another. For he who loves another has fulfilled the law. Love fulfills the law. Jesus is love. He has fulfilled the law. And when we now show love one to another, when we show love one to God, we have also fulfilled the law. Verse 9 says that for the commandment says, You shall not commit adultery. You shall not murder. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness. You shall not convert. And if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. In other words, the 10 commandments is summed up in the new commandment that the Lord Jesus Christ gave to us. Love your neighbor as yourself. The old commandment, the commandment given to Moses, is still valid under this new covenant. But only that we don't earn righteousness by fulfilling it. Praise the Lord. So now we move on to the blessings of the everlasting covenant. The blessings of the everlasting covenant can be garnered from various pages of the scriptures. I have said this before that the promises contained within the everlasting covenant were unveiled bit by bit through different covenants that the Lord made with the patriarchs. The Lord made a covenant with Noah and he told Noah that I will not destroy this earth anymore with a flood. And he said summer and winter will not cease. He said the time of sowing and the time of harvest will not cease. This is part of the covenant that the Lord made with Noah and it's a bit of the everlasting covenant that the Lord God has made with us through Jesus Christ. So he also made a covenant with Abraham. He told Abraham, he said out of you shall the nations of the world be blessed. In other words, the Lord God was telling Abraham that there is a covenant I have to bless the whole world and I'm going to bring about this covenant through your seed. He said through your seed I will bless all the nations of the world. So this is another bit of the everlasting covenant that was revealed through the covenant that God made with Abraham that out of his seed I am going to bless the whole world. And he also made another covenant with David. He said David will not lack a man to sit on the throne of Israel. Today the line of David is no more the king of Israel because they don't even have kings, they now have presidents or they call them prime ministers. But there is a covenant that God has made with David and according to that covenant that the Lord has made with David he said a man will not lack a man to sit on the throne. Presently there is no throne so they don't need a man to sit on the throne. But because God has made a covenant with David that covenant is still existing because Jesus Christ is the seed of David and he is the king of kings. And the throne that Jesus Christ is going to sit upon is not the earthly throne that is going to be in Jerusalem. But it is a throne that is already established in heaven. So David is not lacking anyone to sit on his throne because his throne that God was referring to is an heavenly throne and his seed which is Jesus Christ is sitting on that throne and it will be on that throne for all eternity. Praise the Lord. So this is part of the everlasting covenant and this speech also was revealed through the covenant he made with David. So all these covenants that the Lord made with the patriots can be condensed and it has been condensed and a greater light shone upon them through the prophecies given through Jeremiah and Ezekiel. By the time Israel apostasy, that is their wayward life from God they have gone away and gone astray from God. When it was at the peak of their waywardness, the peak of their apostasy the Lord sent two prophets at the same time, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. And the two of them gave a prophecy concerning the same thing, concerning this everlasting covenant. And Jeremiah, we are going to look at that later. Ezekiel said, the Lord said to Ezekiel, I am going to take away a stony heart from them and give them a heart of flesh. This is part of the covenant. He is going to remove a heart that is disobedient and rebellious to God. He is going to give them a heart that is submissive to God. And through Jeremiah, the Lord gave another part of that covenant. But we are not going to read it from the words of Jeremiah. We are going to read it from the book of Hebrews chapter 8. Let's open our Bible to Hebrews chapter 8 verse 10. Hebrews chapter 8 verse 10. Apostle Paul referred to the prophecy of Jeremiah when he was trying to explain this covenant to the Jews. Because in the days of Paul, the Christians that were Jews, they were having challenges because the Jews that were not Christians were seeing them as rebellious. That the law that God has given the fathers, they have turned away from it. And now Paul was writing to them. And one of the things Paul wrote to them is here in Hebrews chapter 8 verse 10. This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days, says the Lord, I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. And I will be their God and they shall be my people. None of them shall teach his neighbor and none his brother. Saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. For I will be merciful to the unrighteousness and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. Now, the blessings here are four. The first one is in verse 10. It says, I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. Who are the people the Lord is dealing with? They are the people who are submitted under the covenant. He said, I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. The laws of God. God says, under this everlasting covenant, under this new covenant, in the days of Moses, I wrote the law on tablets of stones. But under this new covenant, everyone that submits to this covenant, I will write my law on their hearts. That is the difference. In the old covenant, the laws were written on stones. In the new covenant, it says, I will write it on their hearts. The Lord gave his law through the agency of the ministry of Moses and wrote it on the tablet of stones. Under the old covenant, the dealings of God with the house of Israel was eternal. It was eternal. That is, everything God was doing with the Israelites as they moved out of Egypt was eternal. For example, all the judgment that God brought upon the Egyptians, the Israelites could see them. They saw the darkness, even though it didn't get to their land. But they saw the darkness in the land of Egypt. They saw the lice. They saw the frogs. Every dealings of God with the Israelites was eternal. When he was bringing them to the promised land, he took them to the Red Sea. They saw the sea parted, and this was eternal. When they got to Mount Sinai, he came down externally. He descended upon Mount Sinai. The Bible says that the mountain was full of smoke and fire. God spoke out of that smoke and fire. They had God with their physical ears. Every dealings of God with the children of Israel was external. That was when God was not to give them the law. He gave them an external law. That is, the Ten Commandments was written on a tablet of stone. But under the new covenant, God does not deal with us in the external. God now deals with us in the internal. That is the reason he said, I'm now going to write my laws in their hearts, internal. He's not going to write it on a tablet of stone, but he's going to write it on our hearts. Now, the dealings of God with us is internal and spiritual. The things that God does with us, we could not see them. The day we gave our life to Jesus, we did not see anything spectacular. But everything that happened within us, we can sense the joy of salvation in our hearts when we give our life to Jesus. Because the dealings of God with us under this everlasting covenant is within. And this one is more productive than that which is external, praise the Lord. The second blessing of this covenant is that God said, I will be their God and they shall be my people. I will be their God and they shall be my people. The Lord God also made the same promise to the children of Israel when he brought them to the mountain of Sinai. He said to them in Leviticus 26 verse 12, He said, I will walk among you and be your God and you shall be my people. So there is a similarity between the New Covenant and the Old Covenant. In the Old Covenant, God told the Israelites, I will walk among you and be your God and you shall be my people. But also in the everlasting covenant, under the New Covenant, God is saying to us, He said, I will be their God and they shall be my people. Now, what is the difference? The difference is that the things, this was a vastly different thing from what obtained under the New Covenant, that the one God made with the Israelites was natural, while the one God made with us is spiritual, praise the Lord. When God says, I'm going to walk with the children of Israel, He was talking to them in the natural sense. That is the reason the pillar of fire was with them. A cloud was with them. He was walking among them in the physical. They could see the fire and they could see the clouds in the day and in the night. But when God says, He will be our God and He will be His people, it still means the same thing that He will be with us. But His being with us is not in the form of a cloud, but He is with us as a spirit inside of us. So God's dealing with the Israelites was natural, but His dealing with us is spiritual. Also, He was dealing with the nation of Israel. He was speaking to all of them, the congregation. But under the New Covenant, the Lord was speaking to every individual. Every side of God has the Spirit of God in him or her. The children of Israel only had one pillar of fire or pillar of cloud that was in their midst. But every side of God, we have the presence of God as the Spirit of God in us individually. The day you gave your life to Jesus, the Spirit of God came into you and you received Him personally. So God deals with us on a personal level, praise the Lord. Therefore, God will not acknowledge anyone as His people who does not know Him and refer Him, who does not love Him and obey Him personally. God is saying that I am going to be their God and they are going to be my people on a personal note. Praise the Lord. Anybody who will be a people of God must refer God, must love God, must obey Him and must worship Him in spirit and in truth. Only those who are owned as His people who have His law written on their hearts and He is their God in a far higher and grander sense than ever He was of the nation of Israel. What I meant there is that it is only the people that God has written the law on their hearts that God is their people. He is not the people of just anybody on the surface of the earth. But anyone who has submitted himself under this covenant and God has written His law upon his heart, these are the people of God. That is, if you have given your life to Jesus and submitted to His Lordship, He has put His law in your heart and His Spirit is in you, then you are a person of God. And because you are a person of God, God is with you personally. The third blessing is also in verse 11 of Hebrews chapter 8 verse 11. It says, none of them, that is none of these people under this covenant, none of them shall seek his neighbor and none his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest of them. You will not know God by receiving a lecture from a Pharisee. You will not know God by receiving a lecture from a pastor or from a preacher. You will know God personally and intimately. In other words, there is a Spirit that you receive, which we have been talking about. That Spirit of God will teach you about God personally. When you pick your Bible on your own and you begin to study and you read the scriptures, the Spirit of the Lord that is in you will begin to teach you. That is why God said in part of the covenant, blessings of the covenant, that none of them shall seek his neighbor because they will have a teacher within that is going to teach them about God. Not that we don't have to come to church and learn in a meeting like this, but there is a deep learning that we receive from the Holy Spirit. Every time we open the Bible to study, every time we go on our knees to pray, the Holy Spirit will come upon us and will begin to reveal truth to us. He will reveal God to us. Many times, what the preacher is saying, you already know them. Not because you have heard them somewhere, but because the Spirit of the Lord has revealed those things to you. Praise the Lord. So if you have the Spirit of the Lord, you will understand God. You will not need anybody to tell you about God. 1 John 2, verse 27 says, But the anointing which you have received from him abides in you. That anointing that you have received is the Holy Spirit. He says, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in him. This anointing that the Bible is referring to in 1 John 2 is the Holy Spirit. He says the Holy Spirit will teach you. He says as he has taught you, you will abide in him. In other words, there is no amount of saying I can do here on this pulpit that will change you if the Holy Spirit does not teach you. We all need the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Anyone who is a believer and does not have or enjoy the ministry of the Holy Spirit in his or her life is not yet saved. Because there is no side of God that does not have the Holy Spirit. And every side of God must submit under the leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit. So that the Holy Spirit can teach and impart the knowledge of God into your hearts. The last blessing that is unveiled in this scripture that we read in Hebrews chapter 8 is in verse 12. Hebrews chapter 8 verse 12. He says, for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness. And their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more. Praise the Lord. He says I will be merciful. To me this is one of the greatest of these blessings. He says I will be merciful to their unrighteousness. How many of us have been righteous, perfectly holy in our conduct, in our words, in our thoughts, in our actions, in our way of life. How many of us have been living a righteous, a perfect life. There is none. But God says I will be merciful to their unrighteousness. Now if you want to receive the daily mercy of God. You want God to daily forgive you of your unrighteousness. You must be under this covenant. This covenant, this blessing is only for those who are under the everlasting covenant. If you are estranged from this covenant the wrath of God abides upon that person. But if you are under this covenant having received Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And you have come under this covenant. God said I will be merciful to your unrighteousness. He said and your sins and your lawless deeds I will remember no more. The sins that we committed in our past. The sins that we have committed in our present. The sins that we still fall into in the future. God says I will forgive them their lawless deeds and I will remember them no more. Praise the Lord. So these are blessings of the covenant. It is only for those who are under this covenant. And I am laying a farce here on this. Because there are many schools of thought or people that believe. That because you are a Christian. Because you are a child of God. I mean somebody going to church. That God will forgive your sins. If you just come to church every Sunday and you pray that God have mercy on me. And you go back and live the way you like. That God will always be a merciful God. He will always forgive your sins. But according to the truth under this covenant that we are treating. God does not readily forgive the sins of every man on earth. But God is ready to forgive every unrighteousness of everyone that has come under his covenant. So if you are not in a covenant relationship with God. You are not receiving forgiveness from God. Praise the Lord. I say that God forgives no one except those who are in covenant relation with him. It is only those who are in covenant relation. You know anybody that comes to surrender his life to Jesus. They confess and accept the Lordship of our Lord Jesus. That confession and acceptance has brought them under this covenant. And immediately their sins are removed. But if anybody will want to claim that forgiveness. Without submitting to the Lordship of Jesus. Coming under this covenant. The person will only be deceiving him or herself. So there is God. Like I said in our first meeting. That God does not deal with anyone on earth except by covenant. He does not deal with anyone except by covenant. And for us to receive the message of God. We must be in a covenant with him. And the covenant that has been made available is this everlasting covenant in Christ Jesus. So under the old covenant. There was a limited forgiveness. And there was remembrance of sins every year. But under this new covenant. Forgiveness is free, full, perfect and everlasting. That is under the law of Moses. God gave room for forgiveness. But it is not all the sins that the Israelites will commit. That they will be forgiven for all. No they will come with bulls and animals. But those bulls and animals will only forgive certain sins. Any sin that is committed unknowingly. The sins will be forgiven. But any sin that a man intentionally commits. God says that there is no forgiveness for such a person. We have studied this I think some weeks ago. Last month. Anyone who intentionally commits sin under the old covenant. You know that this thing you want to do is a sin. And you went ahead to do it. According to the Bible. There is no forgiveness to such. For example David. He killed Uriah and took his wife. He did it intentionally. And according to the law of Moses. There is no forgiveness for such a sin. And the Bible says that God placed a judgment upon him. And upon his household. So he could not receive any forgiveness. Even himself should have been damned. But because of the love of God for him. And because of the covenant that God kept with him. The everlasting covenant that God kept with him. His sins were forgiven. He was forgiven personally. But the consequences lingered upon his household. Praise the Lord. So because of the covenant that he had with God. His sins were removed. But under the old covenant. No such sins can be removed. The Bible says that such a person should be stoned to death. The reason the Bible prescribes stoning to death. Is because there is no remission. There is no other way around it. Death is a penalty. But if there is a way to forgive that sin. The person will have gone with a bull or with a goat. But because there is no forgiveness for such a crime. Then the penalty is stoning to death. Praise the Lord. But under this new covenant. The everlasting covenant. There is no limit to the sins that can be forgiven. All sins can be forgiven. No matter what you have done in the past. Whatever it could be. It could be forgiven. If you will come under this covenant. You will enjoy the benefits of the covenant. By receiving forgiveness to every atrocity. And every sin that you may have committed. And this is the covenant that also saved David. Praise the Lord. This is the covenant that also saved David when he killed Uriah. Because it was in the covenant. This everlasting covenant with God. In 2nd Psalm 23. That was the passage we read when we were studying this topic. David was saying that the Lord made an everlasting covenant with me. Sure and secured. It is through this covenant that that sin he committed was forgiven him. Praise the Lord. So nobody can obtain forgiveness from God. Except you come under this covenant with Him. And if you are here and you have not come under this covenant. There is still room. Because all you need to do is just to confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And then you come under this covenant. And your sins will be forgiven you. So in conclusion. I started by saying. That the law, the 10 commandments is not abrogated. It is still valid. Only that it is no more a condition for us to earn righteousness. We receive righteousness today by believing in Jesus. We obey the law, the commandments. To be able to be conformed to the image of God. To be able to appreciate God and say Father. I know I could not do this. You did this for me. You forgave me. But I am trying my best to please you. Because I know your commandment is your will. I am trying my best in appreciation for what you have done to me. To please you by fulfilling your will. And I also said that the blessings of the everlasting covenant. Is contained in the prophecy given by Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The blessings, one of the blessings is that God says. He put his law in our mind and write them on our hearts. Another of the blessings is that I will walk among. I will be their God and they shall be my people. Another blessing is that none of them shall teach his neighbor. And none his brother saying know the Lord. For all shall know me. From the least of them to the greatest of them. Because the Lord is going to take a heart of stone away. And give a heart of flesh. And give a spirit. He will give us a new heart. And the Holy Spirit who is going to teach us. And the last of the blessings as prophesied by Jeremiah. Is that he said I will be merciful to their unrighteousness. God says he will be merciful to our unrighteousness. And our sins and even our lawless deeds. He will remember no more. And when God says he is going to forget our past. He is going to forget our sins. He meant it. And when he has forgiven us. There is no record of our sins before him again. We may still be remembering what we did 10 years ago. But God does not remember again. This is the benefit we enjoy under the everlasting covenant. And I pray that as many of us that are under this covenant. That we remain to the very end in the mighty name of Jesus. Let us bow down our heads for prayer. But before that is there any questions? Okay let us bow down our heads for prayer. Let us appreciate the Lord. For the everlasting covenant that he has made available to us. The Lord God. He knew the situation where we find ourselves at this time. And he made a covenant with our Lord Jesus Christ. To come and die for us. So that everyone who will believe in Jesus. Will come under this covenant. And reap the benefits and blessings of the covenant. Let us appreciate him for making this covenant available to us. Because without this covenant. We will have been lost. We will have been doomed for. It will have been the end of all human race. But because of this covenant. As many of us that believe and submit under this covenant. We are saved through this covenant. Let us say father thank you. For this everlasting covenant that you have made available to us. Thank you for all the blessings. Thank you for all the promises. Thank you for all that you have given to us. All the benefits that we have in this covenant. Let us appreciate him. I say father thank you because you have put your law in my heart. Thank you because you have become my God. Thank you because I am now your person. We are now your people. Father I give you the glory. I appreciate you because under this covenant that I have come. You have become my God. Under this covenant that I have come. You have put your law in my heart. So that your law will guide me every day. So that by your spirit I will know the right things to do. Thank you for this covenant. Because under this covenant I know you the more. I have a more intimate relationship and fellowship with you. I am not working with you externally. But I am working with you in spirit and in truth. Under this covenant. Father I say thank you. Let us appreciate the Lord. Because of our sins that have been forgiven. Because of our lawless deeds that the Lord has forgotten. Let us say father thank you for showing me mercy. Thank you for forgiving all my sins. Thank you for remembering no more all my lawless deeds. Thank you because under this covenant I am saved. And I am saved to the uttermost. I am redeemed and I am delivered from sin. Father I say thank you. I give you the glory. I appreciate you mighty father. Thank you in the name of Jesus we have given thanks. Under this covenant. Whatever we ask it will be given to us. I want you to ask for things you want from the Lord. Ask the Lord for whatever you want from him. Because under this covenant it is written. That whatever you ask in the name of Jesus. You shall receive. You are going to say father I want this and this from you. And I ask this and this in the name of Jesus. And according to the blessings under this covenant. Now whatever I ask in your name. I will receive. Tell the Lord ask the Lord for whatever you desire from him. Whatever you want the Lord to do for you. Present your request to him and ask him to grant them to you. In his name. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. In the mighty name of Jesus. 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