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Breaking Down the Dark FIles Part 1

Breaking Down the Dark FIles Part 1

Darian JonesDarian Jones



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The speaker, Darian Jones, gives a shoutout to his podcast followers and promotes his latest series called "The Dark Files" on Instagram. He explains that he will have a segment called "Big Facts" where he presents facts behind his narrative. He also mentions going live on YouTube and TikTok every Thursday between 9 and 10 o'clock. He expresses his focus on his podcast and his goal to release an episode every week. He mentions the importance of being authentic and transparent, and talks about the new wave of content creators shifting to LinkedIn. He briefly discusses the content of "The Dark Files" series, including his upbringing in the church and the economic shifts he witnessed as he grew older. what's going on ladies and gentlemen this is Darian Jones of honor kings and sons TV podcast I want to give a special shout out to all of my streamers downloaders followers fans who've been following the podcast I appreciate and love you so much be sure to check out my latest series titled the dark files on my Instagram follow me at honor kings and sons on Instagram and be sure to watch the episodes I have carved out a structure to this series and I think you're really going to like it so after every episode that I post I'm going to be doing a segment called big facts which is where I go into a little bit more detail because as I started the new series I found myself taking a storyline narrative approach so I decided that I would have a segment where I would actually present some of the facts behind my narrative so that's the direction I'm going right now so be sure to make sure that if you're downloading and tuning into my podcast that you are definitely following me on Instagram at honor kings and sons and I did my first live on some live on YouTube every Thursday between 9 and 10 o'clock I try to go live so you guys will get the opportunity to see me on YouTube now in conjunction with tick-tock so I have my my setup where you'll be able to watch me on Thursdays going live every Thursday that's my plan to go live every Thursday between 9 and 10 o'clock on YouTube and tick-tock at the same time so you'll be able to catch me doing some you know overview of just you know where I am in my journey and going a little bit into detail about you know the projects that I have going on right now my main focus is really this podcast my goal is to just drop you know an episode every single week if not more than one and definitely be able to just keep you guys updated on my project and I just have so many content ideas for you know Facebook and YouTube and tick-tock and even LinkedIn LinkedIn is big right now a lot of content creators are shifting to LinkedIn a lot of podcasters are opening up their platform into LinkedIn a lot of companies they they want the streamers they want they want the creative juices that podcasters and streamers and influencers are coming up with and this new wave is going to be probably the best we've yet to see so I'm definitely making sure I hop on that wave and I want you guys to come along with me on this journey so just to get into a little bit of the project of the dark files like I say you can check it out on my Instagram at honor kings and sons my goal is to get a hundred thousand followers by the end of the year just a little bit about it going into the project so last year I was just trying to you know and I spoke about this in my trailer but I'm just gonna reiterate super short and then just talk about it like you know for the core so last year I just was trying to find a way to you know be welcoming to all different groups so um you know I was very well mannered you know I was being very gentle in my voice a lot of people say that I have a radio voice I have a voice or I'm soft and I'm gentle and you know I am a one-to-one communicator I can talk to large audiences and big groups but sometimes you know a majority of the time I am in a mellow tone and I do have that one-to-one aura so I was just you know using that being myself on the platform and I didn't decide to make a change because you know the viewers were few or the followers or the likes or the comments were few and little I decided to make a change just for myself I kind of felt in the world that everybody was was taking that shift you know 2024 is just one of those years where it's just going to be a raw and uncut year and I think a lot of people are just going to stay that direction moving forward you know it's not about people just deciding people just deciding to be more rugged it's more that people just want to be you know authentic they want to be unapologetic and it's just a very important you know that the the new listeners the new fans the those who are coming in to social media on a more consistent basis you know they have something to connect to and definitely I just decided that I wanted to to do that I am a very explicit person in nature so that's something that I want to be able to communicate and with purpose of course I don't just want to be able to post content where people hear me talk in a manner where like whoa I wasn't expecting that from him it's not just that but it's it's it's just to be more transparent so getting into the project the dark files you know there's 12 episodes out right now that I've posted on Instagram and I'm going to be having those uploaded on to Facebook and YouTube in the next couple of days so yeah it's it's really just my life story it's the narrative of my life story and you know some of the things I cover is you know just my first introduction to finding out that I was poor and broke you know I talk about that everybody who follows me knows that what I do is a faith-based platform I'm being an entrepreneur and my businesses I'm building and growing and they all have a faith-based foundation so you know my upbringing is in the church I came straight out of my mother's womb into the church and so the first time I got a glimpse of a thriving community was in the church that's the first time I legit saw it you know every Sunday I went it was a lot of people there I can honestly say that we have well over 200 plus youth maybe even more when I was a kid growing up in church it was a thriving community and you know when you're a kid you don't know what adults are doing you don't you don't know who's being mean and nasty but all you know is that you know when you come in this large gathering everybody's happy everybody's you know praising and worshiping and you know kids are happy you know and and life is good so it's when I got older and I started to get my first taste of an economic shift you know when the when when when the housing market was making changes in the state of Florida and different states and you know people started to move away and friends who I grew up with I never saw them again pretty much until social media you know um era where we could find each other what else there was just there was just a lot of changes that was happening and you know this whole entire time you know I see my mother work hard I see my dad go to work and you know I have an idea of what we can afford and what we cannot afford because you know you see you hear about the expensive clothes you hear about the expensive shoes and the name brand this and the name brand that but um you know I didn't really you know complain about that I guess with a little peer peer pressure I wish I had those things but to be honest with you I was pretty content I never really complained and you know stuff like that like took it that serious but when I got older I started to see like who was able to really do big things in life and and go to fancy places and and drive a nice car and and and have nice things I started to find out real quick when you know that economic shift happened this was about 2001 and for Floridians we call it the Georgia boom you know literally it was the state of Georgia their housing market you know like was was open and legit like people were getting five six seven bedroom houses two-story I even heard that there was some houses that were three stories some people were getting two three acres of land like it was unheard of and people went up there and they ate it up and some people were able to you know thrive and some people did it they ended up coming back to the state of Florida and that was the first time I saw you know who had it and who did it you know so when you're in a company of people you know you're young you know you just think you're in a happy place but that was the first time I realized that there were some people who had it and some people who didn't and of course obviously like people you know didn't care to follow it that's them but I'm pretty sure especially being an adult you know having to pay bills you know being married taking care of children you know and and having friends who are successful and you know living good for themselves you kind of sit there and you're like if I feel like this my parents are feeling like this for sure and that and you know that's that's kind of where I I stand on it is that there was some people who wish they could have moved and and had a better life and had you know access to better you know things and and some people did and some people didn't and so you know that was my first time you know understanding what I call the have and have nots ratio so that was that and I go a little bit more in the next couple of episodes just talking about how I had to come to grips you know like okay like what else is going on and so because I grew up pretty much in the church I have a strong narrative that's tied to the church I wasn't sucked into the church or brainwashed to the point where I was treated I was treated kind of like you know who you would say I was treated like like a Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notre Dame or Harry Potter like it wasn't like that I had a normal life I went to school I got my friends in the neighborhood you know I was a regular kid you know all that stuff so it's just that I I was you know I was in church every Friday I was in church every Sunday my mother wasn't at Bible study because she worked I came to Bible study voluntarily around 16 17 years old I started coming I caught rides with people and stuff like that man let me tell you like yeah I was I was pretty involved I'm in a lot of departments in my church and things like that you know and and had a lot of experiences you know so for me um you know that's why I have a soft spot for the church for God's house because you know I I was able to see you know it's true potential from the community that I saw growing up I was able to see its true potential and I was also able to see you know now as an adult a lot of things that will cause the church to not be successful that will cause the church to not be thriving when it comes to people community even financially um you know I just start to see so many things as I got older and let me tell you as a as a young african-american man who was a father who was a husband you know who lives in the United States currently you know who's seen all these things from this perspective I can tell you that one of the things that aids to a lot of people struggling with poverty in the Western Hemisphere struggling on to be financially free I'm struggling just to you know be people that are that are confident that are proud that um you know have individual personalities and are just able to to live and you know um they they can meet they they have their five basic needs met you know because we all know the five basic needs of man I can tell you right now that the truth of the matter is this lack of knowledge um poisons your life if you don't understand how life was set up to be if you don't understand that each person born on this planet was supposed to be born with an inheritance passed down to them and as a result of not receiving that inheritance we open up the doors to create destructive narratives for our future generations which leads us to you know 2024 and we see the state of the world as it is like it's it's a problem it's a problem and I saw it very I saw it very subtly in the church it wasn't until recently where I really like took stock of my life and evaluated and looked at stuff and then as I made the decision to become an entrepreneur I realized that that there's a reason why God said you can't serve him and serve money and some people you know um preach that verse pastors preach that verse you know anybody who who reads the Bible who treats it as a just a regular book of literature or they treat it as the Word of God when they read that verse you know there's a lot of cliche statements that they make tied to it um you know for the love of money and the love of money is the root of all evil and all that stuff I'm gonna tell you like this money is a tool to money is a tool and it means to build the life that you want and to also continue the life that you were supposed to be given but because there is a large you know portion of the population that did not you know get the memo get get the information you know they did not have the father leave them behind an inheritance for for his children's children as the Bible says in Proverbs you know because that did not happen and that literally has been the ripple effect for centuries like like like this is this has been a thing that some people if you track if you track the generations it's probably been a century or two since there has been wealth in the bloodline there has been there has and and and I'm gonna tell you right now I've said it before and I think 2024 will be the final year I say it I don't even think I'm going to be using the words of financial stability anymore I don't think I'm going to be using that term anymore because I think it's a vice that we we we haven't known it's a vice and just like the word comfortable you hear people especially church folk you ask them when it comes to money you know what do you want what life and they just say oh I just want to live comfortable dangerous dangerous dangerous dangerous day it is the worst statement that could ever leave your mouth out of all the things you can probably say other than blaspheming the Holy Spirit like it's one of the most dangerous things you could ever ever say it's just like no it's not it's not good and so I really just feel like because we are we don't understand the money game that that's why you see 90% of the stuff that goes on in the world you know world hunger homelessness wars you know like I say just just broken poor folk everywhere you know the whole poor middle class and wealthy and and the systems behind all of that stuff all of that stuff exists today simply because in many bloodlines and many families across the across the globe there came a point where there was a cutoff there was a point where the knowledge was not passed out forget about the money forget about the the land forget about the maids the servants the the cars the whatever forget about all of that just the knowledge you know if every family on this planet had the God-given inheritance of wisdom knowledge and understanding we would not see what we see today the sin the crime you name it we just wouldn't see it a lot of that stuff would not exist so when the Bible says you can't serve God and serve money it's very simple when you chase money simply just to have it you birth very very very sinful practices and behaviors and thought processes and it automatically alienates you from being in front being in God's presence or being even welcoming to God's presence because that nature is just totally against his nature so you have to understand that money is a tool and I talk about this in my my presentations because I I've created a consulting service that I'm looking to you know expand as a thriving business in the years to come I tell people all the time that God and money are equal in a few ways and then and the other ways they're not you know and when I and when I say that they're equal meaning that there are certain outcomes that when they both are when they are present in the situation it's dealt with but then they are different in terms of like I say certain outcomes so it's just really you know coming to the point where we we realize that money is important in terms of us understanding that it's a tool you know like I I I I'm getting into financial literacy and I'm learning that financial literacy is more conceptual you know then it's more conceptual than it is logical I guess you would say I don't my mind was gonna say factual but I mean you know the use of money and the use of money the purpose of money you know and stuff like that there's just so many uses that there's so many things you can do with money you know the purpose of it is all the same but there's so many uses that you have for it so I don't really want to argue that but I do believe that there are concepts in financial literacy that you find out which is how people make money this there's no one way to make money you might go on you know the internet and you hear people on tick tocks right now that they're calling them the they're they're calling everybody a social media guru so now if you go on social media and you share your knowledge they're calling you a guru but they're really mocking you because they're saying that you're the one that's causing people to go broke and causing people to quit entrepreneurship because your advice is poor and horrible but I don't think so I literally think that prior to social media you know with with with with everything else just like 40 years ago we didn't know who was just as talented as Michael Jordan now we can find a person who's better than Michael Jordan even though it's irrelevant because Michael Jordan's retired from basketball but still we can find a person who's on the same level as a person that's in the spotlight right now through social media so it's the same way that with financial literacy right 40 50 years ago you had to save money take a tour bus and go cross-country to go sit at a seminar maybe in LA or somewhere to listen to a guy share his you know his wealth of knowledge or financial literacy now you can turn on tick-tock now you can join a webinar for 15 20 bucks as cheap as 15 20 bucks or as expensive as 200 bucks and get you know get this knowledge from hundreds of thousands of millionaires and billionaires right and and and you can't get mad if somebody's concept to money made them wealthy you just can't get mad maybe in your living specter you know it's not sensible but it's a concept that they discovered or they created it worked for them they ain't doing jail time so that you know it can't be illegal or at least you won't know until they get arrested but like you know it's that's just where we are in the world right now you know a lot of people are just having to deal with the fact that everything is exposed everything is out there and the clash of that is just uncomfortable for a lot of people so anyways I digress when I get back to the point of what I'm talking about in the dark files it's just like I said you know the black and brown community or just a lot of people in the Western Hemisphere period you know that they just have been out of touch with how to utilize money for for decades in some cases a century or two and it's led to the unemployment rates continuing to go up you know because everybody depends on their job once they get laid off from their job they're homeless because they don't know how to make money outside of having a job you know or if they muster up enough to start a business and their first business closed and they go homeless as a result they don't know how to bounce back because you know their knowledge is limited like it's just that's just where we are right now and so I just I tell my story I'm a 33 year old African American half black half Jamaican you know husband father you know believer in Christ who is going through this epiphany I'm living it out in real time this transition of being a typical you know man that everybody tells me provide provide provide provide and I'm just like wait a minute there's more to this being a provider you know you're expendable the government is a way better provider than me God is a way better provider than me there there are so many like arguing about being a provider is just not a good way to go it's not a good way to spend your time because it's an expendable position once somebody comes in with more money more resources they have out provided you there's no way around you beating them and and I'm going to touch that narrative in my series talking about the war on gender right now or the gender wars you know where now we have this narrative amongst men and women you know that that a man is supposed to do this and a woman is supposed to do that and a man supposed to live like this and a woman supposed to live like that and we're separating we're not coming together I believe it's a strong attack on procreation and it's just getting to dangerous and dark times you know simply because this thing with money you know and let me tell you if I was to ever get spiritually deep which I try to stay away from because it gets it gets very sensitive and you just got to know what you're doing when you get into that stuff but if I were to be spiritually deep I would say that God never puts him and Satan in the same sentence talking about service there's not one verse in the Bible the only entity that was given that opportunity was money and so that's just that that goes to show you that it's not that God it's not that God is like oh I got to watch out for money no no no no it's simple he understands that this system this entity he created it it literally is an offspring of him it has a duality feature it it it it it does it does a lot of things in his absence and grammatically I don't know what's the term to explain how I said that phrase but it's all good well we'll fix that later but yeah it's like you know if a pastor prophesies and say you're gonna have ten million dollars right you know and you believe that that word came from God you're all excited but if a billionaire walks in five minutes later and actually hands out that money you know like now you start to question like holy snap like cuz the prophecy you got holds a lot of weight if you believe in it but then seeing it come to pass especially it being a tangible thing you know it puts it on the same level so you know just to read just to reinforce the idea that you know God has never put him and Satan on the same playing field but in this regard he did with money so that lets us know that money is a very essential part of life and there are billions of people who have lived this life and it has been very difficult for them to sustain their life simply because money is lacking and so I'm gonna get into all of that covering more in the dark files like I said that you guys can follow on honor kings and sons on Instagram so definitely make sure you guys follow the Instagram page you know I have so much I'm gonna unpacked and I'm excited that you guys are rocking with me so definitely um you know closing out on this segment you know this is Darion Jones honor kings and sons I'm gonna give you I'm gonna get into so much more talking about this and I'm just very thankful for this opportunity in my life to really share my story so you guys stay tuned and I'll see you next time

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