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oh wow uh-huh yeah I will send it to her I do have her email okay all right shout out to Myra, no I'm just kidding, why are you scared, I'm not gonna send it how would she hear this, what the heck, what is she gonna hear, she probably has like a secret speaker on your cell phone anyway so just kidding okay I know this is not like what we planned on because obviously this sucks, no not hello hello hello okay all right so today our topic is going to be hitting on cheating and we're going to be talking about what do you consider cheating so let's start off who wants to start off, who wants to start, all right so the question is what do you consider cheating in a relationship okay if you're lying about where you're at or who you're with, no it's not because you didn't do anything, okay but why do you have to lie about it because I don't want you to worry, yeah I don't want you to worry, it depends on the situation you know if it's for like a good reason like you know then okay I get it, texting other guys and being flirty about it, well I'm saying like if like they're flirting you know, I honestly consider cheating um you know just like you know like if we're out in public and like you know and like and he's like and then I'm all like and then like honestly I'm just gonna you know what I realized I honestly don't know how to explain stuff very well but like I know exactly what a hundred percent what I'm talking about in my head but I'm trying to let you know okay I'm a trier all right so I don't know just like don't look at any other girl like what are you doing like looking at like you should be blind for everybody else but me like honestly so like I don't understand what the whole point is like you know just the whole thing like why are you gonna cheat, why are you gonna be in a relationship if you're just gonna cheat like just like just like be free then be free already like you know set your wings out and and like you know it's just yeah it's just you know if you want to be a hoe just be a hoe like I don't know why you had to like you know like be with like you know but like I mean yeah but basically yes I consider cheating like shit going out with some other nigga without like me knowing yeah it depends who though really yeah okay it can be any a friend can be a friend but like I don't really trust that friend either I gotta meet the friend first then you can go out yeah not cheating but like I will feel uncomfortable but maybe it could be cheating because you don't know what's gonna happen oh yeah that's it that's what's respectful you're in a relationship angel who oh yeah angel that was the red truck angel with the red truck the yeah he had a red truck he had a truck when I met him yeah like he's light-skinned why I love angel what do you mean he's a sweetheart oh that's a good all right hey that's a good question so are you do you guys feel like your significant others are allowed to talk to the opposite sex on a daily basis like not daily like okay okay all right I'm not I'm gonna give you guys oh yeah I mean of course anything physical but okay so I'm gonna give you guys a scenario right so I've been in a relationship for 12 years now and I've had my best guy best friend we met six years six seven years ago and we talk on a daily basis so if would that if you guys were in that position would that be threatening or would you guys consider it cheating or anything like that I don't think that's cheating you know that's like your childhood best oh yeah you know and like well still like you know him like you've known him longer than your husband right I mean you're yeah so then I don't think that's he knows about him I mean it's a plan it depends yeah if you know because I have a childhood best friend like you know and like it's like there could never be nothing more than that so it's like so it's like we can't are you guys best friends yeah exactly like I have someone that I see like as a brother I don't think it's cheating yeah all right do you guys feel like in a relationship so to avoid cheating right do you guys feel like there should be like a free pass like your significant other should give you a free pass with somebody I guess I get it like I guess right where yeah like like if your significant other was like I think no free pass because like what if they enjoy cheating what if they're like they realize yeah they'll yeah exactly like they'll probably like leave you yeah you know they'll think it's okay to do it again and again and again no like why would you want to do anything with anyone else if you're about to get married you know oh hey didn't she say for me to go to no no but no but she had for me to help her I mean bye I'm leaving all right that was Antonio for you guys he got in trouble so he has to go but just kidding um what what are your thoughts Danny do you think like you should be able to give or have a free pass in a relationship I mean I don't know like I'm just kind of like the opposite of every I don't know I I don't know I can't see relationships like like I can but like I don't think I would ever be in a water no couples depending it's just certain couples like if they both are comfortable with that or whatever like just like I mean if y'all like you know y'all are good y'all talk through it whatever y'all good but like I mean if this if that's not like something y'all you guys have talked about or something that like that like I'm and like it's something you want to do instead of just going out and do it like talk to them first like you know type of thing but like if it's a no like you know like it's a no and like if you're gonna go out like honesty is key I will say something though if if someone cheats like on someone I think the other person should definitely cheat back like I guess let's say you do it right and like you regret it like you you you take it back and you take it back I think the person should be able like at that point they should get a free pass to like be able to cheat back and like maybe if it's okay between them they could like still be together and like be even kind of like yeah like you so what happened is she has her boyfriend they've been dating for five years and he was jobless for like two years and he was just sitting in the couch saying like oh yeah I'm gonna get a job I'm gonna get a job like eventually I'm gonna get a job whatever he's up quote-unquote applying to places but he doesn't find anything because he doesn't want to settle for no starter jobs he wants like a higher paying job and so she ends up running into an old boyfriend and he's like this successful what are they called and I want to say musicians but like he he yeah like he he runs a studio for like up-and-coming rappers and stuff and so then she starts hanging out with him and one thing leads to another and she ends up cheating on her boyfriend with him so like in a situation like that I'm like she after she got caught up like she told the guy you were just an itch that needed to be scratched like it's not like she meant to cheat it she just was trying to get I guess the frustration and whatever she was like lacking at home because also the boyfriend wouldn't like do anything with her like obviously couldn't take her on dates but he also wouldn't like be affectionate or physical with her yeah like a roommate that she practically had a roommate she was financially taken care of so in that case like do you guys feel like like I don't feel like he should get a free pass like to cheat back on her because I don't think that person deserves a free pass like if you that was kind of like on you but also I mean she shouldn't have cheated they should have just like talked it out and she could have ended things if she wasn't feeling it no more I mean yeah well yeah she's in love but like obviously there's like a lot wrong with it I mean like how are you gonna like fire like fire with fire yeah I would cheat back most definitely like maybe with his dad or his brother or something but like you know I'm staying in the I'm staying in the family one way or another so like okay all right I mean there's nothing like no so what's crazy is I knew this girl that did that she her boyfriend cheated on her right and her payback was to sleep with her brother so and she ended up well he found out because she got pregnant yeah well I didn't find out that far in but that was the surface for me like she boyfriend cheated the brother yeah yeah but he was like he had a thing for her so he didn't care you know guys are like guys are gonna think with their a different head and they're just gonna yeah they just gonna do what they gotta do and he wanted to take care of his business and that's what he did and he ended up getting her pregnant yeah so what are your Antonio's back so Antonio what are your thoughts if your significant other or if you cheated on your significant other do you believe that they or you get a free pass to cheat back to be honest no no cuz it's never gonna stop in my name stop but me me personally I would don't cheat fuck it wait maybe I gotta really think about it probably not though cuz I don't know if I really depends if I actually love her then I won't like Ethan he cheated on me like so many times that's the level I don't you know I'll get paid because she has no permission by me I don't know I'll be mad I'll be mad like well when is she gonna find out who sells in tone and she's not gonna find out until someone snitches on me catch you outside then okay and we do have somebody else Joanna do you want to put your input here no another special guess she's like no well you wanted to be part of it what do you mean no no all right okay now we're gonna get to a touchy subject have you guys ever been cheated on all right she could she could join this bullet point so have you ever been cheated on and how did you find out yeah like you guys don't have to get into it but like if you want yes I have gotten cheated on so many times by my first by my first love I wouldn't say love but my first relationship I did oh she was older than me she was like two years older than me and I was like no no she was I was I was miss I was little at this at this time I was in well first grade no no I was I was I was in fourth grade and she was two years old fourth grade yeah yeah oh it was it was really bad I think I found out by my sister's and then no I'm glad they told me but it was dumb it was it was really dumb cuz I kept going back with her every time she cheated on me until one point I just like opened my eyes I guess and I just yeah she did and then well at some point like I didn't go fuck cuz I mean she would keep doing it so I just like I don't know I was dumb like my first relationship won't be you know it was dumb so I don't know but yeah yeah I just I just just left it oh there that's it that is and then miss my my sister my sister had a party and she's actually there and she's she was pregnant that time yeah she was she was pregnant that time with her no no no like this happened like there's nothing like last year yeah 18 19 yeah she was pregnant when yeah when I saw her she was pregnant she had a man's right there you know what I did I hugged her in front of him when she left and when she when she was there and she left but her boyfriend was mad. I was like I didn't go fuck. No I didn't. I just hugged her cuz I wanted to like make him jealous and shit. So I hugged her. I did it. I hugged her. I was like. I hugged her. And her man her man her man was like like he said something. I forgot what he said but he was all mad about it though. Now hell no I got my sister's boyfriend and me. That's all I need. Do you really? It better be a good one. We shouldn't podcast be like not cut. Like not edited. No I think someone. Really? Yeah. Oh I know who I podcast with. Who? Robin. No. Are you sure that's not your baby mama? No I had that with her. Okay. Okay. I could have done my whole life without having to know that but thank you. Alright. I would like to leave your story. I don't even know if I should. Okay. No. She's like never. Anyways. Okay. Oh. Never. Actually no I only did it like 3 times. This is her story. I'm not covering. But basically it was 6th. Give her a button. It was um 6th grade and um I mean I wouldn't consider it. Yeah I mean. What were we again in 6th grade? 11, 12? I don't know man. 13th if you're me. Oh yeah. Oh yeah so I met him through my cousin. But we were just going out. And then um. My cousin wanted to meet him. So she did. But then she. It was with your cousin? Yes it was with my cousin. But she cheated on me with my cousin. Basically they started like talking. Like as friends. And then they started like getting closer. And then sometimes he still had not like even answered me. And he was texting her. Like I looked over and it was like him texting her. And he had me on delivered. And I was like damn. So. So I realized but I didn't say anything. I didn't do anything about it. But then um. And she didn't tell me anything either. And I didn't bring it up from her about it or nothing. But then um. Like after a while. I just let it slide right off like whatever. And I don't know. It's kind of like him. Like you know you just like let it happen. Like whatever. Like yeah. And then after a while. Like whatever. Yes. Then I ended it. But then she ended up telling me everything after a while. She's like. He wanted to leave you for me. But he ended up leaving me too. And getting with someone else. And he got. He got the girl pregnant. No but. I mean. Yeah. I mean. I don't know why she expected something serious from him. He literally left me for her. I know. And I'm still. Like I didn't even do anything about it. Like I didn't like. I don't know. I felt stupid. I felt like I should have done something. Also because she's my cousin. Like what the fuck. Did you want to share? Oh no. I was going to say like that exact thing. Like that's like the exact thing that happened to me. But. I cheated on my girlfriend with her best friend. Yeah. Yeah but that was the only time. We were in 6th grade. And it was on accident. How old are you in 8th grade? 13. 13. Alright. Next one. Alright. I'll share a crazy story. Now that you shared something with family. I have a story. Not about me. No no no. No no no. This happened with my cousins. So my cousin number one. Had a boyfriend. And they ended up having a teen pregnancy. They were together for a few years. And then. I guess things got rocky between them. And whenever he'll come around to family parties. Cousin number two kept eyeing him. And eventually they got together. Yeah. So cousin number two got with cousin number one's. Baby daddy. Yeah. And it was like the craziest cat fight over it. And to this day they're not over it. They don't talk. And this happened years ago. But yeah. I mean I personally feel like. Now that I have a baby daddy. Not baby daddy. But. Like about family. I'll tell you about my sister too. If you want. Alright. So we're going to go back to Antonio. He's going to be exposing his siblings. So. I have a sister. She's like what 29. Or 30. I don't know. I think she just turned 30. I'm not sure. Anyways. So yeah. She had a boyfriend. Well they had kids or whatever. Well I had one kid. And the second child is actually not his. Yeah. But. No. She fucked his cousin. Yeah. She fucked and. Yeah and then. She had a problem. But I think this is the time they were done already. Because I think something happened. And. No no no. But they see each other. They're good with each other. They fucked the cousin. And then. Yeah he had a problem. He was like disappointed or whatever. But he still supports him. He still calls him daddy and stuff. No the cousin. No no no. They just fucking. I think I'm pretty sure they do. But like. Huh? Wait who? I don't know. The cousin's out. I think he did. Yeah he doesn't care. Or like. My sister. Yeah. Really bad. But the good thing is that. The dad or whatever. Is like supporting him. Well. No. Yeah. Well like she. Sometimes gets invited. But like I mean. Because they're divorced. So like they don't. She don't really like going with them. To their type of family. Oh well they broke up at that time. They already had been done. But they hadn't been talking. So I mean. Did she? Yeah she did cheat. On the cousin. Well I mean it's not my situation. That's rough. That's really rough. My sister. My sister. Going back on the topic of best friends. So her story went a little like this. She had her little high school sweetheart right. And they had dated for. I think like four years. They were like four years in. And when they went to college. She ended up getting accepted. To the same college as. Her boyfriend's best friend. Which was also her best friend. Yeah they were like a trio. Of best friends. And so they ended up. At first she ended up living in the dorm. Then he would come over all the time. Because they were in the same hall. And then eventually. She ended up living on. No no no. They ended up getting an apartment together. A two bedroom. Yeah so the girlfriend and the best friend. Ended up getting an apartment together. As just roommates. Because you know. They were high school best friends right. So fast forward to like. A few months into them living together. They ended up. Doing their deed together. And she cheated on her. On her boyfriend. And they didn't tell him. So for months. He was going over there. And like visiting and stuff. And hanging out with them. While. Yeah. Yes. Because you guys never know. No but don't tell him. Don't tell him. Yeah. But it happened twice. Because fast forward to a few years ago. She had another boyfriend. And she ended up. Meeting his friend. Which was also his boss. And now she's living with. The friend slash boss. Of the boyfriend she. Cheated on with so. She likes to keep it in the inner circle. Props to her but. A little intense. Yeah. Now she made it. She's famous now. Noah. Yeah. But there's no name. I have two sisters. How will they know which one. I'm just kidding. But. We can hit that one tomorrow. We'll go ahead and hit that topic tomorrow. But all right. Since it's. Doing this recording with me. Thank you Antonio. For skipping class to do this. No I'm just kidding. We'll do this again tomorrow. Same time. No but. This was just a practice run. I'm going to be working on this. And like yeah. Anything you guys want to say. Bye y'all. Bye y'all. What's the quote of the day. Don't be a hoe. I'm just kidding. Don't fuck it cousin. I like that. Let's end that on a good note.

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