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3M Meditation - Heart Space - 6-10-2024

3M Meditation - Heart Space - 6-10-2024

Daniela Schaller



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Good morning. Good morning, good morning. How are you? Can you not? Okay, is it better now? Someone fiddled around with my microphone. Okay, and then sometimes, yeah, here we go. This is all the way down to that. Whoops, not that. I wanted to do that. Yes, that's better. Because if we put this back on somewhere in the lands of the World Wide Web, then, you know, nobody needs to see my... Oh, I know. I really loved it for sitting with you. And then when I watched the clip that the video editor sent back, it was quite distracting, actually. So interestingly enough, I never thought of it because I really liked it, but it took away from... It was too much. So I'm trying the blurry thing for today, and then we'll go from there. We'll see. I know. I know, right? I don't like blurry, but hey, for something, I think it's okay. How are you? How are you both? Yeah. How are you? I love it. Congratulations. I think this is really big. Good, good. Yeah, wonderful. I'm glad to hear that. Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate that. You look very shiny over there, too, Stephanie, this morning. Oh. It's like, Mom, I want to sit with you. Very cute. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Animals really... Animals really like it when we do ground, when we run our energy and all that. It's really, really interesting because they just, I don't know, maybe because we're connecting with nature and Mother Earth and all that, and really tapping more into what they're already being aware of, right, the energy around us. So I've always had a lot of pets needing to be in the room with people when we would do a class or workshop or something. It's like lighting up, Stephanie. Let's tweak a little. I love it, too. All right. Shall we get going? All right. Let's do it. And today, nothing really, well, I shouldn't say it that way because it's stuck out like a sore thumb, but it does not have necessarily quite the tool or topic, I should rather say, as opposed to just tapping into present time and letting go of some energies that get in our way. That was the most prevalent thing that was wanted to be talked about today. So with that being said, I will go ahead and start recording. Good morning, everybody, and welcome to our Magic Monday Morning Meditation. Today is June 10th, 2024. And here in the Northeast, we're finally being into warmer weather and with some even really more warmer weather coming up this week. So it's quite lovely for me if you're into summer, as I am. So let's get started today with just finding our own space and taking a few nice deep breaths. And notice how you're breathing in. Maybe you've held your breath unconsciously for quite some time. You had some really shallow breaths going on where you weren't able to go all the way deeper into your body. Maybe you're just scraping by this morning, trying to find a way back into your body. And sometimes when there is a lot going on in our bodies, we really struggle to come back into our bodies. So just become aware and notice if any judgments that you may have around that. Like, I've been meditating for a really long time. I should be able to get into my body like no time. Or I shouldn't even be out of my body. I shouldn't even have a hard time. So just notice if any of these thoughts come up and distract you away, lead you down a well-known path of speaking harshly to yourself. And you can use your breath. Come back a little more and notice that by just acknowledging your breath and where it's at, this may already give you a little bit more space. You can imagine that with every breath out, you're able to release. Releasing anything and everything that does not support your highest vibration this morning, or as a matter of fact, any time this week or this month or this year. Also go ahead and introduce to yourself again your grounding. Recognize that beautiful connection from the very end of your spine, all the way down through all the layers of the earth, right into the middle of the earth. And give your body an anchor. Anchor it with the biggest cruise ship anchor one can imagine. And allow that to be a space to release energy out of your space. You can almost take a flashlight throughout your entire space and shine on the places where you have pain in your body, where you have resistance in your body, whether it's emotional pain or physical pain. If it's not to be distinguished, that's fine. Shine a light on it and allow that light to melt those tension points away, making them liquid and fluid and just drain out of your space. Notice when you're doing that how much space you're starting to gain. Maybe it's just an itty-bitty little bit of space, or maybe it's huge chunks falling out that you've been holding on to, waiting for the right moment to let them go. Maybe the right moment never has arrived so far. So you can just postulate that now that's the right moment. And it can go wherever it is. And all the while you're doing that, allow yourself to take some really nice deep breaths, maybe a snitch deeper than what it was in the beginning of this meditation, or maybe you're already there and wherever there is, allow yourself to take deeper breaths. As you're releasing all this energy, notice your heart space. Become aware of that place in your chest. Maybe you notice your physical heart. Maybe you notice restriction or wide open space. You may notice color or vibration. Hold that for a moment. Maybe you see images, images of what your heart space feels to you. Maybe you notice some areas in there that are darker or off limits, or there's a wall. Maybe on the other side there's wide open spaces, flow, love. Maybe you notice peace. Without any judgment, just look around. And if you have judgment around that, you have a way to let that go. Just drain that out of your grounding. Don't judge yourself with a judgment. Just allow yourself to be for a moment. Maybe you need a second grounding cord into that. You can imagine that to be like a vacuum, a vacuum cleaner that you go in and you can be playful as you're noticing energies that aren't really supporting your heart space and be more opening your heart space. Or sometimes we need to close our heart space a little bit. If we're letting energy move out unconditionally, yet also maybe with an attachment. We give away our love. We can't really give it away, but if we have an attachment to it and we expect something in return, not really unconditional and it's not really freely given, then it becomes straining. Just become aware of the different vibrations that you may notice in there. Maybe some of that is based on fear. I feel like if we don't give away all the love we have to everybody else, they may leave, they may not like it, they may not like us. You may experience jealousy from other people, envy, judgment. Just allow yourself to take a moment to see what patterns in and around your heart space you have created for yourself to function. Maybe some of you thought it would function, you would function that way. You can imagine yourself sitting in a movie theater and just looking out on that screen and see that with a little bit more distance. If you need a little bit more distance to not get swept up in all the stories and thoughts and patterns and programming that may be going on in there. Allow yourself to have a little space from it. Or you could see it all being put out on a table. It can be like a yard sale. You can put out anything, all the old things that no longer serve you. Not really saying that other people should buy them. Really just allowing yourself to notice a little bit more out in the open what's been hiding in there. You can give it tags of needs to go, needs to be thought about. Keep that. Notice the different vibrations in those different areas. Notice the vibration of things that you would like to let go of. Maybe you would like to let go of your harsh inner critic that says your heart is not good enough. You are not good enough. You should be this or that, thinner, better, smarter in order to be lovable. Notice the other things sitting in there where you heavily touch yourself around the things that your heart desires. Maybe you are not loving the right person to the standards of anybody else. There are some people in your life. Maybe you notice there is fear that is driving a lot of your heart space. It's too dangerous to do this because it could spark rejection, invalidation or judgment from others. Maybe you know this resistance. Resistance to letting go. Resistance to creating from your heart. Resistance into believing in yourself and your strength and who you are and how connected you are. There is your cleaning house in your heart space. You may notice at the same time that basket that gets fuller and fuller with the things that you would like to keep. Maybe there has been a little flower growing that is called self-love. And you are proud of yourself, how you nurture it. How you decided one day that this is important to you. And it has been growing and becoming stronger and more beautiful. Full of loving vibration. You may notice your ability to look at yourself with pride. Actually with all your flaws and loving yourself. Noticing your strength, your determination, your acceptance of yourself. Maybe you notice that you have been able to tap into joy and happiness from the inside. Independent of what other people are doing around you. Maybe you have been shining your light no matter what was going on around you. Maybe there is this underlying quality of love that carries everything else. And nurtures who you are as a spirit and a body. Now go ahead and when you are ready to move that basket of all the things you would like to let go out of your space. Putting it curbside. Throwing it down your grounding. Building a huge fire outside and just tossing it all in to be transformed. At the same time notice how you take that basket of all the things that you have grown in your heart space. That vibration that you would like to keep and nurture. Take that into your heart. You may see yourself putting it up all the things that are in that basket. Like crystals around the room. Fabric. Candles. Angels. And that third basket where you haven't been sure. Maybe there are no items in there and it was a clear cut of what you would like to keep and what you would like to toss out. Or maybe you have some items in there. Just take them back into your heart space. Maybe in front of the door to your room to your heart. And give it some space to take a look at every time you come in and out. Notice and see if that is something that you would like to keep. Maybe it needs to be nurtured. Maybe it needs to be tossed out. And just allow it to be there until you have made a decision. As always I encourage you to journal around this. Meditate on this. Allow yourself to tap back into that space throughout your week. As you gracefully move into it. Becoming aware of how magnificent of a soul you are. Shine your light brightly. And I hope you have a wonderful week. And slowly but surely come out of meditation. Move your body around a little bit. Take some more nice deep breaths. Become present. And when you are ready, you can open your eyes. And have a lovely week. Thank you ladies. It was my pleasure. Have a good week.

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