Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
Welcome to the Back, to the Back, to the Back, to the Back podcast. I'm Dakota. She's Sarah. Fuck Greg Abbott. Oh my god. I'm sorry. Like I was not ready for that. And he was like, No, we're going and I was like, Okay, what to start? Oh, like, you're just like, my head looks extra large today. Your head is large. Well, super size. I'm just saying I'm looking at a picture at you have you across from us as a baby and you've always had a big head. Yeah, I love you. Yeah, cause an eclipse. Texans like, Oh, it's happening again. Nah, it's just me. Dakota's head. Why do we hate Greg Abbott? Lots of reasons. Lots of reasons. We yesterday we were without power. No, it wasn't yesterday or the day before. It's been a long week. A long week. Yeah. Texas experienced a crazy thunderstorm 90 plus miles when gave half an over half a million people without power in the Dallas area. Dallas Fort Worth area, because he refused to fix the power grid in the state, which we claim to be the best state not without power and it was horrible. Well, my thing is, like, it's not okay. He he refuses to make ERCOT fix the grid, right? And because we insist on being on our own grid, unlike almost every other state in the country that shares, right? Um, you know, we went through the we experienced a freeze. We were without power for like, what, four days? Yeah. Yeah. And then so this week it, you know, I understand that this was more weather related. It's just if they were making sure that like tree cut tree limbs were cut, so they weren't making wires come down if they were making sure that that they're equipped, all the equipment was actually up to date and taken care of. I think there have been less people affected. I'm not saying you wouldn't have had any people affected, but well, okay, to be fair, I'm not going to bash on the actual workers who like, yeah, put their life at risk in these situations. That's not it at all. Like, more power to you. I'm just mad at the whole system. Yeah, that's the thing. It's just that we live in a state that doesn't care about its constituents, like its residents. It just doesn't. And it was frustrating for us to go out. Because like, obviously, we didn't have we what we lost heart like 6am just a little after 6am. And didn't regain it till the next day. And luckily, my best friend, Natasha, who I've talked about often on here, who is like a true ride or die, literally a single mom herself, paid for us to have an Airbnb because Dakota, I was really afraid I was going to take him to the hospital. Just from having like, no, I was I was like, it got so hot in the house. I didn't leave. I remember times for I've been overheated. Yeah, baseball. I put the exact same way and I passed out like I was gonna pass out if I probably if we were there for probably another hour, I probably would have passed out. So it's just, you know, about our dog. Right? Like it just and when we like went through the experience, we went through the freeze, it did feel like a little triggering to have to go through that again. Plus, the neighbor across from us who's already in our car, my car, which would have helped in the situation having two cars. Yeah, had power because of the I know it's not necessarily his fault that the way that transformers are. Yeah, I don't know. It's just a lot, you know, when we're already going through so much. And then for them to Encore to constantly be updating, oh, we're doing everything we can. And I know that y'all are. But what we noticed is they made sure that businesses got on got on back power first. And residents were left and I was all over Twitter and it was a lot of residents in not wealthy areas that were being left behind. And that's just very frustrating to me. And we're not even we're in what I consider, I wouldn't say a wealthy area, but definitely not. It's one of those wealthy houses. But there's a lot of rent houses to like we're renting, you know, so we don't own but I for it didn't even for us, we weren't even a priority. So it's just frustrating. And I'm frustrated. It's just a reminder that capitalism will always win out. They're always going to go for the businesses first and leave the residents behind. And there are still people without power as of today. Oh, yeah, it's not completely. It's not over. Right. Then they're saying they're saying that, well, they might also not have enough workers, but they're saying there's people that will be without power till Saturday. And I'm sorry, that just feel like that is unacceptable. And our country tries to act like, oh, it's so great. And, you know, look at these third world countries, we are a third world country. Like that, that's what it comes down to. We have homeless people, we have people that are living paycheck to paycheck, but sometimes not even making that like, it's just, I don't know, I guess the power going out. It maybe felt like a last straw for us personally. I was gonna get a straw. We always get the short end of the straw. Yeah, it's a short end of the stick. Whatever. Sure. Straw. Carrot. I was the one who did you meet you, Martin? Where it's like, I don't know what it was. But like, you're saying like, it's like the abnormal say what's the weather outside? I don't know. Carrots. So that's how our week started. So we're recording. We normally record our episodes on Tuesday. Today is Thursday. What are you looking at? Are you worried it's not working? No, it is. It's just maybe it's gonna be louder than normal. And I gotta fix it. Whatever. Don't ignore it now. I'm not gonna ignore it now. I can't ignore looking at stuff. Yeah. I don't even remember what I was saying. Honestly, because I don't know this podcast. Well, yeah, because we had something else in mind, but I wanted to get to one where like, it wasn't like, I want to get a point where it's not we have to have a good topic. Yeah, I don't want to pigeonhole us. And that makes makes it kind of hard. You know, I don't feel like we are because all of our topics are so varied. They're very violent. I mean, pigeonholing what we can talk about in the episode. No, I agree. Yeah. Um, I don't know. I think about that on the walk. Like, what could we do to get a better reach? Do we need to hyper focus on one thing like a lot of people do? But I don't want to do that. Like, I've always thought about that. Like, whenever I like have Instagram, right? Or like my Tick tock, like, because there's the big I was talking to you about the big like trend right now is people trying to get into the creator fund initiative, but you have to have 10,000 followers to get there. And I'm not even at 1000. Like, that's just like, it seems unreachable. And a lot of people do it like brands, like they pick a topic, and that's the thing they're going to do. And I've never, right, I've never felt comfortable with that as a person. Like, I'm not a monolith. Like, I don't just have one thing. That's my personality. Yeah, like, I love anime. I love video games. I love art. I love acting. But like, there's never been a point where that's just been my only focus in life or my only thing that I think about. And so it would be it's, it's, it's weird for me to wrap my head around. Only talking about that. Yeah, centralizing it. Like, I don't know. Because then again, though, like I could see myself I could see myself like years ago, like, Oh, what if I did Twitch or whatever into games, I could see myself being a gaming person. But I know like a lot of my favorite gamer gamers or content creators that do games, they branched out and do other stuff, at least that I still watch. Right? Because they just stuck with that one game. I probably don't watch it. Right? After I stopped liking that game. Yeah, as a musician, but he's still twitch streams. Play. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry, T-Pain. Sorry. No, I don't know if he is. He probably should. But T-Pain, sorry. I'm really still tired from like, I knew you meant T-Pain, but there was an off chance you meant T.I. I was curious. I promise. I know not all black people look alike. I know that. Sorry. Like, I'm just extremely tired out of the two of us. I've had the least amount of sleep in the all week actually, because I didn't get much sleep before the night before the power went off. My sleep's been either actually no sleep, basically, or long sleep, but it doesn't feel like anything. Yeah. And I know I say I'm tired every week on here because I am. Yeah, because I am like, not getting sleep has, again, ADHD and autism. Like, I'm just probably never going to experience a life where getting good sleep is a thing. But this week has been especially hard because again, Tuesday night going into Wednesday, I had three hours of sleep. So, and my body still, and last night I went about six. So I'm just like still catching up. But yes, T-Pain, who is, you know, obviously a musician, but also is a nerd and has branched on that. So I just think it's weird that our society is like, well, if you want to do well and you want to be successful, you have to pick one thing. Why should, why should, look at Donald Glover. You've talked about it. I mean, anytime someone says, what do I want to do in life? I want to be a multi-faceted artist who can make a living doing whatever they're passionate about. Yeah. And he's the perfect example of that to me. I don't know how I got on this tangent. It doesn't matter. That's the thing. That's what I want. I want to get to the point where it doesn't matter what we got on, we just talk about what we didn't on, you know? I know, but I was trying to remember what the original, my original point was, and I don't remember. I don't know. Oh, I think I was just talking about like how we could, because you were talking about like the topics and stuff. And I, I don't, I feel like we are very, yeah, we come in with topics, but that doesn't mean we're not like ranting about those things. And yeah, no, I just always, again, it's just weird to me to just only focus on one thing. Like, you know, and again, I was talking to Tasha about our last week's episode we had, which was, you know, sports. And she's like, you know, I'm not going to listen to that because she doesn't like sports. And I'm like, but it's not like that. It wasn't like we're saying, did you see that play last night? Right. Did you see the way he slam dunked the basketball? It was actually, that was like one of the least things we talked about sports. It was more about like our enjoyment and like cool things that happened. And how we connected to the people. Yeah. And that's what I was trying to tell him. Like, I think even with you not liking sports, you'd still like it. I'm like, you love quantum physics, and I would really like to love that because you do, or at least be interested in it. But it's hard because that's not how my brain works. But maybe I'll come across somebody who explains it in a way that I can understand it. And I'll be able to have that connection with you. Because that's something about me that I don't think is necessarily unique to me. But it's definitely not something I see in a lot of people that when I love someone, when I care about them, I want to be, I want to try to take interest in what they love and care about. And like, like what I was talking to you about at WWE, like, yeah, I watched it when I was a kid, but not wasn't really into it. But then when you got into it, you know, I got into it, or with Marvel and DC and, you know, now anime, like, I'm trying to get Andy. I don't know if there's a lot of things that we were kind of similar to. Some kind of video game. Yeah. Like shows maybe. Yeah. Oh, Walking Dead. Keith wanted to introduce me to Walking Dead. Had nightmares for like a week straight after I started that. I legitimately remember taking the dog out. This is Texas, by the way. And thinking I was going to be attacked by zombies when I went outside. Because I have a very, very overactive imagination. And it was so well written and well acted and everything that like, you know, but Sons of Anarchy is another one that, you know, that is a lot of things that we connected on was like shows, but politics, actually, I am so grateful to Andy, for helping me understand more about that, you know, because I don't think that our, our school I know our not think I know our school system does a crappy job of of telling the history of our country, of helping teach how important voting is, you know, and what we can do to help actually affect change, if we vote like at a local level. So just like a bunch of that stuff that I didn't really know about. It's not that I didn't care, you know, I care about what happens in our country, what happens in the world around us, but I just didn't really understand it like that. It's not something that we really discussed in my house growing up. I was shocked when I found out my dad was a Republican. Because he doesn't know when I was in my 20s. And he just doesn't give that energy off. He was in a union. Like, it was weird. I'd say he was like a, I'd say actually, he's probably more libertarian, he was more libertarian than I don't know. It was just weird when I found out. But that's what I'm saying. It wasn't something we discussed. And he was a Republican. He was more like a Reagan Republican, although Reagan is terrible. But I don't think he knew how and not that my dad was dumb. But like, I'd say he's middle of the road. He was actually probably middle of the road, you know, like, he would not have been a Trump supporter. I know for a fact he wouldn't have. So he was more like, George W., like, middle of the road. He would have voted for Hillary. George W. the one who said something about the war and took his office? Yes, yes. That man gave us so many good soundbites. I'm the decider. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you can't shame me again. But I know that one from sadly, a J. Cole song. He sampled it. Fool me one time, shame on you. J. Cole got in and out of that shit. Yeah, he did. He was in there for the hottest second. That's crazy. He bailed out real quick. He was ready to massacre. What is it? What is it? No, it reminds me of Friday with the dad, remember? And he's like, well, man, you want some of this? He was like, nope. Out of there. Just don't want any. No, thank you. Um, again, I lost where I was going. But I guess it was just like, the whole thing when I was thinking this morning about the podcast, it was just like, we're just gonna have to keep pressing on. Because I don't want to be pigeonholed into one thing. Because neither of us have singular interest. We're gonna blow. One day we're gonna blow up. Sorry, I was thinking of Kesha. This place about to blow up. I know I really wish that when we went to see her. I mean, she's had another album since we went to see her. But it just didn't go real big. I think she might be working on something right now. I'm tired. Yes, that's why I'm yawning. I would say excuse for I'm yawning. But I'm not taking it personal. No. And then the other thing is, because I've been so much more active on TikTok, because of like the trying to the community that's trying to grow their followers. What is why is mine seems so loud? I don't know. That's why I should have mentioned it. Yeah, no, I keep looking at it. Sorry. Um, and they say after, what is that? Um, I learned this morning that Besson's account was suspended by TikTok. And I don't Besson, she's a, she's a reporter on the ground. When I say she's a reporter, I don't think she was meant to be a reporter, which is Palestinian reporter. That's like three or four years older than you. So legitimately could be my daughter. Um, they suspended her account. And she's one of the ones that has been giving most of a context for what's actually happening there. And, and it's weird. A lot of people are pointing out this morning, like it's weird that they banned her account right as notable celebrities are finally starting to speak up about it. And it seems no, it's not even necessarily obviously want her silence, but it's now that you have notable celebrities speaking up. And a lot of them, my color, it's going to be a whitewash presentation of what's happening in Palestine. Yeah, I reposted. I, I didn't take it down. But I realized I got a lot of stuff about it recently. And the thing is, it's kind of a AI image generated thing. Um, which is like, whatever you think about that. But basically, people are simulating and comparing it to the trend during BLM, when people were supposed to do black square. And I can't I put a story, but like, I don't know, I can't, I personally can't do that. Because I'm not directly impacted or like involved with what's going on. Like, it's not I was, I'm black. So I was like, that's the way you are directly impacted. Because I was saying is the point is people trying to make it all you're doing is just read now you're reposting this always an awful thing, and you haven't been doing anything else. It is the same thing as that, which I agree with. I will agree with that, too. I think the biggest takeaway from this and what I put on my story is I posted it in person with our situation, we can only do so much that we can't give away. We can't we don't have money to give money to give and like, well, I've given some our own like our own life. We can only do so much based on where we are located. Yeah, like other stuff we have to focus on with our lives. We do as much as we can. And I think the biggest thing everybody, not everybody, almost everybody can do, especially in America, especially if you have a phone you have, you're on social media all the time is get educated. Yeah, get educated. That's one of the biggest thing you can do. yourself and align yourself on the right side of history. Well, that's, that's one of the one of the luxuries that I think a lot of Americans, not every American, I understand that. Yeah, every person, but the access to knowledge, right? It's so much greater than when I was your age. It's like, even the internet. There's no excuse, right? Like, I get some living situations, some what's the word? Money? Well, yeah, there are like, well, yeah, you can't prioritize that. But some of these people like can, and like the least you can do is educate yourself and not be ignorant, right? And it's well a you know, for a fact that me personally, I've been posting stuff since October. Yeah, like literally probably a week after October 7, I have been posting things, mostly on Instagram, which connects to my Facebook. So I you know, I know people see it like and then make it clear being anti Zionist is not being anti some is not being some anti Semitic like, that is not the case. I follow quite a few Jewish creators that are constantly posting about what's happening in Palestine. Like again, never again means never again for anybody, right? And I would urge people obviously to get educated, but also understand that when you say like, what's happening there doesn't directly affect you. It does things that are happening in the Sudan, in the Congo, in Palestine, anywhere in the world where there is injustice, it is especially at the hands of capitalism, it is affecting you, whether you are aware of it or not. And even if it's not affecting you, you should as a human being, not want other human beings to suffer. Like that's why like my shirt is Wicked Clothing, by the way, if you want to sponsor us or just send me some stuff, I already bought a lot of your stuff. But it says it what is it? Empathy? Empathy? Empathy is more rebellious than more rebellious than the middle finger. Yeah. Like, because it is like, it takes more. It takes more effort. Yeah. Middle finger, all it takes is the middle finger. Right. Unless you don't have one. And that really sucks. I would hate not to have the middle finger. Okay, to not have a lose one finger period. Yeah, period. That would really suck. That would really, and I think it would really throw you off. Because you can claw, you can do the claw, you can learn to claw. So the only takeaway is that you can't get something to burn. Yeah. But it's just, I'm glad that people are, I will say, let's, a lot of people are saying, hey, you know what, who cares when you come to the table as long as you come to the table. Like, so I have, I understand the thought of, oh, it's just like posting a black square. And that's the minimal amount of things you could do. But I mean, something is something like I'm gonna I'm gonna take it and I think with people, more people doing it, you're getting more awareness. And I don't know. And then I know people that their singular focus is Palestine and not saying anything about the Congo or Sudan. And that's really weird to me. No, it is 100% colorism. And I just don't understand that. Like, again, you literally can care about multiple things. You can care that we again, live in a country where homelessness is at an all time high where people are food inadequate, even though they're working three jobs. Like, you can care about all of those things, I promise. Because all of those things intertwine. I don't know, it's just so it gets really to be a lot for me, because I do have such great empathy. And it affects me so deeply when I see others hurting. But I always take it as especially being white, that if I say, well, I have to turn this off because it's too much, right? That's a privilege I have. Like, like being black in this country, you don't get to just stop being black in this country. Right? Like, I can I have the privilege to look away. If I so choose of what's happening, because I get to go around in white skin, and that does afford me a certain privilege. If I was a white man, I'd have all the privilege, but I'm not, you know, I'm still a woman. And I just want to like, if there's a white man, listen, it doesn't mean that you don't go through hardships and seeing your hardships you go through don't happen because of the color of your skin and your gender. You know, there are certain things that only women go through, right? There are certain things that only black men go through. And there are certain things only black women go through. You know, it's just, and then what's again, what's happening in Palestine, it's a lot of that is happening because of the color of skin. I mean, there's a lot of people that talk about the Jewish Israelis or that are not white in the way that they're treated in Israel. And you have people in Israel that are protesting their own government. I don't know if people understand that too. It's not just Palestinians pushing back. So it's just, I didn't mean like for this to go on about this, but we've hinted at over many episodes, our position on this. There shouldn't be positions. Well, yeah, I mean, there really isn't. Again, you should not want any human to suffer. Like, well, you shouldn't want any living thing to suffer, actually. Yeah. The first time I was a sociopath or a psychopath is like 30 animals. Yeah. So I don't know. That was a little ranty and I'm still like kind of obsessed with how... Stop talking about cockroaches. Fuck them. I don't really know what the purpose they serve. What is the purpose of them? I don't think they serve a purpose, honestly. There's just a few animals that serve no purpose. Like spiders serve a purpose. They eat bugs. I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. Unless you make me swing from buildings and climb on them, get out of my sight. I don't think mosquitoes serve a purpose, although people joke population control. That is actually it. That's what Anthony said all the time. Yeah. But, I mean, I feel like there's a better way to do that. I just saw on Instagram that a man with a suspended license... Oh my god, I saw that! ...showed up to court via Zoom while driving. I saw the TikTok on that. What kind of idiotic, dumb person do you have to be? The judge was so great. He was like, because he goes, I'm confused. Isn't this about his suspended license? Someone on Facebook or whatever, they caught who they were looking for, a suspect, because she asked on Facebook or something how much was the reward money. That's how they got her. How was she expecting to collect it? Was she going to have someone else turn her in? I don't know. That's what I think. And then hope that she was going to be able to get out and they could share the money? More than the bail? Yeah. Or, is she doing Loopy's crew and being like, that bounty's not high enough. Let me go do more things. I mean, maybe. Maybe, right? Yeah. Sorry, I'm still kind of assessing about how loud it looks over there. This is what it is. I am louder than you generally. I was really trying to keep the mic from being... I don't know what it is. If I get close enough, it'll eventually speak, but maybe you should say you're louder than me in general. I don't know what it is. Maybe, I don't think... Do you think that our loudest, each of us, that I'm the loudest? Because I don't think so. I don't know. The input's at the same thing. It didn't earlier, but I just moved the thing out. Look, it still looks... I don't know. Stop asking about it. We don't do so much. I'll try to fix it if it's really bad. I don't know. What else? What's on your plate? I don't know. My head still hurts. Yeah, I'm in so much pain. My whole body aches. I don't know. That's like, I don't know. Sometimes, I go into the episodes not really wanting to talk about what I actually would ever want to talk about, and it's open to talk about something that... Resonates? Resonates? No, that people are interested in. That's why I said resonates. Goes viral, because I don't think everything that goes viral is something that resonates with people, to be honest. No, really stupid things go viral. Yeah, so that's why I wouldn't say really resonate is the correct term there. And that's... And hence lies the problem. I want some soul connections, and that's just... It's so rare in our society, and I don't know what the cause of that is, besides individualism. I don't get it. Because when you boil it down to it, when someone actually finds someone they care about, or they talk about things they care about, they're like, oh, where has this been my whole life? But for some reason, that's not what's popular. I mean, it would be for me, but I'm realizing more and more... I'm realizing more and more... You're all wired on very different levels. Yeah, and again, with this creator, get to 10,000 trend, what I'm noticing is I'm engaging with the people I'm following, but they're not doing that back. They're not inherently selfish. They really aren't. I don't understand that. I'm not saying I'm not selfish at all, but I'm learning more and more how unselfish I am, thanks to social media and thanks to unmasking, honestly. I don't know, that was the main things I was thinking about on the walk this morning, was what could we do, but also at the same time, does it even matter? I usually do weird faces sometimes. Oh my god, no, I do that too, but I do it in closed doors, so nobody sees it. Sometimes I try to stretch the face, like Luffy. Like Luffy. I'm like, I'm stretching Armstrong. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know, it's just been a weird week. Oh, oh my god, we got a game tonight. No, I really was hoping you weren't going to mention it, because I don't want to mention it. Okay, I mean... I don't want to talk about it until I want to talk about it. That's the way it goes, because so much has been bad. Who's your favorite Muppet? Muppet? Is that, does that include Destiny's Child characters, or is that just the Muppets? No, we're just talking Muppets. It's Animal. Is it Animal? Yeah, it's Animal. I love Animal. It's Animal, and then it's probably Kermit. Like, I know this is a basic pick, but Kermit's like funny. So you have a three-way tie. It's him, Animal, and there's like one more I'm forgetting, but say yours, so while I look it up. Mine are, and I remember, I think I sent that to you, Gonzo, because I remember that guy was just like Gonzo. Gonzo, Grover, and Miss Piggy, and I feel like they all kind of give this... Every time I say Miss Piggy, you say the same reaction like you've never heard me say that before, and like I called you a slur. Because I got called Miss Piggy growing up. And then every time I say the exact same thing, and I feel bad about it. Yeah. But like, I'm not those kids, and I don't hate Miss Piggy for that reason. Okay, I know it's hard to, and I know it's almost the same thing as like, removing like racism, not the same thing, but you know, similar. But if they never did it to you, and you just saw the way Miss Piggy acts, would you not kind of like be annoyed with her? I mean, maybe annoyed, but I wouldn't hate her, and I'd also like to... I don't mean I actually hate Miss Piggy. I'd also like to remind you that one of your faves was a big gaslighter, because he gave a lot of mixed signals to her. Yeah, it's the Muppets. I didn't watch Muppets like that. I only really... So I did watch Muppets like that. Like, I watched it. I only watched the two movies. No, I grew up watching the Muppet show. See, when I look at Muppets, it says certain characters are Muppets. Certain characters are, and so it's like Fraggle Rock. Yeah, but you say the Muppets. Yeah, the Muppets. Who am I like, forgetting? Fonzo? Fonzie? No, he's okay. Oh, what's your name? It's the other one in the band with the hair. Oh, yeah. I don't know her name, though. Or Beaker. I'm just saying my top fave three are Gonzo, Grover, and Miss Piggy. But my favorite by far is Animal. I just thought of it because I looked over at Kermit, and I was like curious, because, you know, I don't know. Like I said, I think my three give the same energy in different ways. Well, I mean, sometimes Animal, but I'm also not Animal a lot of times. I think you're probably more Kermit. Animal is probably the most misunderstood. Like, I don't know. I feel like it's what I hate. Does he? There's a lot of people I know who love Animal. They call him, I mean, his name's Animal. Well, I think he just embraces that. Yeah. Maybe. Yeah, I don't know. You know what? You know what I don't mess with? I don't know what his name is. He's annoying. Isn't that who works with Beaker? It's easy. We can focus on it. Grover's the most punchable face I have ever seen. He looks like a lemon head. The other thing, and it's not completely on topic, but it's like in the same realm, is me watching a TikTok like a few weeks ago about Pinky and the Brain. And then, you know, like the theme song. One is, what is it? One is a genius. The other is insane. And everybody's pointing out, I want to point out that Pinky's the actual genius. Yeah. And Brain is the one that's insane. And I'm like, oh my God. Yeah. That actually makes 100% sense. You know? And I don't feel like I'm either of those characters. But I don't know. I was thinking about it because, you know, Andy really loved them. And I have that little figurine of them that was his. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Yeah, we were talking about Lopez before that. But anyhow, I don't know. I hope that everybody in the DFW area gets power soon. I'll throw this little shout out here. I know you probably also this way, because you're like more content, I guess, with it. I'm lonely. So this goes to shout out. Anybody in the age range of 20 to 20, how old am I? 21. 21. So 23. I'm 25. Young 25. A young 25. A young 25. Anybody age ranging from 20 to young 25 who has appreciation for nerd stuff, anime, video games, art, creative things, trauma, hyperfixations, maybe a little nerd, nerd, can't speak. Nerd, nerd, I can't say it. Nerd I do gee. Yeah. If you nerd I do gee. If you like to make up words, maybe we'll get along. Hit me up. Quote movies a lot. Quote movies a lot. Yeah. Quotable. Play the beautiful game. Play the beautiful game. Plays instruments. Likes to play checkers. What if, like, these are like a very specific thing. What if they know Munchkin? I mean, people have kids. I don't, I mean, Munchkin's cool, but it's not like the most thing I love the most in life. I'm trying to think of like a very niche thing that like if I, if they find out like, I don't want to say that though, because the last like real relation I was in, we had so many niche things in common and it's so horribly niche. Yeah. Like, I mean, like, we loved like the same obscure movie and like we felt the same way about things and then moved back to college and got dumped immediately. Yeah. With no warning. Immediately to jail. Immediately. I've drawn the card. Go to jail. Do not pass out. Do not collect money. Get depression. And then roll triple. No doubles. And then as soon as you roll out, you land on someone's house. Or hotel. Oh, I was, I went Mr. DeVos. Thinking of a house landing on somebody. I totally forgot you were referencing Monopoly. Yeah. Um, I'm cool. I'm not looking for anybody. I just want somebody to love. That's it. Just somebody to care for. Somebody to love. I was trying not to get copywritten. I don't think that'll get it. I know somebody I love and he loves me back. I've just been beaten down by society and dating in general. So I'm not that optimistic. He's still good. I guess every relationship I've been in, it's kind of pretty shitty. I'm just saying you're still young. You still kind of have that hope. I'm uh, I don't know. Yes, young people do. But I am such a pessimistic. I mean, you're a realist. I wouldn't say you're a pessimist. Because you still have optimism. I do. I think something's messing my head. Sometimes I just, I have one thing to go wrong. You do? I don't. I don't. But like, sometimes I'm like, I don't know. Maybe because so much has gone wrong in my life. No, you're just expecting for the other shoe to drop. And so it just feels like. I don't think that means you want it to. No, I don't. It feels like I do, based on how much has happened. Yeah. I don't know. It is what it is. Also, you know, for him, if you have, you know, sensory issues and over-regulate, dysregulate, that'll be helpful to, you know, somebody that understands. Thanks. I was going to say, why are you so weird? But I 100% know why you're so weird. I'm just one of the things I'm grateful for that I allowed you to be who you are around me. I feel like that helps you more to be yourself. Whereas I am still struggling. Hey, but I got, there's a little, there's, I'm noticing progression over the episodes of my unmasking. Yeah, right. It's really difficult. Like, I kind of made a light about that, but it is actually really difficult for me. Because once that camera comes on, I'm like, oh, I'm supposed to be presentable. And, you know, palatable. And I'm not palatable in real life. I am for a certain select chosen few. You are the Cap'n Crunch. Some people can't handle that rough feeling you get on the mouth, but the ones who can appreciate how good a material it is. I will accept it. What, my comparison? Yeah. Because that's the best cereal, I mean, for me. So that's a compliment coming from me. Maybe not from other people. The pain is painful, but it's good. It's worth it, bro. I'm sorry. Cap'n Crunch. Cap'n Crunch. I've always been Cap'n Crunch. I don't know. What cereal am I? Oh, fuck. I gave you the perfect one. So I, but I only expect nothing but the best. Dakota. The longer you take, the more it hurts. Um, I don't. Um, I was going to say Fruity Pebbles. Hey, hey, that kid. I said it. I'm the Fruity Pebbles. Yeah, I'm the Fruity Pebbles, bro. I feel like it's one like, you know, it's good. But then you forget how good it is until you have it. Exactly. You're like, I've had this forever. Why? Why? I don't eat it every single day. Yeah, but more realistically, I'm the Cupcake Pebbles. I'm the Cupcake Pebbles. Yes, because you're very. Like, you're very unique. And I hate saying that because one of the things I have learned in sobriety and and and because and also because social media, we're not as unique as we think we are. Lots of people do a lot. My entire personality did not realize it was ADHD and autism. Do you remember the thing in school when like, you know, the walls were made of like brick? There's a little indent in it and you like, you run your finger through it as you went. Yeah. That's insane that people across generations do the same exact thing. Well, a lot of things I did in school would like count the tiles on the ceiling. Yeah, I was so fucking bored. I used to count the little like little part of the lines. Yeah. And I went to like, you know, the weirdest thing I did in school. I found out how many lips it takes to get to the center of a dum-dum. That was so dum-dums aren't even that big. Took over a thousand. Like without biting it? Yeah, I could never. I had a lot of patients back then. Yeah. I feel like you have more patients than I do. I'm like, sometimes I'm eating and I'm like, this food is so good. And then like, I look up, I look down. I'm like, where'd it go? Oh, that's right. I ate it. And it's gone. Yeah, it's gone. I don't know. Anyhow, um, I don't know what we're gonna talk about next week. We're gonna talk about, uh, who we're bringing. Maybe because also Father's Day is coming up. Budge. So maybe, that one might have to get pushed back. But we'll have... To the back. Pushed. Push it. Push it real good. Uh-uh. Plum Pepper's cool. They're cool. They're cool. Salt and pepper. Wait, what's that from? It was, uh, it was, uh, what's his name? Who plays, uh, Charles Xavier. When he was on SNL and he... Oh. He said it on XM97. Amazing. Anyways. I love you. I love you. To the back. To the back. To the back. To the back. Podcast. Buh-bye.