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Tricia Story Time

Tricia Story Time

Tracy Pirnie



Tricia is still with us on this chat. She is always so much fun and lots of great stories come from her life.


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I'm super anal about knowing things in advance but I mean I do step outside my comfort zone so when somebody calls and says that they need bowls I'll stop even though I'm thinking all the way if I had only known two days earlier when I was here because I'm very understanding about even though I mean all right yeah I am NOT one of those people like I'll I'll add things to my list but I I'm like oh hey let's you know I'd be one of those that go hey let's hop a plane to whatever okay what are you a coordinator and then managing the family and everything before that and I and I don't sweat that stuff I'm just like okay let's go let's do this I'll take one of each outfit or two or three outfits and I'll pack my bag and I'll be like okay let's go I just do not sweat my husband worked so hard I try to organize it so he doesn't have to sweat it but then there was that never does Jeff knows in the end I'm always going to take care of it there's that trip to Arizona when I forgot my medicine and the dogs we had to drive back oh my god I hate that person no and I still plan and stuff what kills these girls is I will know what's going to happen it's just I like to mess with them so much and I don't tell them what's going to happen and so I get Oh Nicole's looking at me like you carry you're like what are we going to do what are we going to leave but and I'll know what we're going to do when we're going to leave but it drives them fucking crazy and that is so much fun for me it's a gift for me but I also have a part-time job that I need to ask three weeks in advance well I tell you when we're leaving I give you good but I just don't tell you anything about it I'd like to be late and I have a all the time when Mike's in town I'm not I was even concerned about the damn bowls that you were picking up because I thought man then I had to pick up my coat I'm good with the bowls are you sure yeah I'm looking for my wallet I'm like oh shoot I've got money for you no that's okay anyway so yeah but Nicole always drives us just because she's I was so excited when Trish let me drive last night I was like oh she's let me drive I like that my car or your own car my car my car you always appoint me as the driver I don't volunteer no you say I'm gonna swing by and pick you up Tracy and I say no when I was here for the game and you go okay let's go hit Nicole and Tanya's house yeah you drive oh yeah yeah I was down with you driving because otherwise I get sometimes just get stuck driving and I can't enjoy it so I know I'm always the one get get stuck driving I don't mind volunteers yeah I don't I don't mind driving I I don't have to drive either it doesn't bother me if somebody asked me to drive yeah I don't know it and I and I don't mind because then I won't get too out of control well also for me in social settings I don't drink some of you may know and it's not oh yeah to me that it's handy for my friends because they always know that they'll have a designated driver oh here comes trouble girls here she comes I can hear a little feet here's a friend that doesn't drink and I don't think she ever drives come here climb over can you climb over no no oh I can't are you gonna lift her Trish Thank You Trish oh hi pumpkin oh did you have a good time everybody this is birdie my daughter you want to say hi birdie she don't have to are you shy so we're just a play date or a party no it's just a play thing did you get to play on the trampoline what else did you get to do anything fun she has a toy computer and you were able to play on that did you see grandma Kelly did you see grandma Kelly Kelly don't live there we've seen grandma Kelly Friday night but anyway I'm glad you had fun all right go upstairs we'll be up in a minute oh and Coley want you oh oh ain't Coley's getting a hug loves and hugs that's what Nicole does those guys in the bar before her partner the only way she could get action oh yeah what was your move when you would go Nicole probably batted her eyes at people what was your pickup I have no game I am so awkward when it comes to somebody that I like I mean that was always I'm just I can be like it's like I can't speak all of a sudden I can't do anything yeah I just become dumb you know it's like I do that too we had some maintenance men from work that we have just had a new door installed and it was a sliding door and they were up there and I can't say I was flirting with them but they were men and I mean I wasn't even trying to be cute but I was kind of nervous and my co-workers still make fun of me I was like this door is so great because they were coming up to take like measurements of it and so I was trying to say it's great because you can have it closed and still see if patients come up on the other side that's what I meant that's not what I said oh my god you're so cute I forgot I know the only thing I said is you can have it open or shut and so now my co-workers every time I get out of control they come up and they're like sometimes we shut the door and they ask you okay that you were unsupervised I have stood next I'm not allowed to be unsupervised I have stood next to somebody and I forget what the hell I'm gonna say that I just sometimes will stand next to something not say a damn thing and then walk away oh yeah I'm just like I was like oh yeah so I'm horrible mm-hmm or I'll just be a dork in breaking the song and do jazz hands you don't know which one you're gonna get I mean Tracy has seen me I send you that little video flirting skills for me is I don't know how to do it like it's like that video do you like lasagna have you tried a conversation one time I described myself to it was a guy friend and I was trying to practice flirting and I just described myself I was trying to practice flirting with him because he's a guy friend and he was right and I told him I'm not ready to be out in the dating world I'm surprised you're this far with with Jay I know is it Florida I mean it's only been two weeks pace yourself girl I haven't yet told him I'm gently used so then a little ahead of the game isn't that nice it's not just men though cuz sometimes girls are the same way cuz I've been like sitting in in a hospital room like waiting for an appointment like a doctor's office and this assistant comes in who is female and like a model and she's so pretty that I've lost my yeah yeah I will say so I'm sorry you're so pretty I can't find anything to say right now how you get around me yeah to me a couple times that's happened to me three times three times with girls but they have just been so pretty that I've been in awe and haven't been able to fall and I you know I hope I don't offend people when I say you know oh my gosh you're beautiful I wish I could come up with things like that but I'm just like you're so pretty I can't talk right now I might have you just say you're so beautiful take note man that's a great way to get to a woman's heart if you said that so should I say that to a guy? You're so pretty I can't find anything to say. Oh beautiful. I can't even look at you. Just say you're beautiful. I used to say. That can mean you're inside or outside well it used you know it is sometimes guys are so pretty that you're like shh don't talk and ruin it yeah oh yeah usually when they start speaking because they're so pretty they're usually like you just walk away you know. They like vomit words that don't mean anything. I even tell I've even told that I'm sure I can see that he's thinking it and I try to reel it in. You can tell by the look on his face like God will she shut up. Exactly. Well give me some advice then so I'm more comfortable. That's just it be yourself. Oh man. It sounds so easy but act like it's one of us because really it's about a friendship. For me personally it's about establishing a connection and then if there's going to be a sexual relationship that comes later. Oh my lord. I am not that makes me even more anxious. I won't fashion that way but I don't know. I like to talk and get to know somebody you know but I'm so awkward with like I said when I like somebody that even then they're probably like I'm surprised I've ever gotten laid because I'm so so so awkward with that sometimes I really am. I think people find honesty endearing and when you say oh my gosh you are so beautiful I'm tongue-tied or that they're just like oh. They've rolled their eyes at me when I said that. The guys or the girls? I don't think I've ever said that to the guys. I've said it to people beside me that I was like oh my gosh he was so cute I couldn't talk. What do you say or some response of that nature? I don't get told that I'm beautiful. I get told that I'm beautiful sometimes but I also get told that I want your confidence when you walk in some place and I was like at first I was like oh okay but now I get I get what they mean when they said that I wish I had your confidence to do you know be in front of people or you know. That's a great compliment. But you know when I was younger I was always like well that's dumb but now that I'm older I'm like yeah that's it that's a good thing. See I feel that in a way but in the opposite way people always tell me and Nikki even says this you can talk to anybody but I don't feel that way. I feel like if I walk in a room I don't want people to see me. Don't notice that I'm here. I'm just gonna sneak in. I don't feel that way. And I talk to a lot of people like you do too but we're like completely two different things. I don't mind that people look at me when I enter a room. I'm okay with that. Yeah please don't notice I'm here. Yeah we're opposites that way where yeah it does not bother me to have men or women look at me. I'd like to be invisible. We can. I don't know how I do it though. I can talk to anybody unless it's a cute guy. No I can even talk to the cute guys but if there's somebody I'm attracted to I can't freaking yeah and I think my friends would know if there was ever anybody I was attracted to they'd be like yep just walked away yep yeah there she goes. No that does make sense. I guess I can talk to cute guys that I don't find cute that other people do. Yeah or that you're not attracted to. Yeah so yeah there's a big difference there. But you always have a silly story to come up with that can break the ice. Yes you do. You're really good about that. Oh come on you just mentioned it. Let's have this. I don't know if I told you this but I don't know if I can say it because it's about a patient. Well don't leave the name. I won't say the name but I don't think I can say it. Okay but I'll tell you guys later. Oh she would never break confidentiality. I'm sure she won't tell us. No I won't give any names but I'll tell you the embarrassing thing. It involved me telling a doctor I had something stuck up my butt and because it went along with a story of somebody who thought that something had happened like that. There's so many questions right now. I know. You think I can relate to everything that I've never had to say that to anyone. I never told a doctor that there was something stuck in my butt. You guys I was trying to be funny and make such a small. Oh my god. I told you I don't know how to talk to guys. If you have a penis I don't know what to say to you. That was me trying to be. That was me trying to talk to a coworker. Oh yeah there's one of those. There's one time I had to talk to a doctor about something that was stuck up my butt but I was just empathizing with the patient. I was just trying to make small talk with this doctor. And be funny probably. I wasn't even trying to really be funny I just didn't know him that well. And these are one of those things that I fail. That's an icebreaker. When you've succeeded to tell a doctor that you had something stuck up your butt. When I say these things out loud it doesn't sound right. It's a great icebreaker. But I was. I'm sure he was interested at that moment. I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. And so I said I was trying to get to know him. 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