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cover of Bible-Call-2023-10-25-#270



Song reading, scripture reading, prayers. Charles Young presented a lesson from Hebrews 7 on the superiority of Christ's priesthood and of His New and Better Testament.

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There are several prayer requests mentioned, including one for Matthew Basford who is on his deathbed. They pray for healing, protection, and forgiveness. They also give thanks and sing songs of praise. Matthew is admired for his faith and devotion. Despite his diagnosis, he has written songs and articles to glorify God. They sing hymns of resolve and salvation. They find comfort in the blood of Jesus and ask for guidance on their spiritual journey. All right, so we have a prayer request this morning, and a new prayer request. Well, I'm just going to tell you one that's been on my mind all night and this morning. It's a brother in Christ we have named Matthew Basford. He's on his deathbed right now. I think he's like 45 years old. Another one of the saints asked us if we would keep him in our prayers, so we want to keep him in our prayers. We have Mike White, Jr., who's been sick. And we want to pray for family and her family. We want to pray for Cody, who didn't make it to worship service on Sunday. Aunt Stevie and her family. We want to pray for the Booker family, who Patricia had an uncle pass away that they buried on Saturday. And we want to continue to keep me and y'all praying for healing and for a speedy doctor's appointment and a transfer to a better prison. And we most definitely want to be thankful. We want to give thanks and everything, like the Word tells us. We want to have prayer for all, you know. I want to remember Brandon and everybody else who haven't been on study lately. Kat is, of course, still traveling. To my knowledge, she'll be up in Guatemala at least until November 4th, Lord willing. And a few of my neighbors in here asked us for prayer. So we want to be mindful of that. And we want to give thanks for our prayer as well, because God, through our prayer, has been our prayer. So if no one else has any prayer requests, then I'll leave us an open prayer. All right. Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you this morning by your Son's authority. We come to you, Father God, and we're able to approach you because of Jesus' high preaching that he sat down on the right hand of you, Father, who was considered to be the Magister on high. Father God, we thank you and we love you for this better and new and living way that has been provided for us to worship you, Father God. Thank you that Christ is high preaching that he has made all Christians priests. Father God, we pray that we offer spiritual sacrifices, which is our duty as Christians and as priests. Father God, we pray that they be the fruit of our lips, given thanks to your name continually, Father. All the other things you ask of us that have to do with worship, Father God, we confess that we have sinned. We are thankful that by this new and living way, we can come, Father God, and tell the sins removed, Father, that even after becoming a Christian, that we can confess our sins, Father God, and repent, and you remove them from us. Father, we forgive those who sin against us. As Jesus taught in your word about forgiveness, Father God, we know that if we don't forgive others, then neither will you forgive us, Father. No forgiveness is not always easy. Jesus is the best example. Father God, we want to be mindful of Matthew Baxter this morning. Oh God, bless him. Look down and remember his hard work and devotion in his service to you, Father God. We're not saying that he's so good, Father, but we're just saying that, Father God, you do love those who set their hearts and minds on you, Father. So hear the prayers of all the saints that's going up for Matthew, Father. Though he's on his deathbed, as stated by Dr. Father, you have the last say so. We pray that you turn it all around. For when his time comes, Father, we pray that you receive him up in glory and give him a crown of righteousness. Father God, we just pray that all our lives be prepared when our day comes. We pray that we have obeyed this new testament, Father, pertaining to salvation and living godly lives, Father God, giving of ourselves to you. Father, we pray for all on our prayer list who need protection. We pray that you protect us all, Father. We pray for healing for Julia and even Matthew, Father. And even those on our prayer list, Father God, such as myself who needs your healing and who needs your deliverance, Father God. We also pray for peace within our families. So, God, give us Christian homes. Homes where your word is loved and taught. Homes where your will is found. In Christ's holy name, we pray and we thank you, Father. Amen. Amen. All right. So, we got John, you want to do the closing prayer? If you don't want to, then you're not able. Or then we'll ask either Tim or Mike, one of y'all to do the closing prayer. So, is you able, John? I am able, yeah. All right. So, we got Tim. I think Tim was saying that he can. Yeah, I can do it. All right. We got Tim down for the closing prayer. So, anybody got a song selected that they would like to share? Yeah. Well, actually, you reminded me about Matthew Basford. I looked up a couple of songs that he's written. He's listed in the songbook as M.W. Basford. And 146 was one of those. If Patricia just got on. Patricia, could you read 146 for us? Okay. I can. I'm sorry. I can. 146. 146. All right. Savior and friend. Rest in the weary, joy of the sad. Hope of the dreary, light of the glad. Refuge from danger, strength to the end. Home of the stranger, savior and friend. Wealth of the giving, heart of the kind. Breath of the living, sight of the blind. Path of the lowly, crown at the end. Bread of the holy, savior and friend. Song of the sighing, lamp of the living. Prayer of the dying, life of the dead. Be my endeavor unto the end. Love me forever, savior and friend. Amen. Amen. Amen. I suspect he wrote this after he knew his diagnosis. But he has ALS. So he's known for a good while that he was good. He was going to pass soon, which might be a blessing in itself. But he's very young. Let's see. And then another one. Deborah, could you read number 514? Yes. 514. 514. 514. 514. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous, you host of the Lord. Rise up for the battle and gird on your swords. The land of his promise is yours now by right. Take all he has given. Go forth to the fight. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. Through God you will win. Through God you will win. Though great be the armies of error and sin. Your captain will lead you to conquer the land. His arm cannot fail you, and they cannot stand. Be strong and courageous. Consider his law. Regard it with reverence. Perform it with awe. Be careful to follow all God has decreed. For then he will bless you, and you will succeed. Be strong and courageous, and conquer the foe. The Lord God is with you wherever you go. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. Be strong and courageous. Amen. Amen. Amen. So, the both of these songs, and there's some more in the book, probably, written by a man who, whose death sentence had already been pronounced, so we, it's, makes the songs mean more. Hey, Mike. Yes. Do you mind if I say something that we found out about him last night? Back to Charles's prayer, it's not to glorify him, it's glorify God, and how he's done in his life. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So, Matt on his, had a nurse that's been looking after him, and has been the one taking care of him, and he almost died here like a week ago, because he was choking and couldn't breathe, and nobody knew. And the nurse rolled him over and took care of him. But that nurse obeyed the gospel. Amen. Amen. Praise God. Peace be with you. Amen. He's written a lot of articles. I accidentally ran across one, was the time that, where he was preaching, it was his last sermon. So, like you said, we're not honoring him, but he is a good example for us. And follow him as he followed Christ. And he continued to write articles for a long, long time. I think he was using one of those dictaphone machines or whatever, where it converts your words, your spoken words to text. I'll turn it back over to somebody else who's got a phone. Oh, 818. 818. One of my favorites. 818. I am resolved. I am resolved no longer to linger, torn by the world alike. Things that are higher, things that are nobler, these have allured my sight. I am resolved to follow the Savior, faithful and true each day. Heed what He says, do what He willeth, do what He willeth. I am resolved to enter the kingdom, leaving the path of sin. Friends may oppose me, foes may dissent me, still will I enter in. I will hasten to Him, hasten so gladly and free. Jesus, greatest, highest, I will come to Thee. Amen. Amen. All right. Anybody else have a song they'd like to read? 305. I've got... What was his name? 305. Okay. Down at the cross, where my Savior died. Down where for cleaning from sin, I cried. I cried. There to my heart was the blood applied. Glory to His name. Glory to His name. Glory to His name. There to my heart was the blood applied. Glory to His name. I am so wonderful saved from sin. Jesus so sweetly abide within. There at the cross, where He took me in. Glory to His name. Glory to His name. Glory to His name. There to my heart was the blood applied. Glory to His name. So precious fountain that saved from sin. I'm so glad I have entered in. There Jesus saved me and keep me clean. Glory to His name. Glory to His name. There to my heart was the blood applied. Glory to His name. Come to the fountain so rich and sweet. Cast cast our poor souls at His feet. Blood in two. Blood in today and purging today and be made complete. Glory to His name. Glory to His name. Glory to His name. There to my heart was the blood applied. Glory to His name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Anybody else have a song? Who was that other person? I thought it was Patricia. 656 Guide me O thy great Jehovah. Guide me O thy great Jehovah. Pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak but thou art mighty. Hold me with thy powerful hand. Bread of heaven bread of heaven feed me till I want no more. Feed me till I want no more. Open now the crystal fountain with the healing waters flow. Let the fire and the cloudy pillar lead me all my journey through. Strong deliverer strong deliverer be thou still my strength and shield be thou still my strength and shield. When I tread the verge of Jordan be it my anxious fears subside. Bear me through the swelling current land me safe on Cana's side. Songs of praises songs of praises I will ever give to thee I will ever give to thee. Amen. Amen. Amen. I've got 346 since this is the midweek day and this is about asking others to come together to take the Lord's Supper. Of course we're told in Hebrews to look forward to that day. That day will be coming up on us soon the first day of the week when we come share the Lord. Number 346 come share the Lord. We gather here in Jesus' name. His love is burning in our hearts like living flame. For through the loving Son the Father makes us one. Come take the bread. Come drink the cup. Come share the Lord. No one is a stranger here. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. No one is a stranger. 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Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Melchizedek. Here's a high priest. Thank you for using Global Teleink. Okay. You're back on, Charles? Yes, sir. I'm back on. So, yes, sir. So, we're going to kind of wrap this up, but I'm going to back up a little bit to the first seven-word state of the day. And without all contributions, the list is split up. So, Abraham paid time to Melchizedek. Melchizedek blessed Abraham. So, was Melchizedek greater than their father, Abraham? Yes, obviously so. You know, the greater must be blessed of the living. So, Abraham must have recognized that Melchizedek was his superior, you know. And now, let's look at how great Abraham was. Abraham was called a friend of God. Abraham was the patriarch to whom the promises were made, you know. So, since Abraham was the great-grandfather of Levi, then Jesus was Levi's descendant likewise who paid time to Melchizedek. So, the comparison is obvious. The priesthood of Levi is not as great as the priesthood of Melchizedek. Now, so, therefore, for Christ being a priest after the oath of Melchizedek, his priesthood is way more superior than that old covenant. He has gave us a new and better way. All right. So, in verse 11, it states, if therefore completion were by the Levitical priesthood, and that's what that word completion means in that verse, completion, if therefore completion were by the Levitical priesthood, it's referring to that Old Testament priesthood, for under it the people received the law, what for the need was there that another priest should rise after the oath of Melchizedek and not be called after the oath of Aaron. You know, so, this is what I'm saying here. God had already foretold of this change in the priesthood, you know. The Levitical priesthood did not bring completion, you know. So, what I'm saying is if the priesthood of Aaron had accomplished all that it configured, there would be no need for a different order, you know. So, the Levitical priesthood only typified and configured and removed from the scene, if we ask this to God. But this could not be secured by animal sacrifices, all right. Now, the Levitical priesthood has played an important role, you know, for under it, or shall I say on the basis of it, the people received the law, you know. So, what I'm saying is the priesthood and the law of Moses were mutually dependent. So, the various orders were established by the law and the priests were responsible to administer all the ceremonial observances, you know. But a change in the law was necessary because if a different priesthood was going to supersede the Levitical priesthood, so, I mean, of necessity there must be a change in all the ceremonial law, which rested upon that old order. Now, to the Jews, this meant sweeping away a vulnerable system and ceremonies instituted by God, you know, such as tradition, customs, ancestral veneration, personal admiration, I mean, personal admiration. All these had to be ruled as to that if Jesus were indeed the priest spoken of by David in Psalm 117, where he stated that God has stated that Jesus is the priest out of the order of the church. So, I close out this chapter and go straight to his face. 11, if therefore perfection by the Levitical priesthood for honor if the people receive the law, for the need was there that another priest arise out of the order of their children and not be called out of the order of Adam. For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law. For he of whom these things are spoken pertaineth to another tribe of which no man officiated at the altar. For it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah, of which tribe Moses did nothing concerning the priesthood. And it is yet far more evident that for after that the likeness of Melchizedek doth arise of another priest who was made not after the law of a carnal commandment but after the power of an angel's light. All right, so, this new priesthood is established upon so much better, all right? And that's because of the fact that Christ is a priest to the power of indestructible life or endless life. Won't nobody ever see him. There won't be no more happiness after him. There won't be none of that. He's a priest just like Melchizedek was. Melchizedek, we don't have any record of his genealogy, where he come from, where he went, when he was born, when he was dying, and it was purposed by God to be that way, all right? But Melchizedek was just a mere man. We just have no records of his birth, death, anybody taking his priesthood after him. And it's the same way with Christ. This is the last customer God is going to give us, all right? Jesus is the king. He's the high priest. He gave us the new and living way to serve and worship him, and we must all be careful to approach him according to what he commanded as his new customer. But I can tell y'all one thing he did command, and we're going to close right here. This is the last script to read. It is Acts chapter 8, verses, we're going to start with verse 26, and I'm going to just read through it. And we're going to read from 26 to 39. It states, And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south, and to the way that goeth down from Jerusalem to Gaza, which is difficult. And he arose and went, and, behold, a man of Ethiopians, a eunuch of great authority, and the queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charms of all her treasure and had come to Jerusalem to worship, was returning and sending his chariot with Isaiah the prophet. Then the spirit said unto Philip, Go near and join thyself to this chariot. And Philip ran by the charm and heard him read. The prophet Isaiah said, I understand it's thou without readers. And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me. And he asked Philip that he would come up and sit with him. The place of the scripture which he read was this. He was led as a sheep to the slaughter, and like a lamb mute before a shearer, so open he nodded his mouth. And his humiliation, his terrorism was taken away. And who should declare his generation? For his life was taken from the earth. And the eunuch answered Philip and said, I pray thee, of whom speaketh the prophet this, of himself or of some other man? Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water. And the eunuch said, See, here is water. What doest him that need to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thy heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariots to stand still. And they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized them. And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord called away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more. And he went on his way rejoicing. Now this eunuch went on his way rejoicing because he knew that he had just obeyed the gospel according to this new covenant, this new and living and better way. We all want to be assured that we have all obeyed the gospel according to this new and living way and that we are serving in this new way and not in the latter. All right? I thank everybody for joining. Anybody got any thoughts or comments or anything of that sort? Hey, Charles, good job. I think if I'm not correctly, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like God provided a high priest in the patriarch or before the patriarch in the law when the law of Moses was given and now in the New Testament when Christ died, there is three times of dispensation where a high priest is recorded, at least in the Bible, from the time I see. And I think that's very unique that a high priest was actually there before the law of Moses, before the Levitical priesthood was there. And that was done before the patriarch age that Melchizedek was there. So that's three different ages that a high priest is recorded there. And I think that's very unique there. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's great thoughts. Anybody else? All right. Tim Lito's in the closing, if you don't mind. Okay. Is Tim Lito on the line? Pamela Johnson? No, she's not. No? Okay. I'll check with her later. All right. Well, if you will, let us go to our Heavenly Father in prayer. Dear Lord, our God, most wonderful Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be your name. The Father we bow before you this morning, acknowledge you as the Father, the creator of the heavens and the earth, all the things that are in it, that you are the sustain of life, and that you are our Father. And we bow before you this morning, dear Father, to thank you for bringing us together to study from your word, to learn more about our Savior, Jesus Christ. And we just pray, dear Father, we know that you've given us the truth, dear Father, in your word. And we just pray that we would listen to the Christ, obey his commands, dear Father, and that we may live our lives in a way that would bring glory and honor to your holy name. We thank you, dear Father, for all the many answered prayers that you've answered on our behalf for those that have been sick and afflicted, dear Father, and those that have been in struggles in their life. And we just thank you for those prayers, answered prayers, dear Father. And we continue to lift up those that we still are concerned about, Father, with Brother Charles and his situation and his health and all the many others, dear Father, that have been mentioned on the line this morning. We just pray for a healing for them, Father, and we pray for a better condition for them as well. We pray, dear Lord, for all the many ones that are of our brethren in jail and prison at this time, dear Father, that you would be watchful over them. You will bless them, dear Father, with strength that they may be able to carry on and carry through in their life and the predicament therein. We pray, dear Lord, for all the many ones that are in nursing homes, those who are shutting in, those who are in the hospitals, dear Father, that are suffering right now. We just pray for a healing for them as well and comfort as they go through their situations. We want to just pray, dear Lord, for our country, dear Father, and all the many things that we see going on, dear Father, that may have us concerned. We just pray, dear Father, that you would bless us to know that Christ, our King, is reigning over His kingdom, dear Father, and that we can be secure as long as we are in the kingdom of Christ and obeying Him. We thank you, dear Father, for Charles and his ability to lead us in this study this morning. Dear Father, we ask for a special blessing for him and his condition. We pray, dear Lord, that you would continue to give him strength and give him knowledge that he may be able to carry on and carry through with his teaching of the gospel. We pray, dear Lord, that we all go out to the day that you would give us the opportunity to share the good news of Christ, the gospel, with some poor lost soul that they too may have a hope of eternal life in heaven with you. We pray, dear Lord, that you would.

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