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cover of 4. Finding your Audience is the right way to start a business
4. Finding your Audience is the right way to start a business

4. Finding your Audience is the right way to start a business

Coni Flores



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The speaker talks about the importance of choosing the right audience when starting a business. They emphasize that serving people should be the main focus rather than the product or service. By understanding the audience's problems and needs, one can create a product to help them. The speaker also mentions that people make decisions based on wanting to get out of pain or move towards pleasure, so it's important to identify what the audience wants. They encourage not giving up if an idea doesn't work and to shift focus towards serving the audience with a purpose. The speaker shares their own experience and encourages listeners to think about their ideal customer and create products and services for them. Hello everyone! How are you guys doing? How are you doing? I hope you started this week really well and that everything's going good in your life. Today I am going to talk to you about the audience and finding an audience and how to actually start a business. This, what I'm going to talk about now, is something that I learned from Russell Brunson. He is sort of like my mentor, the person that I go to, not go to, I don't have access to him, like he's super rich and super famous and super good at what he does. But I've read his books and done some of these courses and one of the things that I learned and something that I would tell to anyone who is starting their own business now, is to start their business the other way around. So everyone starts their business with an idea, with a product or service idea, right? And then when that product or service don't work, then you know everything crumbles down and it's like there's no, like you know, this is like now or never, like nothing worked and it's just like okay you give up because your idea wasn't good, right? But this main concept is completely different and it's focused on serving people, which you know I'm all about, all about helping people and changing people's lives. So he says that instead of choosing your product or service first, you have to choose your audience and not just because you know it's just part of like your business plan and like what you have to do to know who you're gonna sell to, but also it's for you, like the people that you will have to deal with the rest of your business life. So do you want to deal with a-holes? Do you want to deal with nice people, right? So it is really important and of course that you know dealing with nice people will make your day-to-day much better and easier and it will make you want to grow your business more, help those people more and create eventually more products and things to help them even more, right? If you work with people that don't inspire you to help them, then I don't know how you're gonna find motivation and inspiration to grow your business more, right? So that's the first thing. Second, then once you identify your audience, right? What Russell did, it was very smart, so he realized about this when he was actually working with a lot of investors and people that he paid it and then one day he was like, oh my god, like I just need a change, right? So he created a product for the people that he wanted to serve, which was entrepreneurs, right? Sorry if I don't say that word correctly, everyone always laughs at me because you know English is not my first language, but you know what I mean. So that is what he wanted to, the people who wanted to serve and his ideal client and not because they were the ones who were going to buy only, but because he wanted to serve them and because he liked the audience. That's so important, right? You want to deal the rest of your life with a-holes? No, no one wants that. So it's really important to be more conscious about choosing your audience because it will take so much of your life once your business starts running, right? So yeah, and then so what he says is that before you think of a product or service, first choose your audience and then analyze your audience. See what problems do they have to get where they want to be and then according to what they need, you create a product to help them solve the problem. Easy as that, right? I know that as someone creative that you are, you're probably very creative if you're listening to this podcast and you're trying to, you know, like develop an idea or create a business. We tend as entrepreneurs, we tend to get really attached to our ideas and our products, but we have to understand that there's something much more important than that, which is serving people. So that needs to be first and then, you know, like if you have a, let's say you started with a product idea and your idea was everything and then your idea didn't work, are you going to give up? Many people do, but because they're starting from the wrong place, you have to start from the place that you want to serve people and when that is your end, ultimate goal, then if the product doesn't work, it doesn't matter because you will find another way to serve them and help them. So that way will also keep you in the move. It won't make you give up because you have a higher purpose and a commitment with your audience and the group of people that you want to help. It's not about the product, it's not about the service, it's about helping people. Are you with me? Oh my god, like when I am talking through the podcast, everything makes, it becomes so clear in my head. I actually love doing this and actually let me tell you that until this point, no one in my life knows that I'm recording a podcast. It's a secret. So yeah, that's funny. Anyway, so what I wanted to go back to is choosing your audience, choosing the people you want to serve, identifying their problems, then helping them with their problems, creating a product or service that helps them solve their problems and create a relationship from there, from you are helping them. That's why it's so important when you start your business, start from this place and not from the place of the idea, not from the place of the product or the service. It's about the people, it is about helping others in whichever way. You can help people by being a doctor or creating a makeup product. You help people to feel pretty. Everything that is created is actually to make people's lives easier. Another thing that I wanted to share with you is something that I also learned from Russell is that people buy or make decisions or move because of two main things. One, because they want to get out of pain and two, because they want to move towards pleasure. Depending on what your audience want is what you will sell them as well, what you will offer to them. If your audience are people who have already a good life and they want something to improve their lives, then you can offer something that you can show your offer as they're moving towards pleasure. But then if your audience is people who are hating their job, definitely what will make them move will be getting out of pain. You need to identify what does your audience want. Do they want to get out of pain? Do they want to move towards pleasure? Depending on what they want is how you will also sell or present your offer. Don't give up. If you tried an idea before and it didn't work, don't worry. I think that when you shift your focus and you put it where it needs to be, with a purpose behind, it will be much easier for you to create things that are useful for your audience and actually get to help them. That is all about serving people. I actually love that about Russell and all the things I've learned from his books. Of course he talks a lot about money, which is, of course, we're all in business because we want to make money. You have a job because you need to make money. But it's more about the purpose. I'm choosing to make money through having a purpose. Actually now I'm doing this podcast and I'm not planning to earn any money from it, but I'm just loving the idea of speaking what I've learned, sharing what I've learned and sharing my journey with you. That's it for today, guys. I really hope you have a beautiful day. Homework for today. If you are starting your business or even if you are in business, think about your ideal audience. Think about even a specific person. I have a mini group, Mastermind, with two girls who are starting their online business. We just get together to help each other. I'm more ahead at this moment than them. When we talk about this concept of finding your ideal customer, then two of them in different times came to me saying, oh my god, I met my ideal customer. I met my ideal client. I want to sell to people like her. It's amazing that you know that. That also will make everything so much easier for you to create and to put your heart into it because you will love your audience. When you like the people you work with, you naturally will want to give more and over the lever and help them to get where they want to be. That's it for today. Homework, just think about your ideal customer, the people you want to deal with. Think about this specific person. Put this person a name and then having that clear will show you the path of the products, the services and everything else that you can create for them. Have a nice day. Bye.

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