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2024-05-09 Pt 5 The Birth Of A Nation Bible Overview

2024-05-09 Pt 5 The Birth Of A Nation Bible Overview

Columbus Bible Study



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The transcription is a conversation about the birth of a nation, specifically the Israelites. It begins with a prayer thanking God for the Bible and asking for guidance. The speaker then discusses the timeline of events, starting with creation, the fall, the flood, the patriarchs, and now Moses. The focus is on how the Israelites, descendants of Abraham, grew in number and were oppressed by a new Pharaoh in Egypt. Moses is born and raised in Pharaoh's household, but later flees to the wilderness. After 40 years, God appears to Moses in a burning bush and tells him to go back to Egypt to free the Israelites. Moses returns and confronts Pharaoh, leading to the ten plagues. Finally, the tenth plague involves the death of the firstborn in Egypt, which convinces Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Lord, thanks for tonight. Thank you that we get to go through your word Thank you that you gave us the Bible to tell us who you are and how much you love us please Pray that you would please your Holy Spirit would teach us tonight and that you would Help us in Jesus name Amen Okay, so first of a nation. I've titled it I've been showing this slide each week found this online it shows Kind of the overall from creation all the way to the new creation Which you were talking about with Isaiah earlier about when? Jerusalem comes down and you know in the book of Revelation So we've gotten through the creation the fall when they sinned The flood Noah then the patriarchs the patriarchs are the fathers of the faith Abraham Isaac Jacob last week. We did Joseph This week is now when it's no longer just the individuals But it's Moses and this is I titled the birth of the nation so remember the promises that came to Abraham that out of his Body, we're gonna out of his seed was going to be these multitudes and multitudes of people And so we're going to see the start of that tonight now They're down in Egypt and they've been there for a while with Joseph or they've been down there for 400 years and now there's Including women and children and everybody, you know, well over a million people that are down there So it's Moses and they're going to come out of Egypt Go in and in the wilderness for 40 years and then we're going to end with Joshua when they go into the promised land then Yeah, these these yeah the colors in the divisions here don't match up to it with all I'm doing it but it was just It was just a graphic Yep So here's the topics. Yeah, I guess I could I should have just showed that it would have been easier, right? So yeah, the birth of a nation the law of the nation Leviticus Numbers is the wilderness wanderings when they were in the wilderness for 40 years Deuteronomy is basically a sermon that Moses gave right before they went into the promised land where he's reviewing things and Joshua is where they go in to take the land With Exodus, right? You have Moses the plagues Passover the Exodus going through the Red Sea and then when they got the Ten Commandments the law at Mount Sinai So we're obviously not going to read every verse we're gonna go through it quick, okay, so open your Bibles to access chapter 1 So In verse 1 verse 1 through 7 I'll start and start in verse 6 And Joseph died all his and all his brothers and all that generation, but the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly Multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty and the land was filled with them So remember because God used Joseph to save Egypt and then he made Pharaoh very wealthy Pharaoh gave His family his father and his brothers the best of the land He let him settle in the land of Goshen which was great for farming and for livestock And so now imagine them being there 400 years or however long, you know, maybe it's a little bit less than 400 years But they They prospered and they grew mighty. So verse 8 is the key now There arose a new king over Egypt who did not know Joseph So as you know Time has gone on now. There's this new king who isn't familiar with Joseph and his family. Yes Today is this a period of time where they live like 400 years in Egypt. Yeah No, it wasn't one lifetime but the Bible is just hitting the highlights It's so it didn't give it just says Joseph because it ended in Genesis with with Joseph And his brothers and Jacob dying and giving his blessings to his sons And now here it's just fast-forwarding 400 years to say they those people died They lived so it's one verse for the 400 years they were fruitful and they increased abundantly multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty and Then now right now when Moses is going to come on the scene is when there's a new King over Egypt who did not know Joseph and in verse 9 He said to his people look the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we Come let us deal shrewdly with them lest they multiply and it happened in the event of war that they also join Our enemies and fight against us and so go up out of the land so The Pharaoh is I don't know if he's being overly paranoid or just cautious or what? but he's realizing here's this whole group of people and They're you know, like more it's um, I guess the you know different in the Romans or different places if you know when when the the slaves Get to be like as many or more people than the actual citizens themselves if this if the slaves ever got like United and all rose up at once they could actually overthrow but then when you're in that position, right? You want to like do things to keep them down and to oppress them and to not let them You know form form up like that All right. So we are gonna we're gonna skip all the story Moses Moses is born You know the story that Moses put into a basket he gets taken into Pharaoh's household and he grows up You know the son of the Egyptian King He so he's there's 40 He lives 120 years years 40 years. He's in Egypt and Pharaoh's household 40 years is when he's in Midian and then 40 years is when he's in the wilderness wandering leading the people of Egypt So so you can see God God he's born into this in the Egyptians So he gets to see it all firsthand when he gets older. He starts saying he he realizes somehow that He knows that he was Israelite so he sees his brother and being mistreated and God had God's called them to this thing, right, but he goes and he kills that Egyptian Taskmaster buries him in the sand somebody hears about it and he's afraid and he runs into Pharaoh tries to kill him So he runs away And now he's out in the wilderness thinking Well, I just blew that I'm just gonna be out here for the rest of my life. God's done with me doesn't have a plan with me So he's out there 40 years at the end of the 40 years And we're gonna go to chapter 3 He's walking through the desert Yeah, yeah you read through it, yeah Well, the 40s usually because of the wilderness wandering seen as a try a time of a testing period Yeah, Jesus. Yeah, good one. Yeah, Jesus fasted in the wilderness for was tempted in the wilderness for 40 days Chapter 3 Verse 2 verse 1 I'll start it now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian and he led the flock to the back of the desert and came to a horrible the mountain of God and The angel the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush So he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire, but the bush was not consumed Moses said I'm going to now turn aside and see this great sight sight why the bush does not burn So when the Lord saw that he turned aside To look God called him from the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here I am Then he said do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet for the place where you stand is holy ground Moreover, he said I am the God of your father the God of Abraham the God of Isaac the God of Jacob and Moses hit his face where he was afraid to look upon God So Just some symbolism here that this is um, I forget which translation was but Believe is an acacia bush, which is like I guess a thorn bush of the desert and then it was on fire and fire You know think of sacrifices having to do with the judgment. So this picture of judgment and also the thorn bush the thorns are like Sin like you think of the thorns and the thistles from the ground like the curse upon the ground. So it's this picture of Sin being judged but not consumed so Perhaps this model of you're looking at God's mercy and his grace like he's there's been there He's judging it, but it's not completely destroying it Now if you now remember now, this is where you get the I am that I am that's right I think it was a bit the Yahweh or you hold it. No, I know the Yahweh Now in John 8 58 remember when he's there in the temple He says I tell you, you know Tell you the truth before Abraham was I am and then it says when he said that they picked up stones to stone him So the reason is because he used he was calling himself the voice that came from that burning bush Like and they believe all Moses God spoke to Moses in this bush and Jesus is saying This is me. I'm the one that spoke to Moses from that bush. So that was blasphemed blasphemed Blasphemy for them so they picked up stones to stone him Okay, so so Moses Moses is afraid to go God tells him to go go back to Egypt So let his people go and he says I can't speak so he's God makes a concession and says well I'll let your brother Aaron go with you and then he Sends him back. He's before Pharaoh You should be pretty familiar with all this He goes back there Pharaoh hardens his heart God strengthens the hardening of his heart but the Let's go to chapter 12 verse 12 There was ten plagues and it says that these plagues were a specific Twelve twelve says for I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both Man and beast and against all the gods of Egypt. I will execute judgment. I am the Lord So when you get into the Egypt ology and you study the ten plagues and then you study the gods that they worshiped all of these things were Basically God's showing you I'm greater than these gods that you worship the God of the Sun the God of the water the God of the land like of all these things and then the last one but I don't know that It's in there, but I don't know like what the specific Egyptian God was Believe me I thought about putting that stuff in here, but I know how much we have to cover so I have to leave stuff Oh Okay There you go All right, so We get to the the tenth plague, right? So before that there's like these plagues of hail There's a plague where it's destroying the livestock is destroying the crops and at that point God was strengthening Pharaoh's resolve to harden his heart But one of the one of the rulers with Pharaoh his servant said don't you realize that Egypt is In ruin like we're destroyed and so a normal ordinary sane person Would have backed off by now. So in this point like Egypt is Ruined already, but he still hardens his heart And what I noticed is that when it was in the midst of the the plague Then he would give in and he would ask Moses to pray for it to stop But then as soon as Moses would go away, he would change his mind and maybe being like, oh, well, I'm sure it's done That's not going to happen again So he would then he wouldn't let him go or he would say oh just the men can go but you need to stay in the land Okay. Well You the men can go but you can go to where you need to okay Well, the men can go but you Moses said it needs to be the men the women the children like our livestock But he kept trying to bargain with it So we get to Passover now Passover is when the God said the Destroyer was going to come in at night and the plague was going to be every firstborn of The household whether you're the king or a normal citizen or a slave The firstborn of your family was going to be put to death But God said if you take this lamb that's without blemish and you bring it into your house for seven days and then you slaughter it and you take some of the blood and you wipe it On the top and the sides of your door then that then he's going to pass see that blood over it covering that house And he's going to pass over So the Destroyer isn't going to come into your home with that to kill the firstborn now, he says now One of the earlier plagues that says those people the Egyptians who feared God like they brought their livestock in So it doesn't say specifically in the text but I wonder like if there was Egyptians that heard about this and they took a lamb and did it like did God pass over and I tend to think that's in his character, but Because the note here is it's spared on the basis of the blood and not on the nationality There was so if there was a if there was a Jew Who didn't put the blood on his doorhouse. They were still going to receive that plague It says in the Bible that God doesn't show favoritism And so you see you see lots of instances in the scriptures where God is region reach reaching out To have mercy and to warn these godless nations. So it's not like everybody over here I'm just going to ignore and you're all just going to hell and I'm just dealing with my chosen people Okay, so they do this and then finally after this final Once you know everybody to to be saved Okay, so they do this and then finally after this final plague Pharaoh relents and says, okay, that's enough and now at this point they're actually forcing them to leave like all him and all the people are saying you guys need to get out if you're like Otherwise, like what's going to be next? We're all going to be killed They're finally fearing God and when they leave the people actually give them gold and silver and give them like clothes And livestock so they give them parting gifts so There again, you can see that the Lord was increasing their their wealth and blessing them and taking care of them So they're going through the desert. They're going through the wilderness and They are going to get to They're going to get to this Red Sea So when they get out there, there's one point where God's not having them go along but he says okay double that double back and go the way that you came because Because then Pharaoh is watching and he's going to think oh, they're lost and confused in the desert Now it's like the time to like attack them because they don't know where they're going We're going to get to chapter 14. There's 13. I'm going to show you this map before we Read through this first So I've got a book here there's multiple books now But this is the mountain of God the discovery of the real Mount Sinai Anybody's pictures in there Anybody's welcome to look at that but Mount Sinai has always been Identified down here, but it was Helena I guess in 325 AD that said oh, this is where Mount Sinai is So for all these all this time They people have been looking in this area and they never found any evidence of any of the events that the Bible records But in Galatians 425 he says for this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia. He's talking about the the allegory Between Hagar and then Sarah the free woman and the bondwoman in Arabia Well, this is Arabia Saudi Saudi Arabia over here. You know, this is Israel. This is Egypt. So There's actually this all I don't know how to pronounce it. There's actually this mountain that's there now This is now this is like kind of closed off for tourists because of the people in that country But there's actually a mountain there that the local locals refer to as Moses's Moses's mountain and so I Believe the evidence is pointing towards that they crossed out down here Some people would say oh they he crossed they crossed in this little lake up here That's like three feet deep or maybe he crossed here But if you look at they left here from Goshen, they're going along here They pretty much have their backs up against the wall like right here there's like these mountains they can't get through They're on this place. So this is like the perfect place for the Lord to deliver him, I think so when you read it here and So they're there they're terrified they're mad at Moses because You know, hey, you brought us out here. Let's go to chapter 14 verse 11 Then they said to Moses because there were no graves in Egypt. Have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? Why have you dealt so with us to bring us up out of Egypt? Is this not the word that we told you in Egypt saying let us alone That we may serve the Egyptians for it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians Then we should die in the wilderness So already when things are tough, they're like it would have been better for us to be back there But when they were back there, they didn't like it there either. So it's kind of like no pleasing them, you know And the Moses said to the people do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord Which he will accomplish for you today for the Egyptians whom you see today. You shall see again no more forever The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace so I Love that in our relationship with the Lord that the battle is already won That Paul tells us in Romans that we are more than conquerors through him who loved us And so it isn't something self salvation and having victory isn't something that we need to like do something and we participate in it, but we just need to stand still and watch what the Lord does and so Yeah, that's why I'm going to highlight that verse But as I'm as you're looking at this, you know, so they go through the Red Sea and God parts the waters Well right here that area I'm showing you Um, there's like this underwater land bridge right there in this area So if you look if you know like a fishing map like with the depth like here, it's a thousand meters five hundred meters Hundred meters a thousand meters over here. So right here is this area where it's between a hundred and fifty meters deep so You know not that God needed that but if you think about something that's a thousand meters deep and there were the Children and their women and they're in everything they have to like go down this kind of steep hill and then go back up a steep Hill, but so if God parted the water here and here this would be kind of like a flat land For for them to cross crossover and they're also speculating Well, maybe 15 or a couple thousand years ago. This might have actually been land here where now it's filled in So it might have been like just a five mile or a two and a half mile hike across there But um, so so they didn't always know about this this underwater kind of land bridge that's been it's been here I've never really seen any good evidence. There's one guy that's got some old Supposedly they saw it but then because of the conditions they could they like went back to look for it It wasn't there and like there's these but so there's the others people that have said that but but what they found is on the other Side is like there's like this Mara that's Bitter Springs there's a place where there's um when you read the account and when they first get in the land like the Bitter Springs and the palm trees Like you actually can find places like those we're over here there isn't any of that and then when you get to Mount Sinai in this book the And we'll talk about this later. But the top half of this mountain the top third is actually black When you and when you and when you go look at it when they take these rocks and they crack them open They're only black on the outside. They're like regular colored rocks like the other rocks on the inside So that the fire the fire came down on the mountain and it actually like glazed and was so hot that it Melted the outside of these rocks But there's there's all there's altars and there's evidence that like hey, there was There's even like around the base of the mountain There's like these piles of stones at intervals because Moses was told to put like a Boundary around the mountain so people didn't like go up to it when God was meeting with them So and then the Bible says that you know, Mount Sinai is in Arabia Yeah You Okay, so There we go on that one Okay, now we're going to flip over to chapter 19 so now they're at the mountain that we're talking about Now the the covenants back in Genesis like the covenants of Abraham Remember there was that one covenant where God actually put Abraham into a deep sleep and he went through the covenant There was a the covenants in Genesis were unconditional it didn't matter What the other people did? God said this is a promise. This is going to happen There wasn't like unless but the Mosaic one is very much. So You have a choice here. This is my covenant They needed to agree with it and say we were going to do it and then God says if you obey this you're going to Be blessed if you don't there's going to be judgment So the Mosaic Covenant was never meant to be like something that was a long-term eternal covenant which is why God now needed a new covenant in the New Testament because we know that the law brings death and But the Jesus, you know brings grace So and okay, so we're not going to go through all this let me look at it here So chapter 19 verses 5 and 6 Chapter 5 now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant Then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people For all the earth is mine and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation These are the words which you shall speak to the children of Israel So this is where God is appearing to him outside and I and the start of the covenant Now verse 8 then all the people answered together and said all that the Lord has spoken we will do So Moses brought back the words of the people to the Lord and the Lord said to Moses behold I come to you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and believe you forever So Moses told the words of the look of the people to the Lord We're on and now we're going to jump down to 18 through 21 Now Mount Sinai was completely in smoke because the Lord descended upon it and fire its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly and When the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder Moses spoke and God answered him by voice Then the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the mountain and the Lord called Called Moses to the top of the mountain and Moses went up and the Lord said to Moses go down and warn the people lest They break through and to gaze at the Lord and many of them perish All right, so let's see where did it go I'm summarizing here. So, um, you're gonna see if you read through this whole story. There's this dynamic here where the Lord wants to The Lord wants the people to fear and to listen to Moses and at the start of it God says I want to come down and speak to the people but then when Moses comes down and when God comes down and he starts speaking the people are like Moses you just talked to God we're terrified and then you you said you tell us what to do and we'll obey what you tell us to do And then Moses comes down and they say yes, we'll do we'll do whatever you tell us to do Like we'll follow these laws But I can't help but Getting this in there because it's one of my favorite scriptures, but if you go to Hebrews chapter 12 The New Testament in this chapter 12 In verse 18, this is contrasting the heavenly Jerusalem the heavenly mountain with this Mount Sinai for you have not come to the mountain that may be touched and that burned with fire and to blackness and darkness darkness and tempest and The sound of a trumpet and the voice of words so that those who heard it begged That the words should not be spoken to them anymore For they could not endure what was commanded and if so much as a beast touches the mountain it shall be stoned or shot with an arrow and So terrifying was the sight that Moses said I am exceedingly afraid and trembling So this is what the picture was here on that day. I'm on Sinai But you have come to Mount Zion into the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem to an innumerable company of angels to the General Assembly and Church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven to God the judge of all to the spirits of just men made perfect to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant and To the blood of sprinkling that speaks better things that have than that of a able so this contrast between coming to this place where there's worship and there's love and there's light and the Lord is there as opposed to Like in the Old Testament now when Moses came down from the mountain with a Tablet, the people had already made a golden calf and we're doing all this stuff and it says a plague broke broke out against the people So 3,000 people died on that day So the law came down and 3,000 people died because of the sin and because the judgment that came from God Now if you go to the book of Acts When the church starts and the church is born 3,000 people were saved that day So it's this cool thing like so the law and the death the judgment comes through the comes through the law But through the gospel people are saved And so there's all these cool parallelisms between it The law so as we talk about the law, right? I mean, especially as Christians as new believers We want someone to say tell me what to do. I want to like follow the rules like what should I do? What's that? What shouldn't I do and a lot of time is answering people's questions of is this okay? Is this not okay like, you know, they have all these questions, but Colossians tells us So then let no one judge you and food or drink or regarding a festival or new moon or Sabbath What's our shadow of things to come with the substances of Christ? So there's up above I put moral commandments social judgments and religious ordinances So these moral commandments chapter 19 and 20 to 10 Commandments Those aren't done away with the social judgments a lot of those we had we use in our courts today like You know if you if you have an ox who's in a habit of attacking people But you don't like put it in a fence or warn people about it And he goes and like gores and kills somebody else you're supposed to be held accountable to that because you knew but you didn't do anything about it, you're being irresponsible if you have a Deck up on top of your house And you don't put a fence around it. Somebody falls off and gets hurt or died. You're supposed to that's negligence So we still have things like that today, but these religious ordinances. There are some Christians who still like want to follow all these Things that God told for the nation Israel these ceremonial laws these religious things, but these are for the nation Israel So that's why I'm saying here in Colossians because these Judaizers were judging you by what you ate or what you drank or if you kept these certain Sabbaths or what you did But he says all this stuff was that's done away with these things were just to point you to Jesus who was coming in the future So why what why was the law given so if you read the Romans 6 7 8? The law was given to expose our sin nature It was given to and it actually says in Galatian. It was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ So if you if you grow up in a household and back in the Roman times When you were before you were of a certain age I think 12 or 13 or whatever age it was where you were kind of like now that part of you could maybe You you would basically were brought up as you were you were your parents child But there was a taskmaster somebody who was basically in charge of teaching you and bringing you up now And it got to a certain age and if your parents were still pleased with you There would be this ceremony where you no longer would be under that but now you're entering into like the legal rights of the family where the inheritance and passed to you and so it's almost like this a Probate probationary period with as a child where if you were a real screw-up they could kind of just You know, they don't they didn't they didn't need to give you any any inheritance or right? So it says it says the law. Yeah, the law the law was the schoolmaster Until you get to that point where now you are able to You Receive the inheritance and the rights of the family. So the law is the schoolmaster until you're now to the space of in Christ So but it's actually to incite the sin nature more and more So Paul says, you know, hey, I thought it was doing good but then this law coveting came up and all of a sudden like You know, it's kind of like written like every time I turned around I realized I was coveting something and then it's to drive us to despair of our self-effort where Paul says Oh Wretched man than I am who shall rescue me from this body of death And you say but praise be to God, you know in Christ Jesus has rescued me from this body of death and then Romans 8 1 says therefore, you know Let's not walk after the flesh, but let's walk after the spirit. So it shows you your sin It shows you all of your sin You realize that you can't do it by yourself and it brings you to a place where you can only rely on the Holy Spirit and not yourself and Then there's yeah There's the verses there for what the law could not do and that it was weak through the flesh God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of sin He condemns sin in the flesh that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit So that's the gospel that God's giving these laws here. But even that even through these things, you know, they're not able to keep it Which is why there was a sacrificial system. So here's the law, but when you break it Here's how you come and say sorry and you make it right so there was a chance for that but Jesus he came and he was he was a sacrifice and But he was a perfect sacrifice and he lives forever So that now we like have this forgiveness forever in this right standing with God All right, so a tabernacle we're not going to go through all these verses you look you can stay in Hebrews if you're there But I don't want to bring with you. Did you go to that one? Yeah, I think I think I was on that trip with you so this is the ministry of Believing believers there that are in Israel and they made this scale replica of what the tabernacle looks like in the wilderness so there you see the outer court and the the altar where they make the sacrifices the labor where they wash and then the The whole what is it the tabernacle? So there's the curtain and you're into the holy place and then you go past that curtain and then you're into the whole most holy So these are like the curtain and then go past there is where you get into where like the the seat of the seat of mercy the Ark of the Covenant was and then you got the table of showbread the Menorah the light and then the lampstand and then here is the incense So, you know Jesus Jesus is the door to get into this temple He's the bread of life. He's the light of the world. He's our high priest Everyone Jesus died on the cross, but this curtain the veil that was between the holy place was torn I was torn from top to bottom and then of course the mercy seat that's where God seats sits, but it's also a place of the mercy seat but inside of the mercy seat is The tablets so the law is in there, but it's God's is sitting on top of it. Mercy is on top of it So like here's my righteousness my holiness I need to judge sin, but then it's also this picture of it the mercy mercifulness of his throne You have the air and staff abutted there's also supposed to be a container of the manna that they lived on in the wilderness Yeah, mercy triumphs over judgment So Hebrews 8 verse 1 now, this is the main point of the things we are saying we have such a high priest who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens a minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord erected and not man man, so This the plans that God gave Moses for the stuff on earth is Just a representation of the true tabernacle and the things that are in heaven For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices Therefore it is necessary that this one also has something to offer For if he were on earth He would not be a priest since there are priests who offer the gifts according to the law who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle For he said see that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain So that's a Side note a reference to this the New Testament will give us further explanation of these events that are happening All right now we're on the Leviticus and it's just one slide here So there's requirements for fellowship the ground for fellowship offerings So so the requirements for fellowship or to be God's people is it holiness that you needed to be set apart You needed to be different from the world around you and then the standards and the conduct of the law So there was some of that that was started in Exodus But Leviticus like just takes it to a whole other level where I'm worth talking about if you have mold in your home here's like how to tell if it's a good kind that you can still live there or if you've got like Infectious skin diseases or if you kill somebody or if there's something with an animal or something with a servant or it's all of these like situations So there's things with how to make things right with God and then there's things about how to make things right with and have justice with The people around you that's where you get the an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth you know if you knock out somebody's tooth and Apparently they knock your tooth out or somebody would but and then penalties for the violations of the law Got a ground for fellowship. Like I talked about that. There was a sacrifice if you study these sacrifices A lot of a lot of these sacrifices pointing to Jesus Christ The offerings there was voluntary offerings to God the burnt offering the meal offering the peace offering and then there was required offerings for sins and trespasses So think of that like say our tithe or our offering or giving of our time like we we aren't required to do these things But since we know how much God forgave us and loves us Then we want to live that life or just voluntarily giving these things back to the Lord But then there's other required ones like hey, you need to ask Jesus for forgiveness And you know, you need to become a child of God If you don't do that, you know, you're going to be judged and then and then even as a believer if you you know You trespass or if you sin you're supposed to confess your sins one to another you're supposed to go to people and make things, right? So all this stuff is started in the book of Leviticus So you in Leviticus you can get into the clean and the unclean animals you can get into like tattoos You can get in all these things that Christians today will still like want to hold on to these things and think that somehow if I follow some of these laws and this is like God's Somehow like God's going to be mad if I don't follow these Levitical laws that were for the nation Israel But we're not of the nation Israel. So a lot of it doesn't apply to us Okay, so Leviticus numbers So numbers is now the wilderness wanderings So I've heard this before I like this thing that It's 40 hours to get Israel out of Egypt I didn't go through and do the math but kind of the time frame But it took God 40 years to get Egypt out of Israel so we see that God left them in the wilderness because the people that were there They needed to die off in the wilderness because we'll talk about it So The reason that they had the wandering in the wilderness is So the the first the first 12 chapters of numbers is where they're There's water from the rock there's manna there's the pillar of There's a pillar of the cloud by day at a pillar of fire by night to guide the way The Lord is like leading them like this loving Shepherd through the wilderness and Then well, let's go there first Corinthians chapter 10 So Now here's where he gives us an interpretation of the stuff that happens here in numbers Moreover brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud all passed through the sea all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea and All ate the same spiritual food and and all drank the same spiritual drink for they drank of this Spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ But with most of them God was not well pleased for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness now these things became our examples to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted and Do not and did and do not become idolaters as were some of them As it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play this is the golden calf thing nor let us commit sexual immorality as some of them did and in one day 23,000 fell and Nor let us tempt Christ as some of them also tempted and were destroyed by the serpents remember they grumbled God sent in serpents They had to look at that bronze serpent on a pole to be healed Which is Jesus said I am that serpent on the pole Nor complain as some of them also complained and were destroyed by the destroyer Now all these things happened to them as examples and they were written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the ages have come Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall No temptation has overtaken you except as common demand But God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able But with a temptation he will also make the way of escape that you may be able to bear it So if you think of it this way their ministry for 40 years was to Have successes have failures and die in the wilderness It says because these things happen so that for the next thousands years for the people after They would serve as this big living example of Some Following God versus having faith not having faith sexual immorality idolatry complaining So those things are examples Oh Yeah, yeah, they covered all the bases So they go through all this stuff and God is working with them But then we get to chapter 13 here and this is the reason so they could have been they could have gone into the promised Land within like I don't know a week or two or a month coming out of Egypt but When they cut gets time for them to get the promised land God they tell them that they send spies in the land right the twelve spies see Verse 13 or chapter 13 verse 26 now they departed and they came back to Moses and Aaron This is a spies verse 27. We went to the land where you sent us it flows of milk and honey verse 28 Nevertheless, the people who dwell in the land are strong and the cities are fortified and very large Moreover, we saw the descendants of Anak there now. It depends on what translation you're really reading but When these people came back and said these people are huge or like grasshoppers in their sight I remember in Genesis chapter 6 where it talks about the Nephilim the Nephilim were these These men of renown like I think where you get like Greek mythology and like stuff from now Satan had like a couple like 400 years to it says that there was Nephilim and some of the Raffa deem some of these people in other places in Scripture like when you think of Goliath that he was this giant He really was that tall and he I think he had four brothers four or five brothers so there was these people groups who were actually like really big so they went in there and Satan had been like putting as many people as he could there to be Intimidating and to you know do everything he could to stop God's plan to give him this land. So But the difference here is that Joshua and Caleb Two of the twelve spies came back with a good report and they tried to strengthen their brothers They were focusing. Hey, God said it. He's with us. Let's go do it. It's a good land We can take it the other ten were afraid they were focusing on our strength my own ability Like I'm not strong enough to fight against this person. I can't take them Now obviously that's got a lot of applications for us with with our walks with the Lord So, you know whether we focus on God's ability and the more you focus on God The smaller your problem gets but the more you focus on your problem The smaller God gets and your problem just can become like all can all consuming Yeah, so I'd love to read through all this stuff but We're gonna keep going so So God basically says okay you guys were afraid for your children you are afraid for all these things All right. Well, I'm gonna give you what you want rather than going into the land and dying. You think you're gonna die You're gonna be in the wilderness for 40 years and nobody I think They at the age 20 and older all those people were gonna die and now there was a time after that They said oh, we're sorry. We're sorry. We'll go do it and they went up to try and attack them But God wasn't in it. So they were they got their butts whooped. They were defeated I Know everybody except God made the exception. He said everybody except for them is gonna die But these two are I'm gonna keep alive Yeah They had this one funeral after Yeah, like did they just stop having funerals after there was enough of them and like in grieving it was just all right Well, they're all Maybe that's where that that's where that that's where that Disney movie holes came from But it would take a look Get different when I'd be a Bible or is not there Yeah, well there would have been some people that were 60 at the time who died but yeah, I mean everybody Yeah, well they would have died if they were 20 then yes, they would have died by the time they were 60 To do the math. Yes, that's 40 years But the So God actually says at this time like Moses get out of the way. I'm going to wipe these people out but Moses you see this beautiful picture here of Moses interceding and praying for God's people and And so and it says like the Lord changed his mind. So it isn't this thing that God Moses changed God's mind, but God had it already his plan to show mercy to the people but God had this picture that Moses there needed to be someone to intercede somebody to stand in the gap So, of course you see that picture with Jesus Jesus is our intercessor But we can do that in prayer as well where we get in prayer brings us in tune with what like what God already wants to do Yeah Yeah a couple weeks ago Yeah, so I'm cool little nugget in here. These cities are rest refuge if you go to numbers chapter 35 So they go into the land they take they take or another not in the land yet God tells them when they get into this is when he's giving instructions for the Levites Then the Lord spoke to Moses speak to the children of Israel and say to them when you cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan then you shall appoint cities of Refuge then you shall appoint cities to be cities of refuge for you that the manslayer who kills any person Accidentally may flee there. They shall be cities of refuge for you from the Avenger that the manslayer may not die until He stands before the congregation and judgment and in the cities which you give you shall have six cities of refuge so That this is if somebody if somebody does something and they accidentally kill somebody Now their husband their wife their brother could like hear about it and get mad and they're like that's it You did this and they're gonna like accuse you and then out of anger. They're gonna like that's it I'm gonna wipe you out because Moses said I for I tooth for tooth, but God says no in these Levitical cities I want to have cities of refuge So if now there's this Avenger of blood the Avenger of blood is somebody who could come and actually Kill you like to serve this justice from the Lord now you can flee to the city You can flee to the city and the God the rule said God God Sets up is you flee to the city and when you're in the city and then this high priest is there You're safe in this city from the Avenger of blood and you need to stay in this city until there can be you know Like an orderly discussion about it and what happened and then and you need to stay in that city Maybe until the matter is resolved But you need to stay there as long as the high priest is there and is alive So apparently when the high priest dies then you can leave that city and I don't know what happened I don't know what happens then but this is a 20 actually 22 through 28 However, if you So 20 first 26 but if the man slayer at any time goes outside of the limits of the city of refuge where he fled and The Avenger of blood finds him outside the limits of his city of refuge and the Avenger of blood kills the man slayer He shall not be guilty of blood before that It says if a man slayer goes into the city of refuge and kills him. He's going to be guilty Because he should have remained in the city of refuge until the death of the high priest But after the death death of the high priest the man slayer may return to the land of his possessions So Proverbs the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run to it in our safe So Jesus now when when Jesus was put to death on the cross Was it voluntary or involuntary? So Biblically, so it was voluntary the people did it on purpose. But what did Jesus pray on the cross father forgive him? Or they know now what they do so Jesus says yes, they don't they don't understand it they don't get it yet So he actually Jesus is praying to the father like forgive him father. They don't actually know what they're doing They don't get it yet that I'm the Messiah so from God's perspective we we unknowingly Jesus was put to death. So So then we can flee to the city of refuge The Lord is our city of refuge and the avenger of blood who would bring judgment Can't go into that city and we can stay there as long as the high priest is alive Now who's our high priest Jesus and he lives forever. So we run to the Lord. He's our city of refuge We're safe from the avenger of blood and he's our high priest that lives forever. So we're forever safe in this city of refuge All right, now we are on to Deuteronomy Okay, so this is a Read he does this review before entering the promised land. This is at the end of the 40 years So verse 3 now it came to pass in the 40th year in the 11th month on the first day of the month that Moses Spoke to the children of Israel according to all that the Lord had given him his commandments to them This is really a bridge between the first four books of the Bible that where they're not in the land and the next seven books Where they're inside the land the land of Israel So he's reminding them of what happened and how they came out of Egypt what happened in the wilderness of Mount Sinai What what led to them having to be in the wilderness for 40 years? He's he's giving them the ups and downs and think of it to 40 We think of it's like well, why did God repeat that that just happened in this last book? But you're there you're there for 40 years and mom and dad and grandma and grandpa aren't there anymore to tell me So now you've got all these like people that kids there they were kids at the time, but now they're adults So God to Moses is saying hey, let me give you a history lesson Let me tell you like here's what happened here's why what you've been living the last 40 years happened and to warn them and also encourage them for What God has for him for the future? So some highlights from the book chapter 6 verse 4 is the Shema now Shema is the word for here So in these words Hero Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul And with all your strength Or Jesus says the greatest commandment is this to love the Lord your God and repeat that so Jesus Quoted from the book of Deuteronomy more than any other book in the Old Testament So he was a fan of this book. I love here in chapter 8 Where we talk about all the things that they went through Chapter 8 verse 2 and you shall remember the Lord your God led you all the way these 40 years in the wilderness To humble you and to test you to know what was in your heart whether you should keep his commandments or not So he humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna Which you did not know nor did your father's know that he might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone But man lives by every mouth that proceeds from the mouth of every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord So these your garment Yeah, your garments did not wear out out on you nor did your foot swell these 40 years You should know in your heart that as a man chastens his son. So the Lord your God chastens you so even back then it wasn't just this like These rules and judgment and people didn't know why Moses is giving him this picture of this loving father Who loves him and he wants to lead him and he said and so these words that stuck out to me Because they apply to my own life is God humbles us then he tests us He causes us to hunger and then it's so that he can teach us and then and then there's an encouragement there that he's Disciplining us you see Matthew in Matthew 4 when Jesus was at 40 days in the wilderness like Theo brought up the first one was he was hungry after 40 days of fasting so Satan told him tell these stones to turn into bread and Jesus quoted this from Deuteronomy and said man shall not live by bread alone But by every word that comes from the mouth of God, so he Pat he passed that test And so when there was manna on the ground God was testing him has saying hey You're supposed to go out for six days and gather it. I'm testing you to see if you're just gonna be obedient You're so it wasn't about the manna. It was about whether they were going to listen to what God tells them to do And so that's in our life so for us like God says, you know that Blessed is the man psalm 1 blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the Lord and on his law He meditates day and night and if you do this, then you're going to be like a tree planted by streams of water So there's these promises in the scripture But the Lord will bring us through these times where he humbles us brings us to the end of ourselves He tests us but to know it's because he wants to teach us something and he wants to discipline us To prune off those branches that aren't bearing fruit So chapter 30 all the way to the end of it It's not quite to the end Chapter 30 verse 11 For this commandment Which I command you today is not too mysterious for you and nor is it far off It is not in heaven that you should say who will ascend into heaven for us and bring it to us that we may hear It and do it Nor it is beyond the sea that you should say who will go over The sea for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it But the word is very near you in your mouth and in your heart that you may do it remember in Romans chapter 10 does do not say who will ascend or who will he descend like Like where are we going to go to find like this good news to find out these truths near you? That's where he says if you confess with your mouth. Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that you'll be saved so See I have set before you today life and death life and good death and evil in That I command you today to love the Lord your God to walk in his ways and to keep his commandments and statutes and his judgments That you may live and multiply and that the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear and are drawn away and worship other gods and serve them I announce to you today that you shall surely perish You shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go on to possess He says I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you that I have set before you life and death Blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live Stop there, but um so he That's why I said this is a conditional covenant It's conditional upon if they're going to obey or rebel Then we won't go there but chapter 34 the death of Moses Some cross references when Moses now Moses couldn't go into the promised land because he misrepresented God God told him to speak to the rock when they wanted water and he struck the rock and so God says hey Moses I'm not mad at the people you've misrepresented me in their sight. So you're not going to go into the promised land Now it says in Jude when when Moses died Michael and the angel and Satan were fighting over the body in Matthew 17 when Jesus was transfigured he meets with Moses and Elijah in Revelation 11, there's two witnesses and in the tribulation period at the temple in Jerusalem Doesn't tell us who they are, but I believe Moses and probably Elijah But one of the witnesses had power to turn water to blood So who do we know in the Bible that God that God told them to turn water to blood? That was one of the plagues like he did with Pharaoh Doesn't tell us but other than maybe Satan knew God had some plans for him or I don't know what but Yeah, so Satan's always Satan's not dumb. He knows God's Word And he's always trying to stop God's plan All right, Joshua entering the land Chapter 1 so now Joshua is appointed as this new leader now that Moses is dead Be strong and of good courage for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to Give them back in Abraham. God made this covenant and said 400 years from now I'm going to bring your people back here and I'm going to give them this land Only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you may prosper wherever you go This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth But you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it for them You will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success For have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord Your God is with you wherever you go So don't be afraid be strong because I'm going to be with you, but he gives him an instruction Meditate on this day a lot of this book of the law Have it don't have it depart from your mouth So that was the I believe the that was the strength and the help for him To conquer his fear because it's reminding him of who the Lord is and what he did and his promises Chapter 3 And to preen I can I've got these slides all online so I can send them to you and stuff to you if you want but So they're gonna cross the Jordan Now some people will say oh, I mean when I go to when I die and I go to heaven It's like I'm crossing the Jordan now biblically crossing But when you go to heaven now when they go to when they go across the Jordan, they're going to have successes But they're also going to have defeats. The enemy is still there There's sin. There's heartache. There's all these things. So when we get to heaven Our battles are done like the enemy isn't there so crossing the Jordan is really them being in the flesh and In the disobedience the lack of faith in the wilderness to now Joshua who is this man of faith and Caleb is Leading him in across the Jordan River And now so it's this picture of a spirit filled life of a believer So as a believer when you're not walking in the flesh But you're now you're filled with the spirit your believer and now in your life. God has plans for you He has territories for you to take he has Things for you to do and so the the lessons there from Joshua are to seek the Lord and to do go to the places He tells you to go and to do the strategies. He tells you to do. He knows all the moving pieces And then there's you know, of course you see this is a good like a good land overflowing with milk and honey and such as that when we're walking with the Lord in the spirit that There's the life and the joy and the pieces piece the patience the fruits of the Spirit Chapter 5 now all these kids that were in the wilderness weren't circumcised So right before they went into across the Jordan they circumcised everybody the manna ceased on the day that they went in so the manna no longer was provided because now they were going to go into the land where there was food and Tucked away here in chapter 5 right before Moses is going to go across They Did a physical circumcision, but yes physical circumcision is a spiritual picture of circumcision of the heart. Yeah Verse 13 in chapter 5 and it came to pass When Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted his eyes and looked and behold a man stood opposite him with his sword drawn in his Hand and Joshua went to him and said are you for us or for our adversaries? so he said no, but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come and Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worships and Said to him why does my servant? What does my Lord say to his servant then the commander of the Lord's armies said to Joshua? Take your sandal off your foot for the place where you stand as holy and Abraham and Joshua did so So question do we think this is an angel or do we think this is Yep, so who who else they were told to take off their sandals because they were standing on holy ground Yep, so Mm-hmm Well, uh, so remember Jesus said Do you think that at this very moment? I can call down 12 legions of armies to like come and help me when his disciples were trying to like protect him So he he is the captain of the host. He is the commander of the army when he comes down in Revelation He's on it He's like he's coming down as on a horse and he's a the commander of the army and it says the hosts of army are Following him. So he's like leading the bat He's leading the battle now the key here the key here is that when it's an angel and angels don't receive worship But here he knows and he bows down and he worships and he doesn't tell him to stop Yeah, and I think it's cool because he says are you for us or for our adversary and he doesn't answer He just says he tells them who I am and I think that's a big that's that picture I talked about how God doesn't show favoritism He's like, I love the people in Jericho as much as I love you guys I'm not picking sides here, but I'm coming and I've got a plan and unfortunately There's going to be some people are gonna die in Jericho, but you know, they're getting their punishment for their sin Yeah Yeah the chapter 19 Yep Okay, so overcoming the land. So now they're they're in the land, but now they start the battle So chapter 6 the fall of Jericho So God gives them this ridiculous battle plan take priests and go march around the walls for seven days and blow the trumpets So I don't know if you've all seen the VeggieTales right where they're marching around and they're making fun of them I think that's hilarious so So but we know on the seventh day that they blew the trumpets and the walls The walls all fell down If you go to Jericho this day You can see some of the walls and you can see how they were like It looks like they were pushed like from the bottom out The failure at AI so after Jericho they were Jericho. They weren't supposed to keep anything They were supposed to destroy it. So some of the people kept stuff So there was sin and They also didn't ask God so they went to this next city and they got their butts whooped and then Joshua's like panicking. Well, no Lord. Are you gonna wipe like, you know, like he hadn't tasted defeat before it coming into the land God says Joshua. What are you doing laying on your face get up. So Then they deal with the sin and they seek them and God gives them a different plan and then they wipe along have victory They start dividing up the land between the twelve tribes So like this is an overview. So we're going faster. So chapter 14 Caleb right Caleb is 85 now so Joshua 14 verse 10 And now behold the Lord has kept me alive This is Caleb talking as he said these 45 years Ever since the Lord spoke this word to Moses while Israel wandered in the wilderness and now here I am this day 85 years old and yet I am as strong as day is on the day that Moses sent me Just as my strength was then so now is my strength for war both For going out and for coming in now Therefore give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day For you heard in that day how the anakin was there and that the cities was great and fortified It may be that the Lord will be with me and I shall try be able to drive them out of the land So he's like give me that place where there's a big city with the big people. I'm 85 I got all my strength like I'm so ready to go. I didn't think that's a cool picture of like the Lord sustaining and equipping and like his That faith from when he was younger like he still he still has that faith and he still has that heart he hasn't gotten bitter or hard in his old age, and I think there's a When when you meet people that They meet people when their hearts are soft to the Lord and they've walked with the Lord for all these years And they're like these Saints like there's some of the sweetest people to be around like you just want to be with them because they're just like this radiance of Just smiles and love The opposite of people who have hardened their hearts against the Lord their whole lives What what's the what's that movie grumpy old men, right? You can Some people are grumpy and some people they get softer But Caleb now Caleb probably would fit it to the grumpy old men movie because this is like I got this picture of you This this man's man, right like Ken Graves or something, you know, like let me Adam All right. So chat Joshua chapter 24 Joshua's plea to serve the Lord Verse 14 Now we've all have those plaques, I don't know if we have one in our house, but as for me my house we shall serve the Lord Oh, there you go. Well, let's get the whole let's get the whole picture, right? Now therefore verse 14 fear the Lord serve him in sincerity and in truth and put away the gods Which your father's served on the other side of the river and in Egypt serve the Lord And in Egypt serve the Lord and if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve Whether the gods which your father's served that were on the other side of the river or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you Dwell, but as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord So the people answered and said far be it from us that we should forsake Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord to serve other gods For the Lord our God is he who brought us and our fathers up out of the land of Egypt from the house of bondage who did who did those great signs in our sight and Preserved us in all the way that we went among all the people through whom we passed And the Lord drove out from before us all the people including the Amorites who dwelt in the land We also will serve the Lord for he is our God But Joshua said to the people you cannot serve the Lord for he is a holy God He is a jealous God. He will not forgive your transgressions nor your sins if you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then he will turn and do you harm and consume you after he has done you good and The people said to Joshua no, but we will serve the Lord So Joshua said to the people you are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen the Lord for yourselves to serve him And they said we are witnesses so So for me reading through this I think about so Josh's They said okay, we'll do it. Like we're in and Joshua like this God God knows the future like Joshua knows like you're not going to be able to do it. And that's this law. You're not able to keep the law. So doesn't say this but how I think this could have played out is The people mercy triumphs over judgment, right so the people could have said We're not able to serve it. Like we're sinful. We're evil like we don't have the ability to do it and like Joshua asked the Lord to have mercy upon us like they could have cried out for mercy as opposed to saying Yep, we're going to do it. And so It's uh, it's interesting when you read that whole context where he says, oh, that's for me in my house We're going to serve the Lord, but Joshua says no, you're not able that you're not able to do it No, no, I says believers now with the spirit You know we can but it's um, you know, you can kind of take things now Joshua meant it for him and his household So maybe him and his household did it Are you saying you know the others we're gonna have a tough time in the future? Okay, so that's it and I'm going to end with a little extra not extra credit but nugget so parallels between Joshua and Revelation So you read through Joshua the conquest of the land you read through Revelation and there's these parallels now Joshua is the Old Testament equivalent to the New Testament of Jesus. Jesus. Jesus is just a variance on it They were both military commanders who are going to dispossess their enemies Joshua was going to go into the land to destroy the enemies Jesus and Revelation is going to come back to take possession of what's right What's his the earth and he's going to destroy the enemies that are there on the earth? You have Jericho, which was like the big stronghold. You have Babylon. They're both going to be destroyed There's all these sevens the seven the seven-year campaign that the tribulation period Well the seven year I don't think that oh, I guess it was a seven-year campaign But you also think about they marched around the city for seven for seven Seven days there was like these there's all these sevens and we read the Revelation There's a lot of these sevens and these judgments before they before they blew the horns in Jericho They're told to be silent for a half hour before they blow the final blast When these judgments are starting in Revelation it says and there was silence in heaven for a half hour and then it happens Their enemies were both led by a leader in Jerusalem the enemy the leaders at the time in Jericho and in the land Was a person who was supposed to be this king of righteousness out of Jerusalem the Antichrist is this leader? That's in Jerusalem. They had the two spies that were sent into the land. I have the two witnesses They were the enemies who were defeated with hailstones and fire from heaven There was signs in the Sun member Joshua's long day where the sign Sun stood still the Kings hidden caves Remember in Joshua as it railed down rained down hailstorms and the King that says they went and hidden the caves and Revelation it says they go and hide in caves and say may the rocks fall on us like to hide us from the face of the Lamb Salvation of Rahab this Gentile that's in Jericho and the salvation of the Gentile Church the Bride of Christ And you could get a lot more than this. So I think it's really cool Yeah Yeah, just a Yeah, well Lord. Thanks for your word thanks for just the blessing of Just discovering all these nuggets and all these ways in so many different ways Lord You've tried to point us to your mercy and your grace and your love and your patience Lord You've also shown us the seriousness of sin and how we can't just ignore it, but there's consequences for our sin Lord But thank you that in Jesus that you have provided a way for us to have forgiveness and to have peace with you God just bless everybody here and equip us for What faces us tomorrow and this weekend in Jesus name? Amen

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