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mike burrows

mike burrows


Nothing to say, yet

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The speaker discusses the importance of resting in the Spirit of God while also embracing the acceleration and unexpected opportunities that come with it. They give specific words and insights for individuals in the audience, highlighting their abilities, callings, and ministries. They emphasize the power of the Holy Spirit to break chains and bring transformation to others. The speaker encourages the audience to speak and act on their faith, bringing things into existence. They also mention the ability to minister, organize, and influence others, both inside and outside the church. The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeing people from a spiritual perspective and encourages the practice of prophesying and speaking into others' lives. They share personal experiences and encourage everyone to step into their anointing and not disqualify themselves. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the need to listen to the promptings of the Spirit and the importance of looking beyond outward ap This will probably only take about four minutes, I imagine. But I'll just give you a word and then you can sit down, because what I want to do is I want to... The Spirit of God, He is calling us into a place of resting and abiding in Him, yet at the same time there is an acceleration of the Spirit and there are opportunities coming for you even tomorrow that you didn't expect and so He's causing us to rise with the rising tide. Darren, I see you fixing things, fixing people, putting them together. I see provision, multiplying the loaves in your hands. And then Ange, so I'm just going to go along. So Ange, there's just limits of instant, rising to heaven, just unlimited. I see following the Spirit of God and its travel and movement and going to places unexpected. There's strength and a spirit of breakthrough that you will carry for yourself and for others. And then there is the raising up of leaders, the raising up of leaders and those who are multiplying out. So I'm just going to keep going along, so pay attention. It's chessboard, so He's strategically put you here and has gone through the different moves, but it's here under divine strategy. And then there's multi-giftedness, purple sweater, multi-giftedness around you, putting your hands to many things. It's a multi-spiritual multi-giftedness. And then there is creative ideas under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and its fresh creativity. And then there's depth in a well, and I feel like there's new ministry being birthed, new ministry in this place. And then there's actually a writing component, and it's multiplying what you have through words, even books or something beyond just speaking. And then there is a connection with the Spirit of God, connection with the Spirit of God to break strongholds on other people's lives. So you're reaching out a hand and breaking chains off other people that have been around you for decades, just in a moment. And it's the welcoming of the Holy Spirit into people's lives and into an environment. And it's a very tangible sense of His presence as you do your thing. And it's kind of like a statesman anointing, and it's authority on your words and on your voice. Okay, why don't we have the first bucket rows take a seat. Very good. And there's a freshness and a newness, and the dam is now being busted open. And so now there is an unlimited nature about what you're about to step into. And there is the ability to speak in the Spirit and for your words to carry. And I feel like just a couple of words, a couple of sentences will be remembered by those you speak to. And then you're a minister before the Lord, like a priest, like a Levite, like someone who is ministering at his altar before the Lord. And your ministry to him is a sacred, important thing. And don't underestimate just your pure worship to him. And there's the ability to sit upright things that have fallen down and fallen over. I see you picking people up and setting them on a path and on a course. People come to you for advice and for wisdom and for encouragement. And I see you having the resurrection power. Can these bones live? And you say, yes, they can. Other people say, no. You say, yes, they can. So discernance, the ability to seek and then to pray into that. It's going to be more dreams, more God dreams. And he's going to lead you by what you seek. And there's new things ahead. You'll get the front of those things because you'll see them first, position yourself in the right place. And then there is the ability to release the fivefold ministers, to identify those that are called for this time and for times to come and to invest into the right people. And you'll know those people. And your ministry to them will be very significant and important because there's a carrying over the threshold. They need that or else they won't be activated. And so you're like the activating agent for them to the next place. Someone who can draw down the anointing and the presence. I feel the presence. You can do that. Just bring the presence, lightning rod. You get that first and everyone else does. Just recovering after that one. Prophetic words, prophetic insights. Words that carry the anointing and the presence of God and carry truth. Oh yes, when you prayed this morning, it lifted the bar and you welcomed the Spirit of God. So you need to make sure that you speak. You need to make sure that you just give voice and then it will lift the whole environment. There is a depth there and there is a wisdom that comes from you. And I feel like the Lord is going to cause you to be in a place of influence, to be able to speak and to be able to minister at a higher level. And there is opportunities coming and He's going to start bringing things together even in the next short space of time. And some of those previous, even childhood experiences even childhood thoughts and dreams and ambitions and things you've always said you would love to do. I feel like the Lord is going to unfold those things to you so that you can step into them and give glory to the Lord. And then the ability to administer. There is a larger capacity in your life and it's the ability to draw many others on their walk with the Lord. And so I see you calling people from far away. I feel like the Lord is going to multiply your influence to people outside and it's almost like people are going to hear of you and you won't see entirely the influence that you have and have had but it's a large and expansive influence. And the ability to organise, administrate and get things in the right place as well. The ability to start and create new things. I see you, there was something that was not there and then you bring it into being. Faith is the evidence of things hoped for and suddenly evidence of things not seen. Anyway, there's a faith gift to bring into existence that which was not and so as you see it, then speak it out and act on it and as you act on it, you bring it from the Spirit and make it reality. See it, speak it and act on it. There is a fatherly thing. People will come to you because there is safety there, there's comfort, strength and love and through that you will cause people to be set free and raised up. There's elements of people outside the kingdom and also inside the kingdom and it's a reach to many. Paul talks about bringing all things to all people so that by all means I might get saved and I see you relating to many and then drawing them in and along. And then, yes, corner. There is, well it feels like you are a dangerous person to the devil, dangerous to him, but powerful to the Lord and I see you being in a place, you're sitting there and you're praying and you're being you and the thunder goes out and the earthquake goes out in the Spirit and so what you speak comes to pass, what you speak comes to pass. And then, yes, breakthrough anointing, going ahead, icebreaker, smashing through that ice, it wasn't away, now there is for many others to follow as well and it is multiplication, expansiveness and the Lord saying, not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord, Jesus. So, synthetic was simply see your Spirit is quicker than your mind and so what it is, is you catch, the Bible says we no longer regard anyone from a worldly point of view and so you don't look at someone any longer from a worldly point of view, you look at them from a spiritual point of view and so what you're doing is, in your Spirit, it's what you see on a person, sometimes, I don't know this time, but sometimes it might be the starting point, so I'm always looking for a starting point and it might be what someone's wearing, but it's just the thing that comes to mind when I first look at a person and the exercise or the workout aspect of it is to, the work of it, is to catch the first thing that comes to mind in your Spirit before your brain takes over, but then you need the brain to interpret what it was that you saw and sometimes it's quite simple, other times, when you can't quite see, you start speaking and by the end of the prophecy or the end of the Word you land on the thing and so it's simply a practice thing now you can do this for anyone, I remember I remember being in a room and I wasn't leading that room it was kind of a connect group setting and there was about 15 people in a circle around the room and the leader, he started to prophesy to each person in the room and I knew that he hadn't done that much before and I had actually just come off the back of teaching or something like that so I was sort of more in the stream of it and what was really interesting was I thought, I know what I'll do I'll stay sharp in the Spirit and I'll just prophesy in my head to each person before he gets there and I just go all the way around and what I noticed by the end of it is I noticed that his prophetic words were actually better, sharper, more accurate than mine and the reason for that was because he was the one anointed for the task at the time and so the encouragement to us is the thing that the Lord calls us to step into you are the most anointed person for that task in that moment so the Spirit of God will flow and so don't disqualify yourself from stepping out of the Spirit and that applies to every interaction that you have with someone and you'll have you'll have many interactions with people and you'll just see, you'll see it and you'll have a word set for every person that you meet because it's just there, it's just there in you and so the practice part is trying to catch what it is now I do like just the example of Samuel just sitting there and God's bringing all the brothers through it's like no, no, no, no, no, no and then God says to him well the Lord doesn't look at the outward appearance the Lord looks at the heart so what the prophetic is is that it may be something that relates to the outward appearance but you're looking through that to the heart you're using the eyes of the Spirit we no longer regard anyone from a worldly point of view we're practicing in the Spirit and you can practice that for yourself you look around and you say God what are you saying to me in this moment right now I look around the room I see the clock up there and I feel like the Lord's saying now is the time that He is speaking to us so this time that we're in is significant and important and God is moving and now is the time to lean into Him and so that is a word for me I've just prophesied to myself and so you can practice leaning into the Spirit of God by prophesying to yourself in that way but then you can catch something from someone else and then the famous step then is to then share it with that person which is the famous step and then just see what the result might be and so that is the work and the exercise of it so you have the ability to prophesy to share with people of the Spirit and the thing that the great news is this just reading the headlines in the newspaper the great news is this is that we are currently now in a season of grace and the things that were harder have now become easier it's actually easier to invite people to church and for them to say yes at the moment and it's actually easier to unlock and access the things of the Spirit and you just even going around churches the water level is rising everywhere what God is doing is actually going to cover it's broad and so it's exciting and it's awesome so today is Pentecost which is a cool day to be here to be just to be in God's house do we have any questions? I'm happy to do questions too questions are fine I'll just share some things until I see people getting a bit bored and then we'll do I think we'll do ministry time I don't think we will though because I try not to be boring so Job 2 28-29 and afterwards I'll pour out my Spirit of all people some of them prophesy daughters will prophesy old men will dream dreams and young men will see visions even on my servants both men and women I'll pour out my Spirit in those days all of that started by this phrase and afterwards and afterwards I'll do that and what was the afterwards? well it was after the cross it was after the cross of Jesus Christ and after the resurrection and the Bible says that Jesus appears to his disciples for 40 days it was 40 days when Jesus was making these appearances proving that he had risen from the dead and on that 40th day he gathered the disciples together on the mountain and he rose the cloud set him away and he ascended to heaven on that 40th day 10 days later the fire of God fell and so it was 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus Christ 50 days after that the fire of God fell so that's the time frame and so once the gospel once the work of the gospel had been done and afterwards then the Spirit of God was poured out and the Spirit of God was poured out in an unlimited way it's unlimited and I have alluded to this 2 Kings 4 and I should say go around and ask all your neighbours for empty jars and ask for just a few as you read the word as you hear the voice of the word of God being spoken the word of God is living and active and you might have heard something a number of times but as you continue to lean in there is something else there there is a fresh layer to be uncovered and to be unfolded whenever we gather like this it's actually quite a rich environment because there is revelation of the Holy Spirit doing many things even at the moment so as you hear these words then go inside and shut the door behind you and your sons pour oil into all the jars and as each is filled put it to one side even as I read that verse 4 then go inside and shut the door behind you just highlighting to me now in this moment that the Lord is calling us into a place of intimacy with Him in that closed door space which is a very important space for us to be in so there are moments in our day in our week that we do want to place ourselves behind those closed doors because once we come out then the activation and the overflow starts and there is power available. You want to be somebody who has something to give and we all do and we all actually can operate in the supernatural and expect supernatural results because we have been supernaturally equipped for the role that we have that on top of that the more full of the Spirit of God you are, the greater those results will be and so you can already expect supernatural supernatural is just natural that's the base level, supernatural is base level but we can be extremely supernatural in the things that take place in and around us just have faith and believe and we'll see the greatest things because we are in the season of grace She left him and shut the door behind her and her son and they brought jars out and kept pouring the jars when all the jars were filled she said to her son bring another one but he replied there was not a jar left and the oil stopped flowing So Lord right now we pray for the other jar, the other church location in Jesus name and we pray that you would open that up that it would be a wide open jar in Jesus name for you to fill and we believe and declare that there will not just be a jar Well we thank you for the jars Thank you for those church locations that are going to be planted, created, released by your power by your anointing and by your spirit and so we pray in advance we pave the way for you Holy Spirit to move red carpets in different locations in Jesus name pour out the red carpets the blood of Jesus paving the way, creating a space clearing back, pushing back the darkness, clearing the forest, cutting down the trees, pushing back the darkness for another location to be created in Jesus name calling into existence that which was that which wasn't I feel like for both of you if you could just when you're walking around town or wherever you are just pray for church locations just declare locations for the Lord because we've all got a different job to do and there are things that we can do so just even where you place your feet and John of course as well that's just kind of given, it's just kind of where you place your feet and the areas of influence will continue to increase and expand so the oil that's been poured into the jars that represents the anointing and on God's side of the equation that is the unlimited side and oil just keeps flowing but then on our side of the equation that is just simply what you have capacity for and we want to increase our capacity and so the Lord isn't going to give us a huge weight that will crack the jars because he's gracious that way to Jesus but the stronger our jars are and the enlargement that we give to them to that extent he'll pour out his Spirit into us and as we are here tonight there will be an enlarging of our jars because we're here in the presence of the Lord and there's a fresh infilling tonight because the Spirit of God is here so there's an enlargement that's taking place and will take place tonight so how much anointing can you have well we just need to find out how anointed one person can be but no one has yet to see how anointed a person can be Peter's shadow fell across people and they were raised up that's pretty anointed but the Jesus said well greater works than what I've even done you're going to do those and so I feel like that the Lord is reserving for these days that we live in for these later days God is reserving a greater display of his glory for us to step into every day that the testimonies that we're actually hearing more testimonies like it we've got three guys in particular in our church who are evangelists who have that and they're constantly just sharing the gospel they're praying for people one guy prayed for he gave she said I need to pray for my husband but he's not saved and he's like well have you got something like a cloth something like that so had a cloth and then prayed for it and then she she then gave it to him but didn't tell him what it was for and he got healed he got healed and the guy who did that and she came back to work and told him he works for the trucking company I think and then he just shared that in front of the church this guy got healed from whatever it was and then there's not just the healing there's the miraculous as well we've got another guy in church and he is out at all hours of the day and night and he he's just got stories he's witnessing to some guys and one guy looked at his phone and he put it back in his pocket and the guy from our church said what's wrong with your phone he said I've got a flat battery he said just bring it out and so he held out his phone and the guy from church just put his hand on his phone and he could just see the light charging and he said well the power of God is here and he just started to share the gospel to him and so it's just it's just these everyday things in fact his first healing that he saw the lady was limping I can't remember if it was a guy or walking out of the mall he said can I pray for you she's like and he just reached down and touched the ankle and suddenly he was healed and the man or woman ran away from him saying you freak laughter that was so fun laughter that was so awesome so awesome can I just say something yeah last Sunday God does amazing things not just here but we also pray for different locations Donna knows what I'm about to say sorry she's my director but we had that time of prayer at the end of the service people come up and this particular person said I asked what the problem was what's the need and they said my sibling's got cancer and is going to Christchurch for an operation and I just want to pray for her well today she said to me that operation went really really well you wouldn't know that she's gone through what she's gone through but the comment from the surgeons and those within that room is they've never experienced an atmosphere like that they said it was unbelievable that's cool isn't it amazing awesome yeah thanks that's cool and I feel like that can be normal for us that is the thing that we want to bring and that we can bring and do bring so how anointed can we be I like how the Holy Spirit's a fire a flame blazing how hot is hot well we know how cold cold is because cold is negative 273.15 degrees Celsius which is 0 Kelvin which is when the particles stop but scientists have not discovered how hot hot is they think it might be 100 million million million million degrees but they're not sure it could be hotter than that it's just like the display of the universe always shows us something about who God is and the character of God and he is unlimited so just creation tells us that you don't have to look too hard or too far because creation speaks to us I feel like everything wherever Jesus looks there was a parable and so he saw God at work everywhere he looked through people operating and working so as we lean into the Spirit we can actually hear the Spirit of God speak to us all the time we can be people of the Spirit and as we're people of the Spirit we become more effective for him so I just want to share about the two anointings that you walk in and that you carry because each one of us walk in and carry two anointings and there is the abiding anointing and then there is the empowering anointing and the amazing thing about those two is that they actually work independently of each other so the abiding anointing 1 John 2 as for you the anointing you receive from him remains in you it's the abiding anointing and you do not get anyone to teach you but as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real and not counterfeit just as it has taught you remain in him so the Holy Spirit remains and abides and dwells within you that is the abiding anointing this is not for doing this is for living this is for you to simply be for you to be that supernaturally connected person with the Spirit of God for the point of life to flow you are a person that is a an opening into the Spirit into the Spirit of God Jesus walks the earth through the Spirit of God dwelling in us as we walk the earth so this is your relationship your intimacy with the Holy Spirit and the abiding anointing develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life relationships are the fruit of the Spirit so it's the love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness self-control against such things there is no law yet you walk above the law because it is written on your heart and so we walk in those things and so because he is always abiding with us, because the Bible said he is always with us developing the abiding anointing is not so much about him being with us it's simply about us being aware of him in us and so it's really developing the awareness of who he is in us Ephesians 6 says to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests and so it's that kind of lifestyle of being in him and abiding in him I want to read a couple of excerpts from a book and it's such a cool book it's a very short it's a small book and it was written it was first published in 1692 that's an old book does anyone know what book I'm talking about? Pascal, well that was an old book, yes so it's called Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence it's floating around in lots of copies and so he was a a monk a cook in a monastery in the 1600s and he was just in love with Jesus and so it's called Practicing the Presence of God I'll just read you a couple of excerpts from it So Brother Lawrence believed that in order for him to be saved he would have to be punished for his clumsiness I think one of his legs wasn't working properly so he felt like he had to be punished for that Thus he sacrificed all of the pleasures in his life to God. However rather than punishing him, God gave him nothing but wholehearted satisfaction He would tell the Lord endearingly and often that he felt deceived because this Christian walk had been thus far so pleasant and not filled with the suffering that he had anticipated He was expecting and hoping to suffer for the Lord so that then his sins might be cleared Brother Lawrence insisted that to be constantly aware of God's presence it is necessary to form the habit of continually talking to him throughout each day To think that we must abandon conversation with him in order to deal with the world is erroneous. Instead as we nourish our souls by seeing God in his exaltation will derive great joy at being his He describes his worship to the Lord was by far not for him but to simply worship the Lord. He was hoping as you read the book he was hoping not to enjoy it so much but he found he just kept on enjoying it Further on he writes I turn my little omelette in the pan for the love of God. When it is finished I have nothing to do I prostrate myself on the ground and worship my God who gave me the grace to make it After which I arise happier than a king when I can do nothing else that is enough to have picked up a straw for the love of God It's just such a great devotional kind of book and it just turned our heart towards him. We really want to fall in love with Jesus. We really want to abide in him. We don't want to be as the saying says so heavenly minded that we know earthly good but I think that quite often we just sort of need to be pulled a bit the other way and just be appreciative for the things that we have to give God honour and glory for the things that he enables us to do And so it's just that awareness that communion with him and if we find that as we abide in him that he starts to speak to us and quite often for me I've just realised even as I'm standing here I'm a bit of a time keeper and so I don't tend to go over time I've got to watch and actually the Lord speaks to me through times, 3.33, 2.22 I wake up at those times if it's 4.51 it's like oh good I don't have to get up and pray but if it's 4.44 I do so so anyway so in 2021 I just saw the clock stop at 8.55 and it's like 5 minutes before work and it's like the Lord said that it's just about time for work to begin or for the new thing to begin. That was back in 2021 and then after that the same year two different pastors asked if I would consider being a pastor which I thought no I don't really like the idea of being a pastor I was doing open doors and travelling and it was like I was getting to do all the cool stuff without doing any of the pastoral issues and things and so it was kind of like enjoying that but then in March 22 I got offered a pastoral position by the church I was a part of and that could have been the one and I could have just stepped into that and said yes but just leaning into the Spirit of God I felt like it wasn't quite the one, it seemed like the one but it wasn't quite the one and so that was actually a rise and then it was quite prophetic because I said a couple of reasons why I thought maybe I wouldn't fit in there that well and hadn't been there 17 years and then that was probably the last offer that he made before things went into newspapers and things but then I was able to come on as an outside advisor for 6 months which was really good so there was something in leaning into the Lord for that and then it wasn't until June 23 so last year that I stepped into what I'm doing now and I always said when I was in open doors it's like man these are the glory years, these are the golden days, I'm just so enjoying this but then it feels like these days are far better than most so I mean that's the way that the Lord works but it was 1855 and 2021 but it wasn't until 2023 that I stepped into that one so time in God's power, I looked outside of it so he can basically say what he wants and it's still true so whatever time he gives you, just be ready for when that stepping over that moving is that's all about abiding so that's the abiding anointing but then there's a second anointing that we all carry and that's the empowering anointing that we walk in so the abiding anointing is about being but the empowering anointing is for action to impart God's grace and power to others and the empowering anointing is displayed in many ways it's actually very multi-faceted we've got the nine gifts of the Spirit we've got those wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, tongues and interpretation we've got those but even those nine are divided into many things you can't just say well prophecy is prophecy because let's talk about age and it's like different people have prophetic insight and different prophecy and work in that space work in different spaces like prophecy for individuals prophecy for corporate seeing the future things or seeing discernment-wise and the gifts actually merge together as well it's prophecy plus wisdom and prophecy plus word of knowledge so it's very multi-faceted but Acts 1.8, this is the anointing that you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you'll be like witnesses in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth so all of these gifts are available to us to follow the way of love and eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit and it's that eager desiring actually that is the activator for the gifts of the Spirit it's to eagerly desire and in particular prophecy because it builds up a church, the one who prophesies speaks to people with that strengthening, encouraging and comfort, the one who speaks with a tongue edifies himself, the one who prophesies edifies the church builds them up and remember I mentioned I can't remember what I said where now that 1 Timothy 1.18 Timothy my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well and so our pursuit our eagerly desiring should be to grow in the gifts by stepping out of faith and gaining experience so that we can be more effective in bringing the kingdom of God to earth so eagerly desiring is simply putting action to our faith not long ago so how do I develop the abiding anointing so that Greek word to abide meno means to abide remain, dwell continue, carry, endure to continue to be present it means the abiding anointing continues to be present to last and to not perish and not to change to another, that's the meaning behind abiding to continue how do we develop the empowering anointing well eagerly desire the gifts of the spirit their eagerly desire phrase is the Greek word zaalo which means to be zealous, to desire to covet, to burn with zeal, to pursue or to seek after, it's a bit more of an action around this pursuing the empowering anointing, there's a restfulness about pursuing the abiding anointing but there is more action about pursuing the empowering anointing it means to burn with zeal to pursue and to seek after and it reminds me of that verse John 2.17, his disciples remember that it is written, the zeal for your house will consume you, so there is a pursuit for the gifts of the spirit but it's not actually a striving in the negative sense and I was just thinking, I've actually just picked up I'm not a musician but I could be because I've just started learning an instrument and it's actually already come out at my church in the sermon illustration and so it's called a handpan with a circle of disc metal disc, looks like a UFO and indents on it and I don't know much about music but you can't really play with other instruments because it's set to D minor but it sounds cool the frequency is 432 hertz which is like the mellow frequency anyway, it's fun and so I'm actually eagerly pursuing this and so my wife says, well one thing I can say is you're committed I'm watching YouTube it doesn't sound that bad I don't think, it's almost like this particular, the one thing that I like about the instrument is no matter which note you hit it sounds good and so it's kind of a rhythmic thing, anyway I was just thinking about eagerly desiring a gift, I'm eagerly desiring to learn how to distribute it but it's not hard, it's not striving I'm really enjoying doing it and so there is something about moving away from striving that as we are filled with the spirit and as we step out it's more blessed to give the receipt and so you find that you feel more full one thing that I was finding as I was praying for people at the front is that I was it was like I was feeling what they were feeling I was being filled as they were being filled I gave a prophetic word to a lady on Friday at the minister's gathering and it was that verse, Isaiah 43 since you are precious and honoured in my sight because I love you I give people in exchange for you that talks about east and the west and she said to me afterwards I read that scripture every day, it was just like a really great connection and it's like you still can't help but be filled I don't know who it blesses more does it bless him more or does it bless me more I don't know but you find that as you step out and you try and activate it you yourself get filled so I was driving past to the church office and then I saw this tow truck and it had a personalised plate on it and then the car on it had a personalised plate on it as well and so it just caught my attention and God speaking to you is just about paying attention, just like in class pay attention so God said to me you're a tow truck I'm a tow truck and he says when you move people you take them places you shift them into a new season you bring restoration and life and wholeness to them and so you and I are a tow truck we carry people places but see in the tow truck there is this fuel that you can't see and the abiding anointing is the fuel inside the tow truck so that's the thing that the tow truck needs, the life it needs within it to just go and to go somewhere so the abiding anointing is the fuel in the tow truck but the empowering anointing is the outer features of which there are many there are many outer features in the tow truck it's got the wheels causing you to be in the right place at the right time it's got the back tray so carrying people to a place of freedom and restoration through prophetic words of impartation, praying for healing whatever it is to fix people up to break chains, bring deliverance it's like the tray of the truck the headlights and the windscreen to cause you to see to see in the spirit and it's equipping so the Holy Spirit is showing me just the multifacetedness of the outward expression of this tow truck and you are you have many gifts and talents and each one of your gifts and talents actually have a spiritual dimension to them because you can display the spirit of God through the gifts that you have and so for me it was this tow truck and so we've got this, I'll just finish on two things but like I said before, it's very interesting to me that these two anointings actually work independently of each other because you can have the Holy Spirit abiding in you but not necessarily display too much power if we don't step out of faith and be that which the Lord has called us to be on the earth, so from that perspective you can have the abiding anointing but the empowering anointing just stays at this very low level so how much you live in Him and with Him and for Him does not necessarily relate to the anointing on you. Yes? Question from the audience Oh yes. So the empowering anointing actually is the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is as we know, speaking in tongues in itself is not the baptism in the Holy Spirit just so that we can be clear, but what it is, it's an evidence of. Some people would say it is the initial expression of that the, it's the evidence that actually no, because we just get all the gifts released to us and if you choose to activate it or not, you've still been baptised in the Holy Spirit. So yes, what we need is the baptism in the Holy Spirit and that is the empowering anointing. So that actually happens in a moment. When were you baptised in the Holy Spirit? 1974. I hear a 1974. I hear earlier. That's awesome. And so there comes a moment but then I actually remember praying in tongues when I was a kid and so when was the baptism in the Holy Spirit? I'm not sure. And my wife Anne, she was really she was like, if I can just get this tongues thing where everything will be sorted out in my life. But the Holy Spirit said to her, well I gave that to you when you were a kid as well, so you just need to speak to that. And so as Pentecostals, as those who believe what happened at Pentecostal, we can still access that today, what we actually believe is that you don't have an abiding anointing, you don't have an empowering anointing without the baptism in the Holy Spirit. And so for us it's being saved is very important, being water baptised is very important, being baptised in the Holy Spirit is very important for those three. But the baptism in the Holy Spirit could happen sometimes we don't know, sometimes we do. The first time you pray in tongues, certainly you know that you've been baptised in the Holy Spirit. And that is such a great tangible indicator for us, so that's one of the reasons why it's so great. You know when you've been water baptised, I was wet. And actually the way I feel is that you remain wet in the Spirit after that, you actually get marked. I've heard stories of, you know, you can't join certain cults and things after questioning. Have you been water baptised? Yes. Sorry, we can't do anything with that. You have been and gone and done. Once you're water baptised, you're actually marked in the Spirit. Some people ask, can I be water baptised again? I've fallen away from the Lord, I want to come back. And the answer to that is, well actually there's nothing in the Bible to say that you can't be. So you can if you want, it will help you. But once you've been water baptised you've always been water baptised and it makes no difference in the Spirit if you get water baptised again. But we allow people to if they would like to, if we'll just help them on the journey. I just want to interject I'm noticing myself and many others as well, you can be filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues and yet even on an ongoing basis you might experience a sense of empowering when you're dealing with others. I mean, even speaking the truth in the situation that you don't sense that there's any maybe conviction arising in someone else's life that they're speaking the plain gospel to them, that type of thing. But you know you're filled with the Spirit and you're speaking in tongues as well and you do not see any visible evidence of the Holy Spirit. Yeah, and that is a challenge. That is a challenge because we know that as we're speaking in tongues we're actually activating in the Spirit. But what if we're not feeling any power along with that and what if we're not seeing necessarily any tangible results. And so one of the things, I mean this is what gets us, this is on a very high importance to God and that is without faith it is impossible to please God. And so what I need to do is just say, well if you faithfully believe the Word and so say, well I know that praying in tongues will build me up I know that we're creating shift and change and so whether I feel anything or not I'm still going to go ahead and push through into that. We've prayed for people and they haven't got healed. And so the challenge is to live in the truth of what the Word of God says and not to live in the truth of what our experience tells us has happened in our life. And so the tendency is to pull the truth down to the experience. But what we're going to try and do is pull the experience up to the truth. So I'm glad that you mentioned that because we can feel that differently at times, feel quite unsupernatural, quite unspiritual. I know that I've delivered prophecies from that place and a guy came back to me two years later, oh that prophecy that you gave me, and I remembered it for some reason, feeling uninspired he said, oh that really made a difference for me. And so it is still sowing spiritual seed into the field and so the encouragement is to continue to do it. So that's a good thing because we are dealing with the natural as well as the spiritual. But that breakthrough is coming, it's on its way. So my wife Anne met a guy who'd seen well lots of people raised from the dead, I don't know how many it was. And he, so this was when she was on her missions travels. I think it was India where he was. And so this particular guy he said the first 49 people I prayed for did not get healed. The 50th person got healed. And then the next 24 people didn't get healed, and the 25th person got healed. And then got the other 15 people every 15th, every 10th, every 5th person, and then you're seeing people rise from the dead. And so there's this element of simply continuing to push through. And really that's all we can do because we can only operate on our side of the equation really and God has to come through on His side. And so we've got to push through disappointments and disappointment will hold us back. We've got to actually push through disappointment and through even offense and disheartenment. There's always a constant encouragement to keep going in the Word. Be strong and courageous. Continue to push ahead. Continue to pray and we will see the breakthrough. But on top of that, like I said, I believe we're in a season of grace right now for these things to take place. So let's continue. I mean I prayed for a couple of people on the front this morning. One was in a little grace on one's side. I don't know how it went. I didn't ask the time. How does it feel? Any change? But then was it on... We did that Friday night at your place. The lady said that the boy's knee was healed last time, wasn't it? It was healed. Yeah, I did that. Right, and it did get healed. We keep going. We keep pushing. Hey Mike, is it fair to say that in our society, because we're so feeling orientated, we allow our feelings to dictate actually what God is doing and what God is not doing when in actual fact He's looking for obedience. So the fact of you might not feel spiritual in that moment, but that doesn't take away actually but we are still spiritual beings. You've just got to be obedient in that moment and put the feeling side of it aside. Yes, it's actually a very delicate balance because we are not to be led by our feelings, led by the Spirit, but at the same time the feelings are indicated like a dashboard on a car and there are warning lights and hazard lights and things. We need to be aware that some of those feelings that we have are not our feelings, they're not from us. We need to cut the ties and some of them come from the enemy. So we deal with those. Then there's internal things within us that are lights and things to deal with. But in terms of being led, it's being led by the Spirit and not by our feelings. So in terms of alignment, the Spirit is on top. It's Spirit, Soul, Body and we're in alignment that way. So... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 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