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cover of 2020 04 23 Coffee with Chris - Give your overthinking to Jesus
2020 04 23 Coffee with Chris - Give your overthinking to Jesus

2020 04 23 Coffee with Chris - Give your overthinking to Jesus

Christopher GreenChristopher Green



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The speaker encourages listeners to stop overthinking, especially during this time when we have a lot of free time. He suggests taking our worries and doubts to Jesus instead of engaging in internal dialogue. By doing so, we can strengthen our relationship with Jesus and grow personally. The speaker acknowledges that we all have different experiences and schedules but reminds us that we are all in this together. Good morning, and welcome to Coffee with Chris. Today, I want to give you a little bit of a pro tip. Stop overthinking. OK, we are now in a situation where we are at home a lot, and we're frequently stuck with scenarios like this. Man, did I make the right career choices in my life? Man, I wonder if people really did make it to the moon. I wonder if that person who said that mean thing about me, do you think they were right? Am I getting fat? Man, am I boring? No, not me. But really, wait, Tonzo said I was boring. Are they right? Having a lot of time on our hands means a lot of time to talk to ourselves, to listen to our worries and our overactive imaginations. Some of us may be the type of person that experiences that normally when they go to sleep at night. But some of us might be the type of person that experiences that normally when we go to sleep at night, but not necessarily all throughout the day. Some of us have less things to do. Some of us have more things to do, but some of us have a whole lot of these things. We're out of the way of our schedule, and so now there's just so much time to think over our life. I want to encourage you to, with those thoughts, do what the Bible asks us to do. In 2 Corinthians 10.5, I'm reading from the New Living Translation. It says, We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture the rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ. And the NIV says, We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. When you have those thoughts, those questions, and those doubts, instead of conversing with yourself in your mind, take them to Jesus. In 1 Peter 5.7 in the New Living Translation, it says, Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. Instead of having that internal dialogue, why not have a dialogue with Jesus, and let him, use this time to let him help you sift through those thoughts that have plagued you, those questions, those regrets, and use that to grow and strengthen your relationship with Jesus. We're all in this together, and I'm rooting and praying for you. God bless.

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