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Podcasting in Education

Podcasting in Education

Chloe MartynuckChloe Martynuck



Podcasting can increase confidence and comfortability in students if introduced earlier in their education journey!

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Chloe's first podcast discusses the benefits of using podcasts in education, specifically in building confidence. She shares her personal experience of feeling unprepared and lacking confidence in public speaking during her university days. Chloe suggests incorporating public speaking through podcasts at an earlier age, such as in high school, to help students become more comfortable and confident. She believes that starting earlier will benefit both students and professionals in the workforce. Chloe concludes by inviting listeners to share their thoughts on the topic. Hi, everyone. My name is Chloe, and this is my first podcast. So how exciting is that? I wanted to just make one comment on the affordances of using podcasts with an education, and that being the building of confidence. So when I was in university, I took, as an elective, a public speaking and speech writing class. And, you know, as expected, on day one, we were all given five minutes in front of the class with no preparation. And everyone, as this was being announced, looked terrified. And I was thinking to myself, then and now, wow, how do students find themselves in university and are still lacking confidence and comfortability to be able to speak on something that you should be very comfortable speaking about, which is yourself and the things that you'd like to do for fun. So I think incorporating public speaking in the form of podcasts at earlier ages in high school, you know, through the use of projects and group projects, I think that could really build the confidence and comfortability before they are getting into the workforce where public speaking is more of a requirement instead of a nicety. And so if we can get an earlier start, I think that they and us will be better for it. So that's a thought of mine of the affordances of using podcasts in education. I would love to hear what you guys think.

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