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Pray a verse with me Holy Spirit 515

Pray a verse with me Holy Spirit 515




Lord Jesus Oneness

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like you you are our god father we adore you we adore you emmanuel we adore you emmanuel we adore you emmanuel we adore you emmanuel we adore you emmanuel we adore you son of david there is none like you there is none like you father we give you praise we worship you we intentionally come before you again this morning this is something that we have decided to do to search your pathway to know your things to come into the realization of who you are to enter into the full person that you are father because we have come to find out that there is no like you you are separate we know that there is nothing in creation that sustain the nature that you are there is nothing in existence that manifests the king and the excellence the beauty and the glory that you are son of david that is why we have made a full commitment every morning every morning to call upon the name of the lord to call upon the name this one is a deliberate act it is something that we have cautiously we have automatically set our mood to always call upon the name of the lord to call upon your name because there is no on that name on that the earth or in the heavens or below the heavens that is greater than your name there is no other name that a man can anchor on there is no other name that can save man in heaven beneath the heaven and on earth and that is why we we we call upon your name beneath the earth son of david that is why we cautiously this is a cautious thing this is a deliberate thing we don't do it religiously we don't do it because we are christian we don't do it because we just believe in jesus we do it because we know that this is the mystery of life we do it because we know that life itself is anchor on the capacity of a man believing in your name not only believing but knowing that breath in and out every second depend on that understanding depend on that ability of knowing knowing experience experience knowing that god is lord experience knowing that jesus is lord experiencing know that experience i mean to say experience knowing that jesus is el shaddai that he is the provider of life and not only just life you know the scripture precise about it he says that abundance of life you know you can get life from your two instant drug injection from your two instant instant you know alcohol these are the corrupt listing of a moment of life on earth jesus christ does not really have life he have abundance of life and that is why this morning knowing the mystery and the purity the clarity the understanding the joy the happiness the fullness of life that come into that name we cautiously and we deliberately say jesus jesus we have chose you you know this this this is not a cliche many men on earth serve spirit you know many most of them can hear me they know in the realm of politic especially here in this wonderful nation core america many and in both party republican and democrat the democrat you know many of them serve spirit only if you know that one among them does not understand that mystery not only in the political arena you know in the cultural arena when we talked about musician and people that influence masses they know that they serve spirit these people serve spirit they know they know and they interact with them and some of them are bold enough to talk about it you know when you listen to this one called beyonce she's kind of like a famous person she's talking about the spirit of fascia that comes to her these are not just you know corrupt mind or maybe she does not understand what she's talking she knows exactly what she's operating on you know the fact that you go into a concert and you listen her music and you keep saying she's good she's not good there is no man on earth good every man good on earth is operating by spirit that is why this morning lord jesus being aware of this thing that is happening around us we come and say jesus we might not understand you completely yet we our brain must still be you know captured in this realm our mind must still be focusing on the things that we should not and we know this is our nature as man and you have understood that and you have died and raised from the dirt for it and have made the blood available for it that is why our own job this morning is to say we have chosen jesus holy spirit we have chosen you know i know that this statement sounds simple it seems like we are doing nothing but we know we have such a scripture we have been you know searching around praying looking for some means to influence our life and to develop another way of life and we have found out that there is no name in heaven no name on the earth and no name on the earth that is greater than your name that provides salvation that provide a life not only life but abundance of life so that is why we say this morning we have chose you we have chose you okay we and we are we give in everything we give out everything that is about us you know it is not about our name it is not about our social stand that was the word i was looking yesterday it's not our it's not about our you know what we are looking to gain on earth because in this journey of searching what to sign into you know we realize that you know power on earth is from the spirit realm this is why we found out we find out that nobody exercise authority you know leadership ruling without consulting with the spirit realm that is why we knowing these things we come and we say jesus lord jesus because before you even when we are crooked before you even when we are not right before you when things are twisted you know as we are man as kindly as possible before you everything comes straight that is why we try to come closer because we know by our answer we cannot you know the flesh even paul have painted this clear picture he said the flesh is weak you know flesh is a treacherous environment the soul is a corrupt place that is why we are longing to mount up to come where the spirit have freedom because when we know when the spirit takes over you know one of the difficulty of man is the fact that man fall i don't know why i'm saying things like this you know one of the difficulty of man is that man fell into the spirit uh into the soul i mean to say that is one of the problem of man man fell into the soul you know when god came and kissed that life leverage on the ground what happened was that that life leverage with the contact of yam of yeshua of god of elohim that life leverage became and this is in the book of genesis chapter two that life leverage became a living soul and i think it's chapter two verse seven it became a living soul when you look at that reaction you will see that from spirit to life left from life to living soul but because god was the one that killed the life liberty there were another dimension of that living soul which was called the spirit and the living soul now was dwelling in the life liberty which is also called the flesh you know the flesh is also translate to dos because this one we call the flesh is also translated to loss because that is from where it comes from it comes from the dos so man fallen from the glory of god you know after doing the things that he did not supposed to be doing what happened to him was that instead of that spirit that kissed the dos to rule now the soul became the one ruling and now that the soul is ruling knowing that the flesh is the dos is dos you know it's dos because dos function according to the authority of the aspect that is ruling you know before the spirit was the one that kissed the dos so it was automatically for the dos to obey the spirit and therefore both now were ruling the soul the soul was in harmony this this this i'm just putting this analogy to show you how you are weak you are not that strong and your strength the power the power that is locked up in you is only in christ that you can resurrect that power because the truth is that you are a terrible being you are a strong being you are a a being in the spirit that is terrible but because adam failed now you became weak because the devil can now subdue you so and that weakness happened because when he ate of the fruit of the tree of life and death remember life and dirt that means the devil can give you life but the problem with that is that it is anchored with death that is why when i was telling you earlier that life is not only in jesus you know jesus give life but the difference with on the life of jesus is that that life is abundant you know drug you see how you take you know um the new one now that they have out here is um um the one that is coming through mexico said no said no give you a temporary suspension of drifting of life it means you are cut off but that one is as added with dirt because what happened is that you are dying while doing it you know when you go to a bar i'm pretty sure last yesterday yesterday sunday many people drank their mind they drank their brain that is what i call a life added with death but now in jesus life is different because even in the holy ghost you know the bible says that did not drown with wine but be filled because the translation of not drawn with wine is that be drawn with the holy ghost and that is the one that carry life not only life but the abundance of it because there is an addition that makes the difference the difference of abundance is that you you you you overtake everything you know many things that happen before you now becomes a joke you don't waste your time into things that does not produce the life of jesus you now live into realms that are highest so the collapse and the difficulty of men that are not locked up in jesus is that you are perpetually weak and you cannot do anything about you know taking that you cannot do anything about it except you confess him him that is beyond everything him that his name is called alpha omic you know he's the only one on earth that can provide safety you know not buddha not muhammad you know muhammad these other people they died but jesus the third day quicken he quicken you know one of the mystery of the resurrection of jesus is the fact that he raised from the dirt and when you look closely to the resurrection of jesus christ you'll find out that the life that he had on earth with us because many people does not record the fact that he was around again with us for 40 days and during that time he was interacting with the life that was called eternal life and that eternal life giving the ability to go and out into things these are one of the mystery that i'm searching in the spirit you know right now i am not just asking to worship jesus because you know my spirit have already been reconciling with that one and i have been building in some capacity to tarry in the place of prayer now i am searching to operate in that life you know eternal life is the future life that you can live now and jesus christ you know over 2000 years ago lived that life on earth so now it is my turn to live that life here so i am searching how to operate to go past the flesh you know i will still have this flesh but it will not be the one that we have now it will be the flesh of the life to come these are things that we are looking in the scripture because we saw doing things you know after jesus left i will also show john john did some things even in the books of revelation so today we can't find a true you know grave of john it is hard to determine where he was buried but the reality when you read the book of revelation where you find out that he was just you know at the moment suspended because jesus said that he will see the coming of the son of god and that person does not see the coming of the son of god so one of the mysteries of john is that he is still among us i am now searching those mysteries these are the things that my spirit is tapping into and i know you don't need to understand it most of the time we believers we are too religious that we don't realize that you are not just a christian you know christianity is divinity expressed through humanity but you are a god man that's the addition to who you really are you are a god man and me being aware that i'm a god man i know that the life of a god i can leave it on earth and that is what i'm searching for this thing in the spirit i'm saying jesus how do you do to go through walls to appear into places and to have a conversation with your disciple how do you do it this is a conversation that i'm having because i know that these are part of my portion these are things that belongs to me and it is my job to ask to tell god that i want to operate the app and i will take in everything that is required remember we are in the last day these are the times that you know we don't need to talk christian we don't need to only read the bible we need to be the act you know i have to read to you genesis chapter one genesis chapter one is the act of god you know this i think that you do by acting by demonstrating when you are telling someone the wages of sin is good you are capable to take him to the process of that to show him and to tell him that what you have been doing it has been a manipulation from the pit of her and he can visually look into those things and determine what he wants this at the time this at the moment where you are telling a demon you are saying pay out you are not talking to the person you are judging the demon behind because you are i know that you know we are not men i keep saying this because most of the time we believers we are too religious religiosity have corrupt the truth of jesus christ as you know jesus did not start a religion jesus came and started something that is called the kingdom of god and the kingdom of god is a wonderful place especially when you come into the full understanding of that being you know me i have come to a place where i am not afraid of anything my life is focused on one thing is to showcase that life and i don't care what it would take is to present that life is to show men that jesus is the only answer to whatever calamity you went through because most of the time and it's so sad to even you know talking about this thing because believers we most of the time like to do the religious aspect part of it you know to prove that i can read and quote the bible the bible is not for quoting the bible these are ram these are places in the spirit when you read them you're supposed to go into those places and operate by the forces that communicate you know and i've told you before that the word that you are reading in the bible right down to the letters when you're reading a dot in the bible those are gates of communication because it was no place there for joy it was no place there for you to read and memorize it was played there for you to travel into it and god that was his own way to give access to his friend even though in back then in the old testament they did not have the holy ghost but god still make available his word during those times for them to have the possibility to come back to him to call upon his name and even worse this time around jesus christ had made something that was beyond what the people in the past in the old testament did not have you know they did not have the blood speaking for them even though they knew that the blood of adam of cain i mean to say of abel i don't know why i even say adam and cain but even though the blood of abel in the old testament right from the book of genesis rose and spoke and george came and bring a case before the throne of god against him you know they knew this mystery but there was no blood in their own time that was doing that in our own time we have the most finest blood that blood is beyond everything that the earth can offer you know they create their own in the old testament their own way of interacting with the blood by sacrificing bulls by doing a lot of rituals and this is the problem of the church today is that many churches are living in the old testament and they are trying to do rituals you know this is how we pray the music this is how we come to church this is how we operate this it is not about how you do it and i've told you before you know christianity today divinity expression university today it is not about what you can do it is about what has been done and that is why you have to search the scripture you have to dip into this thing take the things that have been done already because those are the things that will bring the reality because what we are living now it is a fallen thing and i've told you already that man without jesus you are weak you are a fallen being and this fallen being was because the life that is called yeshua mashiach alpha omega you know that name in genesis chapter 2 his name was called elohim or creator he came and kissed the life liberty because that authority spirit was the one that touched the life liberty the flesh was now authorized and permitted to communicate only by that spirit but when he's now violated the principle and the laws of that ancient spirit what happened is that he gave the authority of that ancient spirit to the soul and the soul now was the one instructing the flesh and when the flesh is being instructed by the soul that is where lucifer because in the first place the snake was not talking to the spirit that created man in the first place the demons in the serpent that was talking to eve was talking to the soulish aspect part of it that is why she could see that the tree the fruit was good to look at and also she could perceive that he was designed to make one's wife those were the manifestation those were the strength of flesh that is why when you you know we think anything is new nothing is new upon the earth when you read the bible you realize that man has been doing the same thing for years only god jesus will come to introduce something new and most of the time it is difficult to accept these things new these new things because when your flesh start lusting on that cloth you have to search with the holy ghost you have to ask holy spirit do i really need this cloth and this and one of the question that is hard for many believers to answer or to ask you said okay i want that big house yes do you need to sleep in all the room that is in that house these are the type of question because when you are talking that you you want that because now your flesh is talking not the spirit because what the holy ghost want is that save that money and feed one of the homeless save that money to push for the kingdom of god this is a mystery in the spirit that we must come into it because what eve did right there in genesis chapter 2 chapter 3 i mean to say these are the same thing that we are still doing today but most of the time you see men would like glimmer no you know we have involved we are in the new testament jesus jesus came to fulfill that means most of the thing that i see in the old testament i see in operation in the new testament and if you do the things of the new testament accurately you are operating in the old testament that is why calling upon the name of jesus is critical especially in our own disposition because if you don't what happened is that your soul now take over your flesh your spirit will be still here because the spirit of god is in man you know sometime when the devil let down his guard and he's not there to make sure that his system is well rooted because the system has the the devil i mean to say the system of the devil is limited the devil have limited resources so he's he's very careful in using his resources so that is why he managed people by cluster you know the devil manage his people by groups that is why when you come into the political group you find out that there are some that their role is just to fornicate and you find them in cluster in those groups the other one their group is just that they are stupid they are stupid everything that they'll be talking they will be stupid they will be dull in it and you will be unable to make sense of what they are doing those are clusters that is how that is how the devil manage you know his people and he will set a group of other they are only drunkenness you know they drunk and they understand themselves they only drink and drunk and the other one they are drug addict he set them by cluster and he will make sure that there is one watching over them that most of the time the drug dealers the master ones most of the time these are the head of the politician you know they are managing this group because he knows that it is only by keeping them in those demonic cluster and you have been doing it for a very long time that is why one of in one of my major i was telling you when you call upon the name of the lord most of the time in my own case i i i became aware of that reality you know i was a believer and i was a traditional type of a believer you know i knew that you go to church you read the bible you pray and you do good things you know and this is one of the most great deception in the birth of christ is that leaders have come to the conclusion that you don't need to necessarily pray overnight and to seek the face of the lord you just need to do good things you know you just need to be nice you know one of the most corrupt word that they are using in these days is inclusion you know by the way jesus is not inclusive you know in heaven they have what we call gate and they have walls so only those that call the name upon the lord are in him so it is not about a or everybody thing if you can call upon the name of the lord you will be manipulated by darkness that is why when you see a believer talking about inclusivity you are you are speaking a corruption from the head of from the pit of hell because god operate by gift you have a specific dna that is designed for you your own cannot be the other person the other person's dna and god has designed it because we have gift in him you know we will be rewarded as we reach his throne and you will never have the gift of another person and you will never be rewarded in the place of another person remember he is called george elohim is called george one of his name is that he is a perfect george george you know he makes sure that he gives you what you deserved this is one of the number he's not you know our god he he is called king and if you understand the system of kingship you will not know that it is not necessarily about your ability you know your ability and what are deposited in you it is about what has been provided and how to take advantage of those provision in order to stand out in his things so this corruption that is going on on earth now by being inclusive and you know you know not everybody you know it will take a lot of discernment from the holy ghost to stand in those places because those places most of the time if you are not prayerfully involved before the lord and crying for the spirit to lead your path you'll find yourself accepting demons around your environment those that will be designed because the devil you know when he find a mountain the devil never give up even with jesus i think i was kind of like reminding some of us yesterday that with jesus the bible state clearly that the devil left him for a moment that mean the devil never give up and you need to know that because most of the time us believer we don't realize that we are in a battleground and it is until when you walked out of this earth that you will now experience the life of jesus and you experience in a full in the full way because here on earth we are designed to be the gatekeeper you know and a soldier that is a gatekeeper you don't let down your guard now this thing that i'm saying does not necessarily mean that you are fighting because remember in also one of the video i told you that there is something called the rest of jesus you know when you enter his rest most of this thing that i'm talking about you know when you are not in him when you have not yet learned how to sustain your existence in him it might be hard and i'm telling you when you will start the process you will see how weak you are and it will be tough now it will take you it will take commitment it will take you to say jesus jesus you are my soul jesus i depend on you and you will keep repeating it and most of the time when you repeat it louder that is when temptation that is when iniquity your sinful nature will be at its best and many things that you don't want to do those things will appear those things will show up and you have to fight your way out of it you have to fight your way those are the fans and layers of the flesh that you are killing by fighting because when you are done fighting and that perfection is achieved because one of the things that happen in prayer is that you perfect it you become a master of prayer you become a master of the word of god you know when you're praying verse is now popped up in your spirit like when you see i'm talking about eve in the garden of eden you know this story become part of you you don't read it to memorize you read it to lift it when you are talking about adam naming the animal you are not just saying adam named it you know that this was part of the power in operation on earth that you have the power to name things to start and to take place many things on earth these are things that becomes a reality when you're talking about david you are not talking about the story in the bible you are talking about a reality that took place on earth and then you are now looking the pathway as a man to walk on those the same path and to stand before corrupt and demonic system and tell them go back these are things that will become your reality and at that moment you are worrying as a priest you are in a battleground as a lord and you are now exercising your priesthood at that point you are no more fighting necessarily you are you are resting because remember jesus speak about 12 legion of angels that would be the prayer for him and jesus i told you jesus was talking about this thing many of believers think that it was only for jesus no that was a dispensation available to everyone that called upon that name and these are the possibility in the spirit every time when you are standing before a rebellious being that is called the devil you know when you are saying out that thing that you're pointing those are 12 legions of angels standing waiting for a command because when that demon does not run what happened is that those angels are let go they go to fight and the demon they know that is why they never resist you know when you know who you are serving when you know who jesus is you know you become you know intoxicated that is the word you know many things happen and you that is why most of the time when i'm sitting amongst situation and i love it when things are happening when things are happening one of the things i always like to do is that i paused and i observed and one of the time the moment the thing that happened to me when i'm pausing is that i'm always asking god what is happening what is going on holy spirit guide my path and in those particular moment i will see things i will be looking into things you know and this is so beautiful and that is why i'm kind of like asking all believers stop acting christianity i mean acting christian stop acting like a christian stop acting like a christian it does not help you with nothing be it be it you know divinity is a reality it's a reality it is not it is not an abstract thing it is a full part of you holy spirit and and and and one of the things that happen when you become aware of this thing is that you become intoxicated there are things that happen that many would treat you and and you will even be able to read the mind of people you'll be able to look at someone without a word and to know what that person is talking his heart and i have seen this several times in this particular situation especially when chaos is unfolding you know chaos can be something that many people are unable to handle and they are putting their own mouth and saying things that most of the time their brain cannot sustain and you know i have always taught people and this will come most importantly when it comes to prayer one of the reasons why i have chose to be loud when it comes to prayer is because lucifer most of the time manifests his nature in people in man through anger and he would trigger something he will always trigger something especially when you see a person yelling you know most of the time these people they are not wrong when you're yelling or you are trying to make a point to argue and to prove something that you think is right the fact that you are loud is actually a manifestation of an unclean spirit domain in you so every time when you see someone is being loud and angry because anger is not of god you know many times when i'm talking to people and i'm trying to tell people don't be angry when things are happening and some will always tell me oh but jesus you know he manifested anger and he brings you know that was jesus and jesus in that particular context is god you are a god man that means your flesh is more stronger in you than in jesus so if you fall in that place of hunger anger it is more likely for you to be drifted definitely into it and to become anger in the sense that no you know jesus no jesus is he is god even when he was here as a man he was god his nature of a man was to introduce something that was never introduced in first place in the before the throne of god and that thing was called the blood of yeshua mashiah his blood was the substance that his existence on earth was all about so anger is actually something that you need to stay away from do your best and i have been cultivating my soul and my spirit into these things because many times i have realized that anger has never produced anything especially my own case you know anger does some very terrible things with me and it has made me done some things on my other sister the rally in my early age that i realized that i would never i don't care what you do most of the time what happened is that the holy spirit will contain me and i will observe the manifestation and unfolding of the chaos of what is happening but when i can contain and that i feel like i will be forced to kind of like say something i will walk out of the situation without saying a word and sometimes it will take me weeks for me to address the situation but the beauty about that is that you have the privilege in that particular atmosphere to observe the hand of jesus because these are places remember one of the name of god is called warrior and he's not a type of a warrior that like to sit back and see you fight remember i've told to 12 legion of angels they are permanently behind waiting for orders and that is why if you are not talking and if you are not loud in prayer you are wasting important resources locked up in you because being loud sometimes these are one of the things that open the valve of your spirit that unlock the power locked up within you and most of the time in this particular case that i've just mentioned earlier soft of belief that will manifest it in anger and darkness will drive operate because sometimes when you are angry and you are shouting you don't know that those that you're breathing you are actually releasing your soul and your spirit to demons for them to access because in that state of anger you are actually opening door you are cursing you are saying negative things that will now come and settle into you because when you are done opening those words and these things that you have released with your word because remember in the tongue reside life and death you know all of the problem of man all of the problem of man nothing it come it comes from nowhere but from your mouth we are the one that brings our calamity on us you know you are suffering because you have been saying that i am i'm suffering nothing mystic about it you're poor because you have been saying that you are poor and and these things are so stupid you know when you say it it looks ridiculous but that is the truth in the spirit that is why jesus when you read the whole new testament you will never see anywhere jesus christ was complaining about something that should only that one should be enough for you to understand that you don't have to say anything negative even when they are bad you know there are some moment when i am at my lowest possible place sometimes things are down you wake up in the morning and you don't know how the day will end you stand like this and you observe the situation and you are powerless the scripture says that say that you are lifted say it say that you are redeemed i live it say that jesus Christ is king say that he live it and he reigns forever more and you have to say it in a joyful manner you have to declare it you have to alter your tongue and speak the glory of jesus because it is only by talking the finished word of jesus that that situation will change if you dare dare say that you are poor you will indeed be poor if you dare say that things are hard your life will be complicated because darkness travel on those sounds you know if you observe carefully in the bible every time Isaiah, Ezekiel, John and many of these prophets in the bible went into transit or was carried into an environment it was only from a sound it was only by a sound you know john said i heard a sound and i took time to look at the voice that make the sound you know Ezekiel spoke about the sound Isaiah spoke about the fact that king Uzziah died you know these are things that you know always show us that your word is critical because even jesus himself was talking he's told the disciple that you will not be judged by how awesome you are or by how wonderful you have done the works of god you will be judged by every word that comes out on the map that goes to tell you the importance of your talk and that is why anger should never be part of your menu in a conversation even when you are angry about something that someone do your best to stay joyful do your best to ignore the angry part i know it is hard and it is one of your unfortunately this is one of the truth that you will never deny is that anger is one of your human nature you know when we are talking about the soul you know the soul is made up of three components your mind your will and your emotion and anger is part of your emotion you know it is something natural that it is in you and one of the reason why you are angry is because if collapse from the presence of god if rebel against the against the order and the laws of god that is why you are you know when we look at this wonderful being called adam in the garden of eden in genesis chapter 2 this guy was perfect this man was a wonderful being anger was never part of his crew it is only when that rebellion took place that now anger became part of our emotion remember when god did kiss the life liberty that was the spirit talking to the flesh and that was two against one which was called the living soul but when eve collapsed the soul now was the one talking to the flesh and it became the soul and the flesh again the spirit so if you are not calling jesus if you are not saying jesua you are my king what you are actually doing is that you are telling the soul and the flesh to tell the spirit to shut up that is why every time when that little boys come and said don't do don't do that thing immediately you're like no i feel good when i do it that is the soul influencing the flesh and when the flesh now obey to the soul what the spirit does is that he keep quiet and these are the true the three nature of man you know man is made up of what the flesh which is the physica your soul which is what manipulate your flesh and your spirit and your spirit most of the time if you pay attention when you look at the bible your spirit is most most of the time talking about your heart your heart that is why when you're about to do something wicked when that little voice because there is a particle in the mechanism of your heart that is the same like your brain there is a part in it in your heart you know science have already proved it that in your heart the same particle that is in charge of bringing your frontal and your back taut together and makes them to give you ideas and to think about things that's the is in the pressure in your heart so when that voice that always lifts from your heart to come and influence your thought and your thinking pattern when that voice is not capable to express himself because you have shocked it for a very long time in my own case i've been doing for 30 years so right now i understand that i have to mount the portal player to beat the flesh all the time and to tell the soul keep quiet i will tell my mind oh look my mind now i take it from jesus you know these are cautious things and this is a spiritual operation that you need to go on and our own is not the same so when you are in that place where you are now you know telling the flesh and and and this the when your heart i mean to say is unable now to to to reach your mind and to instruct it what will happen is that your heart will start beating faster because the heart is your spirit most of the time and he is telling you that is a danger thing that is something that you need to pause you need to think again twice to understand what is going on when your heart is beating faster you know there is nothing bad to wait but most of the time now because you know the heart has been doing that for a very long time and you have never pay attention to it now it becomes normal when he's doing that and you can easily you know do what you have to do and most of the time that is why we see calamity on earth now you know most of the problem that we are experiencing and i've told you no problem comes from nowhere it comes from the mouth you know wars hunger black impossibility of the impossibility of eating i don't know if that is the right statement that i've just made but yes the the inability that was the word the inability of eating when you see people they can't eat they can't find food all this thing you know we can include it as a poor management of you know resources and everything but most part of these things happen because men pick those things in their life and they must like chaos you know when you read genesis chapter one verse two if you understand the description of verse two when the scripture is talking about a formless a voice and a dark life most of the time you will see that when many people that are in this poor state they are formless you know they have been speaking this particular thing in their life that they don't even realize the difference between being poor and rich and when you introduce work to them they will start talk they will start saying oh uh everyone will die and leave it i mean i'd rather die and live well than to live without it because by the way the word of god will travel by money you have to spend money in order to bring the word of god to some area on this earth and it only take the mindset of always talking money no not even money always talking the mind of jesus always listing the positive life of jesus always worshipping that i am the head i am not the tail i was worshipping that being that is always the head because jesus you know when you read the whole new testament you find out that jesus is the head of the church you know he did not say that he is the tail he is the head and if you read it carefully because most of the time when we read it and we put jesus there and we forget that we that worship jesus we might look like the body but where jesus want us to be is where he is so if you are the body of christ that is not your place your place is to be in the head with him because we are called to go with him you know the word that is to come these are the places where we will reign with him so while you are part of the body because the body is the path where you have to journey to the head because the idea you know the scripture says that he went far above principality and power he went far above the heavens and the scripture says that when he went there he said brethren this is where i want you to come this is where i want you to be so when you are in the body you have to understand that that day you walk down the eye and say jesus i love you that was the beginning of the journey now it will take you now on the place of prayer father i worship you i adore you i give you praise there is no one like you you are my god you are my king i adore you show me your face show me your path show me how to worship you show me how to adore you there is no god like you father my god my sustainer my life god and you have to do this day in day out when you are waking up in the morning you are brushing your teeth you are taking your shower even when you are at your job sitting there in your office or working you don't need to be loud you have to lock up the spirit in you and keep journeying into the holy ghost journey because one of the things that have kept me where i am today is because i have taught how to master my flesh and to subdue it into the love shit of the spirit that is at work at me and most of the time how i did it was that when i'm not even able to pray i will put on a very nice preacher in my ear and i will be listening to them i will have a preacher i will have someone like um pastor chris i will have someone like um this other guy um let me see if i can remind his name he's from the island ah meanwhile i i have i have his name drops right now in my brain you know i will have them praying in my brain and when i'm listening to them i'm beauty and when sometime when i'm done praying listening to them i'll keep on praying and i've been doing this for a very long time when i was still working a thousand more you know at the time a thousand more i worked there for over a year and i've been most of the time you know see me sweeping cleaning and room i've been there go to father you have brought me here father i am here searching for your ways i'm here building into to you i'm searching you know these things they they look most of the time like nothing it looks like you're wasting your energy on your time and many other things that can come around it but the reality is that you are shutting down your flesh you are instructing your soul you are building new system in you and this thing have actually made me to build in a new life a new understanding you know there are many things that i can easily talked about and i have no doubt that the spirit of god is at work because most of the time i will tell you the truth is that when i'm saying it i myself i'm questioning myself about things that are coming out of my mouth but because i have already made my best to master it to master the word of god until now it becomes a reality most of the time to me when i'm talking about you know when i'm talking about eternal life and i'm talking about the life to come when i'm talking about you know mastering the life of jesus christ and knowing the power of the resurrection you know after jesus raised from the dead he was still around with the disciple eating and talking you know instructing them telling them new things that they need to do and he was here with them in a glorified body that is why one like john could not die when he was buried into a boiling oil he came out indent still living and they drove him on the ground with chariot the intent was to have him killed by dragging him down the scripture says that nothing happened to him and what the jews did back then when they were unable to do that when they find out that he was unkillable there was the casings in the island compartments you know the thing that i'm talking about you know if you don't have the holy ghost guiding your brain you will not understand how is it possible that a man is cooked up in a boiling oil you know the oil that we fry chicken and everything in it when you are done boiling it there for at least 10 minutes you know the thing becomes stiffed and and all crispy with everything on it basically dirt and lifeless you put a living human being in it and he comes out in them you cannot explain that and this was a factual story something that took place on earth a man performed this wonders and at that moment when you're talking about things like this you are not talking about yourself you're not talking about things that the mind of a man can handle it or when you are telling human being that you are not weak you are actually a beast in the spirit if you see the version of you in the spirit you will be afraid of yourself because me in the spirit i am a dynamite i've told you this before i explode that means it means what it means that every time when i step into an environment what happened is that i can clearly see how the brain of people goes off i can see how things you know if people were doing some things that you know i don't even know how sometimes to put it but you will see how you know they will not focus on what they were initially doing and they will not be thinking about something else this is one of my job and one of the things that i do upon this quarter is that i always pray in such a way that if demons around this year where i am gathering to do some harms on people just by me being here talking to you is enough to scatter them away because i have already made a vow statement a violent statement and i've set it as one of the word of god that is in operation perpetually in the spirit is that no demons that gather around here will ever gather again and as they gather what will happen is that they will lose limbs they will lose their head they will lose their arms that they will lose something because i will just go off wherever they are and these are dead in the spirit that i have proclaimed with my mouth and one of the things that keep them active is me being upon this author calling upon the name every morning declaring that he is my god and that my day begins in him i move and i operate in him he is the only thing that guides my path you know up to this point i did not really realize that accident is not bad driving you know most of the time we believe that accident is bad accident have nothing with bad have nothing to do with bad driving accident have to do with the manipulation of demon because most of the people that commit accident they are great drivers they are the best one and most of those that does not even know how to drive they never commit accident because they are always careful now accident in itself is a manipulation from the pit of hell it is the plan of darkness now the weightlessness and the carelessness of man is always colliding with these two because these two mechanism must come together for a perfect chaotic environment to be created and that is why me being aware of this thing i have told myself demons you will never again cause accident where i'm at not only where i'm at but i am the safety of the road everywhere when i'm driving i will be the one controlling the will of everyone around me you know this thing your brain cannot contain it when you are saying it sometimes you ask yourself how would this only the spirit of god is capable of doing this and if the holy ghost have allowed me to clearly and accurately explain and state this particular statement it means that he is big enough to do whatever i said and ever since i have made this statement it's been over two years now i have never thought about accident because i know accident is from the pit of hell and if you put lucifer at day every morning time and you're only every morning time you make jesus christ your lifestyle you move by the holy ghost and you operate by the dealing and the moving movement of the spirit when you start mounting those reality you know calamity basically free from you chaotic life free from you you live in the peace because jesus christ the scriptures about him like a prince of peace you know when you perfectly prosecute that being your life is complete you live like a king on earth this is one of the things that you know i have been exercising my spirit into these things i have been exercising my my thought and my mind you know one of the scripture that you read and that will really strung you out is the scripture where it is talking about have this kind of mind you know have this guy and he's talking about the mind of jesus when you have perfected your spirit and your mind has been merged completely you know your thought is no more your thought you are not thinking the thought of joker because one of the major thought of jesus christ is the gospel of the kingdom you know your present is the manifestation of the kingdom of god your word what you speak everything that comes out of your mouth is the manifestation of the kingdom this is one of the raw things of that being or that you know that emanate when you have already perfectly aligned with that ancient spirit and my cry every morning as i'm upon this altar is for you to do the same because we we are actually you know a peculiar this is the bible it's not me saying it we are actually a peculiar people a chosen generation a royal priesthood so you are not weak you are not this poor limping person that is looking for a solution to your problem you know that is being a babe you are not aware of who you are in the spirit remember i've told you already that you were not made to forsake you know when you look at adam in the new testament and you look at the life of jesus let me stop even going right back there i want us to just stick right here from the new testament when you look the life of jesus there is nowhere in the whole story of jesus where he was sick the same with the apostles there is nowhere they were sick do you mean the bible means to write it down no because when you find jesus you have found divine health when you find jesus you have found divine health and one of the reason why you are not healthy you are still struggling with sickness is because you are not aware of who you are in the spirit because you are jesus in the spirit and if you see the version of jesus that you have because jesus was many thing on earth because when you read the scripture you see that he was many thing he was a healer a restorer a builder you know one of his natural ability was that he he he he was a carpenter and when you find the jesus that you represent in the spirit you wonder to yourself you ask yourself like why am i even struggling because one of the blink real aspect of joker was that he was sickless he never interacted with sickness and everywhere he saw sickness he cast it out so if you have called him lord and savior devout about sickness because sickness you know we remember we can trace this to natural things as our eating ability as a thing that we've done wrong and many decisions that with me as human being you can do that but i will tell you that everything that you thought as a man you have done to cause that sickness everything all of those things emanate from the pit of hell lucifer have concocted it to keep you bound because sickness is one of the prison of darkness it keeps you weak and gives you the inability of tapping into that ancient thing that is dormant in you which is called alpha omega so you need to wake up and be violent about it be violent sickness go out of me i am not sick you know it sounds stupid if you say this in the hospital around this nurse they will start trying to give you things to calm you down but the truth is that you have to be that stupid before men because it is that one that jesus operate on you have to because it is by saying it and insisting because when you say it onto your heart because one of the difficulty of the manifestation of joker is the limitation of our heart it is where we have put our heart because most of the time we have so say some things that now those things now have obstruct the yieldingness of our heart so many times we are saying things that is not connected with the reality of what we truly believe you know you are sometimes saying that i am healed but you are still questioning your heart am i really healed no you don't you have to say i am you i love you i am you i am you i am you i am healed i am a choice vine of jesus christ i am the salvation of this earth i am a potion that jesus have laid upon the earth to bring his word upon the earth i am his servant i am the one that is called to bring for his word when you are i am you are saying those things a moment will come when your heart will yield to that reality and suddenly what you call he illness would vanish and you have to be that because the things of god they are stupid to perish in mind and only those that works in the spirit knows it that is why when you see someone that is connected with jesus you will never be talking negative never be talking negative stuff why because i don't i never what happened when i'm going through hard time is that i create environment to pray i create possibility to talk to jesus to engage the spirit and most of the time when you when i'm engaging the spirit there are thoughts and ideas of possibility of things that i can do to survive but many times the holy ghost have always told me shut up and i'm not saying this by saying that it is easy you know the things of god especially you know saying that you're you're not sick in the hospital around us when you're saying it you realize that those are one of the most toughest things for a man to do especially in that particular environment but you have to you have to carry on those things you have to fight because it is by doing that that you will not overcome sickness you will not overcome because one of the most greatest place to start healing it is from your heart from your spirit because when you are healed even though your flesh is still suffering from the impact of that sickness when you're healed from within it will take a matter of time for your body for your flesh to catch up with your spirit but you have to say it from your heart i am not sick i am not sick i am a healthy man i will walk the street of batimor to heal and to save men i will walk the street of batimor to preach the gospel these are reality in your spirit that you are saying and little by little that reality would catch up with your flesh and you that was paraplegic laying down on a bed you will not realize that those paraplegics anger that was basically there will start receiving like because i've told you jesus is not just life he flows abundantly with life and every time when you lock your heart into him check out your mind and your flesh check out the reality of the earth bank everything on because by the way you have nothing to lose by saying it because you are laying on the bed you are sick so by just giving out everything saying jesus i want to you lose nothing and you even have all the time of doing it because you are actually laying down on the bed so as a believer my point here is that you are not you are not sick you are a victim in the mighty name of jesus and i don't want to keep you know running rampant with this but i just want you to realize that you are a good man from within you are a good man you are actually something terrible in the spirit and that it will only take you to be crazy to bring forth that terrible being that is the man within you in the mighty name of jesus so like always this was quite a verse with me we are crying a verse with the holy ghost we are telling the holy ghost take us deeper travel with us show us the things that are far beyond the reach of men show us the thing that are only revealed to those that come deeper and let us tap into your wonders to your mystery and bring forth your kingdom because the goal is to bring forth the kingdom of jesus thank you father thank you holy ghost thank you jesus we adore you we worship you jesus mighty name and like always like comment share follow and subscribe to jesus this is always what i said at the end of my videos because it is about jesus throughout the whole thing it is about him and that my goal is to see you go back to your closet and focus on jesus bring him into your realm and make him your reality because he's the only one that will take you out of your poverty out of your whatever you're dealing with you are not made to be weak you're made to be divinity expressed to humanity on earth in jesus mighty name and on that note remember sustain the mind of the blood the blood is the only true reality that we are sustained by and when i'm saying we i'm literally talking about mankind it's not only made for believers it's made for every man that can call upon the name of the lord and if you can call upon his name then you will be safe in jesus mighty name and on that note see you in my next video so this thing was that loud all this time hmm let me check it out jesus that was that was terrible the scripture says that see and you have to see it in a door

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