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The year of the Anointing of Joseph

The year of the Anointing of Joseph

CCI FellowshipCCI Fellowship



This week, Pastor John explains our declaration for 2024, the Year of the Anointing of Joseph.

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CCI fellowships podcast discusses the importance of prophetic declarations and their biblical basis. They emphasize that declarations are not just positive thinking or wishful desires, but rather prayers and requests to God. They encourage believers to speak life and trust in God's sovereignty when making declarations, even if the outcome is different from what was expected. The power of the tongue is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of speaking life over oneself and others. They also emphasize the need to trust in the leadership and authority of the church when it comes to making declarations. Welcome to CCI fellowships podcast. Thank you for joining us at CCI fellowship We are reaching God reaching each other and reaching our community We pray that this week's message challenges you in your walk with the Lord Causes you to grow in your faith and encourages you in your love for the Word of God Alright open your Bibles to Deuteronomy 33 That was great I Preached in the nine o'clock service this morning, and they don't shout so It's definitely enjoyable to hear it's encouraging We're gonna read verse 13 to 16 and And These are the verses that are in our declaration for this year So the title of course is the year of the anointing of Joseph What I want to do today Read these verses. I'm going to talk a little bit about what a prophetic declaration is. Is it biblical? what if I have some questions or doubts and just the power of Making a declaration how to put your faith behind it and all these things and Then we will again say our declaration at the end of that time And then after that I will talk about this week's prayer points for our prayer and fasting Congratulations, you have made it to day seven That's an that's if you have never fasted before that's Something to be excited about if you have fasted before that's still something to be excited about So I I applaud you I encourage you to continue moving forward in that but first scripture Verse 13 says and and of Joseph He said blessed of the Lord is his land With the precious things of heaven with the dew and the deep lying beneath With the precious fruits of the Sun with the precious produce of the months with the best things of the ancient mountains with the precious things of the everlasting hills With the precious things of the earth and its fullness and the favor of him who dwelt in the bush Let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph and on the crown of the head of him who was separated from his brothers Let's pray Father we glorify you and we magnify you We thank you for your presence here. We thank you for your power at work We thank you for your anointing that flows among us that breaks the yoke of bondage that empowers that heals that Lifts up that removes burdens Lord God We thank you father for your Holy Spirit that is at work In us in our hearts and in our minds Lord God Give us ears to hear eyes to see and hearts ready to understand Father that you would be glorified in us and that you would take us father into the things of you That you have for us during this year Father as we grow from glory to glory and we are transformed more and more into the image of you May our faith arise and be strengthened Lord God. May our focus on you be unwavering father May we be a stiff-necked People when it comes to keeping faith in you Lord that nothing would deter us and that nothing would draw us away father But that we would stand firm in everything that you have Said you are that we would stand firm Lord God in the faith that we have made in The confession that we have declared to believe in you to trust in you to give our lives to you Lord God We thank you for this time together in Jesus name. Amen So what is What is it to make a prophetic? Declaration perhaps you've never done that before perhaps. You're just a little Wondering what those things mean and what what what is it to? Declare this thing over and over again that our leaders in this church have given us and have declared that this year is The theme for this year we can we're going to look at it as well. This is just a theme This is just a topic for the year many churches will do that. They will Come into the year and say okay our word for this year is such-and-such or on a personal level people will Pick a word for the year that they want to focus on that They want to study on that they want to grow in but what is it in this context of the corporate setting? Not just this church, but every CCI church around the world on a weekly basis is making this declaration What does that mean? Well a prophetic declaration is not something that is just positive thinking it's not Good desires. It's not well, we wish this will happen and it certainly is not Confessing something in order to manipulate God to doing what we want him to do That is the farthest thing from what this is We are not Declaring these things so that we can make ourselves rich We're not declaring these things so that we can have an over abundance Now the Bible does talk about God's provision and it does talk about God's blessing and it does talk about his love For his kids in fact It says in Matthew if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children How much more will your heavenly father give you all good things? Another verse says he's given us everything pertaining to life and godliness I think there is so much that we have not tapped into that we have not received from God because we're not we've not grown to that place in our faith to Know that we can receive it To know that it is there that it has been made available to us and to trust That God actually does want to give these good things to us but a prophetic declaration What it is is a response to the leading of the Holy Spirit What it is is speaking life over ourselves What it is it is a prayer and I think of all things of all ways to describe this. I want you to get this this Declaration we profess it. We declare it. We we believe it, but it is a prayer It is a request of God it is a expectation for God to answer in these specific things It is trusting completely though in God's sovereignty to answer in the way that he Sees is the best We can go through the declaration you all should have it on your phones if you don't Text us or send us an email fellowship dot CCI at gmail.com So that we can get it to you. You should have read it. You should have Looked over it over this past week. You should know what it says But when it comes to How these things are answered We have to let that be in God's hands and If he answers in a way that is different than what we are expecting or or even Different from what we think we are declaring. We need to be okay with that We cannot say well God you didn't do it like this. It's not exactly like the declaration said It's not exactly like I was expecting you to do or it's not exactly what I wanted you to do Well, thanks God you answered my prayer, but that's that's not the answer that I wanted Praise God, he doesn't always give us what we want Praise God for his sovereignty. Praise God that he sees beyond our limited petitions To how much better his answer is going to be for us and for those around us that are affected by our lives So when we make a prophetic declaration We make it in faith. We make it as a prayer and we make it trusting in the sovereignty of God Proverbs 18 verse 21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit Death and life are in the power of the tongue so you can speak death over yourself Or you can speak life over yourself, and I love the second part of this verse It says those that love it will eat its fruit. What is it? Talking The power of the tongue is through speaking so those that love to speak Will eat the fruit of their speech That's what scripture says Do we agree on that it is very plain death and life are in the power of the tongue your tongue is responsible for speech You can speak life. You can speak death and A lot of times I think we speak without really Being conscious of this verse We Say things that we think we're not really meaning them But we do need to be conscious of the things that we're saying and the things that are declarations the things that Carry death and life in them because we will eat of the fruit of those things that we confess I For one would rather confess life than confess death I have definitely confessed death over the Bugs and the things that are annoying on my property and God has answered those sometimes That's incredible But when it comes to my life when it comes to my family's life when it comes to your life. I Speak life I confess life over you because we have the power to do that We have the authority to do that. It doesn't even say in this verse those who are believers This is supposed to be a message for another time, but I just want to spend a moment on it It this applies to everybody Believer unbeliever godly ungodly righteous unrighteous death and life are in the power of the tongue Be careful what you say Speak life over yourself a Prophetic declaration comes about by prayer and conversation with the Holy Spirit, so We are in this position as one of the celebrations of Iglesias Se we are one of seven over the weekend We are one church Among nearly 500 churches around the world and we are one service within one of those churches We feel small yet We are by far not insignificant We are by far not insignificant But Our position in this is not to say Well, who are they to come up with a declaration? Did they really trust God did they really pray about it? They just grab a verse out of Scripture that looked really good and talked about prosperity and you know said some good things to us Did they just arbitrarily decide this is what what verse we're gonna Talk about it. It sounds good. But really what what authority do they have to to do that? You can have that attitude. I would caution you against that attitude It is the wrong attitude to have We are under leadership we are under submission and so we have to trust That The leadership that God has placed over us you see the trust comes back to God The trust doesn't come back to the person the trust comes back to God because if God has placed you in this church Then he has placed you under me as your pastor and under the other leadership and He has placed you not only under me but under the leadership the overall leadership of Iglesias S.A. I am under the overall leadership of Iglesias S.A. So when it comes to the declaration then I have to trust That the leaders that are above me under whose authority God has placed me have listened to the Holy Spirit Have followed his direction and are leading us in a good way and That trickles down to everybody that You you don't have the encounter with the upper leadership of the church. You have the encounter with me So you trust God that if he has placed you here, then he has placed you with somebody that is Trustworthy and I pray Regularly that I am a trustworthy servant of God to lead you in the things of him So when it comes to something like this we say, okay God, I trust you Because you are in control of my life because I have given you control and I have given you authority over my life Therefore I'm going to trust that you have put people over me in spiritual authority That are going to follow you that are going to hear you and they're going to lead me in the way that you want me to go So we trust We trust that this was from the Holy Spirit and therefore we can receive it with gladness And we can receive it willingly and we can receive it by faith because it didn't come from a man It came from the direction of the Holy Spirit. I Was in a conversation with somebody this week who asked me a question about something and I said well if God says it I'm good with it If God gives the direction, I'm good with it Because I'm not going to fight with God and I'm not going to question God and I'm not going to go against what God wants To do but I need to know that God has said it. I need to trust that it has come from God and When it does we can embrace it full of faith Our declarations biblical well He was 10 verse 23 says let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering For he who promised is faithful Let us hold on to the confession of faith the confession of hope that we have made For he who promised is faithful. You don't get into salvation without making a declaration You don't receive Christ as your Lord and Savior without making a declaration Romans chapter 10 verse 8 and 9, but what does it say? The word is near you in your Mouth and in your heart that is the word of faith, which we preach That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead You will be saved You realize that this is the formula Formula or this is the behavior of faith for anything that we are believing God for That we confess it with our mouth and we believe it in our heart. That's how faith works God I trust you. I Pray Lord God that you would move this mountain. I Pray Lord God that you would provide a job. I pray Lord God that you would bring healing I pray Lord God that you would bring Provision. What are we doing? We are confessing We are making a declaration And when we talk about The prophetic declaration in those terms sometimes we get a little uneasy But really what you're doing when you're praying is the same thing You are declaring what you are believing God is going to do Confession confession reveals what is in the heart Luke 6 45 b says that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks But the opposite is true as well that the more that you confess something the more you believe it This is why lies have so much power and why people who are Habitual liars can no longer tell the difference between truth and a lie because they lie so often That whatever they say they believe So the more we confess and this is why God set it up this way This is why God even set up salvation this way that you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart with confession Belief comes just think about the verse that says faith comes by hearing hearing the Word of God Faith comes faith is implanted into us when we have heard somebody else confessing the Word of God So yes making a declaration is biblical Let me repeat though that grabbing on to a random verse Taking it out of context and claiming it for yourself that that's not biblical. That's not Direction that is not Holy That is not right it is not biblical When led by the Holy Spirit though That's a different thing and a good case in point is the focus that that we have placed on Isaiah chapter 62 In a time of devotion I was reading that chapter The chapter is entitled assurance of Zion's salvation it doesn't say assurance of Honduras is salvation However the Holy Spirit Spoke in that moment impressed upon me in that moment to take that chapter and pray it over Honduras to declare it over Honduras now When it's under his direction Then yes If I'm looking through the book of Isaiah and just find a chapter that looks really fun and a prophetic word from Isaiah Israel or to whatever other Nation and say I like that one. I'm gonna claim that one And there's absolutely no instruction behind it. No direction behind it when there's no anointing behind it There's no authority behind it either and that doesn't matter how much you claim it. It's not gonna happen I like that. There's no anointing behind it. There's no authority behind it What if I'm unsure About the declaration. Well, I got three things for you What if I'm unsure about the declaration one? We already talked about trust that God has spoken to the leadership If we're submitted to the leaders that God has placed above us Then we can trust God that he is speaking to them and trust God that he has put those over us who? are Righteous who seek his face who are honorable Number two, it's okay to confirm We're not to follow blindly We're not to follow without conviction So it's okay to confirm it's okay to ask the Holy Spirit Can you just just just give me confirmation of this Holy Spirit? Can you just reaffirm this in my heart? Can you help me with the conviction of this that this is? from you We should still pray over the things that we declare over our lives Which is why I have encouraged you to study the Declaration The third thing is come and talk to one of us We can discuss your doubts. We can discuss your questions. We can gain wisdom together from the Holy Spirit open communication leads to clarity and understanding and The devil loves to work in the hidden. He loves to bring confusion when when things are just kept to yourself But when you are able to go and talk to somebody you're able to go and find clarity you're able to work through it together Then there's power in that And I don't want you to ever be afraid or nervous about contacting me or one of the leaders We are here for your spiritual success. We are here because we love you We are here to guide you and to be used by God to serve you so that you can serve him better So don't be afraid to come talk to us Don't be nervous about it. We're very approachable. I promise My face might not always look like it, but I promise I'm approachable But if if that still isn't good enough for you approach one of the other leaders we work as a team So As I said, you have the declaration on your phones you have access to it. So what stands out to you? What has what has made an impact on you in this past week of looking through this declaration? Some of you are saying I never opened it. Well When you open it and you read through it Then you read through it Find somebody and talk to them Get together with someone else in this congregation and talk over what has stood out to you In this declaration what God is speaking to you at this point regarding this declaration It may be something different three months from now, maybe something different nine months from now But what is God saying to you now? Concerning this declaration and if in your conversation you come up with some questions and neither one of you knows how to answer them Send us an email Send us a text We're here for your success We're here so that you grow closer to God so that you don't walk in Confusion but that you walk in clarity So This week in the fellowship groups I want you to take time as you start your group before you start the video on the life of Joseph I want you to take time and discuss The declaration share some things that have been an impact on you So this is your homework for the week If you didn't open the declaration this past week, you must open it this week because this is your assignment Talk to somebody about it So to answer what stands out to you I'm going to let you know what stands out to me And I'll tell you all at the same time instead of going from group to group One the thing that stands out to me is the focus on God that is in this declaration Now Moses made this declaration over Joseph's Descendants, but if you go back to Genesis when Israel died he spoke blessings over his sons before passing away and In the blessing that he spoke over Joseph Some of the exact same wording is used by Moses that was used In that moment that Joseph's father spoke blessing over him Scripture talks about in the mouth of two or three let it be established So I find it interesting That there is repetition there that there is confirmation there of what God desired to be upon the descendants of Joseph So this declaration or these verses start out With a focus on God. It says blessed of the Lord And later on in the the other verse it says the favor of him who dwelt in the bush the favor of him who dwelt in the bush from the first time I I Saw this declaration that statement right there is The first thing that jumped out at me the favor of him who dwelt in the bush Therefore Part of the declaration talks about it doesn't matter where we are But who is with us? So the focus on God in this declaration is amazing It's not just the focus on what will be accomplished or what will be given But it brings it back to who it comes from and who is the sovereign one that provides it in the first place Praise God Favor from man has no place in this In the circumstances we face will not alter what God is able to do Because it's about who is with us The other thing that stands out to me is the wording that talks about the unexpected provision Where we think there will be lack God will provide Another part of the declaration says a harvest from the fruit that was once thought to be lost Will be given during this time because God has reserved it for this time Sometimes we get into the place where we're like God I believed you for that. I didn't see you working that way God I've been given my tithes. I've been so in my offerings I've been living according to your word, and I just I didn't see you work in this situation in this time frame But God is sovereign right and he understands his time frame Which is so much better than our time frame and sometimes those things that we have been Believing for way back when and we've given up on praying about He's Saved them for now I Had an example at hot to wait Was a good example The other thing is the inclusive nature My home my children my body my endeavors. Yeah, it sounds like a lot of my my my but remember we're making Declaring this over our lives and over each other's life the land of My life the declaration says in other words my life will produce fruit Doesn't everybody desire that their life is worth something That their life Influences somebody else Deep down even the most introverted person still has this desire for their life to matter When our life as the sons and daughters of God Is lived in such a way where he pours out his Glory on us and he pours out his provision on us And he answers those prayers that we pray and we testify of the things that he has done that is going to impact somebody It is going to affect Somebody it is going you're going to be noticed Not because of you But because of the one who is in you Not because of where you are, but because of who is with you So these are the things that have stood out to me So if we can have the declaration we're gonna say this together why don't we stand this time You Ready Deuteronomy 33 13 to 16 states Moses said this about the tribes of Joseph may their land be blessed by the Lord with the precious gifts of the dew from the heavens and water from beneath the earth With the rich fruit that grows in the Sun and the rich harvest produced each month With the finest crops of the ancient mountains and the abundance from the everlasting hills With the best gifts of the earth and its bounty and the favor of the one who appeared in the burning bush may these blessings rest on Joseph's head crowning the brow of the prince among his brothers as Moses who with the authority of God made this prophetic declaration about Joseph Claiming this powerful anointing upon him So we to rise up to bless our lives in this year proclaiming the anointing of Joseph The name Joseph means he shall add Therefore we will we declare this will happen with each of us God himself will take care to add Where we think there will be lack Miraculously the constant provision of the eternal God and his eternal promise will arrive on time The land of my life will experience the precious gift of dew from the heavens This includes my home my children my body and my ventures all will be connected with heaven itself receiving the goodness of God because of this word and I declare the anointing of Joseph within me will ensure that my fruits are not left undeveloped Aborted or consumed by the worm my fruits will reach the optimum point of ripeness and each month of this year Will not end in scarcity, but in abundant and generous harvest This anointing will be so strong that even the crops of the past Once thought to be lost will yield an extraordinary harvest because God has reserved them for this season We refuse to depend on what happens around us We will be affirmed blessed and established because it is not about where we are But about who is with us God himself who gives us this anointing to rest upon our heads throughout this year Therefore year 2024 we proclaim you the year of the anointing of Joseph. Amen You may be seated Praise God as The worship team comes up I want to give us the prayer points for this week of prayer and fasting and encourage you that as This past week was the first and we're kind of getting into the rhythm of things that this Second week that you take the opportunity Maybe to ask the Holy Spirit what you need to add or rather take out from your life to Increase the level of your fasting or it may just be that this past week You did all right a couple days and you struggled some other days and that this week You just need to to get focused on it and do what the Holy Spirit is leading you to do Last week we prayed over the general Outlook of what this fast is about these four weeks of focus and this week. I want us to specifically pray for leadership first Timothy 2 verse 1 and 2 says therefore I exhort first of all that supplication prayers Concessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence As you pray for leaders Pray that they recognize that God is the one who put them there their authority comes from him To honor him and surrender their leadership to his will and plan To lead for the benefit of others and not their own to humbly serve through leading On the national level, of course pray for those in the presidential palace and in the highest places of authority But let pray all the way down to the community leaders the father not those The teachers in the schools and those who have any type of influence over others In fellowship pray for your pastor pray for your assistant pastor and head of the intercessors Jose Lopez pray for the elders Ismael Ochoa Who's over outreach ministry and Kyle Webb who's over the fellowship groups and family ministry? pray for this unique title of pastoral assistant Adriana who's over the church logistics Pray for the ministry coordinators Lindy Poulsen over worship Angela Hernandez over the kids Laura Baxter over the youth Sergio and Josela Lopez over Torres over the young adults Pete Ranieri over the greeters Elizabeth Lopez over the care team Melody Webb over the media team Francis Ochoa over the social media those were not in any specific orders. So don't get offended Of your place in life Pray for their families not just their place in leadership, but pray for their families and the plans that God has for them Pray for the leadership of a glance. This is a specifically pastor Saul and Bishop Rene on a personal level Recognize where God has placed you and who he has given you to be Who he has given you the opportunity to lead The influence that he has placed in your life that you would lead. Well that you would use that influence well, whether that is in a small context of one in a large context of many and anywhere in between Pray this week for the opportunity to either lead someone to the Lord or to lead someone closer to the Lord So that your life is having an impact on others. These are our prayer points for this week praying for leadership again on the national on the church and on the personal level based in first Timothy chapter 2 verse 1 and 2 You Thank you for listening to this week's podcast If you are ever in the Tegucigalpa area and looking for an English-speaking congregation Please join us on Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. In the main auditorium of the Glacier CCI In Colonial Trapeze just off Boulevard, Suyapa near Una If you'd like prayer or more information about our church contact us at fellowship.CCI at gmail.com That's fellowship.CCI at gmail.com or follow us on social media We hope to see you or hear from you soon. Blessings You

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