Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The main ideas from this conversation are: - The hosts discuss things that give them the "ick", such as singing the wrong lyrics confidently, Snapchat, oversharing on social media, people standing outside churches with signs, being mean to waiters, saying "we needed it" when it rains, wearing sunglasses that cover the whole face, girls who look alike, poor grammar, and using the terms "mommy" and "daddy" as adults. They share their personal experiences and opinions on each topic. Hey guys, welcome back to College Knockoffs with Brie and Hannah. I'm Brie. This is Hannah. Hi, guys. All right. This is episode five. And our main topic today is going to be like things that give you the ick. And yeah, so let's get started. Let's start with just like our week. How's that been going? How's your week been going? It's all right. I went and saw my friend that had her baby recently, and that was really good. I always love going to see them. And I had a doctor's appointment, and it didn't really go how I wanted to, but it's all right. I'm just kind of praying about it and, you know, talking to as many people I can that could maybe like help me or give me advice. But yeah, so I mean, it's not been bad, just living right now. I'm on spring break, so I'm just relaxing. I got to catch up on my college homework and some other stuff. So I'm resting, but I'm working at the same time. How about you? How's your week been? It's been good. Nothing crazy, but like nothing bad. I've just been busy working. Let's see. I'm trying to think. It's always so hard to think about the week. Yeah. It's really hard to think about it when we don't record on the same day of the week every time. So we're just kind of like, wait, when did we record? Like, how much time have we? This weekend, I'm going to Oklahoma City, so that will be fun. And I'm just really excited for Easter. I love Easter. It's my favorite holiday, and I'm just so pumped for it. Oh, yeah. Easter is great. I'm excited, too. My friend and I were like, we went shopping yesterday, and she found a dress she's going to wear for Easter. And I was like, you know, I think I have one somewhere, but I didn't really want to buy one. Good for you. Way to go, Bree. Save me the money. I still bought stuff. I just didn't, you know, buy an Easter dress, because I know I have plenty of dresses that I just, you know, I don't wear them all the time. I knew in that moment I didn't need to spend money on a dress that I would wear like once, and then it would stay in the closet. I had one dress in mind, and now I don't remember what it was. So, oh, well. You'll figure it out. Anyways. All right, let's get started on our ics. Oh, my gosh. Ics, ics, ics, ics. All right, I'll start, and we can go back and forth. I have a pimple on my finger, and it hurts. Okay. Number one, when, this can go for, like, me personally, or just, like, when somebody else does it, but, like, when you sing the wrong lyrics so confidently, and then you mess it up. I do that. Like, it's wrong. It happens. It happens, but then I'm just like, ooh, that's gross. Yeah, I can see that. That's, like, embarrassing. It, like, hurts your heart when it happens. Yeah, yeah. Puts a chip in your ego. Yeah. Okay. Mine is, well, my number one I put down is Snapchat. It gives me the ic. Oof. I use Snapchat on a daily basis. Yeah, I know a lot of people do, but personally, for me, it's an ic. Yeah. It's just, like, I used Snapchat when I was in middle school, and now, like, if I never Snapchatted anybody, I don't get any, because, like, for some reason, I get a text when I get a Snapchat, and it's, like, every four months, maybe. Yeah. It's that, so it's, like, pointless for me to just be scrolling on Snapchat. Right. I have one that kind of goes along with that, but, like, when someone does, like, a whole, like, personal spiel on social media that people don't need to know. Yeah. Like, I'm just like, why would you do that? Yeah, I get that. I've thought, though, about on Instagram doing, like, a close friends story. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I have one of those. What? I'm not on it. I don't post on it anymore. I've had it for a, I know, I've had it for a long time. I'm pretty sure you're on there. I just haven't posted on it in forever. Since, like, college. I just, now I'm just to the point where, like, I don't care. If you don't want to see my story, don't click on it. Yeah, but I would probably just put, like, dog videos on there, because I see so many funny dog videos on Instagram, and it's just, like, I don't want to be known as that weird dog girl that, like, I would definitely want to close friends with. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. All right. What's your second one? Oh, gosh. Let's see. Oh, this one has to do with church. It's when people stand outside a church with signs. Like, welcoming, like, hey, welcome in. It's like, okay, no store does this. And people go all the time. And it's just, like, I, when I see people out there with signs, it makes me nervous. It's awkward for both of you. Just don't do it. It's too extra. Like, I much rather have the sweet old lady that's opening the door for me than, like, young people with signs. Because I'm not reading that sign. I'm getting in there as fast as I can. I'm finding my seat, so I don't have to talk to anybody. Yeah. That's funny. Yeah. Let's see. Being mean to waiters or just hospitality staff in general. Yeah. Like, being mean to them to their face or even, like, when they walk away and you, like, mouth something about them. I don't like that. I don't like that either. Like, I really, really don't like that. Yeah. They could do a terrible job, and I wouldn't say a word. No, yeah, same. They could be, yeah. Well, and my biggest thing is, like, you don't know. Like, maybe they're being rude or maybe they're, like, you know, not doing their best because something's going on with them. Like, you don't ever know that. So you just need to be nice anyways. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. This one, I think I've told you before. Okay. When it rains and people say, we needed it. That gives me an ick. Like, it just, to me, it's more than an ick. It just grinds my gears. Because the other day, I was at Seven Brew. This trendy kid was, like, talking to me, like, while waiting for my drink. And he was like, yeah, it rained. We really needed it. And I'm just like, you are a trendy kid. You're not a farmer. How do you know we needed that rain? Like, I just, it just grinds my gears. Like, ooh. Yeah. Like, don't say that. My second graders will say that when it rains. They're like, oh, but we can't go outside. And then the ones that are, like, have, their family has, like, cattle and stuff. Yeah. They're always like, well, we needed the rain. So it's okay. It's all right. We can stay inside today because we needed the rain. I'm like, you're a second grader. I'm just like, oh. Like, it just grinds my gears. Like, the only person I want to hear from is a farmer. Right. Yeah. Yeah. If you're not a farmer, you don't know. You don't know if we need it. But, yeah, that grinds my gears. What's yours? Let's see. Wearing, I hate pit vipers. Or, like, wearing pit vipers. Oh, those are the worst. Or just any other sunglasses that, like, take up their whole face. Oh, no. Like, that is not attractive. It doesn't look good. It looks stupid. Pit vipers are the ugliest glasses I've ever seen. Mm-hmm. Like, I just don't like it. And, like, you don't need glasses that go from the top of your eyebrow to the bottom of your nose. Like, that's so weird. Yeah. Wear no sunglasses. I don't wear sunglasses. I used to not, but I do now. I probably should. But I agree. Those are so ugly. They are ugly. Yeah. Yeah. Mine is, my next one is girls that look alike. So, when girls, like, they're, like, bleach blonde. They got eyelash extensions. They got their nails done. I'm just like, why are you doing all this work? Mm-hmm. Like, look your normal self. Like, that just gives me the ick. Oh, my gosh. Oh, the other day. So, I was working at the gym, and this guy came up to me, and he asked me something about the machine. And he's not, like, he's obviously not from America. Mm-hmm. And he asked, he's like, are you from around here? I'm like, yeah. And he's like, oh, okay. I just wondered if you were from Germany. And I was just like, huh. Like, I mean, I get it, because, like, he's not. He's from the Middle East. Yeah. And, like, I wonder if people from other countries wonder if white people are from different countries, too. Because, like, we all look German, basically. Yeah. Oh, I never, yeah, I never thought about that. Yeah. That's funny. But I was like, well, yeah, at least I look German or something. At least I don't look like the fake Barbie over here. Oh, my gosh. Okay, this next one. Poor grammar. Oh, well. I don't want to be, like, you know, I think of, like, Ross from Friends when he's always correcting people and saying, it's, hmm. But, like, that's how I am sometimes, and I try not to be. But, like, if somebody says something wrong, I want to correct them so bad. I'm like, no, that's not. Like, that's not how you say that. Like, that's wrong. Yeah. I definitely do that. My grammar, bad. I don't notice it with you very often. But, like, Jake, I notice it with Jake. Sometimes, and I'm just like, hmm. That's funny. Do I correct it or do I just leave it alone? When I was younger and, like, me and my mom would be, like, in a tiff and she'd say something wrong, I'd just start laughing. Oh, my gosh. I'd be like, that's not how you say that. Oh, when I get mad, I say things wrong. Oh, my gosh. My words get jumbled and then, yeah. No. Anyways, yeah. That one's probably, like, one of my biggest ones is poor grammar. Yeah. My next one is when adults say mommy and daddy. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Like, after an age, it's mom and dad. Yeah. Like, just mommy and daddy? Mm-hmm. No. Like. Yeah. I mean, you, honestly, I'll even, I'll take mama over mommy. Right? Yeah. And daddy, I don't know what the equivalent for daddy is, but just don't say it. Like. Well, like, that's, I don't know if I ever said mommy and daddy, but, like, I, for the longest time, said mama and daddo. See, that's fine to me. It's just. What? The words mommy and daddy grind my gears. Like, it's like, ew, gross. Yeah, I don't like it either. Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of weird. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Also, going on with that, like, pet names for, like, boyfriend, girlfriends, like, I don't like it either. Yeah, you've told me that before. Yeah. I don't like it, so that's my stance on it. I have a hard enough time getting Jake to just say my name. Like, because he always just, like, he looks at me and then talks to me, so I just know he's talking to me. Yeah. But, like, I'm like, do you know how many times you've said my name, like, to me since we've been together? And I'm like, maybe, like, a handful of times. Oh, my gosh. He's like, you just know when I'm talking to you. And I'm like, that's true, but even when you know I'm talking to you, I'm saying your name. Yeah, actually, today one of my clients, he's older, he's, like, in his 80s, and he was telling me, he's like, it just makes a difference when somebody says your name to you when they're talking to you. Like, it makes you happier. And I was just like, you're right. Like, I love when people are just like, Hannah. And I'm like, that's me. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways. Was it my turn? Yep. Yeah. Okay. Like, running after something, like a ping pong ball, for example, or, like, just running after something. It's, like, really awkward for either you, if you're doing it, or the person that's watching you do it. Yeah, it's like you have to look away when somebody's chasing after a ball. It's like, I shouldn't be watching this. Yeah. Oh, gosh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I have only one more. How many do you have? Like, two, maybe. Yeah. Okay. My last one is social media fitness influencers. They give me the ick. Which, actually, I can go on about this. In the gym, girls with their shirt tucked in, in the back, like, into their sports bra. That gives me the ick. Yeah. Because, like, yeah, people say, oh, I just don't want my shirt going up my butt crack. But, girl, I see you over there on the row machine and doing biceps and triceps. You are not working your legs. Yeah. So, there's no reason that you need to worry about your shirt going up your butt crack. Like, it just grinds my gears. And then, like, people who just, on social media, they just, they don't say anything about form. So, I watch people come into the gym, and they have the video going. They're watching the person, but their form is so out of whack. Like, to the trainers watching you, you just look dumb. Like, I'm glad you're coming in and trying to work out, but, like, I don't know. I think it gives all personal trainers in gyms the ick. Yeah. I could see that. Yeah. Well, I might have kind of already said this one, I guess, but, like, talks poorly about people. Yeah. Like, anybody. As I just did about people working out. It's okay. No, just, like, I don't know. Even if, like, no, there will be times, yeah, where, like, I go off on a rant about somebody. Yeah. I mean, we all do that. But, like, I don't like listening to people talk about, like, talk poorly about other people. Even if I know that, like, it's warranted. I'm just, like, I don't like that. I don't. Please stop. But, anyways. And then, like, when someone tries to show off, and it just completely fails. Yeah. Like. Mm-hmm. I don't have an example, but just, like, yeah. Oh. Especially when, like, a guy is trying to show off to a girl, and then they just completely fail at it. They fall or something. Yeah. Yeah. I'm just, like, ooh, that sucks for you. Yeah. Yeah. That hurts a little bit, too. Yeah. Like, oh, dang, that hurts. Yeah. Yeah. So, you don't have any more? No, I don't have any more. Do you have any more? No. That was it. So, I just realized our next thing is 10 things we can't live without. Mm-hmm. And I didn't realize. I skipped over the whole 10, and I don't have 10. Oh. I'll. I didn't do 10. Did you? No. Okay, good. Good. No. Okay. Can I jump to that? Yeah. You go first. You go first this time. 10 things we can't live without. You know, my number one is Bria Mia, my girl. Oh. Mm-hmm. My dog. Yeah. She's the apple of my eye. She can do no wrong. Yeah. And I cannot live without her. I love her so much. Yes. Yes. When I was thinking about this topic, all I could think about was, like, that video on the Internet where it's, like, the difference between Selena Gomez and Kim Kardashian, where they're asked the same question, and Selena's was, like, my family. Mm-hmm. And Kim's, like, something about lip gloss. That's funny. That's all I could think about this whole time. My number one is my phone. Like, I cannot live without my phone. And I know that sounds so awful, but I use my phone for so many things. Like, I use my notes app constantly. I take pictures of literally everything. Yeah. And then I go back through my pictures constantly. Mm-hmm. And, like, I mean, that's how I talk to, like, everybody I know. And that's how I keep up with people from, like, college and high school. Like, I cannot live without my phone. Yeah. I really can't. And I know that sounds so awful, but... That's funny. Yeah. Yeah. I get that one. I think I could live without my phone, but it would be hard, because I do a lot of things on my phone. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Number two. Oh, no. It's kind of silly. Vaseline. Let me tell you, recently, since I've been getting sick a lot, and then my lips are dry, and then from wiping your nose all the time, and it gets all, like, it hurts. Vaseline when you're sick is so important. Yeah. Like, I cannot live when I'm sick without it. Yeah. I see that. I get that. Yeah. See, I had a really hard time coming up with these, because all I could think of was, I can't live without my phone. I looked around my room. I thought about what was in my car. Yeah. Like, I would be okay with anything. Same. And I would be okay without my phone. It would just be really hard. Mm-hmm. But my next one, I put a journal, just because I always, like, have a journal with me, and it's not because I always write in it, but I just always have a journal with me if I need one. I don't know. It's your emotional support journal. It really is. Like, I don't know. I mean, I take notes from the Bible in my journal. I use the journal for the podcast. I sometimes just, like, write down random thoughts. Like, I don't use it every day, but, you know. Yeah. My next one is Excedrin. When I have a headache, I don't use, like, really any kind of, like, medication or pills often, or, like, even, like, I just try not to. But when I have a migraine, I cannot function without an Excedrin. Like, pop five of those into me. I need it. So, yeah, Excedrin. So important. I don't really use medicine very much. I'm not good about taking medicine, is my thing. I don't remember to take it. Like, I'm supposed to take an allergy pill every day, and I can't even remember the last time I took one. Anyways. Let's see. My last one, which kind of, I mean, kind of not really ties back to my phone, is music. I listen to music all the time. The first thing I do when I get in my car before I ever move, even if I'm late, is turn on music. I have playlists that are, like, over 24 hours long. And, I mean, I have a playlist for literally every mood, everything. I have a playlist for when, like, a boy makes me mad. I have a playlist for when I'm really happy. I have, like, a soothing but happy playlist for when I wake up, you know? Like, I just have, like, music is my jam. Yeah. Quite literally. This is where we're way different. Like, I have no playlists. I know. I don't listen to music. I know. And it's not that I don't. I have started playing music at school with the kids, and it does make a huge difference. Yeah. And I don't know what I was thinking. I was missing out on that because they love it. I might not care about it, but they love it. Oh, yeah. They do for sure. All right. I'm out. That was my last one, so. I have another one. Okay. It's kind of a silly one. Okay. But I put socks. I need socks. Like, I don't sleep with my socks on unless it's in the winter. I do. But, like, I can't walk around the house without having socks or slippers or something. Yeah. I don't know. Socks are important. walking outside with no shoes on or anything. Mm-hmm. But something about putting socks on inside. Yeah. No. No, I'm big on that, too. I hate not wearing socks inside. Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah. So that was your last one? Yeah. All right. Well, we did three and four things we can't live without. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Like, we're just very low maintenance. We're low maintenance. That's what we are. Oh, gosh. All right. I guess that only leaves one thing left for us to do, and that's just to talk about what we read this week. Mm-hmm. Yep. So, well, I'm sorry. I can go first because I didn't go at all last time. I finished reading Ephesians 5, and then I read Ephesians 6, too. So I just, I mean, Ephesians 5 is kind of the same as what I said last week. We're just supposed to live a life filled with love, following Christ's example, because he loved us enough to offer himself up as a sacrifice for us. And then we're not supposed to be greedy because greed is a way to worship the things of the world. And then, like, we were once filled with darkness, and now we have light. Like, if you know Christ, now you have light from the Lord, and you're supposed to shine your light and share your light throughout the world. So that's for five. And six, six talks a lot about, like, obeying your parents, honoring your father and mother, like that. And, like, mothers and fathers don't provoke your children with anger. Bring them up with instruction that comes from the Lord. Mm-hmm. This is my favorite part, but putting on all of God's armor so that you can stand firm against all strategies of the devil. And then it went through the list of his armor. One second. Sorry. So there's the belt of truth, the body armor of God's righteousness, shoes which are the peace of God, a shield of faith. Salvation is your helmet, sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. And so just, like, having all those things equips you for battle to, like, fight for Christ. And then one of the last verses says, pray at all times for every occasion and be persistent. And I think I've said it before, but just, like, praying doesn't always have to be, like, asking for something. Like, you can just talk to him and have a conversation, and that's prayer. Yeah. I mean, you can go to him with anything, and he's just going to listen. And then I just made a little note. I decided I'm going to read Isaiah. Love it. Yeah. That's my next book. Old Testament book. I love it. I've never made it through an entire Old Testament book, so. You got it. I can on this one, yeah. You got it. Easy peasy. Easy peasy. Okay. Yeah, your turn. Mm-hmm. So I started Mark. I'm going to read all the Gospels again. I feel like, I mean, I've read them before. It's just, I don't know. I feel like I'm finally getting it when I read it. Mm-hmm. So I just want to read it again. But, well, actually, I went, I don't know, Tuesday. Mm-hmm. I went to church, and they hit deep on Tuesday. Like, with what they said. Yeah. So he was talking about, like, reading the Bible. Mm-hmm. And he said, like, our job to read the Bible, you read it, and you do it. Like, he's just like, yeah, you can, like, try to know it and try to, like, study it like a book. But, like, you just have to do it. Like, read it and do what it says. And I was like, dang, that's true. Yeah. Because I feel like I can just read it like I'm studying for some kind of test. But that's not what we're supposed to do. Yeah. And then another thing he said was, oh, gosh, how did he say it? He was basically saying, like, as Christians, we, like, we might strive to be like, okay, like, I want to get right with God. I want to, like, you know, so you have some peace about your life. But then he was like, you know what? Like, our job as Christians is we're always going to, like, have to fight for God. Like, we're going to always have to, like, grind it out because, like, if we don't, then there's no need for God. Yeah. And when he said that, I was like, dang. Yeah, because, like, sometimes I can be like, dang, God, this sucks. Like, when is it going to get better? But then, like, it's not. Like, that's our life. Right. But which kind of can suck, but then also, like, when you're in it, it's like, okay, I'm doing something right. Right. And then lastly is I started a new book. It's 40 Days to a Joy-Filled Life. Okay. And, well, the main thing is it's 40 days like a devotional, but the verse that everything is based off of is Philippians 4.8. And it's, I'll just read it. It's whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are good, report. If there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy, meditate on those things. So it's really just finding joy. And I'm excited about it. Yeah. So, yeah, that's what I got. Woo-hoo. Look at us. Oh. Look at us. Oh, wow. Okay, well, that is Episode 5, guys. Thank you for listening. Make sure you give us some feedback. Give us a five-star rating. Give us a five-star rating. I mean, you're listening. Might as well. Might as well while you're on the app, you know. But, yeah, just, you know, give us feedback. Share with your friends, with your family. Yep. We love that it can grow through you guys. So thanks for listening to Episode 5. Once again, we forgot to pick a topic for next week, so we'll shout it out on the Instagram again. It'll be a surprise, maybe. But, yeah, guys, thanks for listening so much. You're the best. Deuces. Bye.