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Episode 10-The Tortured Heart of Taylor Swift

Episode 10-The Tortured Heart of Taylor Swift

Brianna Mayfield



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Bri and Hannah discuss Taylor Swift's new album from a Christian perspective. They criticize her for mocking Christians, using scripture inappropriately, and being angry and spiteful in her songs. They also question her claim of being a Christian and speculate about her personal life. They provide examples of lyrics that they find disrespectful and offensive. Overall, they express disappointment and concern about Taylor Swift's music and its impact on her fans. Hey guys, welcome to College Knock-Off with Bri and Hannah. I'm Bri, this is Hannah. Hi, guys. All right, so we have a little bit of a surprise for you. We were supposed to do Would You Rather questions. Yeah. But then all this stuff about Taylor Swift and her new album came up this week. Crazy. And that's what we're going to talk about now. Yeah. Okay? We're going to talk about it from a Christian's point of view. And so, sorry if you like her, but we don't. We do not. And I will say that, like, there are songs of hers that I like. Yeah, me too. You know, like old ones and especially from, like, the debut album. Yeah, Picture to Burn. Oh, yeah. But just, it's like, as she's gotten older and as she's gotten more popular and more famous, she's just gotten, like, so bad. And even I used to just, like, ignore it, like, knowing what she was doing in her songs and what she was saying in, like, her videos and stuff. I just was like, yeah, well, I don't listen to those songs. I just listen to these songs. But now I'm like, oh, okay, this is kind of throwing me over the edge. No. And I don't want to support that anymore. Uh-uh. No. This whole new album is just all so bad. Yeah, it is really bad. So that's what we're going to talk about. And here we go. We already know that Hannah is not a Taylor Swift fan anyway. That was, like, one of the things she said in the first podcast episode. I said she was a crybaby. Yeah. Yeah. So why don't you go first? Tell us what you got. Oh, gosh. There's so much. Like, I don't even know where to begin. Well, just the, like, the first one, like, and foremost is, like, people saying she's mocking, like, Christians. Yeah. And she is. Yeah. Like, there's scripture she's, like, making her own flares on. And also, like, she's making fun of the Sarah and Hannah's. I took that one personal. And, yeah, it's just, like, that part is not good. And I know you have things, like, you pulled the scripture, right? Yeah, I pulled some. I kind of, you sent me a TikTok. Yes. Of, like, a girl, like, well, you sent me a few. But one was, like, going through it deep, and the other was, like, well, other people do it, too. And she's not wrong. Like, other people do pull their scripture and make it their own. Like, a few weeks ago, I was listening, I was in Target, and the song they had, I don't even know who sings it, but it was saying, like, I would die for me, too, or something. Like, it was, like, taking a weird turn about, like, Jesus dying, and then she would die for herself. Like, I was like, it's kind of catchy, but also, like, that's not good. Yeah, right. So, yeah, there's all of that. But my big problem is how angry she is. Like, she, in every single song, she has the biggest grudge ever on everybody. True. And Homegirl is miserable. And, like, just think of, like, if she died tomorrow, she has billions of dollars. And her songs are left of her being miserable. Like, isn't that sad? Yeah, it's sad. Yeah. Yeah. What do you got on the scripture part? I want to hear those. Well, I mean, there is some that, like, talk directly about mocking God and, like, the consequences of it. And it's funny, because one of them that pulled up was actually Isaiah. And I was like, oh! Isaiah chapter 1, and it was talking about how they were, like, purposely worshiping, like, creatures instead of the Creator. And so, like, that was in there and stuff. The biggest one, which I feel like is also a very popular verse, is Galatians 6. It's, like, 6-7, 6-6, something like that. But, do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. And, like, I mean, I feel like that's a very popular verse. Like, you're not supposed to mock him. And then if you do, it's like, hellfire comes raining down on you when he comes back. Yeah. And then the other one I wrote down was Acts 4-12. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Like, he's the only name that we should be worshiping and praising. So, I mean, those are really the only two. The other ones, like, the other ones that are pulled up just didn't make a lot of sense. Like, yeah, they were talking about mocking God, but it was more, like, like, purposely sinning against him. So. Yeah. She, so, before, I don't remember what year it was. She said she was a Christian, like, a while ago. Okay. And then, I think now she says she's, like, not. Yeah. But there was a time, and I think it was during her, like, documentary she has. Was it, like, All American something? Oh. And I think in there she says, like, yeah, Christian, Christian, I line up with Christian beliefs or something. Mm-hmm. And it's just, like, what's going on? Like. Yeah. So many Christians love her. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And she, and it just scares me that, like, so many people are going to still love her. Yeah. They're just going to be, like, well, well, because I've seen a lot of TikToks about, like, well, she's just using it as a metaphor. Yeah. She's using it as a metaphor so that we can understand how she feels. I'm, like, but that's not. Mm-hmm. Like, even if, like, you're still not supposed to do that. You're still mocking. Yeah. And, like, it's just, like, it's sad. Yeah. It's so sad. And she's, like, saying things about people, making them feel like crap. Like, that's, first of all, we're not even supposed to engage in any of that as Christians. True. Like. Yeah. Why are we listening to that part? Yeah. Let alone, like, her twisting the words. Right. Yeah. There's so many things, so many people she's, like, getting at. Like, not just her exes. Yeah. Maddie Healy. Yeah. Okay. Maddie Healy. Why is she writing anything about him? Mm-hmm. Like, he's so, he's a scum of the earth. Why waste words on him? In my personal thoughts. Yeah. Right. Oh, gosh. Like, he, she's not, she's not even really talking about Joe that much. Yeah, true. And, like, she was with Joe for seven years. Yeah. I have a conspiracy that I made. Okay. Myself. Don't know if it's true. Okay. But, so she was with Joe for seven years. Yeah. Okay. The whole rumor is that he didn't want to get married, she wanted to get married. Well, why is she writing about Maddie Healy so much? She, I think she cheated on Joe. Mm-hmm. I think she, there's things about Joe, like, cheating on her in Florida because there's so much Florida stuff in here. I think she cheated on Joe with Maddie Healy because why is she so obsessed with that guy? Like, he's disgusting. I barely know him. I just know that he makes out with girls on stage. Yeah. Like, at his concerts? Yeah. Yeah. Nasty. Nasty! Nasty. And she was, like, there. She was there at one of the concerts, too, watching it. Yeah. Ugh. Ugh. Yuck. Yuck. Okay. I sent Hannah this, like, oh, my gosh, why can't I even think of it? It was on the internet. I looked it up. It was on the internet. Whatever you want to call it. Whatever a word for that is. Yeah. And I guess you could call it an article, kind of. This was literally published two days ago, April 23rd. That's so crazy. I just noticed that. And it's on, it's, like, movieguide.org. But it talks a lot about the lyrics she uses and how it's mocking. Okay. So let me read some of those. Okay. Let me find them. Oh, okay. So in, oh, my gosh. Oh, I can fix him. No, really, I can. She said they shake their heads saying, God help her when I tell him he's my man. But your good Lord doesn't lift a finger. I can fix him. No, really, I can. Oh, man. And it says she's mocking the power of prayer, revealing how the bad boy she's decided to date remains bad, despite her fans praying for their relationship. And then she throws further shade in guilty of sin when she questions Jesus' teaching from Matthew 5, which says, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her and his heart. And then I'm pretty sure this is her part. Oh, yeah. What if he's written mine on my upper thigh, only in my mind? I keep recalling things we never did, messy top lip kiss, how I long for our tryst. Without ever changing his skin, how can I be guilty of sin? Yeah. I don't like the first part you talked about, where it says, but your good Lord doesn't lift a finger. Yeah. Oh, man. Yeah, that made me mad, too. She is so blind. Yeah. Like, in the fact that I'm sure there are some girls out there that pray for Taylor Swift when they heard about her relationship problems. I'm sure there are. And she might be getting messages, too. And to also reverse it and flip, like, back on her fans that are trying to be sweet. Yeah. And say, no, your religion sucks. Yeah. Your God doesn't do anything. That is messed up. Like, what if we said that to other religions? Yeah. Like, I mean, you can't. I mean, you can, but people are going to hate you for it. Right. So. Oh, I missed that. Okay. I thought, I didn't think I printed these written back. Okay. So, going back to where she says, like, but your good Lord doesn't lift a finger. Okay. I read off the wrong page. She takes it a step further, revealing that even though the Lord cannot fix her man, she still can. And then, well, let's see. Oh, at the end of the song, however, she reveals that she wasn't up to the task and says, well, maybe I can't while making no comment on the Lord's decision not to step in either. Oh, then, oh, oh, yeah. I forgot. This one was the one that made me super mad. It's in love of my life. She calls her lover the Holy Ghost. Yeah. And then, like, that's like her view of the Lord as someone who can be replaced by human relationships. It's never working out. That's why she's 30 something years old and she's not married. Yeah. Like, literally, it's not working out for you, Taylor. Mm-hmm. Golly. This girl. And then, not only that, there's so many songs. Like, oh, I can't think of it. Oh, no, Fortnite. She's, like, she's saying she wants to kill her. Like, I want to kill her. Like, there's so many songs of her, like, referencing killing people. Yeah. Like, what? Like, it's not, at this point, if you're repeatedly saying that, like, look into Taylor's closet, like, or something. Like, what's she hiding? I mean, that might be a little too extreme, but, like, this girl. In Fortnite's video of her in, like, this psych ward kind of thing, she literally should be in one. Oh, gosh. Mm-mm. Okay. Maybe I'm digging too much. But, yeah. I'm trying to read through that. Yeah, me, too. Let's see. Oh, this one. Oh, wait. Let's see. Oh, here. Something in Florida. I'll bury them in Florida. What? Oh, yeah, yeah. Like, this is not to be another conspiracy person, but, like, kids should not be listening to this. Yeah. Okay, this one, I found it. This is the one I was trying to look for. It's not from her new one. It's from, oh, my gosh, what is it, Folklore? Yeah. Or, I honestly don't know. See, this is how much I really don't pay attention to Taylor Swift. Anyways, in her song Willow, in the music video, she, like, includes, like, cult worship around a campfire in her music video. Yeah. Yeah. Like, witchcraft. Yeah, and then there was another one. I don't even remember what that video is, or what that song is that that video is, you know, like, played over. But where she and all of the dancers in the video have, like, on devil mask. Oh, yeah. I don't remember that. But that one, yeah, that one, too. I don't even remember what that one is, though. Oh, this says, this person, whoever wrote this, they did a good job, because they're mad. Because they said about how Willow has that cult worship scene, but it has no relevance to the song. Or the scenes, like, none of the scenes tie to any of the verses. So, like, what's the point in involving it? That's how I felt about Fortnite. Yeah. I was just, like, the song, it's talking about this, like, they're neighbors, and they used to be together for a little bit. And they're both married, but they want to be together with each other. And it's, like, why is she in a, what is it called? I just, psych ward. And he's literally doing tests on her. Like, they're talking about meeting at the mailbox. That's not a mailbox. No, and it's just, like, why? I did research. They're talking about, like, oh, how it starts slow, and that represents Joe, and then it gets crazy, and it represents Healy, whatever. And then it's, like, and it's nice, and that's Travis. But it's, like, that does not go together. Yeah. Like, I don't get it. I mean, I get it, but I don't like it. Yeah, right. And to bring up with her in the grudges, the Kim Kardashian. Oh, yeah. Why is she, I mean, I, yeah, Kanye, whatever, but why is she going after Kim still? That's my question. Yeah, I don't really know either. I'm not saying Kim's the best person, but she made it very obvious she was talking about Kim with the capital letters. Yeah, yeah, how it says, like, all of her. Yeah, because she even said that. Well, it was, like, in an interview, like, a long time ago for one of her other albums where she said, like, to hint at things, she would do, like, lowercase letters or just, you know, like the grammar would be bad, and she would circle the capital letters and put them together to make a word. And in her song, I'm Going to Get You Back, they're all spaced together, so that's, like, incorrect grammar. And then in Thank You, Amy, K-I-N-M are all capitalized. And so people put I'm Going to Get You Back, Kim. Yeah, I don't know. But. Yeah. Oh, what are the other lyrics? Okay, this is one too. In Guilty Ascent, in, like, the chorus, what if I roll the stone away? They're going to crucify me anyway. What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? I choose you and me religiously. That is literally what the Bible says is not good. Mm-hmm. Like. Yeah. You're making people idols. You're putting, you're thinking of yourself as an idol. Yeah, yeah, that's what she's doing. It's just, like, the pride is crazy in all of this. Yeah. Like, I can't. Ooh, I just have a weird, eerie feeling, all this. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay, just in case people want to listen to it, that podcast, or the lady that I sent you a TikTok of, she has a podcast, and it's called Something Sweeter Podcast. Oh. And it's on her TikTok. That is literally her name in TikTok is Something Sweeter Podcast. Mm-hmm, yeah. If you guys want to, like, look that up and watch it too. Because she even said she used to be, like, a diehard Taylor Swift fan. Yeah. And now she's just, like, why? I know. I know. So. A lot of bad things happening with music. Yeah, what were the other grudges she had? Grudges are really everybody. Oh, the Olivia Rodrigo one. Oh, yeah, Olivia Rodrigo. Yeah. First of all, Olivia Rodrigo is what? She's only 20 or something. Is she? I don't know. I think she's a little closer. I think maybe, like, 21 or 22. Oh. But still, like, I think of, like, like, yeah, I'm 24, but I think two years ago at 22, putting on a stage, like. I mean, that would not, I would not be good. Mm-hmm. But, yeah, I don't like everything that Olivia Rodrigo does. Yeah. Like, the whole Plan B birth control at her concerts. Like, no, that's not good. Mm-hmm. But the fact that Taylor Swift is probably at least 10 years older than her. Mm-hmm. Trying to, like, like, kick her down. Yeah. And even when, like, Olivia had said or, like, made it so obvious that she was a huge Taylor Swift fan. Yeah. Uh-huh. That she was a role model, and then her role model literally. Model suiters. Yeah, suit her. Like, I read so many things of people saying, like, oh, she should have sued her back. And it's, like, she's not going to win. Yeah. I mean, no, no way she's going to win. You're not going to beat Taylor Swift. Yeah. I mean, you, if the nation ganged up, you could. But one girl probably won't. Yeah. Yeah, they said that she mocked, or not mocked, that Taylor copied or kind of copied Olivia's, oh, my gosh, I just want to say it right. Get Him Back. Everybody, yeah, Get Him Back, thank you. Get Him Back was Olivia's. And she copied, or Taylor copied it with I'm going to get you back. Yeah. Is what people are saying. I haven't really, like, compared the lyrics to those yet, but I don't know. Yeah. I watched a TikTok about that, too. Yeah. It's just, I didn't, yeah, I didn't, I listened to that one once, but I didn't get too deep into that song. But, I mean, that's just, to get somebody back, you're not, like, come on. Yeah. That's not needed. So, yeah. I just, like, because I listened when I, I think it was, it wasn't the day the album came out, but it was maybe, like, the day after. And I started listening to it just because I was curious. And I was listening, and I was like, she did not just say that. So, I listened to the whole thing. And then I listened to it a second time. And then I counted how many times she mocked. And I was like, are you kidding me? Oh. And then I text Hannah, and I was like, I know you probably haven't, but have you listened to Taylor Swift's new album? I was surprised. I was like, if Bri is mad about it, then it's bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, because, I mean, I'm not, like, a diehard T-Swift fan, but there's some songs that I listen to. Yeah. You know it's bad when people who are, like, not Christians are, like, even saying, like, this is not my favorite. Like, it's a little downer. Yeah. Yeah. It's, like, where is she going with this? Like, what is she going to do? Is she going to have a happy album next? Will she ever be happy? Yeah. I mean, if she continues like this. Yeah. People are going to still buy her tickets that are $500 each. There's more. Yeah. Like, thousands of them. Yeah. Still, like, I know, like, I have clients, their kids have went to, like, ten of her concerts. Like, that's wild. Are they going to continue? Like, are people going to wake up? I don't know. I really hope people wake up. And even if some of you guys are Taylor Swift fans, I hope that you listened to her new album and you realized what she was doing. Because, like, it says in the Bible that we're not supposed to hear or see anything that's, you know, worshipping someone else. And that's what this is. And I just kind of opened my eyes a little bit more to the fact that she's been doing that for a long time. And there are millions of people that idolize her. Yeah. Like she's a goddess. Yeah. And she's not. She's just a person that writes music. Yeah. Just a person. That's wild. Yeah. To even think. It's like, I mean, I even think of her like she's Taylor Swift. She has billions of dollars. Yeah. But, yeah, she's just a person. And she has to be pretty sad. Like, think of it. It's 31 songs. Yeah. That, like, how long did it take to do all that? She had to be in that, the zone while creating all that. And it's like, that's scary. I don't want to be in that zone to be creating that. Yeah. Yeah. Just not even including only this album. Like, all of her albums are like that or have songs like that in it. Like, she's just sad. Don't pray for Taylor Swift's men. Pray for her. Yeah. Pray for her because, I mean, we all need it. But also, the other thing is she's stereotyping Christians. Yeah. And she's hating Jesus because of people, like their traditions and, you know. Does that make sense? Yeah, kind of. Because, like, what I read this week, it was like in Mark. And Jesus is talking. He was talking to the Pharisees getting mad. And he said, you have to let go of the commands of. Oh, he's saying. I was like, what? You have to. You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men. And it's like, you hate Jesus because of people. But you don't actually hate Jesus because of what Jesus did. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, don't come at Jesus because you actually don't know him. And you don't know what he's about. You're just listening and not actually going into it. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. I just. I don't know. We just. We have to talk about this. So. Yeah. We'll do a Would You Rather next week. Sorry. Would You Rather. It's just sad. Just be. It is sad. And it's not. I mean, it's not only sad for her. It's sad for everybody else. Yeah. Like, do something good. Yeah. Because she knows that she has billions of followers and listeners. And she is not glorifying God. Instead, she is terrorizing God. So, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 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Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Bye, guys. Bye.

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