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FAF August 11 Restoring Balance in Life-Recognizing Imbalance

FAF August 11 Restoring Balance in Life-Recognizing Imbalance

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The host, Dr. Faye, introduces a series on restoring balance in life. Many people feel overwhelmed and burnt out and need help in building their business and brand. Dr. Faye aims to inspire and transform by using faith and practical wisdom from scripture, prayer, and relationships. She discusses the importance of recognizing imbalance and taking rest. She quotes Matthew 11:28-30, where Jesus offers rest to those who are weary and burdened. She emphasizes the need to find rest in Jesus and let go of heavy burdens. Imbalance leads to stress, burnout, and neglect of self-care. Dr. Faye encourages listeners to take time for themselves and not feel guilty for not volunteering for everything. She shares her contact information for donations and ends with the reminder that the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Welcome to this brand new series right here on Faith Alive, Restoring Balance in Life. How many of you are feeling overwhelmed, you're feeling totally out of source, burnout is happening to so many people. I know I have clients, women professionals and leaders who often tell me that they feel overwhelmed, that they're feeling a bit of burnout and then they get stuck and don't know the next steps to take toward their business, building their business, their brand and broadcasting it for the world to know that they even exist. So they're going quietly away with burnout and with stress. So let's take a deeper dive into that this month, Restoring Balance in Life. Restoring Balance in your life. So my mission here is to inspire and transform you and to help you to restore that balance in and through your faith and the practical wisdom that is available through scripture, through prayer, through our relationships with one another. And this week we want to take a deep dive into recognizing imbalance, not being in denial when someone tells you to take rest, to go get some rest, to take a break. Matthew 11 and 28 through the 30, it reads, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. These are the words of Yeshua Messiah. These are the words of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. He said, if you'll just chill out, I got you. But you're going to have to chill out in me. Yes, you're going to have to chill out in me, not in the drugs, not in the alcohol, not in the stuff that you think you need to chill out with, right? But chill out in me because my yoke is easy and my burden is light. We live in a very fast-paced world today. Everything is instant. You know, people want it in a hurry. We're having to answer all these emails, these phone calls, these text messages because people don't want us ghosting them. So we have to just be present all the time and out there all of the time. Not true. We don't. If you're not there and available for yourself, how can you be available for someone else? You can't give away what you don't possess. So, therefore, imbalance begins to take root in our lives. And we feel overwhelmed by the demands of work, family, and even personal obligations. We say yes too many times. We volunteer too many times. And then we feel guilty when we don't volunteer. Sweetheart, you do not have to volunteer for everything. If you don't do it, it will still get done, I promise you. I promise you the cemetery is full of people that, well, they may not be out there, but the cemeteries are full of people who did not say yes and cannot get it done. Because there's always room for somebody else to say yes, all right? Signs of this imbalance are manifesting every day in stress, burnout, and neglect of self-care. I was thinking about the cemetery, like, my gosh, how many people stressed themselves to death, you know, because they couldn't say no. They kept saying yes, and then as soon as they were burnt out and dead out, someone else took their place. Jesus invites us to find rest in him. How many of you know what that feels like to take a deep breath, to take 15 minutes out of 24 hours, really, to just sit aside some time and just go in your prayer closet, whatever that is for you. Go inside. That's what it is for me. So my closet is wherever I can pause to take time to reflect who lives in the house. Lay down your heavy burdens and learn from his example. And you know what? And I know for some of you who are controlling, uh-huh, you don't want to lay it down because you don't think anybody else can do it as good as you can do it. But I promise you, honey, there are people who can do it a lot better than you. They can sing better. They can preach better. They can speak better. They can coach better. They can run a better company, a better business than you. So that's kind of humbling, isn't it, to realize that somebody else can do a better job. And if you take time for yourself, you can do even a better job than the one that you're doing. Hello, somebody. Amen, church. I just needed to share that with you today because there's so many of my clients who are needing to restore balance in life. Many of my friends are needing to restore balance in life. So reflect on that scripture in Matthew 11, 28 and 30. Yes, we are reminded that true rest and balance can only come from our savior, the one who is the king of rest, right? So listen, I love you, appreciate you all. Thank you so much for your support and just your gratitude. And somebody asked, well, how do we donate to you? Tell us more about that. Well, you can donate definitely using the cash app, cash tag, D-R-F-A-Y-E-T-V, cash tag, D-R-F-A-Y-E-T-V. And you can also send it the old-fashioned way using the mail at Dr. Fay. 2-5-1, Stuttgart, Arkansas, 72160. Kisses and hugs. Remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. Bye-bye now. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Fay would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfay.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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