Nothing to say, yet
Nothing to say, yet
The speaker discusses the importance of reading the Bible and how it applies to everyday life. They believe that people don't read the Bible enough because they don't see themselves in the stories. They mention that the King James version of the Bible may not resonate with everyone and suggest finding a version that speaks to you. The speaker shares their love for the Passion Translation and encourages listeners to find a version they enjoy. They emphasize that reading a Bible that resonates with you can have a positive impact on your life. They suggest visiting the library or using an app to explore different versions before finding one to read regularly. Last month I started the series on the importance of reading the Bible. Now I want to teach you this month about how the Bible applies to your everyday waking, walking, talking life. I believe that most people don't read the Bible as often as they should because they don't see themselves in the stories. You see as a speaker I can tell you that when people see themselves in the story it's relatable. When we look at it through the eyes of King James it's hard to see a black woman in that Bible and through those lenses. It's hard to see that women have value, that the gender female, feminine women have power through Scripture because those lenses weren't askew. They were not godly lenses. Some people don't know that King James the reason his name was is on that text is because he was the king at the time and during 325 AD the Nicene Council met and the king said yes you can go ahead and you can put the scriptures together but don't offend the Pope and don't offend the king and they knew that this was the same king that had beheaded his wife so he was not a nice guy okay so we don't celebrate King James we celebrate the scriptures themselves. Thank God for the Nicene Council that had insight somebody in that group had insight to say we need to preserve these scriptures these scrolls as much as we possibly can because they knew throughout history over time they would dissipate and nobody the left hand definitely wouldn't know what the right hand did and the people would not have access to this so aren't you grateful as a child of God we have access to it we have access to it and not only that over the throughout history there have been new discoveries of missing texts and scriptures and which is great I love reading I've always been a historian kind of sort of not a professional one but I love history always have and I see the value in knowing about how things came about and came into being and so when we teach scriptures they must be relatable to us so that's why I suggest to many people to go out and get a different version it's that one that you're holding in your hand if the Elizabethan English doesn't resonate with you it certainly doesn't with me the thousand therefores and whithersoever's and all of that no that's not my language my language is English I hope my language is you know English and your language is whatever it is find something that resonates with you that makes you happy to read it I've discovered a couple of past translations and and Bibles that I absolutely love and I always say this during our Sunday morning experience that we host every Sunday morning on television and also on social media streaming that I have two weapons of choice and that is the passion translation in the New King James find the one that speaks to you that really excites you and there are many I'm getting ready to do a teaching online about you know doing a biblical reviews what is the Bible that's best for you when you start realizing what that is you'll go to it often you'll spend more time there I'm getting such a joy some friends of mine thank you Myrtle Cathy Angela some friends of mine sent me the passion translation that has now been completed in some of the Old Testament yeah they sent me Genesis they sent me Joshua judges and Ruth they sent me a couple more but I'm telling you what I've learned is that the stories stir me as I read it through the eyes of the passion now that may not be your your favorite translation but find yours and I found that a lot of people were leaving their Bibles on the shelf because they just didn't like the version they had so find the one that you like and let it stick with you and it'll grow you darling it'll change your life it'll just yeah I can't overemphasize it will bless you when you start reading the one that resonates with you maybe you need to go to the library and see the different versions that they have over there go over there see your friends here at the library especially if you're here in locally go see the librarian and if you want to try different versions look at them on your app first and then make the decision go find the one that you can hold in your hand and it'll help you walk this life out I'm Dr. Faith thank you for joining me for another Faith Alive in five the five-minute gospel don't forget text me at coach at 501 521 1381 see you next