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FAF 9-3-23 CTG Series Courage pt 4

FAF 9-3-23 CTG Series Courage pt 4

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The host, Dr. Faye, talks about the power within us to succeed and overcome obstacles. She emphasizes the importance of courage and living in peace to avoid stress-related diseases. Dr. Faye encourages reading the Bible for guidance and finding courage in its teachings. She urges listeners to take the next step in their journeys and trust in God. Dr. Faye expresses gratitude to her listeners and invites them to reach out to her. Contact information is provided. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. What if you knew you could not fail? What if that dream that you have on the inside of you was virtually a win-win, 100%? Would you do it still? Would you still do it if you knew that you would gain the support that you needed, that you would gain the finances that you needed, that you would gain everything, everything that you would need in order to succeed? Well, you do have that on the inside of you. You've always had greatness on the inside of you. You've always had the ability to dominate your marketplace, to dominate anything that would oppose you on the inside of you. The Bible says in 1 John 4 and 4 that greater is he who is in you than he or circumstances, it, them, they, whatever it might be that's in the world. So why stand you there when it's time for you to step out of the boat and walk on the water? I've been doing this series for quite some time now, closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise. And I want to welcome you back as I continue in the vein of courage. Because it seems to be pressing on my spirit and upon the hearts of millions of people around the world that people's hearts are failing them because of fear. That's scripture. People's hearts are failing. They don't know what to do. They've been stressed out. It's been discovered that stress is the leading cause of diseases. When your body is stressed, when you're stressed mentally, your body is stressed, your organs get stressed, strokes, heart attacks, hypertension, and all kinds of diseases develop outside of or as an onset from the stress. So it's important that we know to live in a place of peace and courage is a gift that God has graced us with, that we don't have to be overcome by evil or overcome by stress, but overcome evil with good. How do we overcome evil with good? We shift from within. We begin to look at life through different lenses, begin to see ourselves on the other side of the trauma, on the other side of the drama. I understand though and realize and got keys to show it, that there are times in your life that you feel all alone. There are times in your life you feel like you're fighting a battle by yourself. But today I want to ignite a fire in you to let you know you are not in that thing, whatever it is. You're not in that alone because greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world. You've been made more than a conqueror, according to Romans 8, more than a conqueror in this life. That means that whatever situation that you are encountering right now, we're in the now moment, in the present moment, you've already overcome it. It doesn't feel like it, but if you put your feelings in the word of God, if you begin to put your feelings in the praise and in the worship and in the prayer, just praising God for a successful outcome, your feelings will begin to change. They will begin to shift. So as we go into part four, is it of courage? I want you to understand that there are some things that have to change. One is, is just pick up the Bible. Start reading it. I read. I'm an avid reader. I love reading. But let me tell you something, no matter what other books I read, even those in business that are connected to truths that I know from scripture, nothing moves me like the scripture. I'm not getting into arguments over who misled or misquoted anything in scripture. I am telling you that that collection of books, the Biblios and 66 books, let me tell you something, are extremely powerful and can revolutionize your life if you let them. 39 in the old, 27 in the new. And I'm going to tell you something, when you open it up, and even in the book of Psalms, you're going to find courage. You're going to find the ability to take the next step. And this part four is about that. Taking the next step anyway. Doing it anyway. Do it regardless. This is Faith Alive in five, the five-minute gospel. How many of you will agree to just do it? Here at the happy church, we are a happy people and we believe in just doing it and watching God make himself known in our lives. Listen, I want to give a shout out to all of you who are listening and let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers. Those of you who are connected with me personally, I love you for tuning in every Sunday morning. God bless you, radio station, all of you guys who are making a difference around the world. I'm Dr. Faye O'Coster-Coates, Kisses and Huts, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye now. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. You can contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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