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FAF 9-10-23 CTG Series Courage pt 5

FAF 9-10-23 CTG Series Courage pt 5

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In this 5-minute gospel, Dr. Faye discusses the importance of courage in facing tests and trials. She encourages listeners to rise up from difficult situations and not be discouraged. Dr. Faye reminds us that challenges will always occur, but Jesus prepared us for them. She urges listeners to pursue their dreams and desires, not letting fear hold them back. Dr. Faye emphasizes the need to be firm and not fear opposition. She shares biblical verses that promote peace and courage, reminding us to trust in God's strength. In closing, Dr. Faye encourages listeners to be bold and fulfill their calling. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Many people give up and cave in and quit and lose heart in times of tests and trials and tribulations and stresses. In a post-pandemic rebirth environment, it is time for us to rise up out of the ashes like the Phoenix, rising from the ashes, the things that we thought that they came to destroy us only came to refine us. The Bible says to think it not strange concerning the fiery trials which are to try us as though some strange thing is going on because the same things have happened before and they will continue to happen. There will be a pandemic again, there will be a fire again, there will be trials, there will be divorces again, there will be the death again, there will be loss of jobs and houses and cars. All these things are going to happen but Jesus prepared us through scripture and he said, let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me because in my father's house are many dwelling places, many places for God to dwell in. There's an opportunity that's awaiting your arrival right now and some of you are still sitting in your seat not doing what you were born to do, what you were called to do. So I'm here being your midwife, if you will, to help you deliver that baby, help you deliver that thing that's on the inside of you into fruition, into manifestation. Maybe it's a business, it's a dream, it's a desire, it's a design, it's an artwork, it is a book, it's a song, it's a dance, it's whatever it is that's on the inside of you kicking around. You know it's kicking around. You go to bed at night and it's in your head. You walk through the day and you see something that reminds you of what was in your head last night and you want to do that thing but something is keeping you back and you don't know what it is. You're blaming your parents, you're blaming the way you were raised or all the horrible things you may have gone through as a child and I'm sorry for that but I'm here to tell you it's your time right now to take courage, to take control. That's right, I'm right here today in taking control, taking courage and being in control of your own destiny, your own calling because you have the power and the authority that's resident on the inside of you. As we dive into part five of courage, being saying to man up, have guts, to have the temperament and enabling yourself to do some things that requires you to be different. Some of you are afraid of what other people are going to think of you if you dare do that thing. Listen, let me tell you something. Regardless of what they think of you, there are people that are going to fight you no matter what. They're going to fight you just because you were born. They're going to fight you because they just don't like your color, your gender or your hair. They're just going to fight you so get over that. Get over it right now and start owning your own power, your God-given power that he has graced you with because courage implies that you be firm. Some of you don't want to tell people what you need to tell them. You don't know how to be firm. You think they might get mad at you. Well, they probably will but that's okay. You do what your heart is saying for you to do. Don't resist opposition. Don't even try to avoid it because, let me tell you, it's going to come anyway because the thing you resist persists. That's right. I knew you knew it. The thing you resist persists so you want to go ahead and own your own power. I want a couple verses that I want to continue to talk to you and share with you today because I want you to dive in, take notes and just do it. We talked about John 14 and 27 where Jesus said, my peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I don't give you like the world gives you, so don't let your heart be troubled and don't let it be afraid. He said, listen I've already given you courage so why are you exchanging your courage for fear? Paul told Timothy, God has not given you a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a peaceful mind. Own the peaceful mind and not the fear. Don't dwell in what you have experienced. Dwell in what he has experienced for you. One more scripture and we'll wrap today. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold or strength of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? Bottom line, be bold, be courageous, go forth because you've been called, you've been ordained. I'm here to inspire you, motivate, encourage you in closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise. Part 5 here on courage. I'm Dr. Faye. God bless and I'll talk to you soon. Don't forget visit me at HappyChurchInternational.com Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com and remember the calling is a gift but the choice is yours.

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