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FAF 8-13-23 CTG Series Courage 8-13-23

FAF 8-13-23 CTG Series Courage 8-13-23

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In this episode of Faith Alive in 5, Dr. Faye talks about the importance of courage in overcoming fear and stepping into God's calling. She references the story of Joshua and how God encouraged him to be bold and courageous in leading the people. Dr. Faye emphasizes the need to be in the Word of God and in His presence to find courage. She also warns against being distracted by the world and encourages listeners to keep their focus on God's Word. The episode ends with Dr. Faye sharing her contact information and expressing her love and appreciation for the listeners. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Welcome back, everybody. This is Dr. Faye, your pastor coach, and I am still teaching in the series, Closing the Gap Between the Prophecy and the Promise. You know, the last message we taught about David and how closing the gap means when the oil will find your head. Today, I want to focus in on the word courage. I meet many people, some locally, some globally, who are just afraid, who are timid, who are intimidated about circumstances and even people, and are not allowing themselves to be bold and poised to step out and do the things that they know that they need to do. So I want to focus in on the word courage. The Bible has a lot to say about courage, and I guess I do too, because I've been in that place where being fearful and intimidated, not feeling good enough, not feeling worthy, feeling like somebody else is better or can do it better. I started in ministry like that, feeling like, God, why are you using me? Use some man someplace, you know, telling God what to do. Yes, real courageous. But here I am today, taking bold stands and bold steps globally and locally to let people know that there is a voice that's greater than any other voice that's ready to come forth. So when we look at the word courage in the Bible, there are many scriptures, and I want to begin with one in Joshua for these next couple of minutes, because God saw Joshua sitting there. He was grieving. He was hurt. He was in woe because his mentor, Moses, was gone. He was gone. After all these years, they walked together, talked together. He saw miracles, signs and wonders, and now Moses was gone, and Joshua was thinking, what are we going to do? God saw Joshua. He said, hey, be of good courage. Moses, my servant, is dead. Get courage because there's a work ahead of you. And then he said it to him again and again. Be courageous. Be bold. Take courage. Be very courageous. Meditate in my word day and night. Do what it says to do, and I'm going to go before you. As I was with Moses, son, I'm going to be with you. So God began to speak courage into Joshua, and Joshua began to square his shoulders up. He dried his tears. He said, okay, then I got these millions of people that I've got to lead into the promise that Moses talked to us about, but now I've got to walk with them about it because now is the time. Now is the moment to take action. I taught a message recently on our Sunday morning experience that airs globally in our live streaming for Passion Television Network, and we were talking about, you know, it's time. Your hour has come. Encourage when you're trying to do something or wanting to do something that you feel is on the inside of you, and the moment is now. It will take a dose of courage, honey. It's going to take you really getting into the word of God. So God told Joshua, you're going to have to get in the book. You're going to have to see what I see. You're going to have to hear what I hear and do the things that I'm calling you to do. In Psalms 31 and 34, he says, be strong and let your heart take courage. All of you who wait on the Lord, it requires your being in the presence of God in order to be courageous. You may be facing some difficult times right now, and you don't know what you're going to do. Believe me, blessing, if you will just stay in the presence of God long enough, I mean long enough, more than two seconds, a mouse click and a getaway, long enough to feel the presence of God, there will be a shift that will be a cataclysmic shift that will shift your trajectory out of where you've been into where you've been called to be. In 1 Corinthians 16 and 13, it says, be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong, even if you're a woman, you know, put on your boots, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. You got to put on the whole armor of God. It will take being in the word. There are times that will take your attention away from the things that you know are most important. And one of the things the devil thrives in is getting your eyes off of the word. When your eyes are off of the word, your eyes are on the world, and wherever your eyes are, that's what will feed you back. If your eyes are on the world, then the world is the thing that you're expecting to deliver you, and you know that's not going to happen, and you'll be in tears. Put your eyes back in the word. You will find that courage will start being stirred up on the inside of you. Well, it's called Faith Alive and Five for a reason. My five minutes is up, but I want you to know I love you and appreciate you. Contact me. You can always contact me at happychurchinternational.com. That's happychurchinternational.com. I'm Dr. Faye, and thanks again for listening to Faith Alive and Five. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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