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FAF 7724 Embracing Change as a Constant in Life

FAF 7724 Embracing Change as a Constant in Life

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This is a radio show called Faith Alive in 5, hosted by Dr. Faye. The topic for this month is navigating change with faith. Dr. Faye discusses the importance of embracing change and how it can be difficult. She quotes Ecclesiastes 3, which talks about the different seasons of life. Change is inevitable and resisting it only leads to stagnation. Faith can help us embrace change by providing strength, hope, and a sense of purpose. It can also help us trust in God during uncertain times. Dr. Faye encourages listeners to connect with faith communities for support. She thanks the audience and provides information on how to donate to the program. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. Welcome to another month of Faith Alive in 5. This month we are navigating change with faith and for this part one of this series we want to take a look at how to embrace change as a constant in life. It takes courage to get ready to go to the next level, to open up and move out of perhaps your own family traditions or doctrines or belief systems into a new place, an adventurous place. I like adventure, moving out of what has become comfortable to a place where it may not be so comfortable in the beginning but you acclimate to it because you know it's exactly where you're supposed to be. Learning to embrace change can be difficult. Ecclesiastes 3 and one of the scriptures that I've referenced many times that says to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens. There's a season, there is a time for everything and navigating those times and those seasons can often cause many people to just get stuck and when you get stuck you know what that means you're not going anywhere fast. You've finally, you've gotten into a place that you become immobile and if you're immobile nothing is happening for you and nothing is happening for the people around you. There is an inevitability in change. That means expect it no matter who you are or where you come from. Expect the change honey. It's going to happen. Life is a constant flow from seasons changing to our own growth and development, personal growth and personal development. Change can be exciting like graduation. You know all the kids graduating around this time of the year have graduated and getting ready for their next level or next grade level or college or master's degree or doctorate degree or get a job. Getting moving forward. Some changes are not, doesn't feel good like the celebration of graduations or a new job or a new home. It's the loss of a loved one or sudden illness of someone that you care about even yourself that may be going through some physical or even mental crisis right now. We can resist change all we want to but that doesn't mean it goes away. We like to cling to that which is familiar because it makes us comfortable. We don't want to leave our zip code because it's scary out there. What's in that next zip code? What's in that next community? But this often leads us back to getting stuck or in stagnation. You'll never grow past going, moving. You got to learn to be mobile. How can faith help us embracing change and as a constant of life? How can our faith help us to be more accepting of change? It provides strength and hope. My gosh, without your faith you don't have hope anymore. Faith offers us a sense of purpose for us, a belief in something larger than ourselves, greater than ourselves or what about this? Someone who is greater than what we perceive to be ourselves on the outside because he's on the inside. It can be a source of strength during difficult transitions. How many of you have cried out to God when you were going through some difficult times and you didn't have the answers but even though you are not a prayer every day, you found out that you prayed that day, didn't you? Yeah, because you knew that there was no other help, there was no other place to go but to the Lord. Faith can be put us in a position where we learn to foster trust in God even when things are uncertain. It helps us accept change as part of our journey that this is going to happen. It's a part of, it's a way of life so I may as well get used to it. There are some religious texts and practices that help us to navigate. We can remember some men and women of scripture that have helped, that have inspired us to move forward when we wanted to give up cave in and quit and joining faith communities like your local church or a local prayer group or even if it's online, connecting with people from a heart-to-heart level can help you and support you and encourage you during challenging times. My goodness, five minutes is five minutes but I bless you and I thank you so much for being such a beautiful audience for this radio show. I appreciate all of you, your support and those of you I see in the community that are always supporting me. Thank you so much and I encourage you if you feel like you need to give or want to give to this program you can do so by using hashtag DRFAYETV or mail it to PO Box 251 Stuggart, Arkansas 72160. Until next time, I'm Dr. Fayette, your pastor coach. Remember the calling is a gift but the choice is yours. See you soon. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Fay would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfayetv.com and remember the calling is a gift but the choice is yours. you

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