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Amaia Uriarte



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A child named Zirendan was born in September in a town called Zondika. He was the third child, but the first two were born in a different city. Because of this, he was taken to the church as soon as he was born, to be baptized and save his soul. He was given all the names at once to the godparents. And in the end, he became a priest, choosing a Greek name. Exactly seven years later, he started going to school in Zondika. When he turned fourteen, he went to a boarding school in Bilbao called Ijas de la Cruz, where he excelled in math and had to attend an academy for troublemakers. Finally, when he finished his studies with great success, he became a teacher in Zondika school, known as Andereina. Poliziene mila berriak zirendan ahoiko irailaren hogita iruan jaio zen, zondikan. Irugarren umeazen, baina aurreko biak herritan egin ziren. Hori dela eta haitak jaio bezaindazter Elizara eraman zuen, lehen bailen. Batailatu eta arima salbatzearen. Agur bitean izena guzti zahaztu zitzaien gurazoei. Eta azkenean apaiza izan zen, izen greziarra aukeratu zuena. Poliziene hain zuzen ere. Zazpi urte bete zituenean eskolara joaten azi zen, zondikan. Amar urte bete zituenean eskola saldatu zen, bilboko Ijas de la Cruz eskolara. Gainera, matematiketan txarrazen ez, arratzaileetan akademia botetara joan behar zuen. Azkenean, ikasketak amazortu duterekin amaitu zituenean, zondikako eskolan Andereina bezala dan egiten azi zen.

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