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FAF 41424 Recognizing Adversity in Our Lives pt 2

FAF 41424 Recognizing Adversity in Our Lives pt 2

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This is a short motivational talk about finding strength in adversity. The speaker discusses how people often blame others when things go wrong in their lives and feel overwhelmed by challenges. However, they emphasize that suffering and adversity can lead to personal growth and character development. They use examples from scripture and everyday life to illustrate their points. The speaker encourages listeners to embrace their challenges and believe in the power within themselves to overcome them. They also express love and support for their audience and offer contact information for further communication. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5 minute gospel. Now, here's your host, Dr. Faye. When life begins to rub you the wrong way, you find fault in the people around you. You blame your wife, your husband, you blame your children, you blame the cat, the dog, the fish, you blame your neighbor, the mayor, you blame the garbage man, you blame whomever, because of not having an answer to why you're going through, what you're going through, and why is life always giving you a joke day? In this series, Finding Strength in Adversity, first, we define exactly what adversity is and how do we learn to manage it internally so that we don't explode up on everybody. You ever experience anything like that? You know it wasn't you. You walked in a room and then suddenly somebody just kind of explode up on you and you didn't know how to push back on it because the part of you that wanted to say, you better lay off me, or the part of you that wanted to just turn around and leave, go back home because that was just not your day to be at work. And you just didn't like the attitude of your employer, your boss, you know, because life was happening in the moment and you didn't know what to do with that moment of adversity where friction was happening, things were rubbing you the wrong way, people were rubbing you the wrong way. And you took it home. You take it personally because you think it's your fault. Romans 5 tells us in the NIV, the New International Version, that not only so, but we also glory in sufferings. What are you talking about glory in suffering? Suffering is not fun. It's not fun, it doesn't feel good when you start suffering, when you start going through a joke day, when hostility is all around you. But yet the writer says in Romans, that we know that the sufferings produce perseverance or perseverance and perseverance character and character hope. So the things that rub us the wrong way, these, these, these, oh, this friction that comes in our lives is working in us something beautiful, working in us something to strengthen us. Is that God's way of saying, hey, I see more in you than you see in you. And I want to bring it out of you because the oil doesn't come out of the olive by staring at it to death. The oil comes out of the olive through crushing. The wine comes through the wine press of the grapes. It comes through the pressing. In the tabernacle, there was only one fixture or article that was beaten into shape. It was the lampstands. They were beaten into shape, symbolizing that they had to be made ready to produce oil and to produce light. Are you being made ready and you're kicking against it all the way to elevation, all the way to growing up in God, all the way to being the light that he's called you to be. Stick with me during this month. You're going to discover that there's resident power within you waiting to manifest in and through your everyday waking, walking, talking life. It's essential that we acknowledge the various forms and challenges that we face in our lives. Some common forms of adversity could be your health challenges. How many of you are going through things you didn't like what the doctor had to say and you're wondering what is the outcome? I know some friends that are going through some horrible things with no idea of what tomorrow will bring for them. But I'm telling you that when we realize that you are not alone, when you're going through the fire, that God's going through there with you. Why is he going through it with me? For why don't we just both get out of here? We both get out of it because he's working something on the inside of you that you actually have been praying about and it doesn't feel like that's the answer. But the answer is within reach. Oh, this is so good, so rich. But it says five minute gospel, so my five minutes is up. But I do want you to know that I love you, appreciate you and respect you for the work that you're doing in the earth from where you are right now. And I want to help and support you in every way possible because we need all hands on deck, your beautiful, handsome self. We need you front and center. So go ahead, charge up yourself in faith. And come on, let's do this thing called life together. And I'll be back with more next time. Go ahead. Don't forget to contact me. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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