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FAF 2-12-23  Post Pandemic Rebirth p1

FAF 2-12-23 Post Pandemic Rebirth p1

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The speaker discusses the concept of a post-pandemic rebirth, highlighting the mental health issues and stress many people are experiencing. They emphasize the need for individuals to reclaim their power and authority and connect with God's presence within them. Breathing and meditating on the idea of God's breath is recommended as a way to increase awareness. The speaker encourages listeners to recognize their divine purpose and make a positive impact in the world. They conclude by providing contact information for further communication. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the 5-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. I have been teaching an awakening message and that theme has been the earth is experiencing a new birth. This is a post-pandemic rebirth. Many people are conflicted, confused. The earth is at an all-time high as far as mental health issues are concerned. Suicidal rates are up. People are stressed, road rage, you name it, it's out there. What do we do about it? Many people have become reclusive, ghosting people, just shying away from it all and hoping that one day they'll wake up and it will all go away. Ladies and gentlemen, it will not just go away until we decide that we are going to make a shift individually and internally. God created us as empowered beings. He created us in His image. Male and female, He created them and gave them as a package, as a one unit, dominion over everything. We released our power and our authority to those who don't know how to use it. We've given it away to people who are not Christ conscious, people who are not aware of God's breath that's breathing through them. It is time for us to rise up and take that power back. We begin with baby steps because after all, when you plummet, you plummet hard, you fall into places of strange places and not knowing how to get up. But we take baby steps in this rebirth cycle that we're experiencing right now. Because in 2019, we were all hopeful of a grand 2020. We were all making resolutions of a grand 2020 and what was going to take place. But as it turned out, it became a pandemic and it has remained in this place of a strange land. There's a scripture that says, can we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? Israel had to learn how to adapt and adopt in a strange place. We are in a post-pandemic era and there's a threat of new pandemic, new viruses, new variants. Regardless of that, how do you recover and recover nicely? One of the first things I am recommending to my clients and to everyone I get an opportunity to do is to become more aware of God's presence within you. How do you do that? Take a deep breath and breathe the breath of God. This is the breath of God that is speaking through me, that gives me the ability to speak. When you are breathing, that's God's breath. There was only one breath. Breathe into humanity in the book of Genesis and we're all still breathing that same breath. Move into a place where you can focus and concentrate and meditate on that idea, on that truth, that that's God's breath that's breathing through you. As you do that on a daily and regularly throughout the day, you do that, it brings in that awareness of God's presence that is within you. It may seem trite and not important. It may seem minuscule, but I'm telling you it works 100%. The more you breathe and think on the thought that this is God's breath, this is God's breathing through me, then why am I here for this breath? Because there are many who are not breathing his breath in this earth and they are called passed away, transitioned, they're no longer here. You are and you are here for a divine purpose, for a divine reason. So tap into that by becoming more aware of God's breath. Come on, take a deep breath. That's God's breath. You don't own that. If you owned it, you would keep it, but it's not yours to own. It's a loaned breath from God. Breathe. And as you inhale and exhale, remember it's a gift. And you ask God, what do you want me to do with this life now in this post-pandemic rebirth? How do I make my earth, this new creation reality, a blessing in the sight of the Lord and in the lives of humanity? There is a purpose for your being here. Don't deny that because the moment you deny that, you deny the existence of God. Own your existence. Own the breath that is God's breath on loan to you. So glad you joined me again for another Faith Alive in 5, the 5-Minute Gospel. I'm Dr. Faye, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Bye-bye now. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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