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CTG 111223 Real Prayer Is Communication

CTG 111223 Real Prayer Is Communication

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Dr. Faye talks about the value of prayer and the misconception that it has to be formal or in a religious setting. She emphasizes that prayer is simply a conversation between an individual and God, using their own language and being genuine. She encourages listeners to trust that God hears their prayers and wants to do good for them. Dr. Faye also mentions the importance of sincerity and integrity in prayer. She ends by thanking pastors and leaders in the community and provides her contact information. Welcome to Faith Alive in 5, the five-minute gospel. Now here's your host, Dr. Faye. When I was a little girl living with my grandmother, who was a midwife and who cherished children, was always so good with us. We couldn't wait to get to grandmama's house. How many of you can identify your grandchildren maybe are like that with you today? You love seeing them. My grandmother truly enjoyed our presence and she taught us so many things that she didn't even know she was teaching us. Well, she taught me. She taught me the value of prayer and having a community of prayer warriors around me that I have found over the years that I have gone back to that time and time and time again. When I think of closing the gap between the prophecy and the promise, I think of prayer being so paramount. And I've spoken to this before during this series, but it seems as though many people have a different idea of what prayer is and what it actually entails. They think it always has to be inside of a structured religious setting. They think that it has to be so Elizabethan English. Thou art great, O God, withersoever. No, no. Prayer is simply this. It is a conversation between you and the object of your worship. Yes, that's what prayer is. It is actually communication between you and God, who is the object of my worship, and I'm sure he's the object of your worship as well. When you think about prayer, it is not using someone else's language to talk to God. When you're talking to your friends, your family, your children, your grandchildren, or whomever, you're not using anyone else's language, hopefully, to have this conversation with them. If you are, then you need to adjust that, because your voice is the voice that should be heard. And when you're modeling someone else's idea of what prayer is, you lose the power of the relationship. So I want to encourage each of you today as you listen to me concerning true prayer to close the gap between the prophecy and the promise, that you will realize that whatever you say to God, he can handle it. Some of you may have to say, yo God, he can handle it. Some of you, hey God, he can handle it. It doesn't have to be, our father, you are the greatest, and you know, God knows when we're faking. He knows when we're not real. We're not being serious. We're trying to be serious, but we are using our religious rhetoric and trying to communicate with someone who loves us just as we are. Yes, just as we are. Yeah, I know, relationships can be kind of weaved in and weaved out. They're transitional and unpredictable, but this relationship that we have with God is predictable. It is predictable. Scripture tells us that it's predictable, that he will never leave us, and he will never forsake us, that he's with us always, even to the end of the world, that he's came to give us life and life more abundantly, that greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world, that he is a friend who's thicker, closer than a brother. I love that one. The joy of the Lord is my strength. So it's predictable. The relationship with God is very predictable. We can predict that he will be with us. We can predict that he will hear us. He said, call unto me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you didn't even know existed. Wow. So he wants to show you great and mighty things, and since he already has positioned himself as your father, as your friend, your best friend, you can certainly rely and trust and depend upon him to hear you when you cry out. And some of you are thinking, well, Dr. Faye, I've been praying, girl. I've been praying, and I'm not sure God has heard my prayer. My question to you is, have you read the book of James? He said, we ask and we receive not because we ask amiss that we may receive it upon our own lust. Are you asking from the place of sincerity? Are you asking from a sincerity, God's sincerity? Are you asking from a place of integrity? Why do you want it? Think about it a moment. Why do you want it? If it's health, we know why you want it, and he wants it for you. If it's wealth, well, he wants that for you, too, because that's how you fund missions. That's what we do with Christian women professionals and leaders. As a matter of fact, if you're listening, listen, go to highimpactvisibility.drfaye.com and find out more about that, because I know that God loves you enough that he wants to do you good and make you happy. And so when you think about, when you think about prayer, think about it from the place of God. He wants to do it. He really and truly does. Shout out to all the pastors and leaders in our great community of Southern Arkansas. God bless each and every one of you. This is Dr. Faye. The calling is a gift, but the choice is yours. I gotta go. See you next time. Bye. Thank you for tuning in to today's broadcast. Dr. Faye would love hearing from you. Contact her today at 870-860-9758 or email coach at drfaye.com. And remember, the calling is a gift, but the choice is yours.

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